post 1078
March 14, 2006
and how much more abuse does this cause when unsuitable people have kids, people who cant connect to kids, who cant cope, and end up killing their kids. (if i remember a lot of these parental killers of children are really religious who dont support birth control)..

some people are not suited to have kids no matter what any religion, what any ob/gyn or doctor says. how many kids die due to his/her self absorbed holier than thou attitude.

whatever happened to pharmacists making a profit, ok so they wont sell any birth control at all, so they lose money for it. they are forcing a beleif onto someone, for whatever reason they dont want kids or they have to have it for a medical reason.

the inmates have taken over the asylum and the biggest is the leader
Re: post 1078
March 14, 2006
I see it coming, my friends. I'm telling you. Pretty soon birth control is going to be as hard to get as a safe abortion. Our rights as women/non-breeders are slowing being chipped away by our religious fundie government.
Re: post 1078
March 14, 2006
I can't help but wonder what will befall women who still try to protect themselves despite the incompetence of fundie doctors. Women can only say "NO" to men so many times before men will just take what they want against the woman's will. But, you know, since rape isn't a "real" crime or anything, I guess it's not a concern to doctors or the government.

If those assholes are going to be forcing their beliefs on others and refusing to prescribe birth control (even if it's for health-related resaons). then IUDs and sterilization damn well better be made much, much more affordable and easier to obtain. No more of these young women being refused tubal ligations because "they'll change their minds" or "she's too young to know what she really wants".
Re: post 1078
March 14, 2006
I can't wait for the moment any health care provider says I can't have access to birth control. The feeling of their windpipe being crushed in my hands will be so satisfying. Obviously, I would be a good mom.

anonymous guest
Re: post 1078
March 14, 2006
The funny thing I find about all of this: if a woman were to ask her fundie GP for birth control, she can be denied it, but if a man were to go to that same fundie GP to ask for Viagra or any other prescription for ED, the doctor would write the prescription out with no second thoughts. Ugh, how I hate fundies.
Re: post 1078
March 14, 2006
because viagra can help create poor ickle babbies.. ::gags:: anything that creates more brats, will be ok, anything that stops brats will be termed illegal eventually
Water Lily
Re: post 1078
March 14, 2006
What about those who have edometriosis who simply would like relief from severe menstral pain?????? I have endometriosis and I DO NOT! enjoy the severe disabling cramps!
Lady Cooper
Re: post 1078
March 15, 2006
Water Lily, then you get to be first in line to crush the fundie's windpipe.
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