Computer Nerd
Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
I'm childfree simply because I have no maternal erge. Don't feel it at all. :beer
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
I don't think a lot of breeders feel the maternal urge either, it's just that getting knocked up is so easy. And for the ones who can't, I think the only reason women go thru the whole IVF thing is because they think they have something to prove. Suckers.
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
I am not certain if there is a maternal instinct. I honestly think that CF'ers just knew what the short end of the stick was going to be and choose not to take it.

Fert-moo's are pretty damned selfish as they know there are a lot of unwanted children already born to ADOPT but noooo, they need to have their own mighty crotch spawn as an example of their personhood. Step-brother and his wife did that. Yeah, their petri dish kyd is "special" allright. Whines, cries, is socially inept, etc. Bet it's a fun filled day at their house ALL the time! Ha ha ha!!!
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
a lot of kids are fashion accessories now, oooh i have a kid and i had to spend x amount on a completely useless item. i had IVF oor aint i special
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
I remember when Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman broke up, Jay Leno joked that the kids were going to be returned to props. I was dying laughing over that one.

I fail to see how a kid can be a fashion accessory as you have to care for it when you are not flauting it in public. Do you mean movie stars and their crotch fruit or adopted miracles?

Seeing Brittany and her butt-ugly son makes me wanna puke. However, I did see her in Hawaii renting a USD$12,000 a room a night room. YAY! I hope she goes bankrupt soon!!!! And back on welfare where she belongs!!! LOL!!!

Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
kids are a bragging tool, fashion accessory. kids are only trotted out as the special precious creature, the moo;s brag about them, thats why we get all these baby on board signs etc..

how many parents do you know have said this, well this crib is an antique, or my kid is so clever, or this pram/stroller cost me x amount, its a flaunting of the fact that they have kids. and they can afford so much and have this special moo mobile.

thats what i meant by fashion accessory. the kids are an excuse for the the parents to brag.
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
Ah, I get it. I was thinking in more evil terms. Like wearing an expensive fur coat--you wear it in public, get all the attention because people know it's expensive and designer, but you get to put it away when you go home. With a kyd--you actually have to care for it. Of course, you need to clean and stor furs properly too but kyds are a sad 24/7 immersion in HELL. I can't begin to think how anyone would want to think of it as an accessory considering you have to care for it. But I understand when you mean they use Snotleigh to brag.

Now, talk about Ming vases, or a vintage Jaguar --those are brag worthy!!!!
Computer Nerd
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
I have a sil that is just that way with her fairly new f*ck trophy.
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
i think once again its the atlantic divide wink(i type in northern english i type as i speak and i speak as i type_.. it even goes to the bragging about how hard it is, oh its so hard to have little bratleigh, a sort of anti bragging,
Anonymous User
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
As for what you said about spears I totally agree with you.She is a dumb in every sense of the word.
Computer Nerd
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
She's definitly NOT a prude..... hitting over the head with a hammer
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
I also don't believe there is a maternal instinct, or a "biological clock". Women just get bored with their lives, be it career or partner, and they decide to get knocked up because, as someone else said, getting pregnant is not hard, and a complete idiot can do it. There are those women out there who feel they are not good for anything and they have nothing to show for their existence, so what do they do? They shit out a welfare check...I mean "Baybee".

I'm childfree because my fuse with children is about the size of the nail on my little finger. I have had to baby-sit my young cousin against my will, and my experiences with the little waif were enough to cement my childfreedom. I can't stand to be around kids, and I know I would turn out to be the neglectful Moo who ignores her child. I'm grossed out by soiled diapers and human excrement, and I don't want to be fatter than I already am from being in pig. I have been bingoed by almost all of my friends, and my boyfriend as well...but I do not wish to go and have a kid just to prove myself right. It's not worth it.

As far as Spears...I hear she's in pig again and Kevin is leaving the fat slut. I saw Spears on the cover of...some magazine that I don't care enough about to remember the title. Britney looks like an old woman - serves her right for sprogging.

Anonymous User
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
Maternal instinct is just something I was not born with.I am so glad my husband is accepting of me and feels the same way.
Water Lily
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
I feel akward around children. Besides I don't find them cute. All they do is eat, shit, and sleep. (and puke) I get bingoed by my inlaws (and they drop hints like mad), (never from my side of the family) I wonder when people are going to "but out" of peoples business and personal lives. Just because they were too stupid and sprogged, doesn't mean everyone else wants to. and about those dumb@sses that get pregnant out of boredom, maybe they should've got a hobby instead. It would have kept them busy, but they are probaly too stupid to do that. being bingoed by loosers who f*cked up their lives, sucks! faces spelling out newbie I'm sure I found this site to "let it all out." I'm sick of holding my toungue!
Anonymous User
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 13, 2006
Hello and Welcome smiling smiley I can understand where you are comming from.I cop it all the time from my inlaws aswell.My m.i.l is actually knitting stuff for a future grandchild in the hope I will change my mind.Last time I was over there I actually said I would rather be dead than carry a baby....She keeps hopeing.
Water Lily
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 14, 2006
The one I hate the most is the "it's your turn." huh? Stupid breeders imposing their shit on you. spanking with a whip on the ass
Lady Cooper
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 14, 2006
The "you'll change your mind" gets my goat the most. Although, when it comes from someone who's pregnant, I'll return the question right at them, and boy do they get pissed. grinning smiley
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 14, 2006
Just to let you all know, I am in agreement. But I am REALLY enjoying these animated smileys in these posts! They are hilarious!!! LOL! Keep em coming!!!!
Water Lily
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 15, 2006
Or they will think "hinting" will get them anywhere. Nope, it doesn't.
Anonymous User
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 15, 2006
I hate it when I hear that as well. Saying "its your turn" just makes it (having a kid) look like some sort of game. It is not a game.
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 15, 2006
I'll be 40 soon so I hope those morons who say "it's your turn" shut the heck up realllllll soon.

Then again, I look oh, about 28-30, so I may be subjected to more stupid comments. I attribute my youthful, fresh look to not having kyds.

Anyone else look remarkably young for their age too? And belive it's due to NOT sprogging?
Anonymous User
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 15, 2006
Yes for sure..I have just turned 30 and people take me for 23 -24 but I do have a youthful looking face so I have been told.Having children deffinatley ages people and why wouldnt it as it is so stressful...
My sis is the mother of 5 and trying for her 6th ( crazy bitch - I will never ever understand) anyway she is trying for her 6th and she is 38 and looks about earley 40s at least!
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 15, 2006
Ah--is breeder sister reaping the rewards of that monetary pay-off Australila is giving out to breeders?

WTG on looking young! Awesome stuff.
Anonymous User
Re: Reason for being childfree.....
March 15, 2006
Yes she wille getting the baby bonus this time around.She is just so bloody maternal...Must have got my share! lol smiling smiley
Remember, the number one reason people have kids is: "I don't know."
And we all know that many people who don't want kids shit them out for other people.
Asswipes saying "It's your turn," just further illustrates that they there is ZERO thought involved.
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