2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
"I couldn’t care less what other people think."

Well, there you have it, folks. I understand kids will be kids, and they will act up, make noise, and want to be the little shits they are. However, as a PARENT, it is your JOB to raise your children to be productive members of society. She isn't doing them any favors by letting them act up in public.

I am sick and tired of not even being able to buy toilet paper without encountering stupid bitches like this and their hellspawn. When did it become acceptable to allow your kids to run around like crackmonkies and irritate everyone around them? I hate to say I've accepted the noise factor of kids in public (because really, what choice do we have anymore?) but I do give dirty looks the second a kid runs into my personal space. AAARRRG!
Anonymous User
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
Ann, your so right, I can NEVER, and I mean, NEVER walk into any store or resturant at any time without hearing crying and screaming babyyees and kids, and it goes on the entire time im there, and when i look at the breeders they are totally tuned out, they have that spaced out, empty look,
EVERY single fucken time, and its as soon as i walk through the door. and its EVERYWHERE. Its 100% out of control, society is so doomed
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
And God forbid we politely ask the sprog to quiet down, go back to their parent's dining table, or to stop kicking our seat. No matter how nicely we ask WE are always the bad guy. Most of the time the parunts, instead of correcting their child, will tell the brat what they are doing is fine and to keep at it.

I have gotten really good at nonchalantly sticking a foot out in front of a child who continues to run past me in a store. I can also offer a really heartfelt, "O my gosh, honey, are you okay? Aw, sweetie you need to be careful where you're going." The parents are none the wiser.
Anonymous User
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
I yell "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" real loud, to at least let the idiot breeder know to shut that fucken idiot future criminal up
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
I may have to perfect the 'subltle trip' method. It didn't used to be this bad-when I was a kid in the '80's, we had to fly across the globe for my Dad's job at least four times a year. My mom was always prepared-books, toys, my own blanket and pillow, and a walkman with my favorite tapes. This way, I didn't act up and disturb other passengers on the three-hour flight to New York, connecting eight-hour flight to Germany, followed up with a four-hour connecting flight to Saudi Arabia. Again, just doing her job as a parent. Everbody is happy.

Flash-forward to 2006-I was flying down to Houston to visit my parents-a three hour flight from Chicago. No sooner had we gotten off the ground than the spawn behind me started kicking my seat. I asked the mother (politely) if she could please stop her kid from doing that. Her response? "He's expressing his creativity-and you can move to another seat." Um, NO-it was a full flight, and I paid for a seat on a plane on the assumption (silly me) that I wouldn't have to endure three hours of having my back kicked. Needless to say I called the flight attendent over, and she had a nice little chat with the bitchmoo. Bitchmoo was not happy and gave me dirty looks when we landed, but at least I didn't have a backache. I just don't understand why it is so hard for this bitches to get that the rest of us don't find their kids' antics to be adorable-oh, that's right, THEY JUST DON'T CARE. Assholes of the highest order.
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
This idiot uses the "they're only kids once" argument for this, and it's ridiculous. If that's the catch-all phrase for her, she'll justify letting them run rampant and raising a ruckus wherever they feel like it. And we're all supposed to be sooooo understanding of her kids' "need" to yell.

BratBGone, you are so right. It doesn't matter how politely you ask. How dare YOU assume you can politely ask their brat to pipe down? We
don't have kids, we can't *possibly* understand their kid's need to scream in our ear, kick our seat, or run circles around our dinner table.

The worst part about this? The sprogs pick up on it. If another adult tries to discipline them, they tell mommy, and mommy attacks the adult for having the audacity to speak up to the kid instead of just smiling and accepting it.

I have an elderly neighbor who is quite crotchety. He had his adult son over to visit one day, and of course, son brings along with him a snarky, pre-pubescent boy brat about the age of nine. Our houses are quite close together, and grandbrat found his way to our backyard. He started pulling grapefruit off a tree and throwing it at a fence. My husband opens our back door and says, VERY politely I might add, "Excuse me, would you please go play in your own yard?" (He even said PLEASE.) Grandbrat obliges and we thought that was that.
Ohhh, no. Grandbrat wasn't through by a long shot. 20 minutes later, we're interrupted by banging on our front door. Elderly neighbor and Adult Son had come over, with Grandbrat in tow, to tell me that they didn't appreciate my husband telling their pwecious Grandbrat to, and I quote, "Get out of my fucking yard or I'll call the cops." Yes, that's right. My husband had not said, "get out", "fucking", or "call the cops" at all....he'd simply asked politely for the child to go play in his own yard. So for five minutes the adults are all going back and forth...we told them that is absolutely NOT what was said to Grandbrat. I tell you, though - breeders think that their Golden DNA Replicant can NEVER do wrong. Finally, Grandbrat breaks down and admitted that he'd lied, and that he did it because he was 'mad at us for making him leave our yard.'
Grandbrat's father apologizes profusely to us and drags Grandbrat away, promising us he'd be punished (thank goodness for that, at least).
Crotchety neighbor did not apologize, still hasn't, and tries to give us the stink eye every chance he can.

VIVA CHILDREN! I can't wait to have a dozen little liars of my own!
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
Unfortunately, sometimes you have to sink to the moos level to get what you want with these little bastards. On a plane I once turned around very sweetly to the fucker that was kicking my seat and said. "Sweetie, could you please stop doing that?" I then looked at moo and said, "I'm 2 mos. pregnant and really nauseous. You know how it is." She smiled and apologized. I didn't have a problem with the brat the rest of the trip. If I had just asked moo to make him stop, I'm sure I would have dealt with his kicking the whole trip! It's not lying in our case. It's survival!!
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
bratBgone Wrote:
> Unfortunately, sometimes you have to sink to the
> moos level to get what you want with these little
> bastards. On a plane I once turned around very
> sweetly to the fucker that was kicking my seat and
> said. "Sweetie, could you please stop doing that?"
> I then looked at moo and said, "I'm 2 mos.
> pregnant and really nauseous. You know how it
> is." She smiled and apologized. I didn't have a
> problem with the brat the rest of the trip. If I
> had just asked moo to make him stop, I'm sure I
> would have dealt with his kicking the whole trip!
> It's not lying in our case. It's survival!!

Ah yes, one of my favorites! The old "beat them at their own game" trick, which I admit I have used myself when necessary in the past soley for self preservation. If YOU pull the "child card" or the "preggo card" on them, there is absolutely NOTHING they can do but comply to your wishes as they are trapped by an unspoken societal rule that if it involves a kid or reproduction of one, it takes precendence over EVERYTHING. While I am entering my 40's, I have a fat enough face that I can pass for younger prime childbearing years and still use those excuses like the one given.

When I get too old to get away with it anymore, I will say, "Could you please stop your little Boogerguy from bouncing and away from me, he seems sick, as evidenced by the greenish snot oozing from his nose, and I have just spent a week getting IVF. The DOCTOR says I shouldn't be exposed to excessive germs and the bouncing could dislodge one of my BAYBEES. I would be devastated as this is my 10th attempt to "have one of my own". Sometimes, a good old fashioned reverse BINGO is the best solution.
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
Sigh. This moo could have been the same cow I had to endure yesterday at the paint store. I wanted to pick up some paint chips to take home. It was nice and quiet when I first got there, but as I was looking at the display, a moo with two she-brats no older than 2 or 3 came and shattered the quiet. The girls immediately took to running around the entire store and "playing" with whatever they could get their hands on, screeching all the while. Then they sat themselves down at the big table where the wallpaper and window covering catalogs are and attacked those. Nothing more than a lame "stop that girls" or "come over here please" from Moo. I grabbed a pile of paint chips and got the hell out of there.

WHY do breeders insist on bringing their spawn to places that are in NO WAY chyld-oriented? Not to mention if one of the brats would've dislodged a display of paint cans and brought them tumbling down on herself....insta-lawsuit!

Leave the brats at home!!!
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
nokyds4me Wrote:
> I yell "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" real loud, to at least
> let the idiot breeder know to shut that fucken
> idiot future criminal up

this is what I do. 50% success rate, depending on the idiocy of the parents.
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
None of us on here were raised the way most brats today are. The disrespect that comes out of their mouths amazes me. When I was in school I thought it was really special if a teacher asked me to do a favor for him or her, like check their mail in the office, or hold the door during a fire drill. When I taught I couldn't believe the kids who would outright say "no" to me, or say "I don't feel like it." when I would ask them to do something. Kids today have been given too many rights and choices. They truly believe THEY are the ones in charge of everything because their stupid parunts and a large portion of society have made them feel that way.
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
My husband pointed out the other day that the adults of this country are especially infantilized and was curious about when that started and why it caught on like wildfire.

I pointed out that maybe parunts are gettin' some for themselves since this is the AGE OF THE CHILD. He didn't see a parallel but i think at the end of the day the breeders are wanting some of the schwag and attention too, not the least because they put these little miracles here.
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> My husband pointed out the other day that the
> adults of this country are especially infantilized
> and was curious abouut when that started...

Excellent point. Considering the fact that intelligence is essentially inherited through genetics, we can presume that anti-intelligence (aka stupidity, thickness, idiocy) is too.

So, in short, dumb-ass babyish adults tend to breed dumb-ass babyish offspring. Who all turn into dumb-ass babyish adults, and so on, and so on, and so on.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
bratBgone Wrote:
> None of us on here were raised the way most brats
> today are. The disrespect that comes out of their
> mouths amazes me. When I was in school I thought
> it was really special if a teacher asked me to do
> a favor for him or her, like check their mail in
> the office, or hold the door during a fire drill.
> When I taught I couldn't believe the kids who
> would outright say "no" to me, or say "I don't
> feel like it." when I would ask them to do
> something. Kids today have been given too many
> rights and choices. They truly believe THEY are
> the ones in charge of everything because their
> stupid parunts and a large portion of society have
> made them feel that way.

or when the teacher picked you to bang the erasers together was a treat, or run an errand, or change out the paper towels, etc.....NOW THOUGH, you tell or even ask a student to do that, then he wants minimum wage.
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
"my point is that it is an open air, casual place and if the other people want peace and quiet, they should go to a grown up place"

Except that there aren't anymore adult places anymore. Everywhere you go has been infested by brats and breeders, because God knows that we can't hurt their widdle feelings or discriminate by excluding the little bastards.

We try to go to places where there aren't kids only to find that the breeders have taken over. Even bars aren't safe anymore.

I also love how she said that she doesn't want her meals ruined by someone else's brats. Talk about a self-absorbed, attention-whore! Mr. T: I pitty tha fools
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
Here's one of the comments. Holy shit, I bet Chester would find this really exciting!

"My daughter likes to hug strangers randomly or she will turn around in a restaurant and stroke the next person's head. Unless she is screaming at the top of her lungs, though, we don't shush her."

Another classic:

"I used to think children to should seen and be at least quiet.
Now I am of the opinion that people can just suck it.
That seems rude, doesn't it? But my perspective is different. There is something happening in the world - and in the US, it's happening to 1 in every 95 boys. It's called autism and my 4 year old son has it. 1 in 95 boys, 1 in 150 children. That is a lot. And it affects every aspect of behavior- especially that which takes place in public. Children with autism look just like everyone else- it is a "hidden disability" unlike Down's Syndrome.

My son is loud in public. He recites commercials, he runs away, he tantrums. He is not misbehaving, he is not spoiled, and he is not a brat. He is doing the best he can and so am I. I will not hide him away from the world so that others will not be "inconvienced." i will take him out and try to teach him appropriate behavior, which may or may not happen. So the next time, you are out and see kids that you think may need more discipline, stop and think that there may be other things at work- more and more frequently for boys and girls- it may autism that you are not seeing. At the rate autism is rising we are all going to be learning to make better accomodations for these children."

Wrong again, Moo. Your kid IS being a brat. I'm very sorry that this happened to you, but if your kid can't behave, you don't have the right to force him upon us. If he starts acting up, you need to remove him from the situation and from us.

Such entitlement. It's why the world is going to Hell in a handbasket.
Mean Person
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
Um...I know lots of ill-behaved children, and none of them is autistic. They've just never been told to control themselves.

I don't know whether this commenter's child is truly autistic or not, but she shouldn't be forcing him on an innocent public, and she's not doing him any favors. When he starts going out into the world on his own, the world will not be amused and MOOO won't be there to "protect" her pweshus.

Public exposure with brats should happen as though in an expanding circle. If they can behave in the center of the circle, they can move out to the next layer, and if they can behave in that layer, they can advance further.

I think this woman is having some sort of "reaction formation", meaning she's really incredibly embarrassed and ashamed of her kid but is compensating by being totally "I don't give a fuck" about it. Once again, a breeder indulging her own insecurities by way of her offspring.
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
"At the rate autism is rising we are all going to be learning to make better accomodations for these children."

Hell, at the rate these moos seem to think that awwtisum is rising, soon all of us will be autistic and no one will have to worry about how to behave. We can all just sit in the middle of the mall in our Underjams, throwing shit and Lunchables at one another. Planet of the Apes isn't too far off for us.
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
bratBgone Wrote:
> "At the rate autism is rising we are all going to
> be learning to make better accomodations for these
> children."
> Hell, at the rate these moos seem to think that
> awwtisum is rising, soon all of us will be
> autistic and no one will have to worry about how
> to behave. We can all just sit in the middle of
> the mall in our Underjams, throwing shit and
> Lunchables at one another. Planet of the Apes
> isn't too far off for us.


This will sound cold hearted, but I am of the opinion that if a person can not be in a public area for a reasonable length of time without causing a disturbance or they visibly(or audibly, etc..)behave in an inappropriate manner, then they need to keep their asses at home. Whatever the cause does not matter to me. If they have Tourette's syndrome and can't help that they bellow out at the top of their lungs, "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!", then they need to watch a worship service in the privacy of their own home rather than in a church. If they have a horrific body odor because of a prescription, then they need to stay home. If they have an urge to start doing jumping jacks, then they don't need to be at The Opera. If they talk loud enough to be heard through a bank vault, they don't belong in a library.

I have been round and round with grandmoos in my local area on this because of one making a stink that her autistic grandson was asked to move to another area when he bellowed out in the library a while back. THEY think that if the child can't help it, then everyone else should "have a heart" and accomodate them. Just giving them a separate but equal area isn't good enough. They want to be MAINSTREAMED and included and destroy the sanctity of every public place. I had one ask me if I thought blind people and people in wheelchairs should "stay home." My answer to that is that BLIND pople don't yell, scream, and throw things in public places, piss and shit on people, or knock people over. People in wheelchairs don't go to libraries and run everyone out because they can't shut the hell up.

I am sick of being made out by some of these moos with "awwtistic" brats that I am opposed to handicapped or disabled people, which couldn't be further from the truth. I guess what it boils down to is I don't believe that their kid is disabled. I think their kid is a shithole loudmouthed brat and is only surpassed in his shitholiness by them.angry smiley
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 11, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:

> I have been round and round with grandmoos in my
> local area on this because of one making a stink
> that her autistic grandson was asked to move to
> another area when he bellowed out in the library a
> while back. THEY think that if the child can't
> help it, then everyone else should "have a heart"
> and accomodate them. Just giving them a separate
> but equal area isn't good enough. They want to be
> MAINSTREAMED and included and destroy the sanctity
> of every public place. I had one ask me if I
> thought blind people and people in wheelchairs
> should "stay home." My answer to that is that
> BLIND pople don't yell, scream, and throw things
> in public places, piss and shit on people, or
> knock people over. People in wheelchairs don't go
> to libraries and run everyone out because they
> can't shut the hell up.
> I am sick of being made out by some of these moos
> with "awwtistic" brats that I am opposed to
> handicapped or disabled people, which couldn't be
> further from the truth. I guess what it boils down
> to is I don't believe that their kid is disabled.
> I think their kid is a shithole loudmouthed brat
> and is only surpassed in his shitholiness by
> them.angry smiley

Goood Lord Almighty!! Preach on Sista! band playing music:

I can't wait till the breeders start doing diaperless brats with the awwtistics and we have brats throwing their feces around and pissing on everything. I want to hear about some of these brats throwing piss and shit in a church. grinning smileydrinking coffeehot smiley
Re: 2827 Moo who doesn't get it
August 12, 2008
Well, we can all smile smugly and bask in the warmth of the thought that this stupid cunt will most likely be divorced soon, as it's clear that she and hubby have VERY different ways of raising the brats.

That always ruins a marriage. smiling smiley
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