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has this ever happened?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
has this ever happened?
August 12, 2008
Not that this is likely...
Has anyone or do you know of anyone who has gone out for dinner, movie, lunch, etc.. only to find some other family member ensconced in your domicile. Has it ever been kiddies 'oh, mommie said we were going to live with you for a while' and you never gave permission.
I always like to think that anything I personally imagine has never happened, but I usually find out otherwise.
Just curious.
And, if someone dumps a sprog at your house, I presume you can call cops, CPS, to get rid of it?
Re: has this ever happened?
August 12, 2008
People who know me also know that I do not accept children in my home. If they can not respect that, and leave their children without my consent, I will call CPS.
Or maybe just leave the child in a bar. Kids love drunks!

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: has this ever happened?
August 12, 2008
i wouldnt take anyones kid, I would call cps and dump this unwanted kid, i dont care if its a family member (but since my entire family is CF i dont have to worry about this)
Re: has this ever happened?
August 12, 2008
Feh Wrote:
> People who know me also know that I do not accept
> children in my home.

Beauty in simplicity: if they cross the threshold, the breeders are responsible. they get the litany of warnings re: art, fragiles, hostile pets, and then they are on their own.

Few children come to the house.
Re: has this ever happened?
October 31, 2008
If I saw a baby at the (my) doorstep. I will call CPS.
I do not want part of this situation.
It's not my baby, it's not my resonsibility & it's not my problem.
Simple as that.
Re: has this ever happened?
October 31, 2008
A friend of mine from medical school returned to his home to find his sullen teenbrat nephew sitting on his step. My friend's sister told the brat if he didn't like the rules he could go live with his uncle.

Brat ended up in the CPS overnight shelter and moo ended up with a mess of legal trouble.

Just like Gigabyte, if any related brat shows up on my doorstep, it is going to get kicked out on its ass after CPS in informed I don't want anything to do with it.
Anonymous User
Re: has this ever happened?
October 31, 2008
Luckily, most of my relatives live far, far away from DH and I. I actually only have 2 relatives, that I know, who have children, my brother and my aunt. They both have really stable lives and I couldn't imagine them dropping their kids off at my house. They've heard me bitch enough about my job to know that kids aren't my favorite things. I actually think they might head to Nebraska with their kiddies rather than head to my doorstep!
Re: has this ever happened?
November 01, 2008
Yeah, I can't imagine my sis doing this either. Thank goodness. I'd view it as a potential liability nightmare and do everything I could to shoo the kid off my property, via the authorities if sis is unresponsive.
Re: has this ever happened?
November 01, 2008
This would take up it's own website to retell it accurately and properly, but I'll do my best to synopsize a real life event I was faced with regarding a boyfriend's 9 y/o kyd. Circa, 1989, I was recently divorced and moved into an apartment. There was this cute guy neighbor who was about my age (so he claimed) who invited me over for dinner and he was a real charmer and appeared to "have it all", but there sat his 9 y/o kyd. I figured he was a weekend duddy but then he relayed this horrible story of the abuse his son had received at the hands of his vicious mother, but no one would believe them and they were basically "in hiding". The boy was a good kyd but he had next to no supervision as his duddy worked (or so he said) well into the night and he ended up knocking on my door all of the time wanting something to eat or drink, wanting me to sign for him to swim at the pool, or just to hang out/watch tv, etc......It escalated from there in that kyd was over there NONSTOP for a couple of weeks. Much like an unwanted stray animal, it's best not to feed it. Apparently the man thought that the kyd would be his ticket into a breeder wannabee's heart (and home and bank accounts) but he picked the wrong sucker when he honed in on me. Suddenly, his stories of moomie abuse started to be mixed with, "well, maybe she wasn't as bad as I had thought", etc......He outright admitted that these abuse allegations had never been investigated, that the wife had remarried to a military officer YEARS ago, AND that they also had a 12 y/o daughter. He also managd to leave out his non payment of child support, his numerous arrests and prior convictions, his various alias', and that he had stolen an estimated 50k AND an inherited house from the first wife (this kyd's mom), but that doesn't begin to touch what he had stolen from his OTHER 3 wives. This guy claimed to be 29 years old, but my guess is that he was closer to 40, although I can't be certain.

After a few months of conducting my own investigation (and dodging father and son) which included talking to the boy, I determined that he had simply kept him after a summer vacation visitation had ended in order to use him as "woman bait". NONE of the allegations had been true and his mother had been trying to track him down for nearly three years which was difficult to do back then under the circumstances (parental abduction) and especially difficult considering they had been stationed in Germany. Also, by then she had "their own" new set of kyds and I don't think that her husband cared much about raising her prior spawn. It also didn't help that duddy had never paid a dime in child support so no trace there, never worked under his own name(numerous alias')and had moved at LEAST ten times prior to meeting me and after what amounts to a parental abduction. The bio mother contacted me, sent me airfare for the kyd, and I packed his ass up and put him on a plane to New Mexico from Florida. The kyd was ESTATIC that he was "going home" and although duddy pretended to be upset at me for a few minutes after he learned that the kyd was flying across country, he seemed to take my threat to call the police a bit seriously. What absolutely FLOORED me was that he now took the "angle" that now that the boy was out of the way that he and I could be together. Yeah, rriiiiiggghhhhhht. My work was done once that kyd landed safely in Albuquerque.

The last time I saw him was about 2 years later and he was with a 19 or 20 y/o girl with a new baybee. I felt so sorry for that girl as I knew the life that she had ahead of her, what with living with a con artist/criminal and all. Among other crimes he had committed, he had committed arson, fraud, identity theft, and various other type crimes with the motive being money, merchandise theft, theft of rental space/time, or insurance scams. I heard that in late 1998 he had perpetrated a slip-fall at a Walmart down in Florida in hopes of yet another settlement. Unfortunately for him they got his "fall" on tape, were able to connect him to several other prior "slip- falls" at walmarts in the region, and threatened him with legal action so he withdrew his suit. He got a surprise this time in that he actually did some permanent damage to his leg and will forever be disabled by it.

So, if even a goodlooking con artist with a pretty good game tries to dump a kyd on me and I can put his young ass on Delta and never look back, then I feel reasonably certain that I could send most any kyd packing, but since then I have just prevented the problem in the first place. I know in my heart that living with me would NOT be good for the kyd, so I suppose that's how I can get rid of them, ship them back and/or just say no with no apparent emotion, regret, or tears.
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