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CF Moment of Bliss

Posted by clematis 
CF Moment of Bliss
August 16, 2008
Last night my hubs and I had an evening that really made me realize how lucky we are to be CF.

He had brought home some shrimp on sale (woo!) So I defrosted it and served it on a bed of ice with 2 li'l dishes of cocktail sauce. There was also a plate of cold chicken from last night's chicken dinner. This was our simple meal (we eat light in the summer).

We ate it out on the grapevine-covered patio on a lovely August late afternoon, and if there's anything more luxurious than eating delectable shrimp one by one, with one's sweetie, with sips of beer, then I don't know what it is. I was thinking, "gosh, there's no kid here to tip over the cocktail sauce or shovel it into his mouth...to put their grubby hands all over the fresh shrimp...to take 45 shrimps, touch each one, and then declare they don't like it so it's wasted..."

Then we spent the rest of the evening pursuing separate computer stuff, peacefully tootling away on his laptop and my Mac with occasional smooch breaks. Man alive, it was such a lovely and peaceful evening, and it sure made me count my blessings. So here is a thread for other Bratfree folks to share their quotidian CF highlights if they like. smiling smiley
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 16, 2008
I love those kinds of days and nights too clematis! I don't appreciate them NEARLY as much though until we come home from visiting either of our sisters with the 2 kids each ages 3/5 and 7/9. They "Aunt kim" and 'Uncle Mike" us to death, which is only overshadowed my the grandmoos insisting they show us this or that, or perform the same boring stunt, like standing on their fucking heads, or reciting bible verses, over and over and over and over.sleeping Then there's the DVD's of everything we could have remotely "missed" that they have done; Karate lessons, picking up a cat or dog in the middle of it's stomach and walking around, dancing in mommy's dress up clothes, pissing on a cherio in the "big boy" toilet, etc......

Then there's the nervousness in the air which is caused by grandmoos jumping up and down like Mexican jumping beans for every little thing the entire time and gasping while they do it. Then we have spilled drinks, outburts, screaming, yelling, playing, falling off the swing set and bloody knees which invariably causes a panic with the grandmoos, interrupted conversations, getting brutally awakened by boisterous laughter.... etc... We are so glad to get home and hear silence, that cleaning up the mess the cats made is actually like a mini vacation.
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 16, 2008
I know that after visiting my in-laws and having to put up with skank moo SIL and brat, I am thankful beyond words that DW and I do not have to put up with the whining and just general messiness of chyldren. We can snuggle and smooch with no brat screaming "Mummmmmmy!" every five minutes. We can take a walk under the stars in peace. We can take a drive in a car that is not stuffed with kindercrap nor is it stained with doG-knows-what spilled by some shitling. Every day I count my blessings and thank the Fates that I am CHILDFREE!
Anonymous User
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 17, 2008
i love how the breeders talk about when they where in their 20's when they had no kids but now they are so busy. well we are going to live like we are in our 20's forever..
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 18, 2008
Ya know, this made me think...lets post our favorite chill out no kyds activities!

Me? I've got a beautiful porch so covered in house plants, it's almost like being in the jungle. I love to sit out there with my cats, some candles lit, with a bottle of wine, looking up at the stars and listening to the radio. This past week I've spent with my chair turned the other way so I can watch the olympics through the patio door, but when that's over...it's back to the stars!

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 18, 2008
OMG! I think about that fact ALL THE TIME. It's like time stands still for us CF'ers!!! Yes, we are busy but it's with stuff WE want to do, we're not being lead around by the nose by kids and their schedules and activities.

On the weekends, we fall asleep knowing we can wake up whenever we want to and without getting woken up during the night.

For us it's 'DO WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT.' Outside of having to work, we get to do just that, 100% of the time!!!!!

Sucks to be a breeder!!!!!!!!!!!!

roger Wrote:
> i love how the breeders talk about when they where
> in their 20's when they had no kids but now they
> are so busy. well we are going to live like we are
> in our 20's forever..
Anonymous User
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 18, 2008
And if you can do that and other stuff in front of the breeders, all the better.
We have had enough quotes from some of the 'poor me' breeder sites that this sort of freedom does not go unnoticed. The 'crab in the bucket' mentality reigns supreme.
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 18, 2008
I had a great one at Target today (side note-tommorow can't come fast enough, that's when the little screechdemons go back to school in my area). Hubs and I have been on the hunt for MarioKart for over a month now. There was one copy left, which I promptly snatched up. No sooner had the store employee pulled it out of the locked case for me when a he-brat starts pitching a fit-HE wanted that game! MAKE that lady give it to ME! All mooomy could do was stand there and take it as I merrily whipped out the credit card to pay for MY game. How great is it to be able to buy a video game for yourself and your s.o. to enjoy, knowing you don't have to share it with some little cretin? Pretty damn sweet if I do say so myself grinning smiley
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 18, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> I love those kinds of days and nights too
> clematis! I don't appreciate them NEARLY as much
> though until we come home from visiting either of
> our sisters with the 2 kids each ages 3/5 and 7/9.
> They "Aunt kim" and 'Uncle Mike" us to death,
> which is only overshadowed my the grandmoos
> insisting they show us this or that, or perform
> the same boring stunt, like standing on their
> fucking heads, or reciting bible verses, over and
> over and over and over.sleeping Then there's the DVD's
> of everything we could have remotely "missed" that
> they have done; Karate lessons, picking up a cat
> or dog in the middle of it's stomach and walking
> around, dancing in mommy's dress up clothes,
> pissing on a cherio in the "big boy" toilet,
> etc......
> Then there's the nervousness in the air which is
> caused by grandmoos jumping up and down like
> Mexican jumping beans for every little thing the
> entire time and gasping while they do it. Then we
> have spilled drinks, outburts, screaming, yelling,
> playing, falling off the swing set and bloody
> knees which invariably causes a panic with the
> grandmoos, interrupted conversations, getting
> brutally awakened by boisterous laughter....
When my niece and nephew visited, after they left the house was so quiet I almost had a nervous breakdown right then and there....they terrified my cats, broke stuff, insisted on special junkfood....If I heard "Aunt Rose" one more time- the fucking noise is unbelievable. The 6 year old is a complete spaz- everything he ate or drank out of had to be plastic.

My favorite chyld free activity is reading a good book with some one or hard cider- difficult even if the kids are just out playing because they all scream like they are being eviscerated....
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 18, 2008
Wow, lot of great stories here.

Feh said: "Me? I've got a beautiful porch so covered in house plants, it's almost like being in the jungle. I love to sit out there with my cats, some candles lit, with a bottle of wine, looking up at the stars and listening to the radio. This past week I've spent with my chair turned the other way so I can watch the olympics through the patio door, but when that's over...it's back to the stars!"

What a great image. I too love plants and have them all over the house when they come in for the winter. This year I grew lots of herbs, which I'm hoping will make it into winter so that we can have fresh herbs in our winter dishes!

KidFreeLuvnLife said: "On the weekends, we fall asleep knowing we can wake up whenever we want to and without getting woken up during the night."

Oh yeah. This is a big one for us. Lots of sleeping in and naps on the weekend, lovely.

two cents said: "And if you can do that and other stuff in front of the breeders, all the better."

Ha! Definitely! My ol'-softie DH loves to hold hands in public and even that gives me a CF thrill as we traipse among the famblees...

Ann said: "All mooomy could do was stand there and take it as I merrily whipped out the credit card to pay for MY game."

Ha! Oh, the poor wittle guy. I'm actually amazed that the mom didn't remonstrate with you! For the sake of the...well, you know! Good for you!

Rose Red said: "My favorite chyld free activity is reading a good book"
Absolutely. I too could do this (and CAN do this, as a CF gal) for hours! I just got "Leviathan: A History of Whaling" for my birthday which is just the sort of thing I love. Halfway through and it's such a kick. But I can go out on the patio and just read away, on and on, any time I want! Woo!

Thanks for all the great stories!
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 18, 2008
"My favorite chyld free activity is reading a good book"

Amen to that! There's this stupid commercial for an IUD on the tube that's been making the rounds, where Moomy is talking about all she plans to do in the next five years including this gem-"Finish a book" Sweet mercy! That's my own personal level of hell that Dante forgot to right about-I usually have three to four books I'm reading at any given time, on any given subject that takes my fancy, and I can't imagine giving that up because some spawn demands all my free time. I can honestly say I'd go insane, as reading is one of my favorite chill-laxin' activities (my others-baking and knitting-aren't exactly child-friendly either! Hot ovens and sharp needles aren't good for kiddies!)
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 18, 2008
Speaking of moments of bliss...

I had a full day of bliss on Saturday. Hubby and I woke up early and went for a looong walk through the neighborhood. Then we came home, ate leftover Italian food (better the second day if you ask me) and went to the pool which we had ALL TO OURSELVES! It was so peaceful and refreshing--not a sprog in sight despite the "children's wading pool".

Later, we spent a few hours at the library working, reading and studying and in the evening, went to catch a movie. My husband derived a lot of smug satisfaction from stealing the best seats in the theater away from the little kids who were going for them. Ha, ha. We got them first! The only bad thing was that the theater soon filled with kids ranging in age from probably six to sixteen and they were ALL laughing and chattering loudly (not many in English). Lucky for them, things quieted down when the movie started, though.

It was a great day! The best part was that we did what we wanted, when we wanted it. No one else made demands on our time. Freedom. :spin
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 18, 2008
Oops, 'write'-sorry, sounded like a moo-brain there for a moment...
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 18, 2008
More than anything, I savor the quiet. I moved to an old farm house, on acreage, on top of a small mountain where you can't even see the main road from it (if you call it a main road) 2 years ago and I have never been happier. Having lived in the city all of my life, I didn't think I would do well without conveniences nearby. Just not having any neighbors and their kids up my ass makes having to be a little more organized ALL worth it. I got used to the creepy crawlies, the having to make sure I get everything I need when I make my trek into town, and the sheer ruralness of it, but I could NEVER get used to squealing kids and their messes, grossness, and the constant chatter no matter HOW long I might live.

If I can't have peace and quiet, I can't really enjoy much else.
Re: CF Moment of Bliss
August 19, 2008
I'm with you on the quiet and solitude, Kim...my husband and I lived in an apartment on a main road in our last town, and we heard everything, from tractor-trailers, ambulances screaming by, and stupid teenagers with their rice-burners, to the Amish buggies (this is south central PA). in April we moved to a quiet suburban neighborhood (which thankfully seems to have more elderly people than those with kids), and it is beyond peaceful here. And of course, the inside of our house is organized and clean...I simply cannot live in a mess. I now sympathize with my stepmother's aversion to dirt...I have it myself. But unlike her (she now has a 2 year old), I'm not having kids so as to maintain my own sanity.

My hubby and I don't have a whole lot of money to go out or do expensive things, but even a quiet evening at home is CF perfect for us. We have our hamsters, who do cute things to amuse us, and we might watch a little TV or play some board games (we have a whole bookcase full of them). Or we split up and he plays Call of Duty 4 on the 360 and I read or mess around on my computer, or watch a documentary that I've recorded on the DVR.
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