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Moo writes daycare provider a manual; Includes instructions to feed kid on demand

Posted by kidlesskim 
"I wrote a manual for DD. The feeding section was quite long. I said she eats about every 3-4 hours, but that I feed on demand, so feed her when she's hungry. I listed her hunger cues and reviewed the manual before leaving DD. I tell her when I fed her last before leaving. I included some KM (KELLYMOM) handouts and the bags of milk are pre-measured, but I told her that she doesn't have to eat 3 oz every 3 hours and explained that DD usually cluster feeds. Even though I feed on demand I find that DD is usually hungry around the same times. So I give her those times as a guideline, but told her not to force or withhold a feeding because of the clock...."

angry flipping off If I owned a daycare and some idiot gave me a handwritten "manual" on her kid's special needs, I'd send her packing. What daycare provider has time to pay attention to ridiculous "feeding cues"???? I hope the daycare lady feeds her when she feeds all of the rest of them and not a minute sooner or later. If the kid wouldn't "feed" when she was supposed to, I'd pour out the precious nectar from God she left. What an obnoxious sense of entitlement to think anyone babysitting your kid has time to "feed on demand" and look for "cues", or any other of that AP such nonsense. It lists this kid as almost TWO YEARS old.I'd feed her when I damned well pleased.
That is so ridiculous! I'd kick that idiot moo out on her ass. Talk about indulging!
What the hell does "cluster feeds" mean? Sounds like a cluster fuck to me! Really, what does it mean?
bratBgone Wrote:
> What the hell does "cluster feeds" mean? Sounds
> like a cluster fuck to me! Really, what does it
> mean?

LOL! The same thing crossed my mind as well. Who knows, probably describing when she suckles down mouthloads of breast milk during the night at will while they co-sleep and then wakes back up every 20 minutes and feeds as opposed to daytime feeding. I would give that kid her food when the mood struck me or when I fed the others, but I would NOT spend an inordinate amount of time letting her suck down two bottles at her leisure or waste a MOMENT looking for "feeding cues."
Thanks for the info, kidlesskim. I can't believe a woman this picky would actually put her pweshus kyd in daycare.
If I ran a daycare centre, I would kick this bitchmoo out on her entitlement-minded ass so quick it would make her head spin!! The brat is 2 years old. Time for Pweshus to learn the world doesn't revolve around her.
Jesus F. Christ! This moo needs to take a couple Valium and chill the fuck OUT. Like her brat is going to die or have irreparable damage if her feeding schedule isn't followed to the letter. Unbefuckinglievable.
With this lever of neurosis it's a wonder Mommie is willing to let anyone else so much as touch her li'l prodigy. I hope the daycare staff gets a good laugh from the "manual" and follows their normal procedure. Otherwise; guess what, Moo? You get to take care of her yourself, all day long.
I can't seem to find the post, but there's one on there somewhere where the moo gets COMPLETELY bent and spews out her anger in a long rant post. It seems the daycare ran out of her nectar of God titty juice and they fed the kid COW'S milk.doh face When she found out she WENT OFF. 'Why didn't you CALL me????:bawl I could have left work and come over here and breast fed her......!!!!!" It probably set the kid back DECADES to drink something other than her precious titty juice.eye rolling smiley

They get upset if daycare gives them regular juice like orange juice or apple juice as well. I am not really sure why, but I'd imagine they are starving and dehydrating the kids so they will greedily suckle their engorged breasts. GOD that is SO incredibly gross, sick, and selfish. I can't imagine an employee leaving in the middle of the work day to go nurse either. What a STUPID whore.angry smiley
This kid is almost TWO?!?! She should be interested in eating regular food. I wonder if the whole famblee is drinking breast milk at home instead of regular food? Damn, I'd give this kid a p-nut butter sandwich and some spaghettios and call it a fucking day!
I agree, the day care should send her packing. If I ran a day care center, I'd be afraid to work with parents like this - its too risky as far as lawsuits go.
Am I the only one who finds handling someone else's body fluids to be completely gross? Isn't there some OSHA regulation against that? Do the daycare providers have some sort of safe-handling medical certification? 'Cause I sure as heck don't want to be messin' around with someone else's body fluids, Nectar of Life or no. *squicked out*
clematis Wrote:
> Am I the only one who finds handling someone
> else's body fluids to be completely gross? Isn't
> there some OSHA regulation against that?

If there isn't, there certainly should be! I've taken Workplace Health & Safety classes and it's ALL about protection - gloves, masks, you name it. Those moos are walking biohazards.

And, frak, if the bloody chyld is 2 YEARS OLD - enough already!
If the bitch is so WORRIED about what goes into the brat's gullet, she should give up her job, take off her clothes, and curl up in the corner to wait for her puppy to come toddling over for a feeding frenzy every fucking hour.

Even better, she can do it at home and leave the day care staff alone, too.eye rolling smiley
It would be nice if these bitches would just stay home and leave the rest of us, the poor daycare workers included,ALONE.
Oh, and I'm sure that the daycare staff is getting paid SO well, too. I mentioned on a previous post that I made more money when I was younger slinging together sandwiches at Burger King than girls I knew who worked at daycares.

Isn't two years old -sorry,24 months in breeder speak-old enough to be eating "real" food?
Hell, forget HIV. It's a fragile virus that doesn't survive long outside the body. I'd be WAY more worried about things like hepatitis and TB.

Selfish, crazy-assed moos. Their shit don't stink, and their body fluids don't transmit diseases, doncha know. angry flipping off
CheeseLouise Wrote:
> Jesus F. Christ! This moo needs to take a couple
> Valium and chill the fuck OUT. Like her brat is
> going to die or have irreparable damage if her
> feeding schedule isn't followed to the letter.
> Unbefuckinglievable.

Breeders who believe cutting the umbilical cord to be an invasive procedure probably also believe that irreparable damage means "a person who can care for itself". Good luck having THAT care for you in your old age.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
What a fucking nightmare these bitches are for the rest of the world.
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