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Why Liberals Prefer Raising Dogs Over Children (breeder book review)

Posted by kidlesskim 
Why Liberals Prefer Raising Dogs Over Children (breeder book review)
August 16, 2008

The book is entitled "Makers and Takers" and apparently assumes that Childfree are selfish liberals. Below are some excerpts.

"Today’s liberalism is completely wrapped up with the notion of self....
For dramatic proof, go to the streets of a liberal enclave like San Francisco, Seattle or Vermont. There will be plenty of expensive boutiques, antique dealers, health spas, sushi bars and upscale coffee shops. But you won’t see very many children....

Why is this important? Because raising children is a difficult and selfless act that is also an important civic duty. The survival of our society — not to mention our Social Security system! — rests on individuals bringing up a new generation.

The liberal Northeastern states — Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, and New York — have the lowest fertility rates in the country. They also have the lowest percentage of population under the age of five. In progressive San Francisco, there are more dogs than children......

Some might conclude that this is a result of the high cost of living in desirable cities such as Boston, New York and San Francisco. But in these childless meccas, we also see some of the highest per capita expenditures on luxury goods, spas and personal therapies. It’s not a lack of money; it’s a lack of interest......... The most popular answers: “No children,” “Not going to have any,” and “Don’t want any.”

Many on the left proudly proclaim themselves to be “child-free.” (They angrily reject the term child-less because it implies that they are missing out on something.) Partly, this is a result of liberal pessimism about the future. Concerned about overpopulation, dwindling environmental resources, global warming, etc., some liberals don’t want to have children because they see them as an environmental hazard. Billionaire Ted Turner reflected this attitude when he thoughtfully announced his regret at having five children. “If I was doing it over again, I wouldn’t have had that many, but I can’t shoot them now and they’re here.” No doubt, this sort of sentiment makes for charming conversation around the Turner dinner table.

Far more common is the modern liberal notion that children are a burden, something that will get in the way of one’s self-fulfillment. As any parent knows, raising children is hard work. It requires emotional commitment, selfless acts, large quantities of time and scads of money. Many liberals just don’t want the inconvenience. When asked by the World Values Survey whether parents should sacrifice their own well-being for those of their children, those on the left were nearly twice as likely to say “no” (28% to 15%) when compared to conservatives.

another offers: “I have not been asked very often why I’m childless. If I am, I just say the truth. That I am too selfish, that I want to spend my time and money on things other than children, that I am doing my part to counteract all of the overbreeders. The thought of attending a child’s athletic event, and sitting through the whole thing, is almost enough in itself.” Peter Pan could not have put it better.........

To counterbalance this trend, he argues for increasing immigration and expanding the black population.............."

eye rolling smileyI resent the implication that a person has to be a liberal and is selfish for choosing to be childfree. In parts of the article I edited for length, it tosses out all kinds of stats that don't seem verifiable or near accurate. I consider myself as leaning toward conservative and certainly not one of those liberals who believe in every give away program for single moos and their brood. What a bunch of assholes. Notice how he lumps Vermont in with a coupla of major cities in the first paragraph. Did he miss a geography class? What does PeterPan have to do with anything? His last comment sounds like the PERFECT solution to balance out our willful "childlessness". What an IDIOT.
I do not have any population statistics to back this up, but in general I have found the CF population to be a diverse as the entire population. For every liberal CF person out there, I know one that is conservative. The labels are meaningless anyways.
This is just a pathetic, weak attempt to make CF people look "evil".

Liberals and conservatives come in all varieties of people. I know a conservative, fundamentalist Christian couple who are CF. I also know liberal types who have families. The stereotypes are amazing to me.

And the reference to Peter Pan is an attempt to make CF people look like their are in some sort of extended adolescence - not fully adult because they aren't raising children.
I am so tired of this crap thrown at the childfree! Dog forbid that people might wish to purchase luxury goods, take vacations, or access various therapies!Yes, I'm selfish and don't want to devote my entire adult life before old age to raising children. If these asshat, Quiverfull, Purpose-driven Life idiots don't like it, they can all take a long walk off a short pier!
BWAHHAHAHAHAHA does this fucking moron even know how much the cf sit around BITCHING AND COMPLAINING about all of the damn "liberal social contract" welfare programs for breeders? BWAHAHAHAHAHA, OMG!

And I swear to fucking doG, even the people here on bratfree that I would consider the most liberal when it comes to the "social contract" ARE STILL MORE CONSERVATIVE about the welfare bullshit than the fucking conservatives who write garbage like this!
Re: Why Liberals Prefer Raising Dogs Over Children (breeder book review)
August 16, 2008
Sounds to me like this guy is just jealous that he couldn't have the childfree life!
I haven't seen such a load of simpleminded stereotyping since Little Black Sambo.

"They angrily reject the term child-less because it implies that they are missing out on something."

Um, how about because the term is INACCURATE you stupid breeder?! Childless = don't HAVE kids. Childfree = don't WANT kids. It's as simple as ABC. I guess even that concept is too much to wrap your head around.

The 'Peter Pan' monkier is equally misapplied; implying that anyone who doesn't want to have kids is automatically choosing to do so to spend all of their spare resources shopping/playing Xbox/eating bonbons. Bull. S**t.
Re: Why Liberals Prefer Raising Dogs Over Children (breeder book review)
August 16, 2008
It takes a primitive worldview to see things only in black and white. Last time I looked out my back door, the backyard wasn't just in black and white. Lots of different colors and shadows and light.

I'm liberal on a lot of things and conservative on others. It is childish to pigeonhole people into either the L or C box. If I thought he had the mental chops to handle it, I'd advise this person to read up on a little philosophy to broaden his view. I think it would be wasted advice.

I think only a mature adult would have the self-control and sense to weigh the choice of children before just doing what everyone else is. And I think it takes cojones to swim against the stream and make a choice that's against the norm, and then endure ignorant comments from men who got oopsed and women who didn't manage birth control--people who then pretend that their pregnancy was planned and the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I sense a lot of jealously in this person's comments. Otherwise, why would he care what we do? The only result of our actions is fewer people to get in his self-important way. You'd think he'd approve of that; he's so full of himself. The fact that he has such a problem with people making a decision that affects him not at all says JEALOUS. Pity he didn't make choices as thoughtfully as we have.
Re: Why Liberals Prefer Raising Dogs Over Children (breeder book review)
August 16, 2008
Oh, and the "civic duty" and related "gift to society" garbage makes me laugh. Right. I'm sure the pre-babied hot-to-trot men and the wallet-seeking women were thinking, "Hmm, I have a debt to society. How can I pay it? I know, I'll get in bed with X! That'll repay my debt to society!!" Right. That was their motivation to get down and dirty. Spare me the hypocritical bullpoo.

My gift to society is not bringing another consumer into the world's most consumeristic nation. Not a bad gift, eh?

There are no environmentalists with children, as I love to continually say, with great smugness and self-congratulation. grinning smiley
married with rabbits Wrote:
> casseyrod Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >I know a conservative, fundamentalist
> > Christian couple who are CF.
> I would love to know their take on the Bible when
> it comes to children! I'm intrigued.

Well, they are CF, but they like kids, just don't want any. I'm pretty sure they don't have any biblical problem with not having kids, because they've never mentioned it. But, we've never had a deep discussion about it.
Re: Why Liberals Prefer Raising Dogs Over Children (breeder book review)
August 16, 2008
I especially hate the way they always bring up and chime in that they are breeding so WE can draw social security and medicare when we are old, as if they are doing us some fucking favor. THEIR kid has nothing to do with my earnings or having paid into social security MY WHOLE LIFE. My last statement shows me having paid into SS for THIRTY years, as I had a job at my dad's friend's dentist office all summer and after school ALL through Jr and high school, and then of course full time employment as an adult for twenty + years.

IF social security and medicare monies are not there in 25 years when I may need it, it will be for ONE reason. That will be because THEIR fucking ADHD/ADD/AUTISM/BI-POLAR and otherwise defective kids are sucking the social security system dry with their RIDICULOUS SSI checks and their licking medicaid clean as a fish skeleton by a cat. It pisses me off ROYALLY when they claim their brats will pay for me to do ANYTHING or get ANY benefit in old age, when all they do from birth is take take take from the system that people like us paid into and made available.

SSI was NEVER intended to finance BULLSHIT "disabilities" of chyllldren. So, they can do us ALL a favor and STOP BREEDING, and the SS money will be there when needed for people who have EARNED it.
Awesome. Hurrah for the liberals!

Guess our writer had better kiss my CF ass and go back to diaper changing, or whatever it is that the martyrs do. I feel the need to go shopping for something nice.
Re: Why Liberals Prefer Raising Dogs Over Children (breeder book review)
August 17, 2008
I prefer raising dogs over children, but I am definitely no bleeding-heart liberal (or bleeding-heart, "Save the babeeeeees" conservative)!

If Peter Schweizer doesn't believe that brats are a burden, he should volunteer to pay taxes at the Married--No Children rate.

Schweizer writes, "As any parent knows, raising children is hard work. It requires emotional commitment, selfless acts, large quantities of time and scads of money."

That is fucking bullshit. Pushing out a kid requires nothing more than the physical ability to get knocked up. After moo shits out the fucktard, she can get "scads of money" in the form of government handouts. It is an extremely selfish (not selfless) act and requires no commitment and very little time because moos often find others to dump their crotchturds on.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
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