Goddamn whining
September 13, 2014
I just kinda listened to a conversation yesterday while waiting to get back home. Some women were discussing their brats/grandbrats - specifically, the causes of various tantrums. I loathe pretty much everything about kids, but this just reminded me of one particular trait that makes me see red: fucking WHINING and screaming over completely inane shit. Just hearing about these kids made me want to go have a stiff drink and punch something.

One case was something like the kid had a shit fit because its drink was the wrong color, and another whined and stomped around because they didn't get a snack, despite having been offered one that they refused. Another story was about a kid that colored all over an apple slice with a marker and then screamed bloody murder because Moo or Duh threw the slice away instead of saving it.

Why do kids have to throw atomic screaming tantrums over absolutely nothing? Why is everything such a big goddamn deal? I know little kids don't understand much beyond their own little world, but throwing an hour-long tantrum because their Kool-Aid was red instead of blue? I would fucking kill something or someone if I had to deal with that crap day in and day out.

I think it's just because 1) kids are selfish and only care about ME ME ME I WANT I WANT I WANT, and 2) most of them have absolutely no real problems. Based on things I've heard and read, kids who are raised by abusive or neglectful parents don't seem to whine about stupid shit much. I assume that's because it doesn't matter what flavor your Capri Sun is when Mommy beats your ass every day or your big brother molests you in the bathroom.

Plus I get that kids will bitch about everything when they're tired and cranky. Adults do that too sometimes. Some kids don't even outgrow the whining when they're toadlers either - they keep doing it long into their childhoods, probably because their idiot handlers never taught them to shut up, or never used the line, "You stop that crying or I'll give you something to cry about?" I remember being in grade school like in fourth grade or so, and there was this snotty little cunt in my class that would always go "doooooooooon't-TUH!" anytime anyone did something she didn't like. I was no angel as a kid either, but even at that age, I wanted to stick my foot down her throat for being so goddamn irritating. That is the only thing I remember about that little bitch.

Nothing makes me ragey like kid whining and (usual) subsequent crying because 99 percent of the time, it's for no good fuckin' reason. And, of course, awtards are even worse, kicking and screaming and going on for hours because their French fries touched their chicken nuggets. Not sure why I posted this. Just kinda yakking. I have a feeling I'm not the only one who hates the whining shit.
Re: Goddamn whining
September 13, 2014
Yep, reason #355968 why I don't fucking like children.

My guess is that most of them have gotten what they want from this behavior, and/or haven't been punished for it. As a child, I was more of a back-talker than a fit-thrower, but if I complained about what was being offered to me I would get nothing. And I knew that fit-throwing would result in an immediate loss of privileges. Maybe parents are just getting lazier and lazier.

And some parents think that shit is cute! "Tee-hee, Fuckley had a fit because his banana broke in half! Isn't that KYOOT?!" :hardcore
Re: Goddamn whining
September 13, 2014
The problem is that we as a society glorify childhood when it actually lasts all of five or six years. If you take into consideration the fact you start to sorta understand there's something going on around you aged five-six and start puberty around age 10-11, that pretty much gives you a window of five to six years.
It's beyond ridiculous that such an insignificant part of one's life is being made into such a big deal. I believe that a child needs respect and understanding from parents, not crazy morbid 'love'. Parents should be financially secure and treat their offspring with respect and enforce certain rules, imho that's all that's needed.
But when you glorify half a decade of mindless existence you get tantrums over things like the color of a slurpee. two cents
Re: Goddamn whining
September 14, 2014
I'd go with them getting lazier. Punishment and denial of whatever the hell the brat is bitching about just results in more bitching and screaming. Breeders aren't willing to see punishment through or are too pussified to slap their kids because then the kids might say I HATE YOU and Moo will get stealth PPD from it... so it's just easier to give in to whiny demands to shut the kid up. All the kids learn from that is if they whine long enough, they'll get their own way. If Moo or Duh just wailed the kid's ass when it acted like a shit, it would learn that if it whines, it feels pain. It's not fucking difficult and I don't know why it's so hard for breeders to discipline their little bastards.

The whining does not get cuter with age either. I'm glad Moo thinks it's cyoooote when Junior is three, but will it still be cute when he's thirteen? If a teenage Junior throws himself on the floor in the supermarket because he can't have a coloring book or chocolate milk and proceeds to kick and scream for 45 minutes, people will probably assume he's a tard, and it's much harder to drag a tantrumming teen out of a store.

You have a good point too, rockchick. I think parents don't expect enough from their kids. There are no standards... probably because parents often have no standards in general. But when you expect a kid to be a monster because "they're just kids," they go on to fill their appointed role. Expecting a kid to act a certain way and telling them you're disappointed in them when they fail horribly can do wonders for behavior. Teach a kid that he's not special, not better than everyone else, and not entitled to anything he wants and he'll learn how to feel embarrassed for his peers who continue to convulse on the floor while shrieking when they get orange juice instead of apple juice.

Even with all that, it's the whole fucking concept of having to listen to screaming tantrums over stupid shit or negotiating with a brat that he can't have goldfish crackers, but he can have Cheezits. I could not deal with that crap. No wonder parents are practically brain-dead. This is how their minds are stimulated.
Re: Goddamn whining
September 14, 2014
Tantrums are a huge PITA, and so is the endless noise kyds make. It's almost as though they have to be as loud as possible in order to get attention. I try my best not to acknowledge people's kyds and their would-be "cyute" antics. Sometimes the parunt looks miffed because Snookums isn't getting the reinforcement he/she wants, but hey! Them's the breaks. Not everything one does is worthy of attention, and it's probably best to learn that sooner rather than later.two cents

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: Goddamn whining
September 14, 2014
I seriously would commit murder if I had to put up with that bitching and shrieking all day everyday about something stupid. And you are 100% right Cambion...it is always something stupid. If the kid was shrieking because his dog died or he was actually in pain, I'd have sympathy. But that constant ear splitting shrieking over dumb shit would have me in jail.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Goddamn whining
September 15, 2014
Have any of you seen that "shit my 2 year old cries about" thing online? I would literally carpet bomb my whole house if something that loud and stupid lived there.
Anonymous User
Re: Goddamn whining
September 15, 2014
Ugh. That would drive me BATSHIT. I can't stand it, even if I'm not around it, all day long.

Here's a tip, assholes - if your kid is unable to act like a human who's been taught some fucking manners, don't bring it's screaming, whining ass out in public. When it's at home pulling this shit, shut the door on its ass, and walk the fuck away. No negotiation. No talking about fee-fees. It'll straighten right the fuck out when it figures out you're neither interested in nor will tolerate that kind of behavior. OH, yeah - follow through on your threats, "parents," or they're going to end up in prison, and I waste enough of my tax dollars on your little shits, already.
Re: Goddamn whining
September 17, 2014
I can't stand whining, whinging brats either. My generation, most of us were taught that was unacceptable behaviour.

Would ya know, I was rewarded for GOOD behaviour rather than being a whiny assed little shit. The second the parents give in to a kids whinging, the kid has all the power. It becomes a game of how long will moo and duh stand the onslaught before giving in. And this is how kyds become tiny terrorists whose fits and whims rule the entire household.

There is no way on this entire earth that I would be letting something less intelligent and autonomous than a primate run my house.
Re: Goddamn whining
September 17, 2014
Does anyone here remember when we were kids (yes, trolls and breeder-lurkers, we admit that we were once kids ourselves) and we would basically do a little peer-punishment when one of our friends (usually a sibling) would start whining and we'd all start with "Awwww. Someone needs a Pity Party. Come on everyone. Awwwwww. Poor -insert name- can't have what they want. Waaaaaaaah!" ???

It usually worked, especially when we could see that others our same age didn't want to hear the sound of whinging.
Re: Goddamn whining
September 17, 2014
Ugh. I had to listen to two of these vermin screeching and crying a few days ago. I have an idea: 4 numbers, two words-1960 Plymouth fin. You figure it outsmiling smiley
I'll never understand why these little parasites never seem to get slapped or swatted. Ok, maybe once, I saw a mom verbally reprimand her kid, but most of the time, they just do this dull "Come on, Snotlicker, let's go, come on, come on.......WAAAHHHhhhhSKREEEEE!!!!!!!" Bear in mind, most of these are pretty good-looking women, but mentally they seem to be worn down to a nub.
Re: Goddamn whining
September 18, 2014
Yeah, whinging, whining and general excuse-making is irritating behavior.
Re: Goddamn whining
September 18, 2014
Yeah, whinging, whining and general excuse-making is irritating behavior.

I hear ya.
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