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Posted by Peppertree 
July 31, 2008
I hate, hate, HATE Jezebel.

I stopped reading it months ago. I could no longer stand the snotty, Femi-Nazi tone it always seemed to have, and I was noticing that it was also becoming increasingly breeder-ific. The writers are bad, but the commenters tend to be even worse.

Speaking as a woman, I'm all for equal rights for women, but the writers and commenters on Jezebel are those irritating "EVERYTHING A WOMAN DOES OR SAYS IS EMPOWERING," vagina-warrior types. It's totally ridiculous.
Re: Jezebel
July 31, 2008
I have never read it before, but am familiar with the theme and don't like it either. A lot has to do with taking away men's rights rather than "empowering" women to do anything. This bullshit that "Women can have it all" is the worst thing that ever happened to females, or males for that matter. NO ONE can "have it all", not men or women. There have got to be sacrifices made somewhere, and from what I have seen it appears to be in the sanity, health, and well being dept of ANY woman who is stupid enough to fall for that snake oil sales pitch and any man who hooks up with her.

There are a lot of men who need to reclaim their balls and I hope it happens in my lifetime. I feel the most sorry for white males between the ages of 30-60, as they seem to have been the most fucked by these bra burners.
Re: Jezebel
July 31, 2008
I agree, kidlesskim. I just can't identify with feminism as a whole anymore. It's become way too much about bashing men, taking advantage of them and doing whatever it takes to get what YOU want...not to mention the fact that feminism has been totally hijacked by the mommy brigade.

It's not about being equal anymore. It's all about women being able to act however they want to get whatever they want and using feminism as a cloak excuse their behavior.
Re: Jezebel
July 31, 2008
snerk- Vagina-warrior. I see you've met my sister in law, The Goddess.
Re: Jezebel
July 31, 2008
Peppertree Wrote:
> I agree, kidlesskim. I just can't identify with
> feminism as a whole anymore. It's become way too
> much about bashing men, taking advantage of them
> and doing whatever it takes to get what YOU
> want...not to mention the fact that feminism has
> been totally hijacked by the mommy brigade.
> It's not about being equal anymore. It's all about
> women being able to act however they want to get
> whatever they want and using feminism as a cloak
> excuse their behavior.

Have you also noticed that now that there IS "equal rights" in the workplace, and no discrimination laws in place even thoe the ERA was never ratified by enough stated, that NOW they don't WANT the ERA to pass. Reasons given by the "mommy brigade" which I have heard/read, are as follows:

1) We don't want ourselves or our daughters to be drafted or serve in combat
2) This would interfere with our child support, alimony, and other benefits for our children (welfare)
3) This would force mothers with young children to enter the workforce

....among other EQUALLY as selfish and child related excuses and reasons. The members of the mommy brigade are not old enough to have suffered sexual discrimination in the workplace, which is pretty much what the ERA is about anymore Yet THEY are reaping the benefits and tacking on anything extra they can get their fat little hands on. It makes me sick. It's not a personal beef with me as I am not old enough to have gone through it either, but I AM old enough to remember women who did. What a bunch of selfish whores.
Re: Jezebel
July 31, 2008
Sorry, I let some typos through which may confuse what I meant in the first sentence. It should be ANTI discrimination laws, not "no" discrimination, and STATES not "stated".
Re: Jezebel
July 31, 2008
It just pisses me off to no end. Women today are such lazy, selfish, materialistic, entitlement-minded fuckwits. And the fact that there are so many women out there like that, just causes people to think that we're ALL like that.

Grrrrrrrrr...angry smiley
Re: Jezebel
July 31, 2008
In the UK Britain where I live, feminists are extreme. By law, e.g. divorce and child custody it goes straight to the women, if you are a 'Wallet' by having a child. Kiss your hard-earn money good-bye.

The Vagina Warrior thing. There is a website and they have this event called 'V-day' (V = Vagina).

Also kidlesskim as far as breeders/women are concern about they don't want to be drafted in combat. In the UK, they have women in Armed Forces, some of them at this moment are serving in Iraq.
They even have they have this 'Women in Construction' which they can work in the building trade.
Anonymous User
Re: Jezebel
July 31, 2008
What bugs me about feminazis these days, is how they classify everything as "abuse". If your husband/boyfriend yells at you, or even disagrees with you - he is labeled "abusive" and you should call the police on him. This is such bullshit.
Anonymous User
Re: Jezebel
July 31, 2008
Well, women can be drafted into the military - even without an ERA. That is a fact.

As far as child support goes- women can be made to pay child support too, if the husband gets custody of the children. Child support is equal opportunity.

And alimony? That's bullshit. There should not be any alimony at all.

As far as ERA "forcing" women into the workforce, anyone with half a brain should realize that nobody can be forced to work.
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