New Duuuhhh tells Millennials to breed early & be "happy" like him:errorr
September 18, 2014
A new Duh discovers that his life is "not his own" (i.e. sucks):bedmadelie anymore and therefore every person of a similar age should join him in his misery.....ooops I mean in getting to experience
the sublime joy of yielding your wants and desires for the happiness of the people you love.

Oh, and this is courtesy of MONEY magazine. WTFsaying 'wtf' you well may ask? (I know I did) He's writing it from the perspective of
being a new dad, a millennial, and (pretty) broke
See, they got the financial aspect in there. smile rolling left righteyes2
Trans(parent) as fuck. Why do they even try anymore, everyone knows they're full of shit. although he did say it was fine to not have them so I think this was more "If you want them, have them early" which that I just dont get.
Re: New Duuuhhh tells Millennials to breed early & be "happy" like him:errorr
September 18, 2014
He just wants everybody to be as miserable as him.

Re: New Duuuhhh tells Millennials to breed early & be "happy" like him:errorr
September 18, 2014
At the bottom of this article

Bringing baybee to bars. Jaysus
I'm sorry, why is it a good thing to leave your life at the mercy of somebody else, aka, your life not being your own? Point check dumbasses: you only get one life. Don't waste it through validating it via another person. You're not going to live on through your descendants. You won't even be remembered past great-grandchildren and that's being generous.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Couldnt he yielding his wants and desires for the happiness of the people he loves like HIS WIFE, or anyone else special in his life????

As for the other article, I think it is a losing battle. Every tavern in my town is slowing closing by the dozens (there even was an article about it) and then a GastroPub opens and eveyone brings their kids to bars and it is totally acceptable now and the hipster dads even look happy about it. We have lost the battle, I just wish they would re-instate the rule that no minors in drinking establishments, like they used to here. :cigar
Did any one notice the part where he says he pays $1600 a month for childcare? He only has one kid. I knew daycare was expensive, but I thought it was around the same as a mortgage/rent payment (around $600-$800 a month). $1600 sounds like the price you would pay to put two kids in daycare.
Millennials have the worst job prospects, face shrinking job benefits and will never see the plush pensions Boomers currently enjoy, so perhaps they feel they have to shit out kids to get SOME kind of respect or recognition.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: New Duuuhhh tells Millennials to breed early & be "happy" like him:errorr
September 18, 2014
Did any one notice the part where he says he pays $1600 a month for childcare? He only has one kid. I knew daycare was expensive, but I thought it was around the same as a mortgage/rent payment (around $600-$800 a month). $1600 sounds like the price you would pay to put two kids in daycare.

Most parents have the kid at daycare 60+ hours per week.

They want college-educated licensed and trained staff, low staff ratio, everything (fire , building , handicap access, etc) to code and beyond, nutritional meals and snacks for 10 hours per day, exemplary cleanliness, educational toys and more !
$1600 per month is CHEAP !!
At the bottom of this article

Bringing baybee to bars. Jaysus

I remember reading in some mommy blogs and parenting forums which berated the CF and those who did not want to be around kids in other eateries, "If you don't like it, go to a bar!" So even if we do that, you breeder idiots only follow us there with your kids and make our evenings out miserable. See, we do as you suggest and we still can't escape your wailing kids!
cf uter
Couldnt he yielding his wants and desires for the happiness of the people he loves like HIS WIFE, or anyone else special in his life????

I was wondering the same thing?
It's not "selflessness" if you create a whole new human being, of whom you're obligated to care for in the first place, for the express purpose of having something to be "selfless" for. No, you're just creating a hobby, wallowing in the self-interest of watching your progeny thrive (which is your obligation as a parent to see that it does, not some selfless act of charity), and then patting yourself on the back for your "altruism".

Get back to me, duh, when you've put hours in caring for disabled people not in any way genetcally connected to yourself. Maybe instead of creating a brand new liability that sucks up $1600 a month in child care, you could have given that money to a good charity. Or how about giving up your yuppy job that allows you to pay $1600 a month in child care to volunteer for a couple of years in some third-world backwater, making sure the unfortunate people stuck living there have clean water free of tapeworms and food that consists of things other than bugs and llama shit.

These are acts of true altruism and charity. Raising the kid that you consciously brought into the world and knowingly took on the obligation of raising is not.
Sounds like someone's trying to convince himself and others he's not miserable. Fail.
I No, you're just creating a hobby, wallowing in the self-interest of watching your progeny thrive (which is your obligation as a parent to see that it does, not some selfless act of charity), and then patting yourself on the back for your "altruism".

I know, most average people, which includes parunts, would never ever volunteer for something like a soup kitchen on a weekly or monthy basis, or anything else at all. They might do it for their brat, because these days the schools fill them w/ these ideas and then they come home w/ them. So the parunts grudgingly clean a park b/c Bratley wants to and it 'looks good' to others. As you might know, the trend for the last 10 yrs or so is having girls grow their hair and then chop it off for locks of love, which is a shitty organization, that also caters to brats.Then their parents all brag how chartible Bratlina is. (yawn)

I was talking to a male divorced childed friend of mine and I even think he is comfortable w/ my CFness, but when I was describing some moo who keeps saying how selfless she was and I was trying to explain how taking care of your own child or putting your own child/family first isn't selfless but actually selfish because it is just an extension of yourself or at least your inner circle in which you benefit from anyway, he still didnt get it. He would admit most moos suck w/ their altruistic blather but he wouldn't agree it was selfish. For some reason they dont get that taking care of YOUR child and YOUR family and keeping w/ YOUR inner circle in YOUR best self interest is SELFISH. (taking care of your child also keeps YOU out of jail, let's face it) For some reason they think selfishness is just getting what YOU want, but if you put your child first before everyone else in the world, it is making YOU happy that YOUR child is getting special treatment. It IS getting what YOU want for YOUR child after all, isn't it?

That is like saying that if you get a special heated garage for your Jaguar and an expensive around the clock maintainance team for it and pamper the car, that you are altrustic for taking care of the car and arent benefiting from taking care of something you like.
If someone has to keep spouting off about how damned happy they are, chances are that they AREN'T.

This person just wants everyone to breed and be as miserable as he is. It doesn't get any easier; there's the teen years to think about, too. Kyds are just a liability and breeders know this. They want everyone to jump on the misery train like they have.

Millenials have their own sets of problems to deal with, and most of them can't afford a pot to piss in, let alone sluice a kyd.

I agree, having a child and looking after it is purely a selfish act. It's those people who put their lives on the line every day to help strangers that are truly the selfless ones. Breeders will never ADMIT that they had their kyds for selfish reasons, though. That would completely shatter their image into a thousand tiny shards!
I agree, having a child and looking after it is purely a selfish act. It's those people who put their lives on the line every day to help strangers that are truly the selfless ones. Breeders will never ADMIT that they had their kyds for selfish reasons, though. That would completely shatter their image into a thousand tiny shards!

It's true - it is selfish. Seriously, can you think of ONE reason for reproducing that doesn't start with some variation of "I want"?


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

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