Broke breeders - 1104
March 20, 2006
Maybe if you didn't buy your kid every goddamned thing on the face of the earth, you wouldn't be so broke.
Water Lily
Re: Broke breeders - 1104
March 21, 2006
I don't understand that either. my sil and mil have to buy their granddaughter (my niece) too many clothes (half she WON'T wear, God knows what, and by gawd they hafta be pink or 'with frills'. and have dressed up almost all the time. My brother and his wife are already poor, NO INSURANCE, and she (a while ago) decided to OOPS! my brother (musta caught him off guard, because he did't want any kydz until two years after they were married) She and my brother work shit jobs and she's on W.I.C. (mooching off taxpayers, no?) I, clearly, as a childfree person, do NOT understand this at all, but it sorta reminds of white trash, don't you think?
CF Scorpio
Re: Broke breeders - 1104
March 21, 2006
My SIL actually buys her daughter a gift on her son's birthday, "so she won't get jealous". I wonder at what age that is going to stop! 6? 8? 10? 20???? I'd hate to be at that birthday party...oh, what a tantrum there will be!
Re: Broke breeders - 1104
March 22, 2006
That is so ridiculous. My family didn't sugar coat things, if I got jealous on my brother's birthday over his gifts, my ass got nothing on my birthday. What a load of crap. Pahrunts have got to stop coddling, enabling, and worshipping their fucking kids. The kid will grow up to be nothing but a spoiled brat and be totally useless to society. If my hard-earned tax dollars are going to be spent to educate someone's shit loaf, I'd at least expect them to turn out to be a contributing member to society.
Anonymous User
Re: Broke breeders - 1104
March 22, 2006
What these people are doing to their children is so wrong.It teaches them nothing about dealing with their emotions.

what ever will they be like in their adult relationships if this ugly emotion rears its ugly head?

They are actually damaging their kids just by shutting them up with what they want rather than dealing with the issue at hand.
Re: Broke breeders - 1104
March 22, 2006
::Evil laugh::: Remember that book and the movie "Mommie Dearest"? When the kid would get a ton of gifts and Joan would let her keep 1 and the others were donated to some children's hospital. Heh...
Anonymous User
Re: Broke breeders - 1104
March 22, 2006
Yea I do remember that movie.She was pretty fucked up wasant she?
Water Lily
Re: Broke breeders - 1104
March 22, 2006
Their kydz turn into monsters.
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