I saw something about this a few days ago, but it's in my goddamn Fakebook feed in three different places.

This first article is just kind of general information about why vitamin K is something babies need. Apparently it can be given orally too, but the parents might not keep up with the doses or, in typical baby fashion, the little shits could easily barf the pills up.

Vitamin K for loaves 101

And this story is about some loaves that suffered severe hemorrhaging from not getting a vitamin K shot, and while they lived, there's no telling if any of them have sustained brain damage (three of them had brain bleeding).

Hemorraging babies

Of course this could be a huge problem with home-birfers who don't even bother taking the kid to a hospital if it manages to make it out alright in the birfin' pool or on the living room floor. But now the anti-vaxers are even jumping on the bandwagon and getting huffy over something that really isn't a fucking vaccine - it's a vitamin shot for fuck's sake, and an essential one too.

I propose taking babies away from any parents who refuse to do the vitamin shots. If they value their child's life so little that they won't even let it have a fucking vitamin supplement that could prevent potentially fatal illness, then they're not fit to raise a house plant, let alone a child. But hey, maybe if more people do this, more loaves will die and the population might go down a tiny bit. So in that sense, I'm all for it! Shit out loaves at home and then get it no medical treatment at all. Darwin can take it from there.

And maybe this is an ass thing to say, but I think if breeders want to refuse life-saving injections for their newborns, medical personnel should be able to refuse to treat that infant if it begins to bleed out or suffer any other fatal complications from having its health neglected. Make the proud parents watch the child bleed to death and maybe they'll learn something if they decide to make another one. Granted, stupid people take much longer to learn simple things, so some breeders might need to have a few loaves die before they get the hint. And then charge the parents with manslaughter for good measure.
And it's more common in loaves who are breast-feed exclusively, which must be a real blow for the anti-vax crunchy types.
Here is what I don't get.

If you are a meth addict incubating a fetus you may end up in jail or similar stuff "for the good of the fetus".

BUT once the loaf is out of the oven, you can safely refuse to give him the most basic healt care and nobody bats an eye.

How is that?


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
I think these "crunchy" parents care more about their bullshit ideologies than about doing what's best for their children's health, and this just furthers my case.

I too wish there was a way to impose consequences on pahrunts who refuse medical treatment for their children for no legitimate reason.
We know that beating your chyld is abuse
We've coming round to the idea that letting your chyld become obese by feeding them just doughnuts and coke is abuse
No vacinations? Well that's just a personal choice.

At least it seems one judge has had enough with the "It's against my religion" bullshit.

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The Skeptical OB had a story about a homebirf moo who's kid started hemorrhaging due to lack of vit K. Moo took the baby to the hospital (funny how they're not against modern medicine when the shit really hits the fan) then proceeded to berate the meanie-head hospital staff who were hurting trying to save her kid's life in her blog.

I can't find the original SOB post, and moo appears to have taken down her blog post roasting the doctors and nurses for torturing treating her kid. But apparently the same vapid moo has "done her research" and has decided to forego vit K with her next loaf:


Moo doesn't want vit K because she claims that it has been "linked to childhood cancers" (BS), but happily admits she's sucking down spinach smoothies to give her kid vit K through titty juice. Apparently magical spinach booby vit K is fine, it's just that evil other kind that causes cancer..? shrug
I can kind of understand vaccine paranoia, but Vitamin K?! It's an essential nutrient, not even a vaccine! So is it the needles these morons are afraid of? AFAIK, these shots don't even contain any of the big-bad-scary adjuvants like aluminum that typical anti-vaxxers fear.
In regard to kid cancer, I did see something about how vitamin K shots are allegedly linked to an increased risk for leukemia in brats, but there didn't seem to be much good, solid evidence in support of such horse shit.

And why do they have issues with shots, but not oral vitamins or vitamins administered via boob milk? I think anti-vaccination is becoming anti-shot or anti-needle, meaning we might start seeing breeders who won't get their kids things like tetanus shots when they sit on rusty nails, no vitamin shots for vitamin deficiencies, no IV fluids or antibiotics, nothing. Yes, shots are never any fun, but sometimes they're the best way to give treatment to someone.

What I also love is how much these breeders whine and moan about the pain of vaccinations their widdle dumplings have to endure, but I guarantee ALL of the ones with boys got them circumcised when they were born. I'm not an intactavist or whatever the fuck foreskin-obsessed Moos call themselves, but I just like that they're generally willing to let meenie-head devil doctors hack up their sons' cocks, as long as there are no shots involved.

IMO not getting one's child necessary vaccines (which I think all of them are) is the same as not taking them to the ER when they have a ruptured appendix. Urgency obviously varies between the two, but the bottom line is still the same: neglecting the child's health, which should be something the parents are fined or jailed for.
All I can say is: Humans. Humans and their insanity.

Again, I reiterate that we just skip this whole trainwreck and stop breeding in the first place, but my words just disappear in the wind...

Anti-natalist & Parenting License advocate.
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