CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 17, 2014
Not sure how many will read and act on it but if we can can save just one person from being a breeder it is worth it.

Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
This should be required reading for all parents everywhere.
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
I've wondered if us CF types could put together a parenting manual that would be better than one put together by the average breeder... I'll start:

1. If there's a chance your children will grow up in poverty, rethink your decision to have them.
2. Don't play favourites.
3. Don't feed them crap.
4. Don't feed them laundry detergent pods.
5. Don't leave them in hot cars...

etc... if anything the bingoing is the thing which bothers me least, at least Breeder Bingo never directly caused anyone's death winking smiley
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
screaming sausage
1. If there's a chance your children will grow up in poverty, rethink your decision to have them.

This times infinity!!!!!

No matter how much a kid is loved, wanted, etc., poverty erases everything good a poor parent can offer a child. Government benefits do not negate poverty! hitting over the head with a hammer
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
6. Teach them basic manners.
7. Don't give in to temper tantrums. You don't have to hit the kid, just put him in his room until he calms down.
8. Reward them for actual accomplishments, i.e. no trophy for just showing up.
9. Encourage independence. You don't want a 30 basement dweller. Make sure they can earn a living.
10. Reinforce the notion that they're not the center of the universe and that other people have rights too.
Anonymous User
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
11. everything they do is not acceptable just b/c you want to be their friend, i.e., dressing inappropriately, speaking to adults as equals rudely, drinking underage w/ your permission, doing everything for them and giving them spending money--make 'em get good grades, do chores and get a job--yes there is time for all 3.
12. Dont give them a bunch of excuses....oh they are having a hard time b/c___________. Guide them but make sure they pull themselves up from excuses.

13. Teach them independence, not co dependence. Letting them be a slug in your basement for the rest of their lives makes you a failure b/c it is your job that they grow into adulthood and be productive.
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
Insist on appropriate behavior in public places including stores, restaurants, and libraries!
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
Don't make excuses. The ones you make for your toddler or young child will not be met with sympathy or understanding past a certain age point (usually age 7+). If you make excuses, don't be surprised when your child walks all over you as it gets older. The kid learns early on whether you are easily manipulated or not. Discipline starts early and often.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
16.) Do yourself a favor and cultivate "The Look". When a parent does not have "The Look", parenting is much harder. Teaching a child to respect and fear your judgement is an excellent way to not be a moomy-doormat.

17.) Time out is for pussies. This is not football. Beat its ass.

18.) Teach your children about sex so an OB doesn't have to do it for them.

19.) Both parents: Start saving money before you have a child. Mom: Get fit BEFORE pregnancy so you will have *less* physical woes AFTER pregnancy. Dad: Make sure you are making enough to feed the damn things.

20.) GET. A. SITTER.

21.) The teacher is there to teach your child, fucking let'em DO IT!

22.) If your child wants to watch dirty shows and play violent videogames, and YOU don't want them to, dont bitch at the tv company, CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL! (If you didnt want your child to learn the word "fuck" why did you have them anyway? On this planet, they WILL learn FUCK! Because people like me FUCKING LOVE FUCKING FUCK!)


24.) Make the little butterball play outside! Its cheaper than diabetes!

25.) The world WILL NOT stop turning for you or your child! Stop trying to hold the rest of humanity back! Either join up or fuck off!

26.) Vaccinate the little monkeys! People who dont vaccinate kill their kids. You dont want to KILL bratley do you?

27.) Teach it to either shut the fuck up or enjoy bondage like the rest of us! Buy the baby ball gag if it wont function properly.

28.) Lastly, I dont give a fuck how hard it is, you chose it. I didn't. So stop bringing the little shit into the public if it can't behave. YOUR JOB NEVER CEASES (even if you reeeaaaaallly want it to).
Anonymous User
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
29) dont lose yourself after having kyds. Yes, it is a big change but make a point and effort to regularly go out w/ your friends at night, for lunches, whatever and not talk about the kyds. Dont center your life around kyds' and their activities. Allow only one activitiy per child if necessary...or just let them go out and one will harm them...

30) YOUR KYD SHOULDNT HAVE A BETTER SOCIAL LIFE THAN YOU, you are not a taxi driver. They can ride their bikes and walk even over 1-2 miles and back, like everyone else used to and were thin kyds not diabetes kyds.
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
31) Don't have them in the first place? shrug I think ALL parunts are guilty of breederific BS from time to time, no matter how hard they try.

That's the best advice I can offer. If they already have them, I think the above suggestions are pretty good.
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 18, 2014
Whether it's a girl or a boy, treat them equally (and punish them equally). No "girls are princesses & love pink" bullshit. Boys can like pink too. It's a fucking color.

Teach girls to work on a car and not be afraid to use power tools etc.

Boys need to learn to cook and do laundry.

There is no "womens/mens work" it's all work. Don't make them helpless on the other sex so they grow up thinking they "need a man/woman".
Re: CF advice for parents who want to be PNBs
September 19, 2014
The function of child-rearing is to create a functional, well-adjusted adult member of society. Ideally that person will also be happy and contribute to making the world a better place.

This task should only be undertaken if you have a desire to nurture children to independence. You should not raise children for selfish reasons such as fulfilling your own emotional needs. They are people, not your emotional slaves. Note: if you cannot imagine adopting, your reasons are selfish.

Most fail at this very first step.
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