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Moo writes a sweet poem; "When I am a Grandmother"

Posted by kidlesskim 
Moo writes a sweet poem; "When I am a Grandmother"
August 18, 2008
"When I am a Grandmother"

When I am a Grandmother I shall have a purple sling
And carry my grandbabies around the block and to the market.
I shall adorn my fingers with amethysts, my feet with shoes of fuchsia,
And wear a pale pink hat with cabbage roses.

We shall play dress-up with plastic pop-beads and pearls from Japan,
And I shall be the Queen of Old.
We shall ride in a purple convertible to go to the zoo
Where we will make the monkeys laugh and dance in the fountain.

We will have dinners of popcorn and peanut butter ice cream
With chocolate chip cookie dough for dessert.
And I shall grow an ample bosom and not worry about calories or carbohydrates or cholesterol.
I shall sit on the floor playing Barbies and Legos and Monopoly,
And read them Bible stories and books about Narnia by candlelight
While snuggling in the fort under the dining room table.
We will stay up late watching old movies,
And they will fall asleep on the futon in the basement
Where I will watch them tenderly and pray that they love Jesus.

I have taught my children about birthing and breastfeeding and attachment parenting,
So they will not be a bit surprised to find
That when I am a Grandmother I shall have a purple sling,
And wear my grandbabies close to my heart.

Author's credentials include: Lactation consultant for a pediatric group in the Chicago 'burbs, director of Lactation Education Consultants (an organization that provides education for those aspiring to become lactation consultants as well as ongoing professional education for IBCLCs). RN in maternal child health for over 30 years....... Co-author of Clinical Experience in Lactation: A Blueprint for Internship, and contributing author to Counseling the Nursing Mother by Lauwers and Swisher.

sleeping What a fantasy that is and it explains a great deal about their frames of mind. What makes them think their children will necessarily produce second generation replicas? Even if they all have a litter or two, they could end up in jail, drug addicts, or slobbering idiots with a piss bag attached. This is all about their dreams and fantasies of shit that only happens in fairy tales and in the movies. Her ENTIRE life has been devoted to perpetuating breastfeeding and attachment parenting.."Purple cars, dinners of popcorn, peanut butter, icecream and COOKIE DOUGH? Monkeys, Barbies, snuggling under dining tables,dancing in public fountains,and bible stories"? GMAFB.tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Moo writes a sweet poem; "When I am a Grandmother"
August 18, 2008
married with rabbits Wrote:
> kidlesskim Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >"Purple cars, dinners of
> > popcorn, peanut butter, icecream and COOKIE
> > Monkeys, Barbies, snuggling under dining
> > tables,dancing in public fountains,and bible
> > stories"? GMAFB.tongue sticking out smiley
> Well, dammit, I happen to like purple cars!!!!
> bouncing and laughing

Just as long as you don't wear a pink hat with cabbage roses and a purple baby wearing sling to match!tongue sticking out smiley These women are seriously living in some sort of fantasy land like I have never seen or heard tell. They sound delusional and some of the militant ones are downright scary.
Re: Moo writes a sweet poem; "When I am a Grandmother"
August 18, 2008
My Oma wouldn't have put up with any of that nonsense, much less a stupid sling. And yet she was a wonderful Oma, very fondly remembered. And she had more sense than to match a big ugly-tush pink hat with a purple accessory, yes, ma'am.

When I am the age of a Grandmother, I will drink beer,
Lovely microbrews from around Michigan,
Smoky bocks and citrusy I.P.A.,
ignoring the neighbor's rug rats when they scream "Hey!"
Re: Moo writes a sweet poem; "When I am a Grandmother"
August 18, 2008
two faces puking

Well, there's the current generation of breeders breeding the next generation of breeders. I hope her children grow up to be atheist, gay, leather fetish store owners who go out of their way to alienate breeder 'society'

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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