Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 29, 2014
This essayist describes a typical Democratic woman as a fearful, near-to-middle age spinster. She suffers "various kinds of personal unhappiness related to the lack of clear norms for how to live," wants to get married, but isn't confident she can.

And that's why she should switch to the GOP. They support traditional marriage (somehow this is all tied into the woman's support for gay marriage rights); and keeping gay folks from being able to get married will increase her chances of finding a husband. (and proceeding to the next step: having lots of babies because woman=mother, of course)


2016 is probably going to be an interesting year
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 29, 2014
I went to the original essay and I can't believe these fucktards are so out of touch. (But then again, they all are, both Democrats and Rethugnicans, or rather, they are out to enrich themselves and their own party and Fuck John Q. Public.)


Put somewhat more concretely, the single, 35-year-old woman feels “judged” when I oppose gay marriage, because she intuitively senses that being pro-traditional marriage involves asserting male-female marriage as the norm—and therefore that her life isn’t on the right path. She resents this implication. Her problem, however, is that (statistically speaking) she wants to get married and feels vulnerable because she isn’t and vulnerable because she’s not confident she can. So (by my way of thinking) she needs a pro-marriage culture, but rejects it, or at least rejects the social and political defenses of it.

Is he out of his mind? I am currently married, but almost 20 years ago when I was 35, he could have been speaking about me and he couldn't be more wrong. I was not and am not opposed to gay marriage because of any insecurity on my part--I'm opposed to his stance on gay marriage because marriage offers tangible legal benefits (property, inheritance, medical decisions) and I see no reason why someone should be excluded based on sexual orientation and because someone wants to ram their "Kristian Values" down my or anyone else's throat.

I don't want a "pro-marriage" culture, whatever that fuck that Kristian term means, but if marriage is codified in our laws, all couples should be able to benefit. (And I'll go farther to say these benefits should be gender neutral and couple neutral--for example, if I died tomorrow, DH would get part of my pension. This benefit is NOT AVAILABLE to single people--the money just goes back into my employer's pocket, and that's wrong. A single person should have the option to designate an alternate person.)


Of course, the difficulty today is in finding a source of “effective authority” that has currency in the public square. The GOP commentators want to avoid this problem. Some counsel side-stepping the moral issues. I don’t think this will work, because the deeper dynamic of modern liberalism is toward the public provision of meaning and security for atomized individuals otherwise vulnerable and uncertain about life.

God these fuckers are really full of themselves, aren't they? I am not 'uncertain' about life....but I am vulnerable to idiots like them making moral judgments about my lifestyle choices and deciding to ROB MY POCKET or INVADE MY PRIVACY because I'm not doing what the "effective authority" thinks I should be doing. It's already happening.

You know, I could get behind fiscal conservatism, but the problem is, neither party is fiscally conservative--they just spend for their own pet causes. And the Republican party is particularly egregious because they can't mind their own fucking business on social issues.

They all want to rob you, but Rethugnicans are out to rob you wearing their cloak of "morality" or "effective authority." NO THANK YOU, ASSHOLES.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 29, 2014
This essayist describes a typical Democratic woman as a fearful, near-to-middle age spinster. She suffers "various kinds of personal unhappiness related to the lack of clear norms for how to live," wants to get married, but isn't confident she can.

And that's why she should switch to the GOP. They support traditional marriage (somehow this is all tied into the woman's support for gay marriage rights); and keeping gay folks from being able to get married will increase her chances of finding a husband. (and proceeding to the next step: having lots of babies because woman=mother, of course)


2016 is probably going to be an interesting year

OMG if this is even REMOTELY the case 2016 will be a SLAUGHTER!

popcorn and jerry springer signjerry mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 29, 2014
I go one step further. I question the whole system of marriage laws. Why is it that because someone is able to find a partner, they can get married and get discounts on car, medical, house and life insurance? Why is that single person pays higher tax? I'd like to know on what basis were these discriminatory laws were written.

I think the law of marriage is unfair towards single CF people. I am not GOP and I am not a Dem - both parties have little use for single CF people. I support flat tax and I support equal treatment of ALL people.
I go one step further. I question the whole system of marriage laws. Why is it that because someone is able to find a partner, they can get married and get discounts on car, medical, house and life insurance? Why is that single person pays higher tax? I'd like to know on what basis were these discriminatory laws were written.

The WHY is simply pro-natalism, which stems from the belief that the new generations will prop up the economic pyramid. Doesn't matter that such a system is unsustainable in the long run. Who cares about tomorrow when we can be greedy and wasteful today.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 29, 2014
I'm 35, female, married, and still vote as liberal as possible.
What's their excuse for me??? :crz
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 29, 2014
I'm 35, female, married, and still vote as liberal as possible.
What's their excuse for me??? :crz

Ha-ha-ha! Do you REALLY want to know what they think?
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 29, 2014
I go one step further. I question the whole system of marriage laws. Why is it that because someone is able to find a partner, they can get married and get discounts on car, medical, house and life insurance? Why is that single person pays higher tax? I'd like to know on what basis were these discriminatory laws were written.

I think the law of marriage is unfair towards single CF people. I am not GOP and I am not a Dem - both parties have little use for single CF people. I support flat tax and I support equal treatment of ALL people.

I'm with you on marriage laws, generally speaking.

And I'll tell everyone flat out that I'm a libertarian, or in some ways a REAL conservative--meaning equal opportunity, balanced budgets, limited government, and non-aggression policies abroad. I am definitely NOT a liberal, progressive, or Democrat.

But guess what? Today's "Conservatives"/Republicans don't believe in ANY of what I just mentioned.

What's shocking is that I know many blue collar people who SWEAR by voting Republican. They listen to AM radio each and every day, and really, truly, honestly believe that guys like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levine are on their side.

I'm talking about guys who are grossing $35-40K per year. Working class folks. And they lick the boots of the neocons, despite the fact that neocon politicians and radio hosts view these guys as morons and pawns.

The middle and working classes have been promised, for decades now, that if tax abatements are given to multi-milllionaires, it will eventually trickle down to the working class. That has not happened, is not happening, and will never happen. And yet they keep voting directly against their own interests. shrug
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 30, 2014
WIth the Republican war on women accelerating in the last few years, I don't know why the much-publicized "gender gap" isn't 25 or 30 points instead of at most half that. As a registered Independent (who will be voting in my party's primary elections next week), I have plenty of reasons to dislike the Dems. But the Republicans are just sooooooo horrendous that if I ever happen to agree with them it is as often as the proverbial "broken clock" displaying the right time LOL!

Good link on that Daily Kos list. I'd add "You are a religious fundy nutjob" to it.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 31, 2014
I'm 35, female, married, and still vote as liberal as possible.
What's their excuse for me??? :crz

Ha-ha-ha! Do you REALLY want to know what they think?

36 year old married female flaming liberal here.

The above list can be summed up in one point, that is, the one reason to vote Republican is because you are a sociopath, wholly unable to identify with or care about the needs and feelings of others.

Chris Hedges explains the Cult of Masculinity and why the need for binary thinking releases people from the obligation to make their own moral choices. He explains the psychology behind dominionism and why they are obsessed with apocalyptic violence, and why single women, gays, metrosexuals, and unbelievers threaten their identity.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 31, 2014
WIth the Republican war on women accelerating in the last few years, I don't know why the much-publicized "gender gap" isn't 25 or 30 points instead of at most half that.

I could swear that it was at least 20 in the 2012 election.

Ah yes, here it is:

I predict it will be higher in 2016. But keep in mind I am not a clairvoyant.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 31, 2014
I'm 35, female, married, and still vote as liberal as possible.
What's their excuse for me??? :crz

Ha-ha-ha! Do you REALLY want to know what they think?

36 year old married female flaming liberal here.

The above list can be summed up in one point, that is, the one reason to vote Republican is because you are a sociopath, wholly unable to identify with or care about the needs and feelings of others.

Chris Hedges explains the Cult of Masculinity and why the need for binary thinking releases people from the obligation to make their own moral choices. He explains the psychology behind dominionism and why they are obsessed with apocalyptic violence, and why single women, gays, metrosexuals, and unbelievers threaten their identity.

I think GOP vs Dems can be a point for discussion for some, but there is a bigger and more certain change that has been happening for a long time:

...Women will rule the future. Men hate it, are trapped in the past. Driven by tribal urges to fight change, hold onto ancient symbols of power...

...Yes, history is changing, fast: There were only four women in my University of Virginia Law School graduating class. Now it would be half women. Same with other professions...

...More women gaining power positions across Corporate America...

...This cultural war reveals how men are their own worst enemy, sabotaging their future. Look beyond the so-called “war on women” rhetoric in the political arena where men fight to control women and women’s issues. Statistically they’re out of touch with most Americans. Fighting a losing battle...

If there is anyone, man or a woman, who is funding anti-choice propaganda, they need to stop, today. They are wasting their money. Sooner or later it will surface again that women DO have a choice whether to reproduce or not. Education, economic situation and rising wages for women will bring changes. I hope Planned Parenting protesters read this, pack their bags and head home. They are way overdue.

I have seen all of this in colleges even in 1990's. Some closed minded people were still arguing with me and telling me that women are wasting their time because most are there for an MRS degree and will just become stay at home moms. They are now finding out different. Maybe they never met CEO of Pepsi:

Or maybe they had no idea that if a female candidate was to run for USA president today, she would win hands down.

I personally do not see this as a problem, I see this simply as a natural path of balance. If approximately 50% of population are women, sooner or later, at least 50% of high powered positions will be held by women. People can fight it, or people can benefit from it. Their choice.
Fuck ALL marriage--gay and straight. The shit is outdated and fails for more than 50% of the population who chooses to go that route. The embarrassingly high divorce rate speaks volumes about the "sanctity of traditional marriage".

Not to say marriage doesn't work for some people, but it's not every woman's Primary Life Goal (TM) like it was in the 1950s. And voting for a specific political party won't increase your chances of getting married anyway. (WTF?) The mental gymnastics here are dizzying.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 31, 2014
This essayist describes a typical Democratic woman as a fearful, near-to-middle age spinster. She suffers "various kinds of personal unhappiness related to the lack of clear norms for how to live," wants to get married, but isn't confident she can.

And that's why she should switch to the GOP.

Wow. I hope he threw his back out while he came up with those mental gymnastics.

People like him are so sure they're right about issues like prohibiting gay marriage that they assume that their opponents secretly know but won't admit that anti-gays are right and so therefore the only reason someone could be pro-gay marriage is that they hate themselves for being single. Whatever! So then what about heterosexual married couples out there who are pro-gay marriage? What is their secret hangup? He'd better get back to those mental gymnastics to come up with a twisted explanation for that.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
August 31, 2014
So then what about heterosexual married couples out there who are pro-gay marriage? What is their secret hangup? He'd better get back to those mental gymnastics to come up with a twisted explanation for that.

:hello Both my hubs and I are gay-friendly libs.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
September 01, 2014
I think feminism has gone backwards in the past 20 years. Maybe 9/11 really twisted our collective consciousness, putting fear on the front burner, and specifically fear of a certain competing religion. What better way to find solace than retreating into the home and enforcing traditional gender roles, the way it was proscribed eons ago by mad men in the desert who wanted power and control and so they wrote the most famous how-to book of all time.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
September 01, 2014
From the article -


Reno begins his piece with a richly-drawn portrait of a hypothetical female Democratic voter: She is a “single, 35-year-old McKinsey consultant living in suburban Chicago who thinks of herself as vulnerable and votes for enhanced social programs designed to protect against the dangers and uncertainties of life.”

I'm 38, an Industrial Consultant, and I live on the W. Side of Chi. CLOSE! And you don't vote for 'protection against the uncertainties of life' here - that's called a gift or campaign contribution.

Is this guy *sure* he works in Politics? He's obviously not from 'around here'.

Also, which burb? Which county? Which state? Because the laws change every few feet, literally.

I was thinking about housing from reading another thread - you have to have Nth biz licenses here, esp. for anything involving construction and real estate. It is a tangled morass of baffling bureaucracy, it is mind bending.

What if you married a construction worker? YOU CANNOT TAKE THAT MAN INTO LAKE COUNTY!!!

I'm incorporated several different ways. I, myself am now a bureaucracy.

Muse on this - just because I find it creepy ~

Speaking of RE, I was reading about GIS / GPS things, surverying etc. and I came upon this blurb about uses of this, plus aerial photography, to determine any RE improvements ~

TAX MAN be spyin on YOU!

Maybe soon - their drones will be peeking in your windows too ~


What did I do?

Our drone spotted a Ming Vase in your house.

I got that at K Mart!

Drone says it's a Ming Vase! HANDS UP!
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
September 01, 2014
So then what about heterosexual married couples out there who are pro-gay marriage? What is their secret hangup? He'd better get back to those mental gymnastics to come up with a twisted explanation for that.

:hello Both my hubs and I are gay-friendly libs.

thumbs upwink
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
September 02, 2014
So the republicans now know that single women, the group most likely to experience poverty, and thus, rely on government assistance, vote democratic. They also have stymied the Fair Pay Act, fight against anti-discrimination laws and want to outlaw birth control. Then their strategy to attract these votors is to 1) insult them, and 2) cut those programs, and 3) force their fundi agenda down everyone's throats.

Do they really think that this will attract the female votors?
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
September 02, 2014
And remember which party is the one which passes all of those voter suppression laws ("Voter ID Laws"), designed to prevent likely Dem voters (i.e. women, college students, minorities) from voting? The Republicans want to limit the electorate to who votes in off-year elections such as 2010 and 2014. They lose when more people come out to VOTE!
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
September 02, 2014
Here's another thing I saw today, along the same lines -

Feminists aren't being what god designed them to be

They have to drag Sky Daddy into it because they haven't got any valid arguments.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
September 02, 2014
"....feminism was dangerous because it had “sexualized” women and made them “afraid to be stay-at-home moms.”

*snort* I guess the bint doesn't understand the not-subtle dig she's giving to SAHMs? Yeah. Right. Ok Miss Bleach Blonde With Ugly Makeup, you go tell a SAHM that she's no longer sexy and see what she says.

Love the screen shot of the video. Nothing more than a bunch of Stepford Wives.

Funny that women like her, and the ossified Phyllis Schlafly, so vigorously promote a view that women can only be happy and productive by staying at home, pumping out babies and living cow-like lives, yet her "career" has obviously not followed that path.

According to a number of sources I checked:


Born and raised in Texas, Ann-Marie moved to Los Angeles to become an actress appearing on ABC’s Sledge Hammer, Young and the Restless “and lots and lots of under-five parts, extra work and commercials.” She also had small parts in movies, including Sunset Strip starring soap star Tom Eplin.

(and this part is pure snark)


Ann-Marie lives in ultra-liberal Los Angeles with her husband Mark. She has a 26-year old son, Jason, who also lives in Los Angeles and works in TV production (and is her cameraman at events).

What IMDB lists makes for some strange math. One spouse is listed (Mark Murrell) to whom she has been married since 1996. Yet she has a 26-year-old son? She either discarded a spouse, or she didn't necessarily follow the conservative path when she was young that she now espouses.

And this quote


Ann-Marie became politically active in 2008. “Guess why?” she says.

Why? Well, I guess following up a failed acting career by attending the Ann Coulter School of NeoCon Baiting and Provocation seemed like a good choice.

Oh good lord. Check out one of the co-authors of her book

Morgan Brittany. 80s era soap actress.

In the About the Author section, she is described thusly


Morgan Brittany has been a film, television and stage actress for over fifty years. In the 1980s she was one of the lead characters, Katherine Wentworth, in the hit television series Dallas. She appeared in the films and numerous television shows, including The Andy Griffith Show, The Twilight Zone, and Gunsmoke. She has been married for thirty-two years to stunt director Jack Gill and has two children. She and her husband live in both Los Angeles and Atlanta.

Yeah, those qualifications certainly make her an expert on directing women toward the right path.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
September 03, 2014
"....feminism was dangerous because it had “sexualized” women and made them “afraid to be stay-at-home moms.”

*snort* I guess the bint doesn't understand the not-subtle dig she's giving to SAHMs? Yeah. Right. Ok Miss Bleach Blonde With Ugly Makeup, you go tell a SAHM that she's no longer sexy and see what she says.

Love the screen shot of the video. Nothing more than a bunch of Stepford Wives.

Funny that women like her, and the ossified Phyllis Schlafly, so vigorously promote a view that women can only be happy and productive by staying at home, pumping out babies and living cow-like lives, yet her "career" has obviously not followed that path.

According to a number of sources I checked:


Born and raised in Texas, Ann-Marie moved to Los Angeles to become an actress appearing on ABC’s Sledge Hammer, Young and the Restless “and lots and lots of under-five parts, extra work and commercials.” She also had small parts in movies, including Sunset Strip starring soap star Tom Eplin.

(and this part is pure snark)


Ann-Marie lives in ultra-liberal Los Angeles with her husband Mark. She has a 26-year old son, Jason, who also lives in Los Angeles and works in TV production (and is her cameraman at events).

What IMDB lists makes for some strange math. One spouse is listed (Mark Murrell) to whom she has been married since 1996. Yet she has a 26-year-old son? She either discarded a spouse, or she didn't necessarily follow the conservative path when she was young that she now espouses.

And this quote


Ann-Marie became politically active in 2008. “Guess why?” she says.

Why? Well, I guess following up a failed acting career by attending the Ann Coulter School of NeoCon Baiting and Provocation seemed like a good choice.

Oh good lord. Check out one of the co-authors of her book

Morgan Brittany. 80s era soap actress.

In the About the Author section, she is described thusly


Morgan Brittany has been a film, television and stage actress for over fifty years. In the 1980s she was one of the lead characters, Katherine Wentworth, in the hit television series Dallas. She appeared in the films and numerous television shows, including The Andy Griffith Show, The Twilight Zone, and Gunsmoke. She has been married for thirty-two years to stunt director Jack Gill and has two children. She and her husband live in both Los Angeles and Atlanta.

Yeah, those qualifications certainly make her an expert on directing women toward the right path.
Yes indeed! Be the good subservient wife and helpmeet, just make sure you stay hott! The mind boggles...sarcastic clapping These silly bints wouldn't have had careers (such as they were) if not for the so-called display professions--i.e. Acting and modeling. So feminism isn't really necessary for them.
My personal observation to the GOP:angry flipping off

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
September 03, 2014
I cant believe I even gave that page a view. I have questions: who let them out of their pen? Why aren't they covered in vomit or shit? and how many nappies do they change a day? How are they even on TV?

Nothing makes me more disgusted that seeing a woman bow down to the almighty penis and its laws. Literally nothing. They are just like those "women" forced-birthers, vapid, brainwashed, and only deserve to be called what they truly are, house-slaves. If I wasn't in my house I would spit.
Re: Sure, Repugs, great way to attract female voters to the GOP
September 03, 2014
The Repugs didn't learn from last year's Virginia Gubernatorial elections. Pundits credited large turnout of single (as in never married) women for Terry McAuliffe's victory. One Pre election poll showed fewer than 20% of unmarried female likely voters supported Cuchinelli.

I'm Child Free, Liberal, and mixed race, Repugs made it very clear I'll never be welcome to the party. I wrote them off in 1993.
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