
A Connecticut mother was left red-faced with embarrassment and then burning with rage after her four-year-old son was banned from a doughnut shop for asking if a lady was pregnant on Tuesday.

Rebecca Denham said when her son mistakenly asked a customer in Monroe's Doughnut Inn on Monday if she was carrying a child - she was understandably mortified.

However, the next day when they tried to walk back in, they 'were screamed at in front of the door,' said Denham. They said her son, Justin Otero, was not 'allowed in here' because he 'is rude.'

I suppose banning seems a bit extreme. However, given the way that moos obsess over pignant guts and baybees, I can't help but feel she reaps what she's sown.

I seriously doubt that moo was "screamed at" when trying to enter the shop the next time. And, although I have no doubt that the person probably did wave it off as "no big deal" it doesn't mean that they were okay with basically being called fat by a 4 y.o.

I love how moo is all self-righteous and complaining about others being judgmental. Dude, your kyd called attention to a stranger's body in a public place. Even if he is so ignorant to assume that anyone with a larger belly is inpig, you should certainly have instilled in him by now the idea that we don't make comments like that to people we don't know. Or people we DO know, really. It IS rude.

I guess everyone is supposed to think it's cyoooote because he's 'just a kyd', even though at 4, she admits that he even 'kinda understands' the big fuss over his behavior. If he understands, there's no reason why moo couldn't have told him by now that you don't comment on strangers or their bodies. In fact, if moos weren't hellbent on making everyone notice their chyldren and shoving them in everyone's faces, this kyd might have known how to behave respectfully in public.

Of course, this is such an 'embarrassing' situation that moo had to run to the media because pweshus was called out for being rude. If she was truly embarrassed, no one would've heard the story to begin with. She's looking for validation for her kyd to say and do whatever he wants in public and get away with it, because he's 'just a kyyyyyd'. Well, for once, it didn't work.

Predictably, though, the comments by and large are pro-moo/kyd. smile rolling left righteyes2 Again, outright banning might seem a bit extreme. However, it is certainly understandable that a business does not want someone in there insulting their customers. If the kyd asked the question this time, he probably asks it anytime that he sees someone with a belly or overweight. It's the job of the parunt to tell him it's not appropriate to comment. Hell, it's the job of the parunt to tell kyds that not everyone and everything is inpig and that he doesn't need to concern himself with the body types of strangers.

From the comments:


Mrs. Rivers, Trumbull, United States, 1 hour ago

Live in the next town over. Only one side is being told here. There has been a repeated pattern of behavior by the child and lack of supervision or acknowledgement of this behavior by the mother.

Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if there is more to the story. Although I would LOVE to think that all it takes is one rude comment or incident of misbehavior by kyd in order to get them reprimanded, I seriously doubt that happens much, if ever. So, most likely, there is some kind of pattern.

Also, wtf does moo need to go to the doughnut shop every day? Like someone in the comments said, if moo keeps up the daily doughnut shop, she might have kyddie asking her the same question soon.
It doesn't surprise me at all that there is more to the story. Banning the kid for this one offense might have been a tiny bit extreme, but then again, kids need to learn that when they're rude, there are consequences.

And I agree, if the Moo was really embarrassed by her sprog's behavior she wouldn't have uttered a word about this to anyone, let alone the media.
I hope the other side of the story comes out, because I'm sure that it exists. Kids that young say stupid shit all the time, so it doesn't surprise anyone when it inevitably happens. I would expect the moo & kid to be given the stink eye and then everyone moves on.

The fact that the employees remembered the moo and kid's faces and then went out of their way to ban them the next day tells me that there was much more going on.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
I'm pretty sure if she had responded to his comment by correcting him, nobody would have batted an eye. It's plain as day that she laughed it off or otherwise failed to teach him it was inappropriate, and that this was not the first time it had happened.
Love how the moo flounces out of the shop with the typical rude customer retort of how she'll just take her money elsewhere. The DF even says she was "burning with rage." W.T.F. lady.

Four years old is NOT too young to have learned, right then and there immediately when this happened, that WE DON'T ASK PEOPLE QUESTIONS ABOUT THEIR BODY AND WE DON'T TALK ABOUT PEOPLE IN PUBLIC. Or something to that effect.

Instead, his moo runs to the media as fast as she can to attention whore to get the angry internet to justify her behaviour and her bratty kyd's behaviour, and by doing so she's just taught him that HE is the victim here. Great, just great.

Pathetic the amount of posters who are commenting that it's sooooo charming to hear the delightful things that come out of a 4 yo's mouth, and what a delight they are because you just never know what they'll say.

The idea of "but he's just a chyuuuuullldd" is such utter BS.

And the fact that a lady from the comments says she lives in the next town over and that this kyd is known for this kind of behaviour in that community really says something.
Yeah, I am certain he gingerly inquired, "Mam, are you carrying a child?". No, we all know he probably poked the woman in her gut and said, "YOU SURE ARE FAT LADY! Is there a baby in there somewhere?", to which the moo probably laughed instead of making the brat apologize. I also SERIOUSLY doubt anyone "screamed" at anyone when they attempted to enter the establishment. Very likely too this wasn't the first "mistake" this cunt and her kid made at the donut shop..eye rolling smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Unless she's the worlds biggest donut eater I doubt they'll miss her money.
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