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World's oldest mother, 70, is pleased at male heir, but declares daughter 'a burden'

Posted by Anonymous User 

It's sooo wrong on soooo many levels!
The level of wrongness that most jumps out at me is that the daughters could not inherit the land, so she HAD to have a son. We're in the 21st century, and this type of discrimination is out of date. Oh my, I'm being culturally insensitive....bad me.
I don't get it. Doesn't "heir" imply that the boy will actually have some goods to inherit? It looks to me like what he'll be inheriting is a bunch of debt. And the geezer parents recognize that they'll probably die before their newest offspring are adults, so they merrily state that their full-grown daughters will just look after them. How nice to knowingly dump that burden on these women who probably had no choice in the matter. It sounds like the real reason for this drastic endeavor was to stop the dad from "being a laughing stock in his village". Well, at least the truth has finally come out. What a truly, truly pathetic man he is (and his wife is no prize, either). I'm shocked at the extents people will go to, and the ways they're willing to inconvenience/screw over others just for petty, selfish "gains".
1)"Now the pensioner parents will rely on family handouts and the charity of fellow villagers to bring up the little boy they so wanted, and the little girl they didn't...."

2)"They weighed just 2lbs each and had to be rushed to the Jaswant Roy Speciality Hospital which has a neonatal intensive care unit...."

3)"Their little boy is now likely to take over a tiny piece of land with a large mortgage still to pay on it...."

4)"My wife will look after the babies when I am gone, and after she dies my other daughters will care for them."
'It will be an honour for them to raise their new brother..."

5)"For more than 40 years I have thought God did not think I was fit to produce a boy,' she said. 'But fate works in funny ways. It must have been meant to be that I waited all this time.' The couple do not even understand the fertility procedures carried out to allow Omkari to give birth so long after going through the menopause...."

6)"The couple do not even know such medical techniques exist and they do not think anything was specifically done to ensure they would have a boy...."

eye rolling smileyIt's difficult for me not to rip them a new asshole as far as their obvious stupid traditions and idiotic culture, but I'll try to refrain myself and look at the sheer level of selfishness of this. Breeders truly do come in all sizes, colors, ages, and religions.

MY commentary on posted excerpts from story, point by point;
1)The VILLAGE, ie: "other people" will have to support them because of this selfishness
2)IF they were born that small they will likely have fucked up medical problems, and lower IQ's and they didn't have much genetically in the beginning. Hence, more "free" medical attention is likely
3)This "lucky boy" has inherited nothing but debt and can look forward to a life od dependence and financial grief
4)How selfish to place the burden of these kids on their sisters, who likely have their OWN kids to raise and feed
5)Apparently GOD had nothing to do with this, they PAID for this precious boy, they are NOT "blessed" or special, they are stupid and selfish beyond all reason.
6)COMPLETE ignorance of a pricey medical procedure, and they were SO blinded by their selfish quest for a boy to inherit their fucking debt, they didn't bother to even look into it. It's ENTIRELY possible that this "Gift fom God", is neither of their biological spawn.

:yeah My one wish is that someone would explain to them (in simple terms they can understand) that baybees were likely killed during this procedure (zygotes to the rest of us), and that the boy was conceived in a way that goes against GOD, AND it's not even their kid, an "abomination". However, with their level of ignorance and selfishness, they would probably blame the kid and stone him to death. I HATE THESE PEOPLE.
All brats are burdens, not just girl sprogs.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
On top of all of that. They done it in North India. Which is one of the poverty and Morals.

Kidlesskim: Your comments shows true knowledge of what this world become and agree on all world escpecially the child will inherit debt.

Here we are folks we have a 70 year old pensioner struggle in poverty and cannot afford to live and it is OK to spend all her wealth on IVF and now she cannot to afford to support herself.

Suddenly Dr Moral spat out this stupid "Gift from God".

Why don't Doctors say "we can't give you IVF because you're old, you have no financial stability and this is not a good place to bring up a child. SIMPLE AS THAT.

The next thing now is another stupid 'emotional blackmail advert' - you know the adverts showing starving kids and how the Western world throw money at the 3rd world.

I am not donating any money to any poor country which they think they have the rights to use IVF and bring up kids in the Hell-hold.
Especially to the 70 year old pensioner that like to bankrupt herself into debt just to have kids.
I'll be anything that the good Dr. was willing to do this because, if he succeeded, it would make him feel like one big badass motherfucker. He'll probably get to publish on this case study in a top med journal because he pulled off such a medical myruhhcuhllll.
guest Wrote:
> I'll be anything that the good Dr. was willing to
> do this because, if he succeeded, it would make
> him feel like one big badass motherfucker. He'll
> probably get to publish on this case study in a
> top med journal because he pulled off such a
> medical myruhhcuhllll.

That's another thing. What ever happened to "First do no harm?". What doctor in his right mind would think it would be beneficial to ANYONE CONCERNED to create a zygote in a lab and implant it in a SEVENTY YEAR OLD WOMAN?????? I think this is a clear cut case of malpractice. At her age it could not have been a healthy thing to go through childbirth. The kids were born prematurely and God only knows what medical and developmental problems THAT will cause. These people CLEARLY did not understand the IVF process, in the least. They are obviously poor, uneducated and ignorant of the medical procedure involved. This doctor did it for the money and the notoriety, which is very unethical and IMO, it's criminal.
Every "person" involved in this mess, with the exception of the innocent kids, makes me sick.
What's the point of having a child at age 70? She will be dead in a few years. And the man is 77, he could kick the bucket any day now.
I hate these people too. THEY are a burden.
Humans? They're piles of shit wrapped in skin and should die in a fire.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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