Another Idiot Beefing Ad Defended by Idiot Moo
May 09, 2014
This is ridiculous. So tired of these moobitches thinking they should be able to just whip it out. I would ask what happened to moos who could at least put a damn nursing blanket over the loaf, but I already know the answer.

Moo Lowing About Beefing
Re: Another Idiot Beefing Ad Defended by Idiot Moo
May 09, 2014
From the article...

"Whether I was a too young or not, what does it matter what age I am? Teen moms breastfeed, too. I'm 21, so yeah I'm pretty young, and younger mothers are less likely to breastfeed. So hopefully it will encourage younger mothers to breastfeed, breastfeed in public and to not be ashamed to do any of it."


In 2014, teen moms and basically anyone under the age of 21 who has a child is a total fucking loser. Yes, you read that correctly.

99% of the time they have absolutely nothing positive going on in their life, aren't in college, aren't working at any serious job, aren't interested in a career, aren't interested in starting a business, aren't interested in investing for their future, and aren't making any kind of a positive impact on their community.

They shouldn't be ashamed for breastfeeding in public, but they should be ashamed for being total fucking losers. And to paraphrase a quote from one of our esteemed board members, they aren't losers for having a kid. They had the kid because they are losers.
Re: Another Idiot Beefing Ad Defended by Idiot Moo
May 09, 2014
That girl in the top photo looks like she is 12 years old. WTF?
Re: Another Idiot Beefing Ad Defended by Idiot Moo
May 09, 2014
You have to wonder why these people cannot grasp the concept of time management.

Why do they have to beef the loaves IN PUBLIC all the time? Can't you do that at home? Don't they keep the kid on a feeding schedule?

Everyone ELSE seems to be able to time manage and work a schedule - I don't understand why they can't.

And then they whine that everything is SO HARD! Well - YOU could make it easier for yourself.

Time Management. Look into it.

smile rolling left righteyes2
..........................What if the moo is under 18? Would I be arrested for seeing it when she whipped 'em out? Could I end up on the sex offender's registry? What if I was taking a picture and I catch an under-age beefing udder in the background? What if I shared that pic on Facebook? Would I be accused of shilling child pornography?

See, it's questions like this that people need to be asking!
Re: Another Idiot Beefing Ad Defended by Idiot Moo
May 09, 2014
Can the CF males of the world take a stand and start whipping out their wieners and pee in public? If moos insist that they can expose sexual organs so that their "bayyyybee doesn't starve", men should be allowed to relieve themselves as they please. How disrespectful we are, as women, to chastise men for heeding nature's call when they can wait for a more appropriate time or go to a more appropriate place to do it. drinking coffee
Re: Another Idiot Beefing Ad Defended by Idiot Moo
May 10, 2014
How many of these tit floppers would go bat-shit crazy if duh had to take daughter-loaf into the men's room and psnuflake saw a penis- even if it was being used for its "natural purpose?"
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