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check out these hysterical Moo comments.......

Posted by bell_flower 
check out these hysterical Moo comments.......
August 07, 2008
Picked this up off a magazine blog where a woman asks the question of how old her son should be before she lets him go alone to the men's room.

Moo hysteria reigns supreme, Exhibits A, B, and C:

A: How would you like to be a female in the restroom, just trying to take care of business and hearing some bratboy sing?

"In this day and age it's not safe to allow your children to go to the bathroom by themselves. You don't know what is lurking in there whether it's the mens or the women's restroom. I worked at a Walmart and had to break up people having sex in a stall in the women's restroom. I worked at a truck stop and had to deal with a crazy naked man. I've had to deal with men exposing themselves to little boys in the mens room. You should never let your child out of your sight in public. My little ones use the women's restroom with me. They go into their own stalls and I wait for them. If I have to go and they are finished before me they wait right outside my door. I've taught them to talk or sing so I know they are there the entire time. I talk to them too. My older child who is about to be fifteen started using the men's room when he was about twelve because he was uncomfortable in the women's restroom. I would wait right outside the door for him. I would call into him every so often to make sure he was okay. He would call back to me and he knew that if he didn't call back to me I was in there immediately. I would never let a little boy go to the mens room by himself and then go use the womens and just trust that when I came back he would be waiting or nothing would happen to him."

B: "I have two children a 15 year old son and a 17 year old daughter. I also worked in a day care with school aged children. My aides in the classroom were all women. When we took the children on field trips, it was not possible for all 30 children to go into the womens restroom and it seemed inappropriate for us to be in the restroom with the boys. My solution, I would knock loudly on the door and announce that a woman was about to enter the restroom. I would check all the stalls and make sure the coast was clear. The boys were then able to use the mens room safely. Most men who needed to use the facility would just wait until the boys were finished. "

C. " I still bring the 9-year-old boy into the women's restroom with me unless the 15-year-old or husband is along to help. Like some of the other commenters, I also couldn't care less what other people think. My child's safety is more important than someone else's sense of propriety. I once read that molestations occur in public restrooms more than you'd suspect in places like grocery stores and Target or Wal-Mart. Really, what does a young boy see in the women's restroom anyway? Someone washing their hands? There are individual stalls in there, for heaven's sake"

And of course we have the voice of reason, who was promptly shouted down.

"I'll admit I kind of roll my eyes a little at the Moms who tote their beefy corn-fed 8 year olds into the collective ladies rooms of my tiny American suburb. Yes I know - you don't care. Let's all turn off Fox News, and realize that statistically the children are in much more danger just being passengers in our cars, and the molestors are much more likely to be in our homes than in our public stalls. Be aware as a parent. Know what's out there, but let some line out too. BTW, these 5 foot tall pre-teen boys that are still dragged into the stall with Mommy are looking down the barrel at issues that might well turn THEM into the leering creepy men in bathrooms of the future. "
"Really, what does a young boy see in the women's restroom anyway? Someone washing their hands? There are individual stalls in there, for heaven's sake"

Well, Ive had a young boy look at my "hoo ha" whilst I was squatting over a toilet. If moos are too paranoid to let their older boys use the restroom alone, they need to find a place that has one of those "Famblee" restrooms and have them go there. That way moommy can go in and help her 12 yr old wipe his wittle hiney.
Perhaps I live in a strange corner of the universe but I've NEVER seen a male child older than 6 or so in the ladies room. I wouldn't really give a shit if I did (though I'd "give a shit" if that was my purpose for being in the ladies room) Though I guess if he had facial hair I'd be disturbed by it. But otherwise I'd just think that the moo was a bit of a head case and that Jr. was probably headed for some...issues with his sexuality.

It seems reasonable that for kids older than 6 but less than 16 or so the opposite sex kid could go in to the restroom by him/herself with an adult waiting outside, with orders that if they see anything strange (like a wagging penis, particularly in the ladies room) that they are to leave immediately and report it. What these moos don't realize is that pervs are generally pretty clever; they've lived their entire life with a "dirty secret" and have probably become pretty good at covering it up. The restroom in a "family friendly" department store (where there are cameras around the store watching who's coming and going) I would imagine, would be a really bad idea.

The people who need to worry about perverts molesting their kids in public places are the breeders who let their litter wander around unattended in that "the world is my daycare center" fashion that I find so utterly endearing.
I TOO have had asshole little preteen boys look under the stall at me as WELL as outright crawl under and across. I have also had them, as well as some bratty little girls, snatch open dressing room curtains when I was half naked. I can't get over the woman who said "....and it seemed inappropriate for us to be in the restroom with the boys". So, then how is it appropriate for the BOYS to be in the ladies' room?? The solution is to make the kid (and yourself) piss before he leaves the house, or stop at one of those gas stations that have single restooms with locks. Twelve year old boys do NOT belong in ladies' restooms.

What would be the odds of 15 school boys ALL getting molested in a restroom anyway? Another option if it's only the one boy, is to have him go in and see if it's empty, and if so you will know he is alone. OR teach him to grow some balls and tell molesters to keep their hands to themselves or be smart enough to know if the man has his goober out playing with it, to GET THE HELL OUT. Why can't they just let him piss on the side of the road? He will likely resort to that option all on his own anyway,the first chance he gets. Then there's always empty coke bottles......
when a kydd is molested or killed its usally by the parents or other family memebers, not a stranger, STOP WATCHING NANCY GRACE YOU PATHETIC MOOS
Re: check out these hysterical Moo comments.......
August 08, 2008
Mean Person Wrote:
> The people who need to worry about perverts
> molesting their kids in public places are the
> breeders who let their litter wander around
> unattended in that "the world is my daycare
> center" fashion that I find so utterly endearing.

Re: check out these hysterical Moo comments.......
August 08, 2008
Ok...eye rolling smiley

First, moos are suckling their kids until junior high school and now they're dragging them into ladies' restroom until then, too.

So a whole generation of overgrown infants is being raised today.=P
Re: check out these hysterical Moo comments.......
August 08, 2008
When I was in high school, people would say things like, "When you're in college they're not going to spoon-feed you, you will be expected to be a grown-up and be held accountable, and blah blah etc." And then it was, "You're in college now, you are not a kid anymore, so don't act like one, etc. etc."

The way it is now, people (parents, professors, administrators, employers, etc.) say instead, "These are just LITTLE KIDS, they're away from home for the FIRST TIME, they're under SO MUCH PRESSURE, they can't be expected to [insert basic every-day task here] ALL BY THEMSELVES!

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

"child's safety is more important than someone else's sense of propriety. I once read that molestations occur in public restrooms more than you'd suspect in places like grocery stores and Target or Wal-Mart."

Actually, children are molested most often in their own homes, than anywhere else. But parents always want to point the finger at other people.
Banshee Wrote:
> Ok...eye rolling smiley
> First, moos are suckling their kids until junior
> high school and now they're dragging them into
> ladies' restroom until then, too.
> So a whole generation of overgrown infants is
> being raised today.=P

...who will soon become the next generation of diaper fetishists.

Start looking into Kimberly Clark & Co. stock. They're the ones who make Depend's undergarments. I think we're going to see a huge growth in the adult diapers indusry as this next generation emerges into adulthood.
Look at your area's sex offender's registry. In more cases than not the victim is a family member. I would always check the registry at the beginning of each school year to see if I had any perverted parunts that I might have to potentially have to be alone with at a parunt teacher conference.
Oh God, I cannot BELIEVE this thread is here. I have a confession and here it goes:

My mom and me were in Penney's week before last. I had to take a piss. While I was in the stall, a very older boy peaked through the stall door and wall at me. Now, I never lock my stall, just shut the door because I'm leary of touching the handle that other women have touched after wiping their twats and opening the handle (yes, I'm a bit OCD) even though I'm feverish about washing my hands. I see this fuckers' eye and I S L A M M E D the door open, smacking his fucking face and he screamed! LMFAO!!! I said: "Oops, sorry...shouldn't be peaking in stalls". Of course I just got an ugly look from mom while she was "Oh-my-God-are-you-OK"-ing about his face. I washed my hand and left.

Great post!
Re: check out these hysterical Moo comments.......
August 08, 2008
I'm a private person to begin with, and I HATE this dragging li'l Junior into the ladies'. A coworker used to do it all the time. Lucky the brat didn't peek under the door, or he'd have to get stitches. Idiots.
Then we have commercials to further instill how needy older kids 8-13 or so are. Parents need to buy this or that to make them feel better or be popular,since they don't have a personality. The "Underjams" one is especially worrisome with a ten year old boy at a slumber party (shouldn't they be out camping or something?)and how he wears Underjams in case he pisses on himself. He doesn't need Underjammies, he NEEDS his kidneys and bladder checked out and if there is a problem then it NEEDS to be treated, not just cover it up with what amounts to a diaper. If there IS no problem, other than he sucked down a 40 oz Mountain Dew just prior to bed, then he NEEDS to stop pissing all over everything in his path.

One good piss on that top bunk he's getting on in the ad and urine leaking all over the kid under him SHOULD break his Underjam dependency or at least slow it up while he is in public. We can't have "peer pressure" to make stupid kids straighten out any more because that's "bullying".eye rolling smiley They can't hang their nightly piss stained sheet out of their bedroom windows anymore because that's "child abuse".

Then there's the yogurt drink commercial for kids with ALL the vitamins they need for their "stressful and busy lives", which according to the commercial, consists of school, soccer practice, and piano lessons or something. If they think soccer practice and piano lessons are stressful, let them go to WORK and worry about buying groceries, gas, and paying rent. These kids don't know the meaning of stress and when they finally do, society will pay the price for their sheltered existences.
married with rabbits Wrote:
> Again, you have summed it up well KidlessKim. I
> was at a medical place yesterday and I picked up a
> Parent & Child magazine (or whatever it is) and
> there was like a 5-6 page ad on some of those
> Underjams or GoodNites. It appeared that the ad
> was all about making it a nice experience to use
> that stuff and to feel good about oneself.
> Fabulous.
> I of course snarked at the BS spewed throughout
> the magazine. There was a surprising section on
> warning signs for possible early sexual activity
> in children. I didn't think too much of the
> warning signs, especially the one that said a kid
> who spends less time around their family might be
> doing the dirty.

Yeah, GoodNites is another one. Then we have Lunchables for their busy little lives because they are too lazy to make a tuna sandwhich or open a can of spaghetti and meatballs, kiddie furniture like miniature recliners so they feel more like mommy and daddy when they SHOULD be sitting on a stool or a chair on top of a pillow and looking forward to a "big" chair. They have kidsafe designer shampoos, soaps,even play makeup so they can be like moomie. All of their little "illnesses" are made a big deal of and they get treatments, medications, special diets to impose on schools, and of course a therapist if they need one, ALL of which are absurd.

Let any toy, trinket, or commonly used appliance or fixture item be linked to a kiddie illness or death, and the stockholders can't call their brokers fast enough to unload the now worthless stock. Perhaps the worst is when they get their heads stuck in handrails on stairs, get their toes pinched off from playing on escalators, get sick from eating paint off a toy, get suffocated from closing dryer doors behind them playing hide and seek, or get a finger lobbed off in the latest Tonka toy because instead of playing with it like a normal person they kept poking their fingers in holes not intended for that purpose, etc...

I remember one kid who got 2nd degree burns from sticking his head in a toy oven for 30 minutes. ALL of that is the parents' faults, but the companies pay out damages BIG time for what amounts to a really stupid kid with no common sense and an idiot parent's negligence. There is NO way a company can predict the potential idiocracy of a kid or his parents. Hence, warnings on Playdough like,"Eating prodcut can make you sick", or "Don't let children play in the washer as it may cause serious injury or death". Kids injured in these manners are simpletons and they inherited it from their parents.
I just SNORKED my way through this thread, even though the subject matter is equally funny AND scary. I brought up that stupid Underjams commercial on another CF site and was mildly chastised for not realizing that some kids are slower to mature and gain control of their bladders.

Bullshit. Most of it is caused by breeders who baby and pamper (pardon the pun) and BF their brats until they're 10. No wonder they aren't toilet trained until AFTER that!
LOL This thread reminds me of something I witnessed a couple of years ago. I was on my summer holidays camping near the beach. I was taking a shower in the ablution block and all I could hear while showering was a little boy outside the shower stalls screaming and wailing because his mother had taken him in to the girls' shower block. He was crying so loud and was saying 'no mummy, you come in the boys' showers with me!!'. His mum kept trying to explain to him why she couldn't go in the mens' block and he had to come with her into the womens', but he was too young to get it. She managed to corral him into a shower stall finally and he kept on throwing a fit the whole time. I just shook my head and laughed as I shampooed.
str8six Wrote:
> Oh God, I cannot BELIEVE this thread is here. I
> have a confession and here it goes:
> My mom and me were in Penney's week before last.
> I had to take a piss. While I was in the stall, a
> very older boy peaked through the stall door and
> wall at me. Now, I never lock my stall, just shut
> the door because I'm leary of touching the handle
> that other women have touched after wiping their
> twats and opening the handle (yes, I'm a bit OCD)
> even though I'm feverish about washing my hands.
> I see this fuckers' eye and I S L A M M E D the
> door open, smacking his fucking face and he
> screamed! LMFAO!!! I said: "Oops,
> sorry...shouldn't be peaking in stalls". Of
> course I just got an ugly look from mom while she
> was "Oh-my-God-are-you-OK"-ing about his face. I
> washed my hand and left.
> Great post!


Happened to me when I worked at meijers out in Ohio. Some little shit of a girl peeking in. Of course, the little bitch runs as soon as she realizes I am coming out. Runs over to a woman who I recognize as another worker there. Nice lady actually. I am quite angry, tell her what happened, and when she turns to the little shit, the asshole runs out the door (no one out there).
Pity she was not hit by a car. future welfare whore in training as no one will kick her behind.
Re: check out these hysterical Moo comments.......
August 11, 2008
CheeseLouise Wrote:
> I just SNORKED my way through this thread, even
> though the subject matter is equally funny AND
> scary. I brought up that stupid Underjams
> commercial on another CF site and was mildly
> chastised for not realizing that some kids are
> slower to mature and gain control of their
> bladders.
This is why i don't go there. We as CF are not obligated to understand their special needs, nor are we required to be sensitive. 60 minutes interviewed the commander of the Israeli Airforce and the fucking reporter actually asked him how he felt about potentially killing children.

I'm sure highly skilled military make sure to drop their bombs on nightclubs at midnight. Even that is risky.
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