How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 25, 2014
Every now and then I revisit this topic. What happens when you are a Child-Free person and your spouse or a spouse equivalent decides that she or he wants to have a child?

If you are a CF person and you are under 45, it is not if, but more likely when you will encounter something like this yourself or encounter someone close to you who will be faced with this challenge. Choosing a "right" partner is wise, but let me just say that people change as they age. Their chemicals change, their hormones change, their views change. Chances of you having a CF mate who went to a wanna breeder side are not that low.

I was reminded of this situation earlier today when I saw this post over here:

Allow me to tell you that just about everything that article says is wrong. Also, it does not necessarily pertain to Child-Free, I have to say that people having an argument over how many kids to have is just as nasty as having an argument over whether to have kids or not.

If you are in a good relationship and are living together with your SO and they flip and say that they now want to breed, the only way to fix the issue is to temporarily separate. Do not fight or argue, do not cheat on each other and most definitely, stop fucking - now. Instead, find separate places to live and agree that this problem must be dealt with when you live separately. Allow at least 90 days to pass. Let things cool off. At that point you will know if being with that wanna breeder is even worth it. At that point and time the wanna breeder will also know what stupid crap were they trying to pull on you. Make your choices in life. Don't allow someone else to make choices for you. More often than not, wanna breeder will give up the idea of breeding in favor of a good relationship - it does not ALWAYS happen, but I would say that 60% to 70% of the time, they come back and admit that they were stupid.

When wanna breeders want to breed, they have a very shallow mind. They have no idea what they are about to give up. They could lose, YOU, the CF person and let me tell you, they DO NOT want to do that. They need to understand what they are risking. They need to see that you may just go away. They need to see that there is not another one of you out there, but they need to see that there are countless useless breeders out there.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 26, 2014
Stupid article
You may be having marital trouble and she may believe that having a baby will strengthen the marriage.

Stupidest. Reason. Ever.

Nine times out of ten, or maybe 9.9, babies are The Relationship Killer!

sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken
indecision may or may not be my problem
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 26, 2014
Stupid article
You may be having marital trouble and she may believe that having a baby will strengthen the marriage.

Stupidest. Reason. Ever.

Nine times out of ten, or maybe 9.9, babies are The Relationship Killer!

This is the kind of SHIT that is out there. An unaware CF person usually fed that - day in and day out. I have had a few relationships fail because the other person wanted to breed. I did not know about Bratfree back then and internet was not as CF friendly either. I had no place to go to, I had very little support. Even counselors were just about useless.

I later on learned that wanna breeds, if shown the door and left alone, they sometimes come back around, because they realize that a CF relationship and people in it actually do care about each other.

Today, I can find countless of stories online about some CF guy asking for advice about what to do about his wife that all of a sudden flipped a lid and wants to breed. I see almost ZERO of sound advice given. The only solution to a baby rabied wife is that she is shown what is it like to live WITHOUT him, even if it is for only 30 or 60 days. If the relationship has other problems, separation will push people apart. If bay-bee rabies is the only thing, she will be back and she will admit she was being dumb.

Same thing works for women. His dumb ass wants to breed? Separate. You can still talk and try to work things out, but live apart. Then tell him that you two will not be back together until he goes back to what he was: Child Free. When you kick breeder in their balls - they back down. Bay-bee rabies are dumb and they lose ground quickly when CF person fights fire with fire.
I dunno. If you separate from the baby-rabied spouse/significant other and they come back won't they just resent you forever because they had to give in and you didn't?

I guess once in a long while the rabied person will just spontaneously change their mind back to being CF, but you'd think most of the time they are just compromising out of fear of loneliness.

I say just dump 'em. They're tainted and you'll never know if/when they'll turn again or scream at you from their death bed that you've denied them their True Purpose In Life TM. Mr. T: I pitty tha fools
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 26, 2014
I dunno. If you separate from the baby-rabied spouse/significant other and they come back won't they just resent you forever because they had to give in and you didn't?

I guess once in a long while the rabied person will just spontaneously change their mind back to being CF, but you'd think most of the time they are just compromising out of fear of loneliness.

I say just dump 'em. They're tainted and you'll never know if/when they'll turn again or scream at you from their death bed that you've denied them their True Purpose In Life TM. Mr. T: I pitty tha fools
You're probably right. This is one of those non-negotiable issues in life, and if one party suddenly gets the urge to breed it doesn't bode well for the CF person. The pressure will always be there because the culture encourages and idealizes breeding. It's amazing that some people still think having a chyld will magically solve relationship problems.face saying 'error'r I know several divorced folks, and everyone of them had kyds with their ex. You make the call.

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 26, 2014
You say this: "I don't want kids. no, I am not going to change my mind or compromise. If this is good, welcome aboard, if not don't let the door hit you in the ass. And I swear if you try to oops me I will a viciously brutalize you with a broken lawn chair and have it aborted. Any questions?"

Seriously, being upfront about these things is always best. It's just not fair for both parties to compromise when there are wanna moos and wanna duhs LITERALLY everywhere.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 26, 2014
I dunno. If you separate from the baby-rabied spouse/significant other and they come back won't they just resent you forever because they had to give in and you didn't?

I guess once in a long while the rabied person will just spontaneously change their mind back to being CF, but you'd think most of the time they are just compromising out of fear of loneliness.

I say just dump 'em. They're tainted and you'll never know if/when they'll turn again or scream at you from their death bed that you've denied them their True Purpose In Life TM. Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

Some people, when it comes to loving someone, they have an on/off switch. Not all people have that, even if their other half has fallen to the dark side.

Usually a set breeder will not date a CF person to begin with. Relationships often start out as CF. Then, usually at some age between 30 and 40, one of the "CF" becomes a wanna breed for no solid reason. Sometimes it is hormones, sometimes it is outside influence. If you were in a relationship where that person really mattered to you - that stuff sucks ass, to say the least. Another thing is this. Because this person started out as a CF, even if they get a boot and get told to never ever come back, I would say that chances are 60% to 70% they are not going to breed. Once they learn what they have lost - believe me - their attitudes change. No, they are not likely to resent you in the end, they would not have bred anyways. I think people want to breed for the same reason they want to cheat. They think grass is greener elsewhere - until they step into dog shit. Example: 40 year old men leave their wives to go be with a 20 year old mistress - such men often don't end up happy. Hormones that drive a 40 year old man to screw a 20 year old are the same that drive a 40 year old woman to breed. However, we are creatures who have minds and brains and we need to use that - it works out better when we use our brains. Some men just choose to think with their dicks and women think with their uterus.

I think that at least 30% of those who want to breed will breed, but there are 70% of them that will not. It is about keeping the CF person in the driver's seat and making the wanna breeder get lost on the CF person's terms. That is how wanna breeds learn and later appreciate what they had.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 26, 2014
Good advice from everybody. I know 30s-40s is midlife crisis stage and that's when some people think it's time to jump ship in many respects. They're feeling the first half of their lives ending and the second half starting, which is scary and makes them think and act like assholes. A separation can be good for people like this, especially if there's a mutual agreement that the two halves of the relationship can maybe see other people. Get the urge out of your system and once the wannabreeder sees what kind of loser breeders and other wannabreeders are out there, they'll realize exactly what they're throwing away by leaving their CF mate. Not just pretend-CFers who do a 180 five years into marriage, but many people build up an idea of what they aren't experiencing in their heads at all ages and it makes them get bored and resentful with that they already have. Then they get divorced or cheat and by the time they figure out they were already on the greenest side of the fence, it's too late. Their ex is with someone new or just plain won't take them back.

And the WORST possible thing anyone can do in a rocky or failing relationship or marriage is throw a fuckin' baby into the mix. Babies destroy good, solid relationships on a regular basis, so if two people who were crazy about one another divorce after Junior comes along, what the fuck kind of logic says a loaf will save a marriage that's already on thin ice? That's like living paycheck to paycheck and deciding that the best way to help your financial situation is to go buy a sports car with your credit card.

The unfortunate thing is, unless a man gets snipped, there's no guarantee his wife won't get knocked up. We've all seen abundant proof from various Moo sites that baby-rabid women are not above getting pregnant behind their partners' backs by poking holes in condoms, sucking semen out of condoms with a turkey baster, "forgetting" their pills or simply claiming infertility or sterility. While it's awful when anyone sabotages birth control, I think men get more shit for it when they do it. But when a woman tricks her man, it's more okay. A man can tell his wife he doesn't want kids until he's blue in the face, but the more she wants a loaf, the more she will justify deception and lying in her head for the sake of making a loaf.

BUT for the women who aren't cunts who won't do this shit, taking a break and making them actually fucking think about why they want kids is a good way to go. Waaaay too many people put so little thought into having kids, and even when they know they want them, it's often for stupid bullshit reasons that they themselves don't even question, like "It's just what adults do" or "I came from a large family, so kids is all I know." Breeding tends to be a sort of knee-jerk decision for the average person, and can become an impulsive choice for very impressionable people. A woman sees her pregnant co-worker being lavished with attention and showers; a female relative gives birth to a cutesy baby; near-death experience when she realizes that she only gets one life, so maybe the best thing to do with that one life is make another one; intentional or accidental pregnancy loss (the hormone crash can make women feel all kinds of things, one of which is regret over the loss, even if it was a completely unwanted fetus), and so on.

I think people who develop a sudden desire for loaves DO have some kind of void in their lives, but their immediate dumbass answer is that the only way to fill that emptiness in their souls is with a goddamn baby. I would venture a guess that a baby NEVER helps those feelings of emptiness and that it most likely worsens it because now the woman and/or her partner no longer have the freedom for fulfilling, fun pursuits. What they need to do is sit down and really think about why they feel empty and what they really need to feel whole again. Maybe something as simple as a vacation or a new hobby, maybe moving, maybe seeing other people for a while, maybe going back to school or getting a new job or writing a novel... it could be so many things, but BABY is the easiest answer and that's what people do. Then they're more miserable than before.

Never make an appointment for a vasectomy to solve the problem––especially without consulting your wife. While it's your body, it is also about a joint relationship and making joint decisions about something you both have a say in. Pushing her to agree by such an act will damage mutual trust and reliance in your marriage.

I feel this is only partially correct. No, don't get snipped behind your wife's back... unless she's a lying cunt-sack who will do anything for sperm, in which case, a divorce should be in order too. But why can't a vasectomy be the solution? It'll obviously show the woman that he's serious. After all, if he knows he doesn't want to breed ever, a snip is the most practical thing to do so there doesn't have to be any concern over BC anymore. Tell her you want to get a vasectomy because you refuse to have kids ever, take it or leave it. If she doesn't agree with it, then there's the fuckin' door.
I think when your dealing with want kids no kids, the best idea is to agree to look after a friends kid's while their on holiday as a dry run then find the rottenest,spoilt brats possible(not a shortage of them it seems, two weeks later if your partners not fed up wwith kids then dump their ass. Two weeks of hell for a lifetime of partnered bliss, I'd take that deal
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 27, 2014
I still maintain any man having sex with a woman who has expressed an urge for children who does not take 100% responsibility for his own birth control is not oopsed and doesn't deserve any pity. He needs to zip it, snip it or wrap it up, even if his partner has something like an IUD or Implanon. I hate when men piss and moan about getting "oopsed" with a pregnancy when they have done nothing to prevent one. Suck it up, Duh.
As far as telling a spouse or partner, I think being up front is always best. If the husband or wife change their mind then I really don't see any option but divorce. Children are a deal breaker. Even though there are idiots who will say you compromise by "just having one" instead of two or three, even one changes the life of everyone totally. I know more than one marriage that has broken up over the issue and that is far better than unwanted children or bitter spouses constantly bitching about how they wanted a baby but gave up the dream for their spouse.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 27, 2014
I still maintain any man having sex with a woman who has expressed an urge for children who does not take 100% responsibility for his own birth control is not oopsed and doesn't deserve any pity. He needs to zip it, snip it or wrap it up, even if his partner has something like an IUD or Implanon. I hate when men piss and moan about getting "oopsed" with a pregnancy when they have done nothing to prevent one.

I personally cannot recommend that any CF man has any sex with a woman who is not CF.

The second she starts to talk about babies - sex stops - discussions begin. If after a reasonable amount of time the discussion is not going in the CF direction, discussion about a separation should begin. Sex can only resume if agreement can be made that no babies will result if BC, provided by the man, fails.

Getting away from baby-rabies actually helps both parties. More than likely baby rabies will go away if the baby rabied person sees what they have just lost. When people live apart, CF person is less likely to get oopsed.
I still maintain any man having sex with a woman who has expressed an urge for children who does not take 100% responsibility for his own birth control is not oopsed and doesn't deserve any pity. He needs to zip it, snip it or wrap it up, even if his partner has something like an IUD or Implanon. I hate when men piss and moan about getting "oopsed" with a pregnancy when they have done nothing to prevent one. Suck it up, Duh.
As far as telling a spouse or partner, I think being up front is always best. If the husband or wife change their mind then I really don't see any option but divorce. Children are a deal breaker. Even though there are idiots who will say you compromise by "just having one" instead of two or three, even one changes the life of everyone totally. I know more than one marriage that has broken up over the issue and that is far better than unwanted children or bitter spouses constantly bitching about how they wanted a baby but gave up the dream for their spouse.

Apart from the effectivnes of wrapping it up with a baby rabid partner (damn well be vigilant on those condoms., check em all, buy ndew ones for anyone else.)

My rule (and advice I once gave a mate when asked) is from the second of baby talk no sex until your both on the same page or agree to break up. Take a break from each other, get away, sort it out, if your desprate pop over the border for some legal prostitution, you will spend far less on a one off prossie than 18+ child payments. (long story short, He listend to me, we had a lovely weekend in frankfurt, they broke up, I eventually convinced him to fill the condoms with water, they ALL leaked. He's glad as hell, and I'm still cheekily suggesting he pay me half the money he saved.

She is on facebook and now is single moo who has one of those multi father families.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 27, 2014
Pinholed condoms!? Egads, he escaped the trap from hell!

I have a friend who was oopsed. She didn't even tell him until after she quit taking the pills that she quit taking the pill. But they were married already, and she is a successful artist in Seattle who picked my friend as a means to her end. He never saw it coming, but in hindsight it couldn't have happened to a better guy.
Just saying, me and another friend figured out this one has a personality disorder of some sort, possibly even a "good natured" sociopath, after comparing some stories we had both been told over the years with wildly different details, even some involving my other friend who I was told in the story was someone else entirely, lol. So we both chuckled that he was the one to get played for once.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 27, 2014
I still maintain any man having sex with a woman who has expressed an urge for children who does not take 100% responsibility for his own birth control is not oopsed and doesn't deserve any pity. He needs to zip it, snip it or wrap it up, even if his partner has something like an IUD or Implanon. I hate when men piss and moan about getting "oopsed" with a pregnancy when they have done nothing to prevent one. Suck it up, Duh.
As far as telling a spouse or partner, I think being up front is always best. If the husband or wife change their mind then I really don't see any option but divorce. Children are a deal breaker. Even though there are idiots who will say you compromise by "just having one" instead of two or three, even one changes the life of everyone totally. I know more than one marriage that has broken up over the issue and that is far better than unwanted children or bitter spouses constantly bitching about how they wanted a baby but gave up the dream for their spouse.

Apart from the effectivnes of wrapping it up with a baby rabid partner (damn well be vigilant on those condoms., check em all, buy ndew ones for anyone else.)

My rule (and advice I once gave a mate when asked) is from the second of baby talk no sex until your both on the same page or agree to break up. Take a break from each other, get away, sort it out, if your desprate pop over the border for some legal prostitution, you will spend far less on a one off prossie than 18+ child payments. (long story short, He listend to me, we had a lovely weekend in frankfurt, they broke up, I eventually convinced him to fill the condoms with water, they ALL leaked. He's glad as hell, and I'm still cheekily suggesting he pay me half the money he saved.

She is on facebook and now is single moo who has one of those multi father families.

So you and you friend fucked whores? Are you serious?

You need to get an AIDS test. What they told us in school (when I was in school in Prague) - is that you should NOT go anywhere near any places with 'legal prostitution' because most of the whores have AIDS. Oh, but they're tested! That doesn't mean shit because it won't show up on cheap tests. From what I heard - 60 - 80% of the whores in EU have AIDS.

You need to go to the doctor. NOW. Are in you in the UK? I think you're required to report this to public health, also.

Jesus F. Christ. ERG.

And people wonder why I keep to myself smile rolling left righteyes2 Because right here is yet another example of the Typical Man.

You're going to kill yourself for a fuck? And possibly spread STDs to others? What, your hands don't work?

You need to go to a Doctor NOW.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 28, 2014
...Because right here is yet another example of the Typical Man...

Zzelda, you may have been dealt a bad hand, but allow me to assure you, that Typical Man NEVER pays for sex. Typical Man does not sleep with prostitutes. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think I used to have the same way of thinking in the past.

Media would like for us to believe other wise, but we all know that media is nothing more than an advertising machine. If I watch news too much, my perception of this world changes. Media is drawn to nasty things the same way flies are drawn to crap. Media does all that it can to get attention.

If you read my old posts, you will see that I used to have very negative views of long term relationships, marriages and commitments. Root cause to my thinking was that women CANNOT be trusted. It was me, myself and I who took a look at what I was writing and it was me who came to terms with the fact that just because I came across a few bad apples, that does not mean that a TYPICAL WOMAN would act the way my exes did. I went one step further. I looked at myself and I realized that it was ME who got involved with such women. It was ME who allowed certain crap to go on.

Today, I realize that if I look for the bad, I will certainly find the bad. If I look for the good, I will certainly find the good. Not everything always goes smooth, but I cannot let a few people from my past change my perception of my every day life - there are just too many things for me to enjoy. You know what else? With me seeking the good, I have noticed that people that are negative they either start to see the light, or, they go away. Troubled folks will always be out there, but we don't have to live their life. We can live our lives the way we want to.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 28, 2014
Techie, I totally agree with what you have said. I am in the phone sex industry, and the men I speak to are anything but typical males. I have learned to separate those types of men from the men in real life, because I know that there are very good men out there who don't feel the need to pay for sex.

I have met many men IRL who are very good and decent, who are not much different from me. I have almost always had more male friends than female friends, and can relate better to men than I can to women on many levels. One thing that I never could understand about my female friends was their need to breed, and their constant bingoing and harassment towards me because I wanted something different for my life than they did.

I could have allowed my years of PSO work to jade me where it came to men, but decided to keep an open mind and I found someone to share my life with. Had I allowed these men to taint my views, I would have likely remained alone for the rest of my life.

I think that positive people draw positive people to them, and repel the negative. If you keep an open mind and learn from your past experiences, things will get better. They have for me.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 28, 2014
Very well put, MumOfSixBirds. My relationship experience with women was such that things would start off CF and well. Then, some event would take place and bay-bee rabies would come.

I have learned this. I feared baby-rabies but I was willing to take on anything else. Because I feared it, I allowed things to develop without me nipping it in the butt from the get go. In some way, I convinced myself, unknowingly, that a relationship would fail because of it. And it did.

I am not at the point where I met my CF match or a CF soulmate. But, I am at the point where I believe that it CAN happen. By believing it, I am no longer automatically assuming that ALL women I meet are future baby-rabied wanna breeders. With such poor attitude, I could have turned away a good CF person. Whatever happened in the past, stays in the past. If I can welcome the good future, I, myself, will make it happen. And I can only make something happen in real life if I am able to make it happen in my mind. Which one would I rather give my time to? A woman who walked out on me because I did not want to breed or a woman who is CF and is looking for a CF man? I think CF woman sounds so much better. Then, I will not give my time, my thoughts and my energy to the wanna breed - whether she is in the past or otherwise.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 28, 2014
Zzelda, you may have been dealt a bad hand, but allow me to assure you, that Typical Man NEVER pays for sex. Typical Man does not sleep with prostitutes. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think I used to have the same way of thinking in the past.

Media would like for us to believe other wise, but we all know that media is nothing more than an advertising machine. If I watch news too much, my perception of this world changes. Media is drawn to nasty things the same way flies are drawn to crap. Media does all that it can to get attention.

Yeah, maybe I phrased that the wrong way. My concern is for *people's health*. In the same way that I think these Cows swapping breast milk is dangerous - because you could get sick. And spread illness. And for what? When there is *an alternative* which is formula. Or, for sex, the alternative is Rosie Palmer. Wouldn't that be the easiest and safest bet?

Oh I hear ya on the media too. Which is something I think that drives this - not sex, the hype of sex. Which of course they hype all the Kodak Moments Famblee Crap too.

I could have allowed my years of PSO work to jade me where it came to men, but decided to keep an open mind and I found someone to share my life with. Had I allowed these men to taint my views, I would have likely remained alone for the rest of my life.

I think that positive people draw positive people to them, and repel the negative. If you keep an open mind and learn from your past experiences, things will get better. They have for me.

First off, I think your work is a good alternative too. I have no issues with that. As far as 'the past' for me goes - I'd say I'm about 50 / 50 between good meh and bad experiences. What gave me a bad opinion of men was various work places and all the married Duh's creeping on me. For what? When they had wives at home sim to me?

And men in general hitting on me. Why me? Do I even look remotely like a Victoria's Secret Model or P orn Star? Um, NO. So why bother with me? For what? And if 'that doesn't matter' - then a hole is a hole so why not go for anyone else? You could just as soon go Gay even - men have holes too. Or carve a hole in a watermelon or something. Why are you even speaking to me? For what?

It makes no sense to me.

Again, I am mainly concerned for people's health here. Do not risk your health - IMO it's so not worth it.
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 29, 2014

I could have allowed my years of PSO work to jade me where it came to men, but decided to keep an open mind and I found someone to share my life with. Had I allowed these men to taint my views, I would have likely remained alone for the rest of my life.

I think that positive people draw positive people to them, and repel the negative. If you keep an open mind and learn from your past experiences, things will get better. They have for me.

First off, I think your work is a good alternative too. I have no issues with that. As far as 'the past' for me goes - I'd say I'm about 50 / 50 between good meh and bad experiences. What gave me a bad opinion of men was various work places and all the married Duh's creeping on me. For what? When they had wives at home sim to me?

And men in general hitting on me. Why me? Do I even look remotely like a Victoria's Secret Model or P orn Star? Um, NO. So why bother with me? For what? And if 'that doesn't matter' - then a hole is a hole so why not go for anyone else? You could just as soon go Gay even - men have holes too. Or carve a hole in a watermelon or something. Why are you even speaking to me? For what?

It makes no sense to me.

Again, I am mainly concerned for people's health here. Do not risk your health - IMO it's so not worth it.

Zzelda, I'm so sorry you've had such bad experiences with married men hitting on you. sad smiley

I wonder how many of these guys think the grass is greener on the other side, where it comes to women? It's like they see this intelligent, beautiful and interesting childless woman and compare her to their shrieking harpie of a wife who probably nags him the instant he gets through the door and he thinks, "Wow, she's so much better!"

Either that, or they see you as a challenge. A conquest. It sounds horrible, but I truly believe some men view women are nothing more than notches on the bedpost. The harder it is to get her, the more the guys seem to want her. Like the legendary giant fish who got away on a fishing trip.

That is only my guess. I haven't had all bad experiences with men, but I've had a few myself. Mostly when I was younger and had older guys creeping on me all the time. Older men were always after me, even when I was very young. It was scary, actually.

Not all guys are like that, though. We have some great CF brothers on the board, like Techie and Thom C, who are definitely great people!

Also, I agree with you about the health issue. My job does offer a safe, healthy experience as opposed to sleeping with prostitutes. Some of the guys I have gotten to know, and they really aren't that bad at all, while others have a more predatory nature to them where it comes to women. Those guys I usually end up blocking because they kinda scare me.

It's weird, because I actually keep my clients' health and safety in mind. When I think they are about to go out and do something stupid, I warn them about the dangers of what they are getting into. A phone ho who cares! Who would have thought we actually exist? bouncing and laughing
Re: How to Tell Your Wife You Don't Want Any Children
August 29, 2014
Not all guys are like that, though. We have some great CF brothers on the board, like Techie and Thom C, who are definitely great people!

This is true. thumbs upwink

My present co workers are OK and so are the men friends I have. Such as the one I was out with earlier. Really nice guy. Cough. Most of the time ~ he could've spared me the Dentist Horror Stories. Now I'm scared! Or, when he said 'what's new'? I should not have said anything about my recent teeth issues.

Thanks ALOT Friend! We should not be so pannicky about health. I should not make others pannicky over health either. Safe Sex is probably OK.

However ~

I heard this thing once, it's just theorized, like with mutations going on of disease? : CAIDS. This means 'Casually Acquired ...'
Like you could get AIDS from someone breathing on you. Or it's floating around in the air ~

That might've been in a sci fi book. I know it is not 'reality' yet, but it theoretically could be. Hell, ebola tops that anyway so ~

Oddly, I am not worried about that.

Just about everything else though.

So there was this guy, and after the x rays the Dentist said to the guy ~ step into my private office ~

I should've said: STOP RIGHT THERE.


I'm kind of a nervous person (you'd never guess to look at me / think I'm calm / easy going), and I worry alot ~
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