Good on the parents for speaking up so bluntly. And if the moo thinks the situation is so tenuous


"I obviously understand how babies are made, and comprehend how to use protection, but even with prevention there is still the possibility.

then I side with the poster that says she needs to be celibate. I haven't finished reading the thread, but it sounds like the young woman would expect her parents to accept the burden of another kid if she had an oops.
Stick to blowjobs... and better yet, stick to educating yourself and advancing yourself in some kind of a career where you don't need to live with your parents.

They didn't sign up for raising another child.
I caught this from the OP on page 9, my comments in red:


My mother is at work, that's why it was an email. I do not pay market rate for rent. I pay for my share of utilities and food. I pay for my sons expenses myself. As well you should, because you brought him into the world. I pay my insurance, my son is on medicade. "Medicade?" Hey, if you are going to suck Gubmint teat, then at least learn to spell it correctly. Signed, A TaxpayerWhen I get a car, I will pay for it. So whose car are you using? Let me guess, Mawm and Dad. I'm in no way free loading. Yes, child care is free.

Let's tally this up, shall we? She pays less-than-market for rent. She does not have a car. The taxpayer is picking up the tab for the kid's medical care and she gets FREE child care. How does it compute that she's NOT a free loader?

I work evenings. You need to be working 24/7 so you don't fall on another dick and get pregnant.

Good for her mom. I wish more grandparents would get a spine, including my one friend. Her daughter was married but it was obvious to everyone that the marriage wasn't going to last, including my friend. Her daughter had one kid, which my friend was watching for free. When Grandmoo informed me her daughter was thinking of having another I said, have you considered saying something to her? My friend said, "if they give me another baby to take care of, I'll take care of another baby."

The separated when loaf number two was TWO MONTHS OLD. Now my friend has a serious illness and she is the full-time caregiver for TWO loaves. Her daughter is still dumping the kids on her.

After this happened, my friend told me she didn't say anything because that would be like my mother (bell's mother) and I hated it when my mother tried to interfere in my life. Yes, my mother tries to be interfering, but she would be well within her rights to tell me she wouldn't watch or support another kid. How is that so hard to understand: YOU DIDN'T FUCK TO GET THESE KIDS, WHY SHOULD YOU BE STUCK WITH RAISING THEM?

It's the same with teenagers. Tell them they can get an abortion or put the baby up for adoption and you won't be raising it. It worked for my parents. (My parents also did the non-Fundy thing and told me at an early age where babies came from and how to prevent them.)

I never got pregnant or expected they would have been "thrilled' to raise a kid. Then again, back when I was raised there was a natural progression: I couldn't wait to get the Hell out of my parent's house. Even if you lived in a crummy apartment with cider block bookshelves, it was YOURS.
I don't think the parents are being unreasonable when they're the ones paying for and watching their grandshit while their daughter probably is doing a lot less than she lets on. And, big shock, the first kid was conceived due to a condom break. But hey, since when has an inability to properly raise a kid ever stopped a Moo?

I think the reason Moo is being so hostile about this is because she DOES want another kid and might even be in the process of making an oops baby to snag her current guy since the last one ran off and left her high and dry. She doesn't say that, but I'm still getting that vibe. I'm glad she's at least working rather than just being a fucking welfare leech, but when Meemaw and Peepaw are watching the current brat for FREE while Moo is at work and Moo is living with them, I think they do get a say in her breeding habits.
FTW Thank you


If you want your parents to stop talking to you about your sex life, stop making things with your sex life that they have to take responsibility for.
Why is it all these single moos seem to do or concentrate on is what dick they're going to fall on next? I agree with grandmoo - if you already have one brat you can't support, put the dick down and work on becoming independent. Is foregoing sex in the name of decency, class, and respect for others (who are supporting you and your mistake) really that hard?
And now the defiance


I work tonight. My son is napping. I don't need to justify what I do in my free time. It is only when I don't have my son that I have a few hours to do whatever I want. I deserve it. I don't care about opinions on that matter.

Sounds like the kind of attitude that caused her to end up in the current pickle. Unfortunately, the thread got locked before she could continue the whine.
Then she can get her own place and do what she wants there. If she has free time she needs to be watching her own spawn, not grandma.
Yeah, she's doing good that her parents are allowing her to live with them and are providing free childcare. There is no way in hell my mother would let me live with her, let alone babysit (especially since she still has a couple of years before retirement). Her philosophy would be that if I think I'm grown enough to have a child, I'm grown enough to be living on my own.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
As parents all over the world have said and will continue to say...

..Our House, Our Rules!!

Good on them for making that clear. Grandchildren are meant for short periods and then not seen until Christmas/Birthdays/Holidays,
Picking apart this stupid girl's stereotypical text is just too easy because she's obviously of the same mindset as 98% of all the other young single moos still, "living at home", who honestly feel entitled to do so with no repercussions. So, I will instead dissect the moo of the moo's enabling commentary. In red are the first thoughts that popped into my head. So, it's astonishing to me she is conveying this enabling shit to her daughter when she has had ample time to think up a little better "tough love" statement. Not that in my case it would have made a difference since I didn't want kids by the time I was 12-13, but my mother made it a regular routine, whenever the topic came up with people we knew, to say that IF we got knocked up we had three choices:

1)Go to an unwed mother's home, still the rage in the 70's and 80's, and put the damned thing up for adoption

2)Get an abortion

3)Marry the baby daddy

My parents made it VERY clear we would NOT be, "coming back home" with bastard kids in tow NOR would they be raising any grand chilluns.:bdid

Enabling Moo of the Moo Statement
It is our business when you live in our house. Do you not realize that we are making sacrifices too by helping with Hunter. It's their business regardless of where she lives if she intends to rely on them for anything. By saying, "when you live in our house" implies her irresponsibility would be "okay" if she only had her own place. Therefore, she can simply move in with one of her fuck buddies and STILL expect help from them via baby sitting or whatever and can come back with, "You SAID if I didn't live here you'd help". Cunts like this hear what they WANT to hear. Asking if she cares about their "sacrifices" is a meaningless argument because obviously she does NOT. She has no appreciation for the "sacrifices" they made for her, so it stands to reason this argument would fall on deaf ears when in reference to her self replicant. She CLEARLY has no respect for her parents OR her younger sisters,

Instead, Moo of Moo should have been specific like, "We have already raised OUR kids and we don't wish to raise any more. Your being here at your age and with a dependent child disrupts ALL of our lives, including your younger sisters. It isn't fair you are causing a hardship on your younger sisters when you take away from us financially and time wise and we are forced to use our resources for you and your kid when your sisters deserve the fruits of our labor, not you and your child. You have already received your share of our time and money and it's selfish you are taking that away from your sisters. You need to spend every waking moment finishing your education and becoming gainfully employed so YOU can finance your own lifestyle. After you became a mother, your life as you knew it was OVER, so start acting like an adult as you are no longer a child".
spanking with a whip on the ass

Don't get me wrong, we love that boy so much and will do anything for him. He is mine and dads world. This is a common and a HUGE mistake for Moos of young single Moos to make! They are enabling her by giving up the balance of power when they make these statements. All that girl hears is, "That boy is VERY important to us, "our world!", in fact, so we are giving you the power to use that knowledge against us.". This is very typical because the next thing she will do is deny them seeing the grandkid after she hastily and angrily makes yet ANOTHER bad decision and moves in temporarily with a fuck buddy because she's mad at her parents. This girl NO DOUBT has the, "I'll show them!" attitude and will rock their world when she takes little Hunter away and refuses contact. We see this over and over again in child custody disputes between moos and duhs and it's no different when it's grand parents. That cows use their kids as pawns is an age old tradition and it's popular because it works!.eye rolling smiley

But you live here practically for free with free daycare. We don't need another addition to this house. If you have another baby, your right that is your issue but it will effect all of us if you still live here. So yes it is our business. In other words, even though we will hate it and don't want you to get knocked up again, we will STILL always be there for you to take advantage of. Instead it should be, "If you have another kid there won't be anywhere for you here in hour house. We REFUSE to add another person to our already over crowded home."shrug

Stop thinking one sided. It's not about you it's about Hunter and this whole family. I honestly don't want to think about your personal relations. I'm thinking of your ability to handle more then you can. We are parents and that's what parents talk about to their kid that is single parent. We are worried about you, we CARE about you, we don't want you to get into more than you can handle, .................It makes me uncomfortable to imagine your sex life, instead of, "You are selfish and only care about yourself. WE care about your sisters, OUR lives, and the life you are creating for Hunter with your foolish choices. We will no longer allow you to disrupt our lives with your whoring around and irresponsible behavior. Either you shape up and behave like an adult or we will get custody of Hunter and you will be out on the street" angrily flogging with a whip

Alex you forget I've been on your shoes and I'll tell you right now you don't want two kids at your age. NOT a good thing to say because all this girl hears is, "I made the SAME mistakes you have, and worse, and I made it through okay!", which somehow makes her behavior seem okay. Mom can't judge me because she did the SAME damned thing! Instead she needs, and should have been saying all along throughout the girl's life, to tell her specific bad shit she went through, share the misery so to speak, and NOT sugar coat everything with the, "Love will find a way!" attitude.shrug

Sweetheart stop acting like you know everything. You don't have your shit together so slow down before your in a situation you wish you weren't. As soon as she called her the endearing, "Sweetheart" EVERYTHING even remotely "stern" she had said up to that point just went up in smoke. Who can believe rules will be enforced after mom calls you"Sweetheart"? "You will be out on the street and on your own if you don't change your ways, Sweetheart". waving hellolarious

We love you with all our heart. Slow down please. I know what I'm talking about kid. Stop arguing back with us just listen for Crist sake. Not everything is a debate. Listening is a powerful thing." "We love you with all our heart" translates into no matter what you do you can't damage our relationship. "I know what I am talking about kid" is an age old thing parents say that goes in one ear and out the fucking other. "Stop arguing with us and just listen" is a waste of time to even say, and, "Not everything is a debate" only tells her that SOME things still are open for debate and also that advice to "slow down" is complete horseshit as it tells her she is on the right path, but just needs to move a little slower, which NO teen or young 20 something will EVER heed. This girl needs boundaries set, rules to follow, and firm discipline and the sooner the better or she will be inpig again before Hunter is out of diapers:smn

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Stick to blowjobs... and better yet, stick to educating yourself and advancing yourself in some kind of a career where you don't need to live with your parents.

They didn't sign up for raising another child.

Better yet, get an operation to get the brat making equipment out of there!
I have a cousin who makes a great living. He and his wife had two kids in three years, and they leave them with my aunt and uncle several time a year to go on vacations and long weekends. My aunt and uncle love having the kids, and look forward to having them, BUT - when my cousin started taliking about he and the wife "wanting one more" my uncle bluntly told him that if they had another child, the babysitting and overnight stays would cease, as watching two kids was their limit. That ended all talk of baby no.3!
Planned Parenthood web site
Less than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant each year if they always take the pill each day as directed.

About 9 out of 100 women will get pregnant each year if they don’t always take the pill each day as directed.

- See more at:

Sounds pretty effective to me, unless someone is too stupid to pop it in their mouth every morning. Add a condom and you are not going to get prego. I used the pill for years and never had a scare.

What I'm always dismayed about is how many of these single moos consider birth control totally ineffective so just don't bother to use it at all. I know there is a complete lack of sex ed in schools because of the Christo-fascists in the US; but they have the internet, they could educate themselves.

I'd bet she really just wants another baybay and as soon as she gets the next dick she will be prego in no time. Birth control only works if you use it.

I am all for her parents putting their foot down. It's best for them, for her, and especially the child she already has. She's just too stupid to see it.
Her parents should have done this one loaf ago.

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
Just shove an iud up her cooter. Someone could probably slip one up there when she is asleep and she would never know the difference.
If I was the grandparents I'd insist she got a contraceptive implant, IUD or Depo shot or move the fuck out, whether the loaf stays or not. If she is going to insist on finding another dick to ride, then she needs to take responsibility for showing her parents she is doing everything in her power not to get up the duff again.

One of the admins at work is stuck with son, teen moo GF and grandloaf at home and she has a rigid set of rules, including a second pregnancy being absolutely a no no if they wish to remain there. She babysits only when moo is in college and son is working, but there is no free pass to go out on the lash - she refuses to babysit unless it's work or study. She allows them to stay rent free on condition that they pay a certain amount each month into a savings account for their own place and show her the statements each month. Her rationale is she doesn't want it being comfortable or easy for them so they'll move out when.they get chance.
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