Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
Hello again!

So, I went to my cousin's wedding a week ago (being an introvert, I was kind of dreading it but it was totally fun), and I found out that he and his new wife are childfree as well! :jump I was also shocked to find that our childed relatives were completely fine about it. Clearly I've been wrong about my extended family!

So, has anyone else got any CF relatives?


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
I have a 38 y/o married for 15 years female cousin who is absolutely childfree and a 40 y/o married male cousin who didn't spawn because he doesn't think it's "green", but he's a step father. I also have a never married 48 y/o sister who gradually went from childLESS to childFREE in the past decade. I made that distinction in her transformation when a few years ago she made the statements she's really glad she never spawned because she enjoys her life so much, she's seen the destruction of so many of her childed friends' lives after their adorable loaves turned into drug addicts and/or criminals as teens or adults,so many of her friends have bad relationships with their spawn after the Kodak moment days were over, and childed friends' marriages being ruined due to kid related issues, etc....I think she never REALLY wanted to be a moo, but for a time had bought into the life script™ and has now seen the light. :bdid

I also have two female former classmates, both 50-one married-one single, who I am still friends with who are definitely childfree primarily for the same reasons I am. I have a life long never married male friend who never wanted kids either, but he was ooopsed at the age of 45 with a long term girlfriend he thought he could trust. He found out he was a father a year after they broke up and had no contact after he was served with a child support levy against his wages. Two years and a paternity test later, he's playing duddy. It's a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone, but he's come to believe that although he didn't want a loaf, now it's here and he may as well "step up" and be a dad. However, the oopsing cunt hasn't become the fixture in his life like she had hoped by this bullshit, so there's that.shrug

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
I have quite a few aunts/uncles/cousins who are over 40 who haven't had children (most are over 60 as well, so I'm pretty sure it's not happening). I haven't heard any regrets, so I think they're likely childfree. There seems to be limited interest in marriage on that side of the family as well.

We're not especially close-knit so I mostly observe these things from the distance. But it's pretty clear from the conversations I've had that that side of my family is full of people who really think about things.
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
I have a child-less Aunt and Uncle, but I'm truly not really sure what the situation was as they are in their 70s. My mother likes to blame her sister's alcoholism on her despair over not being able to spawn, but I'm not sure they tried everything. My Aunt and Uncle were both teachers and probably could have easily adopted. This was in the days before IVF was really a thing. It kind of smacks of them saying "fuck it" after a spell.

Anyway, I'm not sure I believe my mother's assessment. My mom is still pissed off at her sister for some childhood transgressions like the theft and murder of a stuffed animal and whatnot. My Aunt probably had a solid foothold in alchoholism by the time she tried to sprog, being that she has been a drunk for at least 40 years.

My father himself never wanted children. After I was born, he was so taken aback by how obnoxious I was that he went and got snipped without telling my mother. My mother has always been so in love with my father that she would have accepted any old bullshit in their relationship, and DID, for that matter. I'm actually surprised that she talked him into having a kid, but I'm also not sure she didn't oppsie him. I should ask. Not that he didn't deserve it, my dad is a fucking piece of work that spent my teenage years snorting coke off a hooker's ass, so... They are still married, by the way.

Given my father's predilections about kids, I'm not at all surprised that I'm childfree. My dad has a bunch of prodigal cousins that never sprogged either, and an Aunt.
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
My parents had four daughters, only one of whom chose to spawn. And no CLs among the other three; we were/are always CF. My mother was a PNB, but she was also whiny and narcissistic. And the one breeding daughter was as attention-seeking as only a moomy can be. We CFs figured we'd done enough time tending to THEIR needs all through our childhoods and we'd earned the right to be free adults.
Anonymous User
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
The only childfree family member i know is my great-aunt on my father's side. After escaping her abusive husband and finding another guy to protect him from her and with whom she stayed until his death, she decided to never have kids to not be tied down. She is so nice and loved by everyone in our family, and i kind look up to her and want to be like her. My cousins all want to sprog eventually though, but at least my brother will be on the childfree ride with me.
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
I don't have any CF blood relatives that I'm aware of - my brother and two cousins have all bred. No CF aunts, uncles, or others. However my dad's wife of 20+ years doesn't have any kids, and I'm pretty sure it's by choice but we've never discussed it. She married dad in her early 30's and my dad had already done the pair-up-and-breed thing twice before, so I get the feeling he wasn't interested in a three-peat.
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
I come from a very traditional Catholic family on all sides. The few relatives who didn't breed were childless, not childfree. I am the ONLY childfree person in the bloodline.

A childfree Catholic! Fancy that! grinning smiley
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
I come from a very traditional Catholic family on all sides. The few relatives who didn't breed were childless, not childfree. I am the ONLY childfree person in the bloodline.

A childfree Catholic! Fancy that! grinning smiley

Haha, me too Peace! grinning smiley I'm not really Catholic anymore, just spiritual. I have a childless aunt, but she tried every which way to have a child and it didn't work out for her. The only time she ever mentioned it was when she got drunk, which was A LOT...good thing she never sluiced!

Despite her childless state, I always saw her having a great life. She had a big, beautiful house, a great husband, and many, many friends. She loved to have fun, and went shopping all the time. She was also a small business owner. I saw her life as an example of how I wanted to live one day, without the yearning for kyds.
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
I come from a very traditional Catholic family on all sides. The few relatives who didn't breed were childless, not childfree. I am the ONLY childfree person in the bloodline.

A childfree Catholic! Fancy that! grinning smiley

My family, too! All four of my parents' daughters were parochial school and Mass every week-raised. But it didn't stop three of us from thinking for ourselves.
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
I come from a very traditional Catholic family on all sides. The few relatives who didn't breed were childless, not childfree. I am the ONLY childfree person in the bloodline.

A childfree Catholic! Fancy that! grinning smiley

Haha, me too Peace! grinning smiley I'm not really Catholic anymore, just spiritual.

I still consider myself Catholic. I love the Latin Mass. I am not registered at any parish right now because I just don't like what I see in the Church. When I find a place that has Latin masses, then I will go again. Besides, I don't equate breeding with being Catholic. Jesus never directed his apostles to breed, breed, and breed. That wasn't his message. Forcing people to breed for their religion is messed up, in my opinion.

My sister's kids are already talking about when THEY will have kids one I guess I'll be the only CF person in the family. There is hope, though. A female cousin in Europe said last year that she does not want kids ever. She's 19 years old now. Let's hope she keeps it that way.
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
I come from a very traditional Catholic family on all sides. The few relatives who didn't breed were childless, not childfree. I am the ONLY childfree person in the bloodline.

A childfree Catholic! Fancy that! grinning smiley

My family, too! All four of my parents' daughters were parochial school and Mass every week-raised. But it didn't stop three of us from thinking for ourselves.

I think that the Church doesn't want its members to truly think for themselves. If they did, then they would start questioning a lot of their positions on things, especially human sexuality. Plus, the Bible has been translated, re-translated, and translated again. You need to go back to the original texts to see the meanings. It would be nice if the Vatican opened their library and their holdings for inspection. Won't ever really happen, though.
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
I'm the only child of my parents' marriage. My half siblings? Sister wants kids, because stepmoo is a breeder and femoonist, who thinks wife and motherhood is some high calling. Hope to Dog my brother doesn't breed and pass that shit on.

On my mum's side I have a lot of cousins. 2 outof 10 of us are CF, one is me, the other one a male cousin who doesn't get nearly as much shit about it as I do. His sister has 3 sprogs though and he spends a lot of time doing uncle duty. I however make close to zero effort with the kids in the family other than being nice to them if I happen to come across them, which is not very often since most of my mum's family think I'm the devil, pretty much, and I never get invited to shit. Even the cousins who are Ok, I don't have much to say to them, or them to me, since I don't have nor am I interested in kids.
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
Not a one.
Well, I think my great uncle was CF, but he died before I knew him well.
Every last relative so far is breeder brained for gawd. Even the one I think may be gay, he married a lady and they adopted, and a few years down the road I read a story he had written about overcoming the gay by doing what gawd wants, having a family by any means.
I have 40 cousins or so, and not all have paired off yet, but some are still in school.
Hmm, come to think of it, the cousin I like least has a wife with enough health problems she can't go off her meds long enough to do so, but I have no idea if this is desired or not because gawd and church... She makes noises like she's childless, but it could easily be for conformity's sake.
Hopefully I can set an example!
(Not if my mom has anything to say about it though. She's busy telling everyone lies about me. (And now if anyone close enough to me stumbles across this board, I'm probably completely identifiable.))
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 21, 2014
My father himself never wanted children. After I was born, he was so taken aback by how obnoxious I was that he went and got snipped without telling my mother.

Sorry, but I found that just plain funny tongue sticking out smiley

I never understood my father. Born as the eldest in 1933 to a poor white family, he had to quit school at 14 to help his mother raise her ever-expanding brood (eventually there would be 11 kids in all) while his good fer nuthin' father sat on his ass. Yet, Dad married and did nothing when four (would have been 6 if Mom hadn't miscarried a couple of times) of us eventually arrived, even though he and Mom both knew that they could afford two, at the most. You would have thought he'd develop some sort of principle or aversion to a large family, based on his own experience. Maybe because my siblings and I started to come along in the 50s, when following the Script was heavily promoted, he thought that was the life path one was supposed to follow.

Luckily, most of my siblings and I recognized the consequences of having more kids than you can afford.

In all my family, I only know of one great-aunt, born in 1914, who never had kids. Her husband had several, from his first marriage, that family legend says he abandoned (seems true from the genealogy I researched. he left Illinois, moved to California and seemingly never communicated with his kids. his name is not mentioned in any of their obits - which tells you something). Everyone else in my family popped 'em out, though not in the same volume as previous generations. Lord, one - two generations back, my family lines bred like rabbits. And, unfortunately, since so many of them stayed in the same small, Midwestern area, they are now interbreeding. I've had some cousins express extreme dislike to my delving into the family lines and announcing "hey! did you know that your husband is your 1st cousin, three times removed?" devil with smile
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 22, 2014
Yup, while my mother's side of the family is breederific, my father's side isn't. I have a cousin a few years younger than me who hasn't come straight out and announced she's CF, but there's no doubt she is, based on her beliefs and statements. She left her fiance of many years because they had agreed no children then he started getting baby rabies and trying to pressure her into having kids, so she broke off the engagement and he knocked up and married the first woman he saw. She has stated many times that she doesn't like kids, motherhood isn't for her, and that she's happy with life the way it is.

When I was very little I remember my father's aunt and uncle who had no children. Although being CF wasn't really heard of back in those days and their lack of children was never brought up or discussed. I think they were CF and not simply childless. They were nice to me, but reserved and distant. Looking back on it now, I feel that kids were not their thing and it was their choice not to have them.

I have an aunt who never married or had children. She's in her 70s now and looks fantastic. She was able to retire young, keeps herself in shape, and dresses stylish. I hope to look as good as she does when I'm older.

Having these relatives in my family made it so much easier. Me not wanting to have kids wasn't considered odd because the attitude in my family was simply that some have kids and some don't.
Re: Childfree Relatives?
July 22, 2014
My great aunt was child free and the rest of the breederific famblee saw her as the left hand of Satan. She bulldozed her way through life, divorced three times and never changed her name. Pretty much said fuck you to the lifescript, and died at age 103 as an independent adult. Mind you she did this as a Mexican (emigrated to the US as a toadler and naturalized in her 20s) woman living in the US in the early 20th century. Moo kept me away since she's a bad influence, if she sprogged she would've been hailed as an immigrant success story.

Think she would've gotten along great with everyone here.
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