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Woman breastfeed in the middle of a store, store apologizes for asking her to move

Posted by Rose Red 

Dig the picture. She should be squatting outside a hut somewhere. Insensitive, but true.
Gack! How disgusting. I feel sorry for the store:

"Valle's supporters may not accept the apology. In a planned show of support on Thursday at 12:30 p.m., women will hold a "feed-in" inside H&M while protestors picket on Granville Street."
This clearly demonstrates that when offerred a suitable, and often a very nice breastfeeding area, that some of them would RATHER plop out a teat and let the kid latch on in front of as many passersby as possible;young children who have'nt been taught about certain bodily functions yet and will no doubt start asking about the facts of life in inappropriate places, silly testosterone filled teen boys who will gawk, and dirty old perverts who get a thrill out of it. I question their motives which bother me more than having to see bodily fluid ooze out of a stranger. What kind of woman, or husband of one, WANTS to purposely have pervs and so forth getting cheap thrills from this?

If I lived in that area, I would avoid that store within a 1 square mile radius while these women did their "feed in". That will be like the circus that public breastfeeding is, only magnified. I wish some men had the balls to form a "jack off" sit in, but just mimicking it as that would be gross as well, but no different. Each act, breastfeeding and ejaculation, are BOTH 'normal bodily functions" and they BOTH are associated with babies and sexual gratification. In my opinion, they are BOTH activities which should be done in private and for the SAME reasons.
Why not have a "piss-in" or a "shit-in"? Those are perfectly natural bodily functions too. In fact, chyldren in diapers do both in public all the time!
this!! Ruined!!! Her weekend!!!! Why is it even news?

What is the big deal if you're asked to *move* somewhere, it wasn't like they were kicking her out.? I don't get why they can do it *anywhere* they choose, but one can't even swear these days *anywhere* they choose and it is only a word/breath of air. Why is this crap the only thing you can't say anything to anyone about.

For the states that made it a law, what was the intent or purpose (other than pandering) behind the law? Were babies across the country dying at record rates because moos weren't bf'ing in the middle of stores???

I also like how bf'ing moos come out of the woodwork to protest this crap, but if you ask a moo especially a bf'ing moo if they have time to go out and do something or whatever, they don't have time for shit, in fact, they will tell you how hardddd it is w/ a bf'ing babyye and they are too busy for ANYTHING, reading the paper, showering, anything, but they have time for this.

Next time I see one of those disgusting attention-whores, I should squat down in front of her and change my tampon. Then when she starts moooing and hollering that it's gross and wrong and her kid doesn't need to see it, I'll just look at her all innocent-like and say "What do you mean? This is a perfectly natural bodily function, just like your boob-milk! If I have to be subjected to your kid latched on to your saggy tit, then you can be subjected to my period, which is just as natural. Oh, what's that? You don't like looking at my tampon? Well wake up, no one likes looking at your engorged udders either!" Touche.
k-man Wrote:
> Why not have a "piss-in" or a "shit-in"? Those
> are perfectly natural bodily functions too. In
> fact, chyldren in diapers do both in public all
> the time!

two faces puking lol, kman and I agree. When I see a toddler waddling around in a loose, shit filled diaper, and climbing up on restaurant tables and chairs, etc......all I can think about is the E-coli he is likely spreading. HE isn't affected because he has no doubt built up an immunity to his own shit as it's a fact that they do the diaper dip, eat cat cookies, and play in toilets. There are a LOT of necessary and "normal" bodily functions which should NOT be done in public. It's not just the way breastfeeding LOOKS that bothers me, but their tit juice can squirt out and spray. If that woman has a contagious illness or disease, it's a matter of public safety.

I think the following "normal" things should be against the law in public places and considered public safety violations: spitting, shitting, pissing, masturbation, changing dressings on open wounds, leaving used insulin needles in public places, the leaving behind in a place reasonably used by other people like on the floor or restroom countertops of condoms, feminine products, used tissue paper, the changing of colostomy bags or catheters/bags, cleaning out trach tubes unless it's an emergency, AND breastfeeding. If it involves the likelihood of imposing one's bodily fluids onto an innocent bystander, then it should be outlawed. IMHO
You know, that babye is ugly too and that is offensive in it self.

Under the pic, it says she was told bf'ing in the store was 'offensive" to other customers, so what is her gripe? It IS offensive to other customers, like all of us if we were in there. We can't have an opinion and the store cater to it for their potential business?

When did moos get so Indiscrete? Where did they all get so much "balls"? It is like they found courage from fucking and getting knocked up, but otherwise, wouldn't stand up for themselves on any other subject.
Arctic_Fox Wrote:
> Next time I see one of those disgusting
> attention-whores, I should squat down in front of
> her and change my tampon.

There ya go.
Arctic_Fox Wrote:
> Next time I see one of those disgusting
> attention-whores, I should squat down in front of
> her and change my tampon. Then when she starts
> moooing and hollering that it's gross and wrong
> and her kid doesn't need to see it, I'll just look
> at her all innocent-like and say "What do you
> mean? This is a perfectly natural bodily function,
> just like your boob-milk! If I have to be
> subjected to your kid latched on to your saggy
> tit, then you can be subjected to my period, which
> is just as natural. Oh, what's that? You don't
> like looking at my tampon? Well wake up, no one
> likes looking at your engorged udders either!"
> Touche.

You know Artic, that probably wouldn't bother them. I was reluctant to post the following true incident, but it illustrates my point so well that they probably wouldn't care, I felt compelled to share. Be warned, it is VERY gross.

My sister managed a retail clothing store at a mall and on occasion a moo would come in with a kid in a stroller, one toddling, and one hiked up on her hip and ask to use the restroom, despite the posted NO PUBLIC RESTROOMS and the fact there was a public mall restoom just 10 feet away. Anyway, on MORE than one occasion they would just pull something off a rack, ask to get a dressing room, and piss on the carpetted floor, but be gone before mall security could nab them. However, the WORST one actually shat AND peed in the middle of the dressing room floor,left a used tampon AND a shit filled diaper on top of her own shit with little shit stained baby wipes scattered about her makeshift cesspool.

So, something tells me that public shitting, pissing, or tampon changes wouldn't affect them in the least because they are FILTHY people. The only reason they probably don't do it out in the open already is the fear of arrest. That's the only thing that kept them from plopping out their tits until recently and now that they have carte blanche to do that, who knows what else they will be demanding in the years to come??
"If they want to provide a room that's fine, but they need to understand that some women may choose not to use that room," she said.

Yeah and some people don't choose to flush after they use the toilet either. And that's just bad manners and all.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
kidlesskim Wrote:
> This clearly demonstrates that when offerred a
> suitable, and often a very nice breastfeeding
> area, that some of them would RATHER plop out a
> teat and let the kid latch on in front of as many
> passersby as possible;young children who have'nt
> been taught about certain bodily functions yet and
> will no doubt start asking about the facts of life
> in inappropriate places, silly testosterone filled
> teen boys who will gawk, and dirty old perverts
> who get a thrill out of it. I question their
> motives which bother me more than having to see
> bodily fluid ooze out of a stranger. What kind of
> woman, or husband of one, WANTS to purposely have
> pervs and so forth getting cheap thrills from
> this?

An attention whore moo, that's who. It's not about the baby, it's about showing everyone that you breastfeed so they can know how wonderful of a mom you are, and forcing them to accomdate you because you're doing TMIJITW and you deserve it.
OK folks, this is what I don't get:
Why the hell is the H&M Store staff are in the wrong. The staff is using common sense procedure so BFing in public won't attract the pedo pervert in public. What the BFing Woman trying do? Be the vulnerable to predator?

You got a point Kidless Kim:

kidlesskim Wrote:
> This clearly demonstrates that when offerred a
> suitable, and often a very nice breastfeeding
> area, that some of them would RATHER plop out a
> teat and let the kid latch on in front of as many
> passersby as possible;young children who have'nt
> been taught about certain bodily functions yet and
> will no doubt start asking about the facts of life
> in inappropriate places, silly testosterone filled
> teen boys who will gawk, and dirty old perverts
> who get a thrill out of it. I question their
> motives which bother me more than having to see
> bodily fluid ooze out of a stranger. What kind of
> woman, or husband of one, WANTS to purposely have
> pervs and so forth getting cheap thrills from
> this?

The clerk did the right thing to tell that stupid moo they not to do BF in public.

The store manager should give the employees the medal of honour by kicking her but out of the store whlist she's BF at the same time.

She say something about Valle's supports protest against the shop because of this. Well I got somthing say about this: F###-Off - BF should be done in your home or in private area and get a F###-ing life.

This is what the M&M store have to deal with - the clerk do the right thing and follow the right procedure and what they get: A kick in a teeth by a moo who like to fly their teats in public and a protest by a low-life scums which they are probably breeders themselves with all the handouts they get.

This is a F###ing joke!

The H&M are the real heroes here.
"Why not have a "piss-in" or a "shit-in"? Those are perfectly natural bodily functions too."

As disgusting as it sounds, I WISH TO CHRIST someone would go to one of these ridiculous "nurse-ins" and take an olympic-sized dump right next to the moms and their precious babies. I'd LOVE to see what they thought about THAT. :yeah
A Masturbat-in would smell less, and be a lot more fun. It's natural too.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Arctic_Fox Wrote:
> Next time I see one of those disgusting
> attention-whores, I should squat down in front of
> her and change my tampon. Then when she starts
> moooing and hollering that it's gross and wrong
> and her kid doesn't need to see it, I'll just look
> at her all innocent-like and say "What do you
> mean? This is a perfectly natural bodily function,
> just like your boob-milk! If I have to be
> subjected to your kid latched on to your saggy
> tit, then you can be subjected to my period, which
> is just as natural. Oh, what's that? You don't
> like looking at my tampon? Well wake up, no one
> likes looking at your engorged udders either!"
> Touche.

LMFAO!!! Good one!

Personally, I REALLY don't like seeing women's tits out in public, especially when they're all engorged and shit. I just don't want to see it. It literally tightens my gag reflex. I'd rather see a fat man's ass crack.

A woman CAN breastfeed in public without anyone seeing her tits. No joke. They make special clothing that allows you to do that. Failing that, a loose-fitting shirt or a poncho works wonders. I think the biggest mistake this woman made was putting up a fight when she was asked to go elsewhere to do her business. But no. She had to draw attention to herself and make a big issue of it. What we have here is a woman who's looking for an excuse to show the world her rack.

Honestly, I'm LESS disgusted by the notion of seeing someone take a shit in public. I'm gonna have to ruminate on that one for awhile and see what that's about.
"Honestly, I'm LESS disgusted by the notion of seeing someone take a shit in public. I'm gonna have to ruminate on that one for awhile and see what that's about."

After Mean Person brought this thought to my attention, I gave it some genuine consideration. Engorged udders with a latched on kid sucking it, or someone taking a dump. Since I have been on Bourbon Street in the middle of the night during party season in years past and have seen public urination,(on the walls, sidewalks, in the streets, etc)and public vomiting (hurling on themselves, other people, on the sidewalk) Then once I actually witnessed an old wino stumble off his bench with the makeshift Popeye's chicken box pillow still stuck to his head then drop his pants in an alley and actually shit and then fall backwards into it, I have made my decision.two faces puking

The exposed udder is more gross for two reasons. 1) Presumably they are sober so there is no valid excuse for the behavior and 2)Where the drunks are ashamed later, if they remember, the moomares are proud of their vile, public , antisocial behavior and actually WANT to force us all to watch.confused smiley
Feh Wrote:
> A Masturbat-in would smell less, and be a lot more
> fun. It's natural too.

i just had a mental image of a bunch of blokes out the front of the store having a wank. cock in one hand and placard in the other singing protest songs.grinning smiley
this is just silly, moos are a pathetic bunch,
Mean Person Wrote:
> Arctic_Fox Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> What we have here is a woman who's looking for
> an excuse to show the world her rack.
Worse: call massive amounts of attention to her "oppression" and collect a payout.
roger Wrote:
> Feh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > A Masturbat-in would smell less, and be a lot
> more
> > fun. It's natural too.
> i just had a mental image of a bunch of blokes out
> the front of the store having a wank. cock in one
> hand and placard in the other singing protest
> songs.grinning smiley

HAHAHA and a bunch of women getting their rocks off with vibrators could be there too. Perhaps the Yeastie Girls could be there performing their masterpiece called "You Suck" (a song about oral sex). Or better yet, Cyndi Lauper singing "She Bop".
She should have done it in a grocery store.eye rolling smiley

If she's being food, then at least she'll be surrounded by food, too.

Oh, and a moo's eggs and meat are good food, too.grinning smiley
i am NOT eating that.
kidlesskim Wrote:
I actually witnessed an old wino stumble off
> his bench with the makeshift Popeye's chicken box
> pillow still stuck to his head then drop his
> pants in an alley and actually shit and then fall
> backwards into it, I have made my decision.two faces puking

**curling up on the floor, screaming with laughter**
**climbing back into chair, wiping tears away**

Well it goes to show how moving one's bowels in public is not exactly what one would call 'self indulgent' -- but the same can't be said for moocows who want to persuade a small child to suck on their boob in front of other people.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
I am tired of these "nurse-ins" which is just a lame attempt for these women to expose their body parts and get some PR for their pathetic cause. Back in my day, a nursing mother would take care to cover herself up and feed her infant in a private area. Pulling out a breast for all to see was not acceptable back then and the mother would be embarrassed for anyone to see her do such a thing. We have more important problems plaguing our nation that need attention rather than fighting for "breastfeeding" rights. Most stores and eateries require a man to wear a shirt as well as both genders wearing shoes for hygienic reasons. Wouldn't the same go for a woman who is spilling bodily fluid while lactating?
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