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Dear Prudie's breederific advice

Posted by wanderlust 
Dear Prudie's breederific advice
July 31, 2008

"Stop Bringing Kids to Work!"

Is anyone surprised at Prudie's answer? I can't imagine how kids--especially sick kids--could NOT be disruptive in a workplace!
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
July 31, 2008
What a piece of shit advice!

I just forwarded it to a friend who got fired--I mentioned her before here--because she wouldn't watch a co-worker's five bastards. Of course, that's not the official reason she no longer works there.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
The animation was terrific though. It did not portray breeders and breeder-pleasers in a flattering manner.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
Prudie is always a breeder pleaser. Luckily, my last boss wasn't very sympathetic to moos bringing their kids to work when they were sick. The woman who taught next to me would sometimes bring her toadler grandchildren in if one of them was sick or if her son and dil couldn't arrange daycare. These kids were so active that there was no way she could do her job with them there. After one of them entered my classroom and emptied a shelf before school started one day, (she told me she would come in later and clean it up when she had time) I ratted her out, and our principal told her she would have to make other arrangements.

I didn't care if she knew it was me that told on her. I'm not one to care if people who annoy me like me.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
I LOVE the people who bring sick kids into work. I got fired for objecting when one boss' wife dropped off their daughter who lay in his office all day covered in a blanket with the flu. I expressed concern that the rest of us might get it and was told to pack my desk!

not sorry i left.

Amended to say I watched the video and prudie needs to STFU. Mean spirited? Fuck that bitch and her brats.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
I used to work in an office full of men and we were all self employed, but shared a common office, split insurance costs.etc...and split our commission with the owners.(which was the greatest part of their income) So it was a pretty liberal office in that you could come and go as you please and it was a GREAT work environment until a 30 something woman started working there and the "miracle birth" occurred just a little over a year later. That bitch started bringing that kid in all of the time and it made me insane. ALthough we were "self employed", the owners of the business expected a certain level of production since that's how they got paid, and "laying out" was frowned upon, so it was rare anyone was out sick.

I planned my strategy to use that kid against them in hopes they'd grow some balls and tell her to find a daycare. Anyway, after she had dragged the kid up there with green snot running down her face, I made a few well placed and timed comments about how, " I hope none of US get sick". Then, the very next day, with all of the congested sound I could muster in my voice, I called in and said I was sick and that I must have gotten whatever was making "Lilyann" so so so sick. The guys followed suit and EVERYONE, all ten of us were "out sick" sporadically nearly the whole week with "Whatever it is I must have gotten from her kid".

When you can get them where it counts, in the wallet, they generally will put a stop to that nonsense, and that's exactly what happened in this case. All of the complaining in the world does little good in a small office, and it's even less well received from a CF woman in an office full of men and when one breeder who is held up on a pedastal for spreading her legs for the good of man, but if it affects their pocket book they tend to listen and take action, at least it worked in this case.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
Kim- brilliant
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
Rose Red, are you now unemployed because of the sick child? I would assume you could fight losing your job over asking a question about a sick child in the office. I only mention that due to the economy not being good at all and how losing a job IS an issue for so many. Survival counts on pay coming in.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
No, no, not at all, but it was shocking that i was voicing a legitimate concern on behalf of 5 people and got shown the door. NOW I vet my choice of workspace much more carefully- I see toys and I'm gone.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
Prudie is hit or miss with her advice. Either she is reciting the same old bingo that we have all heard over the years or she gives good advice that is even-handed. There is no middle ground to her.

Her advice, in this case, is fucking wrong. "Mean-spirited"? Excuse the fuck out of me, Prudie, you stupid cunt! How "mean-spirited" is it to foist sick brats upon unsuspecting workers causing them to miss days when they pick up resistant bugs? How "mean-spirited" is it when this letter writer enforces the group's policies? How "mean-spirited" is it of the dumb preggo moocunt to expect free bratsitting from her colleagues?

Prudie really blew this one, and blew it big time like a South Central whore on Saturday night.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
Um, forgive me for being stupid, but how the hell does the boss NOT know one of her staff is bringing her kids in? Whereby it becomes a question of "ooh do I tell the boss??" The boss should already fucking know there are unwelcome creatures hanging around the place and be hostile towards the disruption they clearly cause.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
CFBitchfromLA said:

"Prudie really blew this one, and blew it big time like a South Central whore on Saturday night."

Tee Hee! That one made me spit out my water!

It is easy in a larger business for someone to get away with this w/out the boss knowing. The woman who used to do it at my work would had a classroom at the end of huge hall by me, the farthest room from the office. She was such a namby pamby wimp that she was still nice to me even though I ratted on her. It's the typical school teacher "make nice" mentality. Not all of us suffer from it, but she sure did.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> I LOVE the people who bring sick kids into work.
> I got fired for objecting when one boss' wife
> dropped off their daughter who lay in his office
> all day covered in a blanket with the flu. I
> expressed concern that the rest of us might get it
> and was told to pack my desk!

I am glad you have got another job Rose Red. But how dare they sack you for voicing concerns about the sick issue. Here we are you using the Health and Safety at work Protocol. Also using the code of conduct of the safety of the workers just incase the virus spread. And the boss' wife think the kid is a priority out of all of them and on top of it you get sack for it.

Advice for that company that sack 'Rose Red' for using the code of conduct: If the workers (1/2 employees) get sick pay because of the kid spread the flu, the company will loose big time financially.

And for Doctor Prudie you said, the co-worker should report this issue about the breeder bring the sick kid to work to the boss thing. No chance because the boss cannot sack the breeder anyway because the breeder with the sick kid get sacked, the moo can sue the boss with a 6-figure sum plus compensation. Cannot win against the moo when it comes to working environment.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 01, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> I LOVE the people who bring sick kids into work.
> I got fired for objecting when one boss' wife
> dropped off their daughter who lay in his office
> all day covered in a blanket with the flu. I
> expressed concern that the rest of us might get it
> and was told to pack my desk!
This sounds like the place one of my friends once worked in. angry smiley We're not in the same area, so I know it's a different breeder pleaser employer.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Re: Dear Prudie's breederific advice
August 04, 2008
My understanding is that Ms. Yoffe was CF for years. The only reason she had a kid was because her husband wanted one; so I've read. So now, of course, she has to be super pro-kid, woo woo. Idiot.
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