"Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 15, 2014 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,179 |
Re: "Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 15, 2014 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 922 |
Re: "Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 15, 2014 | Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 1,227 |
Re: "Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 15, 2014 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 2,212 |
If it's anything like it is here, removing a child isusually the LAST resort after all attempts at working with a family have failed, or they feel that a child is in immediate danger.
We get those sob stories here too. Of course, Moo never did anything wrong and the meanie head social workers have it in for her. Of course, people do make false/malicious reports - my ex partner's ex wife used to do it, but when they come round and see for themselves, they usually work out the real reports from the bullshit ones.
If anything they are so afraid of treading on parents rights here that kids are not removed soon enough. Back in my yoof work days I remember thinking, why the fuck does this moo/famblee still have their kids living with them, in some cases. I remember doing a home visit with one famblee where I was doing support work with the teenagers, and I was horrified - the "slightly messy house" was a bomb site, cats and dog allowed to go to the toilet anywhere and nobody bothered to clean up, moo chainsmoked with the loaves in the same room, overflowing ashtrays everywhere and it stunk to high heaven. I remember thinking why are those kids allowed to live in this, it wasn't fit for a pig pen. Moo had been ordered to clean up time and time again but she would make some attempt at it for the inspection and then back to square one as soon as they took their eyes off her. Moo didn't work, of course, so it's not like she had anything else to do, oh, except get drunk and get high all day.
These moos should put themselves in the position of the social workers for a day, seeing neglected and abused kids all day and knowing that they can't do a thing about it until it gets so bad the children are in actual danger.
Re: "Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 15, 2014 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,179 |
Re: "Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 15, 2014 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,372 |
Anonymous User
Re: "Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 16, 2014 |
Re: "Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 16, 2014 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 2,212 |
People who malign CPS caseworkers belong at the bottom of hell. I've known several personally and they work ungodly hours trying to help kids in the most wretched situations for like 30 grand a year. Many are CF and would fit right in here. One good friend of mine who was a former social worker says she wishes they would have issued her a Depo dart gun.
Re: "Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 16, 2014 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 1,608 |
People who malign CPS caseworkers belong at the bottom of hell. I've known several personally and they work ungodly hours trying to help kids in the most wretched situations for like 30 grand a year. Many are CF and would fit right in here. One good friend of mine who was a former social worker says she wishes they would have issued her a Depo dart gun.
I have noticed that many CPS caseworkers have no children. I can understand that. And I agree, they do a terrify job, that takes a lot out of any person. I read somewhere that the avarage CPS worker last between 5 to 15 years, and I can get it.
Also, most of scandals I have heard about CPS are about kids not been taken away, like kman said. Currently, the idea is that pwechus is always better with biomum and biodad, even if they rape and beat pwechus. Ugh.
Cambion, I have often noticed that behavior of breeders, it is VERY childish, don't you think? They are like toadlers or very small kids, that never never never admit a mistake. I once saw a toadler throwing a vase in the ground. It shattered. I asked him if he did it and he said no. He knew I had seen him but went on saying no. Had a tantrum about it, too.
Usually, this behaviour stop somewhere between 8 and 10. But with breeders seem to go on indefinitively.
Anonymous User
Re: "Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 17, 2014 |
Re: "Wah wah wah, CPS stole mah baybeez!" Anti-CPS lulz April 17, 2014 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,179 |