"Women Who Hate Babies"(Topic from a Moo Forum)
July 23, 2014

A Moo Poster Asks for Opinions from Co-Cows-
I have a friend who hates babies. She is physically grossed out by them and anything having to do with pregnancy, childbirth, etc. She makes it well known through fb status updates ("just watched a segment about pregnancy on Dr Oz, about to go puke my guts out...")She is in her mid-30's, a long term serious relationship, is a really nice person. She often makes comments about how she'd kill herself if she ever found out she was pregnant, makes jokes about how she should take out stock in an abortion clinic, and don't even get me started on her views about breastfeeding. Okay, which one of you is friends with this woman? I'd say someone was talking about me except for the age is off by over a decade.shrug

Now I'm not one who believes that every woman is meant to be a mother and may just not hear the biological clock ticking. I know other women who have no desire for children, but do not express such disgust and hatred towards the process as this woman does. I also will be the first to admit, I'm not a huge fan of other people's babies myself. I live and breathe for my own child(ren) but you won't find me elbowing my way to the front of the room to hold someone else's infant. Just not my thing. It's actually quite typical for Moos to not give a shit about anyone's loaf but their own. So, in essence they feel the same way WE(childfree) do, EXCEPT when it's THEIR loaf in question. Hence, the prime reason I think they are so undeniably selfish. I have suspected for quite some time that all the loaf showers and oohing and aahing is because they are paying their dues for when it's THEIR turn to sluice, NOT because they actually care or want to shower anyone with gifts.moo with baybeem

I think that baby-hater just has some issues and feels really strongly about reproduction for whatever reasons. However, she really seems adamant about making it known how much she despises anything baby/pregnancy related. So what's your take? You think she's got some internal dysfunction that goes against natures intentions like my friend seems to believe? Uh, I dunno, let's see what the cows say.confused smiley

Cows Weigh in on Baby Haters
1)Sounds like mommy issues to me and I don't know anyone like that. Mmmm, "Mommy Issues". I don't believe I have heard that specific excuse for being a "baby hater", unless it's a variation of the Bingo that we "hate" kids because our mothers didn't love us or we hated our mothers. Oddly though, the Moo forums across the globe are filled with topics relating to how Cows detest their mothers.shrug

2)I will say in regards to the woman you are speaking of I wonder if there is something wrong..Not mentally but maybe she cannot have children. I tend to think someone who speaks out often and makes her "point" known such as she is doing is covering up something or trying to make herself believe in something. Its one thing to not want to have child and to not like children but to continuously make it known seems like the guy with the big truck making up for his short comings..ya know what I mean? I'm not sure of how else to put it. Oh, THAT'S it! The "baby hater" is infertile so THEREFORE she is only pretending to hate babies and anything to do with inpigness. Yeah, I bet over half of us registered here on Bratfree are in reality, infertile and bitter about it.waving hellolarious

3)My guess? She just might hate babies.I have a friend that HATES children. Hates them. She asks to be physically "moved" in restaurants AWAY from any small person who ever makes noise. Having said that, she spent 9 years waiting for a man to commit to her. In the end, he left her because he "wanted children and she was too old". She is 42. She has no viable eggs.Does she really hate children? No. I think she has convinced herself of that to be happy. Ahhh, the "Childless by Circumstance" excuse for being a "baby hater". More bullshit purporting and perpetuating the, "Old, bitter, childless, cat lady", stereotype. Hey, I once was a YOUNG childless cat lady AND I have ALWAYS been "bitter" towards annoying shit that pissed me off. Also, I wonder how that 42 y/o woman knew none of her eggs were viable AND why she waited almost a decade to start to try to become inpig if she REALLY wanted kids? If in fact she waited that long for a man to "commit", she sounds a bit stupid to me.shrug

4)I have a close friend like this. She actually thinks that babies are adorable, but anything to do with the process of carrying, birthing, or caring for babies just freaks her out. She basically just wants to coo over other people's babies, and then leave when they start spitting up or pooping. I dont think there's anything wrong with her, she was just raised in a household where she was pushed to excel, not to nurture. She would rather get a degree from a top university and go on to have a high powered career. The textbook illustration of a breeder pleaser if there EVER was one! Oh, she doesn't want kids of her own, but that's okay because she LUVS babies!moo with baybeem

5)I find that when people are really vocal about things in a negative way, they are scared of what they hate. They speak really loud so that others will hold them accountable and they will never have to face their fears. If she has crap parents, she probably doesn't think she has the capacity to love a child. The old, "Child Haters are just skeered" Bingo. In other words, I am vocal about not having kids because I am afraid, so if I start acting like I want a loaf then people will call me out on it and I will back out of fucking without birth control due to peer pressure. eye rolling smiley

6)I love my daughter, but I am not a fan of children. I never have been and probably never will.When I am going out at a restaurant or something, I do not want to be around children. I don't hate them, I just find most of them to be really annoying. Which is precisely how most childfree people feel, but when WE express the same opinions we are labeled as "child haters".confused smiley

7)I fall into the category of being grossed out by birth, not thinking bf-ing is beautiful, and thinking kids are on the side of gross. I never wanted kids. NEVER... but after being married for a few years the idea grew on me... and I'm madly in love with my son and think nothing he does is wrong or gross. Do I feel the same way about other kids? No....I do have a soft spot in my heart for children though, and this only happened after becoming a mother. After understanding what this love is.. and never having even come close to experiencing the overwhelmingly power of a mothers love ...I don't think there's any way of explaining this to anyone who isn't a mother yet.. if you tried to explain it to me before I would've rolled my eyes. God, one of those, "I used to be childfree too" combined with, "I never knew what love was until I sluiced" cunts. thumbs updown

8)I know someone like this.... ME! yes, I disliked babies and for the most part I still do. I love my daughter. I loved being pregnant. But other peoples kids gross me out. My own birth grossed me out. If I thought my husband wouldn't have given me divorce papers, I would have told him to wait in the lobby like everyone else. I am still sickened that he saw that, that I saw that. Oh the blood, I cringe.I also did not want to breastfeed. Before I became pregnant, I thought it was the most disgusting thing in the world. til I did it. The old, "It's different when it's your own" horse shit.:BS

9)I HATED babies pretty much my whole life. I was that woman who asked to switch seats at restaurants if "they" were near me. I felt that babies were to be seen, not heard. My husband and I were happily childless for 5 years until last year I found out I was 2.5-3 months pregnant. I had no idea what to do... Even when he was born I told the nurses I could totally wait until they cleaned him to hold him and even after that I only felt comfortable to shake his hand and think to myself how hairy he is. Yeah, I sucked. Fast forward six months. He slowly started to grow more and more on me but when I got my first smile, I was hooked. He loves to smile and giggle and I am so happy he is here. "Once it's here you will love it" To me that translates into eventual acceptance of something you dislike but can't change, like death, symptoms of aging, or a terminal illness.shrug

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: "Women Who Hate Babies"(Topic from a Moo Forum)
July 23, 2014
Hmm no. Just no. No way.
Her "friend" just doesn't like children, babies or the whole process. I don't know why she feels so bothered. Having second thoughts?

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: "Women Who Hate Babies"(Topic from a Moo Forum)
July 23, 2014
What's NOT to hate?
two faces puking
Re: "Women Who Hate Babies"(Topic from a Moo Forum)
July 23, 2014
I can completely sympathise with the baby hating friend. I don't like babies - they smell, they can't control their orifices, and they shriek a lot. They are mostly ugly, too. And I am.totally grossed out by pregnancy and the thought of breastfeeding makes me feel physically ill.

That said, I don't get strident on social media about it, unless something in particular has really got on my tits that day. 9/10 likes I get when I rant about an idiot kid/parent related incident though usually come from parents and not my childfree friends, which definitely leads me to believe parents are not as child loving as they would have us believe....their own.kids, sure, but not other people's!

There is some shit I don't go into on social media though, like expressing my views on breeding in general, the grossness, finding babies ugly, etc. It just invites butthurt and bingos. Sometimes I want to put "Yay so glad I'm childfree" on my status after a bus ride next to a shrieker or summat but I don't because of the bullshit that will ensue. Anyone who knows me well knows I'm that lady who doesn't want to sit next to the giant famblee table, that I don't want any leaky tit conversations and I will not coo over loaves. It doesn't need any Fartbook status reinforcement.

Maybe the friend is just so sick of the pressure to breed and the udder rubbing moos get she's putting it out there loud and clear and doesn't give a fuck about the butthurt/can deal with it and if so good for her. Personally, I couldn't be arsed with the fallout, because moos are so bloody good at making out that their hurt fee fees are everybody else's problem.
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