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Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu

Posted by Dorisan 
Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 18, 2013

Jury finds girls, parents liable for calling teacher 'perv'

I believe there are teachers among us on this board? On top of the already onerous conditions of teaching, how is it that a teacher can go from being innocent one week, to having their lives ruined the next, all because of an insufferable brat?

Parents bray that education is so important, yet they and their brats create a climate where a teacher has to view each child as a potential assassin.
One teacher in my elementary school lost his job, and his reputation was forever tarnished because some boys thought it would be great revenge (apparently he was strict about classroom behavior and turning in assignments on time and the snowflakes didn't like it) to accuse him of child molestation. In my area, all the 5th grade kids get to go to camp for a week of the school year (there's a local camp with cabins, etc. It's super cool). This particular teacher was supervising these boys' bunk and that's where the boys said the molestation happened. Right before the trial, the boys actually admitted that they'd fabricated the whole thing (I think they were starting to realize that shit was getting real, they'd likely have to testify, etc.), and the charges and everything else were dropped. It STILL ruined the guy's career and he never went into teaching again. sad smiley
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 18, 2013
These societal changes in how children have been coached to lie about adults who supervise them is a part of why, many years ago, I switched from a social work career with children to one with adults.

Why risk my career, income and reputation when a single ungrateful brat could ruin my life?

The shame of it was that I wanted to protect and assist children who were treated badly, but fled that career because of the chance of false allegations taking everything that I had worked for.

I am no longer working in that field, but even when I organize events, I am hyper-aware of the consequences of having kids at my events and eventually made all of my events 'adults only'.
I'm a teacher, but looking to get out of it. The pay and benefits are decent, but the environment SUCKS, the kids are fucking brats, and apparently I'm supposed to smile and act like everything is wonderful. I'm glad the teacher won in this case. There was a woman in my area who was acccused of abusing her special ed. students. It was found out, lo and behold, that the kids made it up, but her reputation has forever been ruined.

Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 18, 2013
I'm a teacher, but looking to get out of it. The pay and benefits are decent, but the environment SUCKS, the kids are fucking brats, and apparently I'm supposed to smile and act like everything is wonderful. I'm glad the teacher won in this case. There was a woman in my area who was acccused of abusing her special ed. students. It was found out, lo and behold, that the kids made it up, but her reputation has forever been ruined.

Consider teaching adults, for a career change.
There are many possibilities in the public and private realm.
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 18, 2013
Dorisan, teachers can go from being innocent to guilty in a week because everything is about "the children." It's always "believe the children," and "children don't lie." Teachers know that kids lie, bullly, cheat, abuse, steal, slander and harass. But the parents raise a stink if little Susie or Johnny isn't believed above all else. I can't tell you enough about the students I've seen that lied, tried to steal, harassed others, etc. and of course they all denied it, even with various witnesses. If the parents (or a family member) are politically connected, then watch out. That kid will be the worst hellion in the school, and admins will do NOTHING to stop it, because they don't want to risk their job by disciplining the brat. They'll put the responsibility on the teacher's shoulders, and he/she will take the fall if something happens.

It's basically passing the buck down to the lowest common denominator, which is the classroom teacher.

In this case, I'm not surprised that the kids lied. I see it all the time. I'm also not surprised that his reputation is ruined forever. I hope he takes everything those parents own, including the brat's college fund. Since he'll never teach again, he deserves to have his retirement funded by the bullies who destroyed his career. Fair is fair.
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 18, 2013
Basic rules for teachers that I follow:

NEVER go near student bathrooms.
NEVER be alone with a student, always have somebody else in the classroom at all times.
Keep all doors open, so that others can see and hear in the classroom.
Verify all student behavior, and document, document, document! Keep records of everything, so you can defend yourself from parent harassment.
NEVER allow ANY student, parent, or co-worker access to your FB account. NEVER friend a co-worker, parent or student on FB. I know teachers that do this, and anything could happen.
Separate your professional life from your private life. NEVER tell your co-workers or students anything. They might think you're a bit unfriendly, but it's better to be thought of as cold, rather than have them find out something and use it against you.

The pay and benefits are great at my level, but it really is a vicious environment.
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 18, 2013
Snark Shark
I wouldn't be a teacher for a million dollars!

eventually there won't be any good teachers left- they'll all LEAVE. all will be left are the incompetent and the lazy.

Same here. I do NOT like being around babies OR children AT ALL. Neither does my husband. The breeders of the little fuckers in the article got what they deserved for lying and destroying the teacher's reputation.
I wouldn't be a teacher for a million dollars!

Unless it were a million per year, in which case I'd consider it, so long as it happened in the confines of a youth prison, with guards and cameras rolling at all times. Otherwise, forfuggingetaboutit. Not only can your career and life be destroyed by a simple allegation leveled by some "troubled child" -- soon to be called a vulnerable victim -- who's been fed amphetamines since age 18 months, when its therapist diagnosed it with depression ad/hd/add/odd/as/autism. To boot, your entire working life will consist of endless confrontations and conflicts with ... wait for it ... PARENTS.

Fuck. That. Shit.
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 18, 2013
And society wonders why we want to keep as far away as possible from little sociopaths,er,angels. :Violin
I teach cooking classes to kids and that's bad enough. I would never be a schoolteacher. Between false accusations (which I think will start really fucking with genuine accusations in the future if enough false ones happen) and how much breeders suck, it's not worth it. Especially since the pay sucks and budget cuts fuck you over.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 19, 2013
Dorisan, teachers can go from being innocent to guilty in a week because everything is about "the children." It's always "believe the children," and "children don't lie." Teachers know that kids lie, bullly, cheat, abuse, steal, slander and harass. But the parents raise a stink if little Susie or Johnny isn't believed above all else. .

And how in the holy fuck did that happen? confused smiley

I'm from the old'n days: parents knew that most kids start out as barbarians, only cured by firm discipline at school. If the teacher said you misbehaved and had to be punished, they were fine with that, adding their own dollop of discipline when we got home.
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 19, 2013
Dorisan, teachers can go from being innocent to guilty in a week because everything is about "the children." It's always "believe the children," and "children don't lie." Teachers know that kids lie, bullly, cheat, abuse, steal, slander and harass. But the parents raise a stink if little Susie or Johnny isn't believed above all else. .

And how in the holy fuck did that happen? confused smiley

I'm from the old'n days: parents knew that most kids start out as barbarians, only cured by firm discipline at school. If the teacher said you misbehaved and had to be punished, they were fine with that, adding their own dollop of discipline when we got home.

Since I was born in the early 1960's, I have been able to witness in my lifetime some very interesting changes in society.
One of these is the gradual creeping forward of children's rights.
As a person who supports many social justice causes, I am generally cheering as any worthy group gets more rights.

The problem with the current changes in children's rights is that in the last decade or so, many judicial officials, government officials, media, social workers and parents have trampled on other people's rights to bring children's rights and privileges to the top of all priorities.
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 19, 2013
The problem with the current changes in children's rights is that in the last decade or so, many judicial officials, government officials, media, social workers and parents have trampled on other people's rights to bring children's rights and privileges to the top of all priorities.

To the detriment of the children.

I wouldn't advocate a return to the day of the paddle, there were too many teachers back in my childhood who had a zeal for the Biblical "spare the rod and spoil the child" philosophy. However, in making the "rights" of the child paramount, parents have created an environment that degrades a child's learning opportunities at the hands of truly skilled teachers. And likely increases the chance of actual child abuse because schools hire anyone with a certificate whom they think can tackle a room of terrors.

One already reads comments from current or former teachers who describe the hell of trying to teach young people; their vows to leave the profession or move into an area where they teach more mature people. Researching the internet, I've come across a huge conflict in discussing whether there is or isn't a "teacher shortage." The decline of test scores at schools sums up the fact that young people aren't learning. I don't blame the teachers for that. I blame the collusion between the parent and child that what the child wants is paramount. Guidance and admonishment from the teacher isn't as important as the desires of the child.
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 19, 2013
Over a third of a million...and that was just compensatory damages. One of the little shits (and her parents) was found to have acted with malice and he will be awarded punitive damages. This is where things run into the seven digit range.

I would not deal with kids on a daily basis if you paid me. I have stopped dealing with them in any capacity.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
People keep telling me that with my personality and degree, I should become a teacher. Hilarity always ensues-- on my end, anyway. Like navi8orgirl, I refuse to have anything to do with them. Let some other masochist be put through all that scrutiny and agita for the privilege of dealing with other peoples' entitled cunt-squirtings.

How very shocking that parents are always moaning about how the quality of education has all but disappeared. Well, DUH... who of any intelligence wants to take on the equivalent of herding cats (most of whom are either "speshul neeeeeeds" or thugs-in-training) while being treated with more suspicion and prejudice than a Middle Eastern male in an airport?
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 19, 2013
Dorisan, I'm from the good ol' days, too. It used to be that if you got into trouble at school, then you got into even more trouble at home. I was born in the 1960's and like cassia, I've seen the change too.

While I agree that children, and adults need basic human rights, putting children's rights over adult rights has caused the mess we're in. Kids know that they have power over adults by making false allegations. I've even heard kids state that if any adult tries to discipline them, they would call CPS and make a claim of child abuse against the adult. This is what we're up against. Who is going to discipline a kid when they know they could end up arrested?

The teacher shortage is non-existant. There are plenty of teachers, however many of them don't want to work in urban or poor districts. They want that cushy, suburban job because they think that the situation will be better. Well, I can tell them that suburban kids are some of the most spoiled brats I've worked with. And their parents enable that rancid behavior. So, you're in a catch-22 situation: you work with poor or urban kids, and you seriously lack resources. The kids come from non-English speaking homes, live on welfare, are dirty, and way below grade level. The buildings are old and in need of major repair. However, if you're kind to the students and help them, they will truly love you as a teacher because their home life is hell and you're the kindest person they'll see all day. Or, you go to the surburbs. You have resources, clean buildings, students who speak English at home, and are prepared to learn every day. However, they think their shit don't stink, and will treat the teacher like dirt because he earns less money, drives a cheaper car, etc.. their parents will look down on the teacher too, and admins won't back the teacher up in bad situations.

Choose your poision.

I won't even begin to discuss the teachers themselves, who tend to be catty, nosy and ignorant. Teachers are some of the nastiest people I know.

Sorry for going off topic here, I just home from a long, stressful day sad smiley
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 19, 2013
Both my mom and dad were teachers. Often people would ask me if I was going to be one too. I'd always reply "No way in hell. The kids would end up beaten and I'd be in jail".
Either that or I'd be taking a razor to my wrists within 5 minutes.
I've studied to be a teacher (here you have to have a university degree for that), but I've never practiced. Half way through my studies, I realised that I didn't like the little fuckers and didn't want to spend the next 40 years among them.

I wouldn't call myself from the olden days, but if I ever got in trouble in school, my parents would punish me, for behaving so badly that the teacher had to punish me.

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 19, 2013
Glad to hear he won the case. One of my favorite high school teachers was fired and had his reputation ruined because of one student's accusations (which she later admitted were made up because she was pissed over not doing as well on a homework project as she expected).
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 20, 2013
I would never consider teaching at any level below university, because I don't care for young children even if they only behaved as badly as I can remember from my own childhood and didn't make false accusations. Actually, if there was some way to only teach master's students...but of course you have to spend years of teaching the huge lecture classes to incoming students before you can pick and choose like that, so I don't think I'll go down that route.
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 20, 2013
The fuck?

The demeanor of the "ringleader," now 14, appeared to have alienated the jury. She giggled often while testifying, and twice got off the witness stand, stood in front of the jury box and demonstrated a dance move and chant a school cheer. The jurors sat grim-faced without smiling.

I wonder if Princess here was coached by Mommy to "wow" the jury with her smooth moves in the hope of swaying them to their side of the case. And if she did it all by her own accord, then maybe she needs her head examined too. I wish there was a way for this shit to follow the little cunt throughout her life. "According to her record, Princess Pisspot made up a story about her teacher molesting her ten years ago. Well we can't have her working here and taking up HR's time with her lies. Next!"

This teacher's good name may be cleared, but he'll never teach again. Even if he's been proven to not have done these things he was accused of, no school will ever hire him again. When someone finds out about the accusations - false as they may be - the local news will latch onto it and before you know it, the whole school will be smeared across the papers because they hired a "pedophile" teacher.

I'm another one who has had people breathing down my ass to use my degree to teach. If I ever DID, it would be at university level where the little bastards are a bit less likely to snitch on me for shit I didn't do, though as a woman, perhaps my chances of being accused of sexual harassment of students is a little lower than if I were a man. I would say that either a very low grade (like kindergarten) or college would be the best places to teach if you feel you must. Five-year-olds wouldn't have the capacity (generally) to make up lies about being abused by a teacher, and college students might not be that immature as often as middle schoolers.

Still, you could not pay me enough to teach. I'd probably get arrested for slapping someone's little monster across the room on my first day.
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 22, 2013
I take issue with the person in the article who said that this will keep people from coming forward about a pedophile-I think the judge and jury got it right and I think that it is when kids lie and bully with accusations of sex abuse that the victims of real sex abuse get hurt. How can real victims be taken seriously when people use the charge to bully, blackmail and terrorize? Because of these assholes, real victims are treated as liars. Sex abuse, especially against children, is a very serious accusation. These parents, kids and their attorneys act like he should have taken such defamation lying down and allow them to ruin his reputation and the credibility of children who are the real targets of sex crimes.
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 23, 2013
I'm another one who has had people breathing down my ass to use my degree to teach. If I ever DID, it would be at university level where the little bastards are a bit less likely to snitch on me for shit I didn't do, though as a woman, perhaps my chances of being accused of sexual harassment of students is a little lower than if I were a man. I would say that either a very low grade (like kindergarten) or college would be the best places to teach if you feel you must. Five-year-olds wouldn't have the capacity (generally) to make up lies about being abused by a teacher,

Actually, back during the 1980s when all that "satanic ritual" bullshit was going on, many of the children who "testified" against adults were quite small - in the 5-year-old age range. I remember it vividly because I had a rather, um, spirited discussion with my then-husband's relatives about the ability of small children to lie. They all claimed they would instantly believe a sprog's word because chyldren are "so pure." I contended that small children know how to lie like rugs. Guess who was proven right, in the long run?
Re: Brats and parents try to smear teacher. Teacher wins smackdown :tu
November 23, 2013
Former teacher here, and my perspective is similar to others: no complaints about the pay, benefits, and pension, but dealing with administration, students and parents made the job simply awful.

Studies I have seen show that fully HALF of those who get a teaching position, opt out of the field within five years.

On a more personal note, the day I mailed my letter of resignation to the superintendent was one of the happiest days of my life.
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