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Moo's sis has "normal" kid, and moo thinks her parenting style is "horrible"

Posted by kidlesskim 
"My sis did CIO (Cry It Out) with my niece and had her on a very, very strict schedule. As a result of that + her personality, my niece was completely "used to" being in her crib alone. Since she was months old, my sis would just lay her down in there and she went to sleep. And she stayed there all night as long as they kept her on schedule during the day. Every night. Since about 3 weeks. And when I say all night - I mean all night. 12 hours - not just 6. At first she would cry for a little while, but because they didn't go get her, she would eventually go back to sleep. And since she wasn't "used to" having her cries answered, eventually she stopped crying and just went back to sleep if she woke up without a fuss.

I think it's horrible. I think the ONLY way babies learn to trust is by having you tend to their needs. On demand. The main way they relay those needs is through crying. Most nights when I'm cuddling and singing Dominic to sleep, I feel sad for anyone who would miss this important bonding. However, I will admit, there are times (more and more frequently now that I am pg again ) when I would LOVE - L. O. V. E. - LOVE to just be able to put Dominic in a crib and have him go to sleep. On his own. And then I could just go to bed. And since he is waking up still every 2-3 hours at 20 months, I cannot tell you what I would give to have him sleep through the night by the time the new baby comes.

Anyway, my sis swears by CIO and schedules. And since my baby is still a "terrible sleeper" it's further "proof" to her that she did the right thing."

eye rolling smiley"Dominic", at nearly TWO YEARS OLD, is still wailing all night because she races in his room and plops out her tit EVERY TWO HOURS, "ON DEMAND"! Her sister, on the other hand, has a "normal" kid who sleeps through the night. The BAYBEEEEE doesn't need to "learn trust" by being picked up every time it makes a peep, he needs to learn DISCIPLINE and how to get a good night's sleep. There is the proof, right in front of her own eyes, yet she thinks it's "horrible" that sis makes HER kid stay in the damned bed. What an IDIOT. These moomies here are a subgroup of AP (attachment parenting) " Gentle Christian Mothers" who don't "believe" in punitive damages for bad behavior. I hope they get a judge with the same beliefs when "Dominic" is charged with a felony crime when he's 240 months old.tongue sticking out smiley
Speaking as my dear mom's 492-month-old child, grinning smiley I am grateful she didn't smother me with this AP nonsense. I sense much envy in this woman's post, which is why she has to label her sister's sensible behavior as "horrible". Another get-a-life mom.
Yes it must be 'horrible' for Moo Number One who doesn't have to suh-suh-suffer like Moo Number Two.

I had a hilarious glimpse of Moocow Psychosis when my ex-colleague (a really quite cool and funky little 30-something who loves cats) was going through her preg-stinky. She said: "It was weird -- when I was three, four, five months pregnant and I thought about all those hungry people in Africa, I would burst into tears at the thought that some of those pregnant African girls didn't have enough to eat. It must have been all those hormones making me mentally disturbed."

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Like many things, AP probably gets perverted way out of proportion from its original intent by people like this woman who can't keep things in perspective. AP is really supposed to be about the child's needs (not that I care about those either), but these breeder-moos make it all about THEIR hang-ups, which they then pass on to the very children they are supposedly trying NOT to "traumatize".
This "attachment parenting" is bullshit and those moos who cotton to it are IDIOTS. Babies need to learn that the whole fucking universe does NOT revolve around them and letting them CIO is the fastest path to that end, IMO. These AP moos deserve all the hassle they get for being so damned stupid.
kidlesskim Wrote:
> I hope they get a judge with the same
> beliefs when "Dominic" is charged with a felony
> crime when he's 240 months old.tongue sticking out smiley

bouncing and laughing
It strikes me that Moomy may be jealous of Sis because Sis is getting a good night's sleep and doesn't hae to cater to the baybee half the night. Get a clue, idiot: the bayyybeee CAN be trained to sleep through the night. CIO works--try it.
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