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In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...

Posted by Ann 

Between hispanics breeding like rabbits and the last of the baby boomers dying off, we're doomed.
oh yeah, i saw this coming a mile away and i think they are WAY off on their time line,

I herd a news cast in Tampa Bay Florida (when i lived near there 2 years ago) and they said that kids in kindergarden now, whites are the minority.

its simple math,

its the mexicans and the welfare trash who are breeding like cock roaches, they are taking over VERY quickly!! 10-15 yrs ago, i never saw a mexican, a teen moo, or a single moo, now they have taken over many many, once decent, cities by the millions, I have already started researching other countries to move to, the USA has become a total shit hole and its only getting worse VERY VERY FAST
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 14, 2008
We are doomed indeed. If this prediction is true, I'll be in my early 70s by then....hopefully I can find a nice cliff to drive off of.

Breeding like rabbits is right. I've never seen a demographic who puts more emphasis on having as many children as possible, and getting started on it at a very young age.
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 14, 2008
Yep. And we can thank GOOD OLD UNCLE SAM for that shit. If our fucking government wasn't so lax with it's immigration control and didn't hand out tax dollars like it was candy, I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE YOU that 99% of the "immigrants" would not find the USA so appealing.

Come here and live off the tax payers!!!!! It's the Immigrant Way!!!!!

Hubby and I got into a heated discussion last week at MusikFest about immigrants. Pair of fucking bleeding hearts said something stupid to hubby - out of the blue in the beer line - and he said something back. They come back with "Oh, your ancestors were given a chance when they immigrated here." To which I replied, "OUR ancestors came here to WORK - NOT to get on welfare, deal drugs, raise crime, and breed bastard babies. That shut their ass RIGHT up.
KidFreeLuvnLife said

Come here and live off the tax payers!!!!! It's the Immigrant Way!!!!!

Hubby and I got into a heated discussion last week at MusikFest about immigrants. Pair of fucking bleeding hearts said something stupid to hubby - out of the blue in the beer line - and he said something back. They come back with "Oh, your ancestors were given a chance when they immigrated here." To which I replied, "OUR ancestors came here to WORK - NOT to get on welfare, deal drugs, raise crime, and breed bastard babies. That shut their ass RIGHT up.

AMEN fucken men, i hate that tired old boring immigration BINGO
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 14, 2008
nokyds4me Wrote:
> oh yeah, i saw this coming a mile away and i
> think they are WAY off on their time line,
> I herd a news cast in Tampa Bay Florida (when i
> lived near there 2 years ago) and they said that
> kids in kindergarden now, whites are the
> minority.
> its simple math,
> its the mexicans and the welfare trash who are
> breeding like cock roaches, they are taking over
> VERY quickly!! 10-15 yrs ago, i never saw a
> mexican, a teen moo, or a single moo, now they
> have taken over many many, once decent, cities by
> the millions, I have already started researching
> other countries to move to, the USA has become a
> total shit hole and its only getting worse VERY

I am so glad I'll be outta here. If I'm not, I'll be a really old lady surrounded by filty predators. Yay.
"Hubby and I got into a heated discussion last week at MusikFest about immigrants. Pair of fucking bleeding hearts said something stupid to hubby - out of the blue in the beer line - and he said something back. They come back with "Oh, your ancestors were given a chance when they immigrated here." To which I replied, "OUR ancestors came here to WORK - NOT to get on welfare, deal drugs, raise crime, and breed bastard babies. That shut their ass RIGHT up."

Give hubby a handshake from me, willya? He sure gets it!

Forgive me if this sounds overly nativist...but I think we need a 10-year moratorium on immigration. Just take a decade off, clean out the deadwood and put some actual security in place, and generally get our s**t together. There'll still be plenty of would-be Americans when the gates open up again.
I'll be 80, if I live that long. I'm scared...somebody hold me sad smiley
In the UK, immigration gone bad to worse. When EU formed, it was meant to be Common Market and free trade and then it gone all political.

Since the 3rd world countries joined the EU. All of the poor countries migrate to Britan. Compare to the 3rd world country on the map UK is a little Island. This was a debate and most of the people and I knew this was going to happen before this poor country join the EU, but the government did nothing about it. Now the Polish is taking over business and Russian is taking over trade. Just like you Americans. Britain is doomed with all the benefits and sponge of the taxpayers money.
Gigabyte Wrote:
> In the UK, immigration gone bad to worse. When EU
> formed, it was meant to be Common Market and free
> trade and then it gone all political.
> Since the 3rd world countries joined the EU. All
> of the poor countries migrate to Britan. Compare
> to the 3rd world country on the map UK is a little
> Island. This was a debate and most of the people
> and I knew this was going to happen before this
> poor country join the EU, but the government did
> nothing about it. Now the Polish is taking over
> business and Russian is taking over trade. Just
> like you Americans. Britain is doomed with all the
> benefits and sponge of the taxpayers money.

You have no idea... I don't know if I would be as worried about the Polish or the Russians, it is your resident third world izzylammies I would be worried about. I've seen some of the polls done on their point of view and I think I would be quite concerned about their attitude.
Of course, we have the same thing over here: after 9/11 all muslim immigration should have been halted cold; not even famblee members allowed in until all could be sorted out. You don't see that happening...
And if these diaperheads EVER get the upperhand you can kiss being child-free good-bye.
"Hubby and I got into a heated discussion last week at MusikFest about immigrants. Pair of fucking bleeding hearts said something stupid to hubby - out of the blue in the beer line - and he said something back. They come back with "Oh, your ancestors were given a chance when they immigrated here." To which I replied, "OUR ancestors came here to WORK - NOT to get on welfare, deal drugs, raise crime, and breed bastard babies. That shut their ass RIGHT up."

You get a high five from me! I too am sick of the immigration bingo-yes, my ancestors came to this country, but it was to better themselves through hard work, not to sponge off the government dole. My parents and I had a discussion about this not long ago-they live in southeast Texas, where not only do they have to deal with illegals, they have to deal with the people displaced by Hurricane Katrina three years ago, who have continued to live off the dole after the state of Texas so generously gave them shelter after the storm. My 'rents and I agree we aren't racist, but we are classist-we don't work hard for our money only to have it go to people who are too lazy to get up off their fat, baby-shitting asses and make an honest buck for themselves. Unfortunately it seems Uncle Sam has those like us by the short and curlies-is it any wonder I've given serious thought to moving to Canada or Europe?
ann said

"I've given serious thought to moving to Canada or Europe?

I have been checking out different countries for a few years, and i have made up my mind to leave this shit hole USA, I have to stay until i have a few less pets, but after they pass away, im gone.

this country has become a total joke, its pathetic

my CF sister is checking into Canada
I am betting that the Native Americans wished their ancestors had shot each and every "immigrant" through the heart with a poison arrow the minute the disembarked, right about now. Instead, they allowed them onto THEIR land, taught them how to live and fluorish, learned their language, and breeded with them. Now they have to scratch and beg to reclaim every little piece of land and benefit they can get and are largely discriminated against. The same thing is going to happen to us in the near future. One day we will have to all know Spanish, we will all be in the minority and will be working FOR the Mexicans, and they will destroy our country, much like they have their own.

It's like when you are a kid and your classmate wants YOUR new shiny box of crayons, which actually only look new because you took really good care of them. His, on the other hand, are all broken and germy and the box is falling apart. You give him yours and within a WEEK, those same well cared for crayons look just like the box he had last week, a pile of shit. That's what is happening to our country. They want all of our nice clean middle class neighborhoods with the well manicured lawns and well maintained houses. We give it to them and a little extra, in the form of welfare.

Inside of a few short years it's a crime ridden area with broken fences, weeds growing up through the cracks in the sidewalks, grass a foot high, broken windows and peeling paint, 3-4 famblees living in single family dwellings, and completely worthless. That's where we are heading. I think they need to be turned back just short of the border and shot on sight if they persist onto American soil. The space in between where they were warned and where they were shot can be their new group cemetary. Maybe then they will get the point and keep their asses at home.
The above post is mine, I don't know how the "posted by" letters got all scrambled like that!
But kidlesskim that makes us racist!! (joking)

how dare we want our country back?
XHtMH Wrote:
> I am betting that the Native Americans wished
> their ancestors had shot each and every
> "immigrant" through the heart with a poison arrow
> the minute the disembarked, right about now.
> Instead, they allowed them onto THEIR land, taught
> them how to live and fluorish, learned their
> language, and breeded with them. Now they have to
> scratch and beg to reclaim every little piece of
> land and benefit they can get and are largely
> discriminated against. The same thing is going to
> happen to us in the near future. One day we will
> have to all know Spanish, we will all be in the
> minority and will be working FOR the Mexicans, and
> they will destroy our country, much like they have
> their own.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
I do not want to hear more of how the dear illegals take jobs Americans refuse. Most Americans would take the work the illegals do if the wage was decent rather than $3 hour pay. Everything is become lesser so those who refuse to learn English can understand. I do not want to continue to see jobs asking for bilingual workers. This is the United States not Mexico! I am glad to say I will be dead by the time it is expected in 2042 for Mexicans to be the majority and us whiteys the minority. I do agree with the ^ post of how Mexicans will ruin this country as they have their own. They're already doing it!
two cents ΒΆΒΆ Wrote:

> You have no idea... I don't know if I would be as
> worried about the Polish or the Russians, it is
> your resident third world izzylammies I would be
> worried about. I've seen some of the polls done on
> their point of view and I think I would be quite
> concerned about their attitude.
> Of course, we have the same thing over here: after
> 9/11 all muslim immigration should have been
> halted cold; not even famblee members allowed in
> until all could be sorted out. You don't see that
> happening...
> And if these diaperheads EVER get the upperhand
> you can kiss being child-free good-bye.

You're right 2-cents. Ever since after 9/11 our UK government bend-over-backwards to cater the izzylamms. I have got muslim friends and they say that the extreme muslims are the problem, the extreme one want the UK run as Sharia law or some Saudi policy like that. And yes they will be no more Childfree anymore because under Saudi Sharia law - CF people will be executed in the football stadium or force us to breed into poverty just like the breeder moos.
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 14, 2008
I am a white male with light color hair, light color eyes. I am sick and tired of being hated by "people of color". I could care less what color a person is, I just can no longer hear words like "minority". No one, I mean no one, should have ANY privileges based on the color of their skin or their origin.

What we have here today is a true, uncontested discrimination of caucasian people of the European descent. We have no legal system in place to challenge it.

I could care less what color who is, but can we have an America that is a decent country once again? Can we all be Americans rather than a Something-American? Why the hell do we need anyone here who does not want to make America better but instead wants to destroy it?

Welfare must be stopped for all, no exceptions. Anchor babies are a big problem and our constitution is being violated with that. If there is too many of us here, it is going to be a disaster, does not matter what color we are or what race mix we become. We are all going to be bleeding and hurting the same way.
My husband and me have been eye-balling a US Territory Island to move to when our parents pass. God forgive me, but as much of a United States Patriot as I am, for the first time in my life, I am considering living elsewhere.

We cannot continue to pay for the laziness of others. We work hard, we work overtime, we pay out the ass for what? Others? Others' laziness? To mooch off of my sweat? It's getting so hard financially to support everyone else who comes here...I don't know.

But why does everybody come here? Why the United States? Why do they ALL come here and then bash us? It's only going to get worse...
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 15, 2008
Thank youThank youThank youThank youThank you

Thumbs up to this entire thread. I don't have anything to add because it's all been said already.
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 15, 2008
I am SO fucking SICK of this immigration and having the threat of having to learn Spanish at some point! English is the national language and if these assholes don't want to learn English,then they need to go back to their own fucking countries.

I have heard that there is movement about to abolish the "anchor baby" idea. Great! If they realise that their kids have to earn citizenship just like every other immigrant here, that will be one less incentive for these people to sneak in instead of coming here legally.

This country is so screwed up that DW and I are moving to Canada ASAP. Both of us are getting sick and tired of what this country is becoming. They have their own troubles but we plan to eventually settle in the more rural part of Nova Scotia or Newfoundland.

I had to hear about "people of colour" shite from my ex- girlfriend, who is Italian-Mexican (her family has been in California a couple of centuries and she claims they were once Spanish grandees. Once she made fun of my birth family, who originated in the South and I countered with "Yeah, well, so far as I am aware, they never enslaved anyone. How many Indians did YOUR family enslave?" I never got an answer, but it taught her to shut up about my family). I was supposed to repent for the fact that, until recently, there were few sources for make-up for "women of colour" (Fashion Fair has very nice line that has been available for a good thirty years now, but I guess make-up for black women is below her). Jeezus Kee-rist! Why the HELL is it my fault that "women of colour" have not been able until now to find make-up specific to their group? One of my dear friends is very light-complexioned and has problems finding make-up to match it. Did she whine and complain? Hell, no! She went out and found make-up from Sheseido, which DOES carry the make-up that she needs. But I guess that if you are a"woman of colour", you are permitted to bitch and whine.

It is nothing short of tragic that Mexicans will be the mahority in this country by the middle of this century. I'm willing to bet that they will manage to fuck up the US the way that they've fucked up their own.

Instead of giving illegal aliens repeated amnesties, the government needs build a barrier capable of keeping them out, ship everyone they can find who is illegal, and put unrelenting pressure on contries like Mexico to improve life for their own people. But hell, that would be too ha-a-a-a-ard!

I got slammed on another CF board for being "racist" for my comments on illegal immigration there, but it is a fact that when minorities move into a community, more likely than not, property values take a dive because they are unwilling or unable to maintain their homes and yards.

The USA is definitely going Third World. I am not the most patriotic American in history, but it's sad to see what America has become.
As a non-American, this is my opinion on the alien problem in the States:

You guys seriously need to take leaf out of my country's book.

We also have a problem with illegal overstayers in New Zealand, though not to the same horrific extent as in the States (being an island nation, people can't just walk over the border, so that is a huge help in keeping the numbers down. We're lucky).

It used to be the case that if a child was born in NZ, then it automatically became a NZ citizen.

We have huge numbers of Asian students in NZ who come to study English, but because they're foreign, they have to pay out the arse for the privilege. However several years ago it came to light that large numbers of Koreans and Chinese were flying into the country when they were around 6 or 7 months pregnant, giving birth in NZ and thus getting their child automatic citizenship, then flying back to their homelands. They were doing this because as a NZ citizen, their child would be entitled to free education in NZ. So then when their child became old enough for school, they would move back to NZ so their kid could essentially study English for free.

Once the government cottoned onto this, they changed the rules. Now, a child born in NZ is only given NZ citizenship if at least one of its parents is either a citizen or a permanent resident. If not, no citizenship for Bratleigh.

I think America would benefit from the same policy. No, it wouldn't solve all the issues, but it would help the anchor baby problem.

Furthermore I believe that the US should take stop paying out welfare moos funds for a while and use that money to build some decent border protection. I recommend a 20-foot high, 10-foot wide reinforced steel wall on the border, covered in razor wire, surrounded by land mines, and guarded by armed soldiers who have orders to shoot on sight. Also hiring however many thousands more immigration officers needed to do the job of hunting down and sending back all illegal aliens.

Just my foreign opinion winking smiley
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 15, 2008
MerlynHerne Wrote:
> This country is so screwed up that DW and I are
> moving to Canada ASAP.

Good luck! We do have our problems, like having to pay for breeders, but we don't have that "illegals" problem.

(Although the second language in BC isn't French, it's Mandarin. I'd love to move to Vancouver, but I ain't learnin' no frakking Mandarin, dammit!)
Arctic_Fox...will you marry me?! blushing
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