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In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...

Posted by Ann 
MerlynHerne Wrote:

> I got slammed on another CF board for being
> "racist" for my comments on illegal immigration
> there, but it is a fact that when minorities move
> into a community, more likely than not, property
> values take a dive because they are unwilling or
> unable to maintain their homes and yards.

I've been slammed for the same thing! Funny thing is one woman on Childfree and Happy, one I moderated on MSN, never lived where illegals would rent and did not have to see the filth & chaos on a daily basis. Many Spanish people whose families had been here for generations and assimilated are also tired of the same garbage. It also happened here where a couple of women said they loved chatting with the illegals from Mexico because they were so "nice". Again, they never had to live amongst them.
> The USA is definitely going Third World. I am not
> the most patriotic American in history, but it's
> sad to see what America has become.

I do feel sadness for America.
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 16, 2008
Medusa Wrote:
> MerlynHerne Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This country is so screwed up that DW and I are
> > moving to Canada ASAP.
> Good luck! We do have our problems, like having to
> pay for breeders, but we don't have that
> "illegals" problem.
> (Although the second language in BC isn't French,
> it's Mandarin. I'd love to move to Vancouver, but
> I ain't learnin' no frakking Mandarin, dammit!)

I read somewhere that the Canadian healthcare system will pay for IVF and fertility treatments for moos up to age 45. Is that true?
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 16, 2008
Well perhaps one way of looking at it is that America will have LOTS of low-class gas-pump attendants and ditch-diggers in 25 years time.

Remember that regardless of your colour or race or background, where you end up on the economic ladder is up to you. It's a competition. Be great at whatever you love to do for a living, educate yourself, never stop learning, use your imagination, create opportunities for yourself and be fearless -- and it'll be YOU at the top of the heap above all the good-for-nothings.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
> I read somewhere that the Canadian healthcare
> system will pay for IVF and fertility treatments
> for moos up to age 45. Is that true?

Partly true. It depends on the situation and the province. My health insurance through work covers a certain amount of "infertility treatments", so it's not entirely covered by Manitoba's government, at least.
DH's side of the family are a bunch of illegal mexican lubin' idjits.

They're all limousine liberal. One side not as rich as the other, but both sides don't and have never had to live in the general population amongst the illegals.

The side that's not super rich goes down to meheeeco to "help the turdwerlders" the side that is super rich gives away millions of dollars to the illegal fucks in the form of charity, and of course they all have illegal mexicans helping in their house, none of them speak english either and they all think that's just so quaint.

When Ron Paul was formally running, we wore our Ron Paul shirts and that caused quite a stir (Ron Paul's policy was no welfare for illegals or anchors and a boot to the ass out of our country).

My generations old mexican family neighbors (legal citizens) where we used to live used to come over all the time to bitch and complain about the "trashy illiterate people from mexico" and how they wish they'd go back home. Those old neighbors of mine were the only people I knew at the time that I could be just as honest as I wanted to be about how I felt about the "beaners." lol. They called 'em that too! lol.
Among my own invented terms is "refried-beanheads".
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 16, 2008
:sw CFTeen!
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 16, 2008
nowhiggers Wrote:
> DH's side of the family are a bunch of illegal
> mexican lubin' idjits.
> They're all limousine liberal. One side not as
> rich as the other, but both sides don't and have
> never had to live in the general population
> amongst the illegals.
> The side that's not super rich goes down to
> meheeeco to "help the turdwerlders" the side that
> is super rich gives away millions of dollars to
> the illegal fucks in the form of charity, and of
> course they all have illegal mexicans helping in
> their house, none of them speak english either and
> they all think that's just so quaint.
> When Ron Paul was formally running, we wore our
> Ron Paul shirts and that caused quite a stir (Ron
> Paul's policy was no welfare for illegals or
> anchors and a boot to the ass out of our
> country).
> My generations old mexican family neighbors (legal
> citizens) where we used to live used to come over
> all the time to bitch and complain about the
> "trashy illiterate people from mexico" and how
> they wish they'd go back home. Those old neighbors
> of mine were the only people I knew at the time
> that I could be just as honest as I wanted to be
> about how I felt about the "beaners." lol. They
> called 'em that too! lol.

Ya know, nowhiggers, I had a similar experience when living in SF. All the Hispanics I knew who were legal immigrants really hated the illegals and thought them dirty, trashy, and nasty. Trust me, they would have LOVED to throw the beaners' ass back over the border
(Oh, how wonderful I don't have to play PC on this like I have on my former CF board!).
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 16, 2008
It's funny you mentioned not having to be "PC". On another forum once I was going off in a rant about all of these whores on welfare in my area and some do-gooder said she was disappointed I was so "racist". Since my pic was my avatar she had ASSUMED I was talking about black people. I busted a gut laughing and then promptly told her that I was referring to WHITE TRASH, not black people. I have only seen about 10 or 15 black people since I moved to this rural area of Kentucky, so when I refer to the welfare whores, I am ALWAYS speaking of my own kind, race wise that is.bouncing and laughing

I couldn't help but make an aside to her that SHE must be the racist one to automatically assume I could only possibly be talking about black people. hitting over the head with a hammer Let's face it. Welfare whores come in all shapes and colors, they just seem to congregate in packs in certain area. So, depending on your area they could be predominantly white trash, black, or Hispanic. Although, I don't recall ever having seen any Asian welfare whores, or Jewish ones. It must have to do with pride in their heritage or something and the fact that they don't breed like there is no tomorrow, I really don't know.confused smiley
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 16, 2008
Acme Wrote:
> > I read somewhere that the Canadian healthcare
> > system will pay for IVF and fertility
> treatments
> > for moos up to age 45. Is that true?
> Partly true. It depends on the situation and the
> province. My health insurance through work covers
> a certain amount of "infertility treatments", so
> it's not entirely covered by Manitoba's
> government, at least.

There's this fucking bitch who married a rich wallet trying to get that going here (Quebec). She and her gang are all pissed off because the gubmint pays for abortions but not for IVF. Hmm, hello? Avoiding one more drain on the taxpayers' money vs. adding one or, very likely, more? Screw you!
Oh I don't worry too much about being PC, especially when the people down in Mexico worry less than I do about that stuff, lol:

Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 17, 2008
Now that is pretty damned racist, nowhiggers. It's OK for them to do it, but not for us? I don't think so!

I used to read Reclaiming Quarterly which is a magazine put out by Starhawk's coven in SF, but after they had this big sob story on the poor beaners in TX as an excuse to work magick and protest against the effort to stem illegal immigration, Starhawk and her bitches can just kiss my wide Wiccan ass!

BTW, can anyone explain why it is OK for minorities to be racist but not OK for whites? I don't think it's OK for anyone to be that way, but I notice that some minorities put whites to shame when it comes to prejudice.
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 17, 2008
nowhiggers Wrote:
> Oh I don't worry too much about being PC,
> especially when the people down in Mexico worry
> less than I do about that stuff, lol:
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8410111/

OMG!!! I can not believe the Mexican government allowed that stamp. That shit would NEVER fly in The US. Aunt Jemima syrup even had to get a new look, no more black jockeys sold as lawn ornaments, and does anyone remember Sambo's restaurants? They had better food than I-HOP, but were forced out of business in my area YEARS ago because of their name and their motif'. I wouldn't be surprised is the ACLU boycotted any parcels with those stamps from coming into The US.
MerlynHerne Wrote:
> :sw CFTeen!

Glad ya like. Actually, it's even funnier when in context:

(to the tune of "Three Blind Mice")

See how they run,
From the INS,
They sneak past the guys doing border patrol,
And we pay for their lives oh boy does that gets old,
I'm sick of our taxes all going to pay for those
"BTW, can anyone explain why it is OK for minorities to be racist but not OK for whites? I don't think it's OK for anyone to be that way, but I notice that some minorities put whites to shame when it comes to prejudice."

THANK YOU! I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices this. Growing up a white woman in Texas, I came face to face with this all the time. Now, I'm not racist, but it always amazed me how blacks and Mexicans in that state could say whatever they wanted, either about each other or about whites, and get away with it. For the record, my ancestors didn't exactly have it easy when they came over here-"No work for Irish", anyone?

And yes, I agree that the Mexican gov. had a lot of balls for issuing that stamp-almost as much as it takes for them to send their people over here to rob the US blind, be it by taking jobs or welfare.
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 17, 2008
If I had my way, I would revoke all citizenship for anchor babies born in 1986 (Reagan's amnesty) and later. Anyone who says that this policy is "racist" will get sent to Meheeco permanently; this includes the likes of Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barack Obama, John McCain and Nancy Pelosi.

Nowhiggers, I was interested in Ron Paul because of the illegal alien and welfare issues, too. It's too bad there is no way he can defeat Juan McCain and Osama Obama.

The oldest anchor babies are old enough to vote. angry smiley

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
"BTW, can anyone explain why it is OK for minorities to be racist but not OK for whites? I don't think it's OK for anyone to be that way, but I notice that some minorities put whites to shame when it comes to prejudice."

No kidding...growing up in Texas I witnessed this all the time. I'm not racist, and I believe racism is wrong (classism is another matter). It always amazed me how racist the black and Hispanic populations were to each other, and to white people. Especially when you consider that most whites' ancestors, including mine, didn't exactly have it easy when they first came to America-"No work for Irish", anyone?

The Mexican gov. has some balls for putting out those stamps-but then again, this is the same gov. that basically tells its' citizens to border-jump and take jobs and social services from Americans.
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 17, 2008
When someone actually tries to crack down on illegals, the invaders and advocates claim that it breaks up families.

(This is long, with comments at the end) http://www.northcountytimes.com/articles/2008/08/17/news/californian/lake_elsinore/z707467cfb3f2ba85882574a5007235bd.txt

If the illegals and all their anchor babies go back to where they come from, the families will stay intact. They can take the home-grown parasites (who act like Turd Worlders) with them.

Yes, I would love to get rid of anyone who makes a career of collecting welfare, both legal and illegal.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
"When asked, all of the men said they were undocumented immigrants."

And enough of that bullshit argument that says these bastards are only taking $3 per hour jobs picking fruit that no American will take-these bastards mentioned in the article freely admit they easily clear between $7-10 per hour! Guess what-as a pastry cook/cake decorator I make $10 per hour. Granted I'm pretty fresh out of school, but it's bullshit that I pay taxes on my same wages as these fuckers and because they're undocumented, not only can they dodge taxes, they cry 'racism' when it's convinient and feel free to milk the system for all they can get. angry flipping off
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 17, 2008
Let's not forget that they, LEGALLY but as ILLEGALS, wire hundreds of thousands of dollars back home. It's difficult to even get a decent offshore account anymore, so how is it "ok" for these bastards to send ILLEGALLY made money LEGALLY back home? Then, they leave wives and kids galore at "home", and hook up with white trash over here and breed with them and further burden OUR welfare system with their half breeds. They use fake ID and SSN's, so they are in no way accountable or traceable as far as income taxes, debts they rack up, OR any crimes they may commit, NOR can they be garnished for child support because for all intents and purposes, they don't exist.

Let an American man try that shit by up and leaving, changing his identity with fake ID, and leave behind a moo with calves. His face will be plastered all over America's Most Wanted and hunted down like a worse criminal than he is rather than just blending into the crowd and raking in tax free money like these freeloading illegals do. The whole mess makes me sick. They need to be rounded up and ALL of their spawn located, and then ship them, their white trash woman and ALL of the half breeds back home. THAT WAY no famblees will be "split up".

That won't fly though because the Mexican government wouldn't put up with that shit for a second. UNLIKE America, they would put the whores in prison for being there illegally. Having a baby in THEIR country, if you are illegal, only makes you AND the kid a criminal and the baby daddy guilty of harboring.
Ann Wrote:
> "When asked, all of the men said they were
> undocumented immigrants."
> And enough of that bullshit argument that says
> these bastards are only taking $3 per hour jobs
> picking fruit that no American will take-these
> bastards mentioned in the article freely admit
> they easily clear between $7-10 per hour! Guess
> what-as a pastry cook/cake decorator I make $10
> per hour. Granted I'm pretty fresh out of school,
> but it's bullshit that I pay taxes on my same
> wages as these fuckers and because they're
> undocumented, not only can they dodge taxes, they
> cry 'racism' when it's convinient and feel free to
> milk the system for all they can get. angry flipping off

Good point. I read of some illegals going back home when the forclosure crisis was high: meaning no jobs for these jerks. One jerk admitted how he made $50,000 a year for a company transporting auto and machinery parts. He whined how he lost that job and was now struggling at $7 an hour. As if I or any other American is to feel sorry for this person! You know, I would LOVE to have earned $50,000usd when I was working. That would have been a boon for me to earn that much $ for a job such as transporting parts for a company in a truck. I struggled at one time to make $300 a week as a messenger. Messengers are independent contractors so if business was slow, I could earn as little as $25 in a day. Sounds like *I* made the wages of an illegal! With this illegal problem in the States, I never met so many Mexicans with entitlement attitudes and very racist toward the people in the country where they want to take.
Re: In case you need further proof the USA is going third world...
August 18, 2008
Good point. I read of some illegals going back home when the forclosure crisis was high: meaning no jobs for these jerks. One jerk admitted how he made $50,000 a year for a company transporting auto and machinery parts. He whined how he lost that job and was now struggling at $7 an hour. As if I or any other American is to feel sorry for this person! You know, I would LOVE to have earned $50,000usd when I was working. That would have been a boon for me to earn that much $ for a job such as transporting parts for a company in a truck. I struggled at one time to make $300 a week as a messenger. Messengers are independent contractors so if business was slow, I could earn as little as $25 in a day. Sounds like *I* made the wages of an illegal! With this illegal problem in the States, I never met so many Mexicans with entitlement attitudes and very racist toward the people in the country where they want to take.

Hear, hear, Krishna! What is it with the entitlement attitude from assholes who are here illegally? This also proves that minorities can be as racist (if not moreso) than those they accuse of being racist. And an illegal immegrant pulling 50K and who is now complaining he has to struggle on $7.00 an hour?! It looks as if, more and more, those who are here legally are getting screwed!
Don't forget that these hispanic dicks are dragging home all sorts of STD's back to their turd world loaf-machines.
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