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Truer words for moo bloggers were never spoken

Posted by k-man 
An excerpt from this blog page follows. The parts most relevant to us are in bold near the end of the excerpt. The rest is relevant to the moomie blogs that some other posters here have mentioned—you know, the bloggers who try to bum freebies from businesses to review, and so forth.


Saturday, 26 July 2008

Blogging sucks: Women, minorities hardest hit

"If there's anything in the world I hate, it's women reporters writing 'Oh, we're so oppressed' stories in the New York Times:

" '[M]any women at the conference were becoming very Katie Couric about their belief that they are not taken as seriously as their male counterparts at, say, Daily Kos, a political blog site. Nor, they said, were they making much money, even though corporations seem to be making money from them....
" 'Yet, when Techcult, a technology Web site, recently listed its top 100 Web celebrities, only 11 of them were women. Last year, Forbes.com ran a similar list, naming 3 women on its list of 25.
" ' "It's disheartening and frustrating," said Allison Blass, a BlogHer attendee....'

"Ladies, please: If your blog sucks, it's not because of some patriarchal conspiracy, OK? And as for making money, you could almost certainly fit into my living room every independent blogger who earns a full-time living off blogging. Generally speaking, bloggers either have some other job to support their blogging habit, or else they're 'blogging for the man' (e.g., the Atlantic Monthly bloggers, the Gawker cartel, etc.).

"Like almost every fad from hula hoops to CB radio, there seem to be a lot of people who think that this latest gadget is going to be their Ralph Kramden get-rich-quick ticket. Well, OK, fine -- the American Dream and all that. But it's wrong to turn that dream around and claim that because you're not getting rich online, therefore you are a victim who's somehow been cheated out of her just reward.

"Hang on, let me check my latest AdSense revenue report. ... Yeah, I'm just rollin' in it, baby. And since I'm so flush with the blogobucks, which one of you feminist chick-bloggers wants to hook up with a big-money sexist right-wing online sugar daddy, huh?

"Make. Me. Laugh.

"And get me a cup of coffee, hon.

"UPDATE: And as for you, you idiot HuffPo woman whining because the New York Times ran this story in the 'Style & Fashion' section: Look a gift horse in the mouth, why don't you? You're lucky they even bothered to cover your stupid 'BlogHer' conference. As for your big claim, 'Women are outnumbering men on the web' -- you know what that is, don't you? It's (a) my sister-in-law forwarding me spam e-mails about Obama-the-secret-Muslim, (b) my daughter MySpacing 'OMG ROTFLMAO' to her friends, and (c) desperate, slightly overweight 37-year-olds with 'nice personalities' trying to find a date on Craigslist.


"UPDATE III: Sexist patriarchal oppressor Vox Day offers a list of suggestions for women bloggers who want to be taken seriously:
• 1. Have at least half a brain and demonstrate that it actually functions by not writing egregiously stupid stuff.
• 2. At least 75 percent of your posts should have nothing to do with you or your life.
• 3. Don't post a picture or talk about your romantic life, your children or your pets.

• 4. Don't threaten to quit blogging every time anyone criticizes you.
• 5. Learn how to defend your positions with facts and logic instead of passive-aggressive parthian shots fired off as you run away.

"No. 2 and No. 3 are the real deal-killers for a lot of women. There is a remarkable tendency of (some) women to imagine that other people are interested in their narrow personal concerns...."
Re: Truer words for moo bloggers were never spoken
July 28, 2008
I get far more shit from the women I know who are moms when my filter is sent to low on my e-mail- part of the problem with this disese of entitlement and attention whoring is that the government is beginning to confuse "female" with "mother" and so if you happen to be female, you are out of the club unless you are a mother.

Tax breaks, special parking spots, work benefits- employers can't give the childfree even a small percentage of what mawms get. I read this weekedn ("The Baby Boon"- highly recommended for the next time they start whining in your presence) about a woman who keeps picture of her niece on her desk and updates it so she can scoot out early, etc. I have considered doing that and may well at my next job.
Re: Truer words for moo bloggers were never spoken
July 28, 2008
Here's an idea for any blogger who wants to be "successful", be fucking interesting, and have a damn point. Maybe the reason why moo bloggers aren't as widely read as, well any one else, is because they have no concept of those two simple steps in their blogs, or REAL LIFE.

Seriously, I'm guessing if it were possible to do a study as to how much anyone actually listens to a word a moo says, they'd find the same results. No one listens, because it's just a spew of boring, mindless crap. Most of the time, when a moo speaks to me all I really hear is "weoowwwoooeeeoeowoowowweoeoe", I'll nod, maybe say "Oh really?" and continue to think about whatever is on my mind until the drone ends.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
I can't imagine that any employer, who is interested in making a profit, could take any employee seriously and assign them to anything other than mundane and/or unimportant lower paid tasks, when the majority of their working hours they are asking to come in late or leave early, need time off every week, or on the phone with their kids or their caregivers the rest of the time. These type women are more of a liability than an asset in my experience.

This moomies blog for pay/work from home is just a high tech spin off from the ever popular, "stuff envelopes in the privacy of your home and make 3k a week" type jobs anyway, most of the time.eye rolling smiley
Re: Truer words for moo bloggers were never spoken
July 28, 2008
OOOOH but I bet a mooomy thinks she could apply for - and get - an Editor in Chief job with a tony newspaper or magazine just because she had her little mommy blog online.

I'm sure that would more than qualify her.
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