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4 y/o prays for baby sister; Over 40 moo gets a surprise

Posted by kidlesskim 
4 y/o prays for baby sister; Over 40 moo gets a surprise
August 22, 2008
"This baby was a total suprise. We tried to have another baby just after Nathan but I miscarried. I spent 2yrs trying ( clomid a few injectables etc) to get pregnant but no one could tellme why after being able to get pregnant the 1st month I tried ( 5 times) I suddenly couldnt. We chalked it up to Gods will that our family was done biologiclly and got lic'd to be foster parents. During this time Nathan started praying for a baby sister EVERY NIGHT and at dinner. 4 months I listened to prayers from that little guy Imagine my suprise 3yrs after m/c and trying to have a light bulb moment something was up. I did 3 preg tests then bought another box because that HAD to be a bad box cried for an hour called my DH at work cried 20 min then called my ob had 2 HCG drawn and finally believed it had happened. This baby is ( I know in my heart any way) a very special gift and the results of a little boys prayers.

OH if it is a girl as Nathan says it is my DH says he has a list of things Nathan is going to add to his prayers because he thinks the big guy really likes him"
Jeana: momma to Logan 16 &driving, Connor 13 and Nathan 4: and pregnant with baby #4

eye rolling smileyHow ridiculous. What's so surprising about it? She is having sex without the benefit of birth control and she gets knocked up, no big mystery there. Since when do people race out and get foster home licenses when they can't have ANOTHER kid of their own and they are OVER 40? I don't see the correlation of not being able to have a FOURTH kid, and the desperation and urgency of wanting foster kids? Maybe someone can explain that.tongue sticking out smiley I also think it is unnatural for a four year old child to be praying with all of his might for a baby sister or brother, all on his own with no prompting. How's the little bastard going to feel if it turns out to be a boy? What kind of freaks would put that kind of pressure on a kid is beyond me. Also, it's highly likely she will miscarry due to her recent infertility medical problems and her age. What then? Did God LIE to Nathan? SHEESH these people are fucking fanatics and no child should be under their care.
Re: 4 y/o prays for baby sister; Over 40 moo gets a surprise
August 22, 2008
Wow, now the boy sprog is going to think he's Jeebus or something. Sooooo fucked up.
Re: 4 y/o prays for baby sister; Over 40 moo gets a surprise
August 22, 2008
Not only that, but this stupid cunt cannot even WRITE AN INTELLIGENT FUCKING POST yet she's having another kid.

Way to go dumbass! Just what we need, more dumb kids in this world.
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