Computer Nerd
Women haters up in Capital Hill....
March 10, 2006
I'm sure those A-holes in capital hill, the bastards that are making health less given to women, (like making contraception NOT covered by insurance, and pap smears, the way to detect cancer, less available) I sure bet those stupid horny bint congressmen are making sure that viagra is very MUCH covered by insurance. So much for womens right and feminism!
mercurior 1
Re: Women haters up in Capital Hill....
March 11, 2006
feminism is a self perpetuating organism now, its not so much about equality its more about how much can we get out of it, there are many different factions now, theres the sahm faction they want women to stay at home and let men be the walking wallets, theres the i dont need a man faction i can have kids and expect the state to pay.

then theres the ihate all men faction, there are admittedly a few factions where they do want equality but they are so rare and they are being over shadowed by the more radical one.

i call all these new factions the 2nd wave feminists, they are not interested in families, they want men to be brought up as walking wallets and sperm donors. the cynic in me says thye are doing all this anti abortion to build up their feminist indoctored armies.

theres many groups, but all but a few label them all as feminists. if you look and you will see there are factions within feminism.

Again, just because a SAHM says she's a feminist, but still expects Duhd to pay for everything, doesn't mean she's actually a feminist. It means she's using words wrong. A person can CALL THEMSELVES whatever they want...our president can say things are going fine in Iraq, and we're really making progress in rebuilding the southern states...that doesn't make it so, true or accurate.

If someone's talking shit,like a Stay At Home Mom Feminist, call them on it. Language may be fluid, but words still have meanings.
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