Antibiotics and sprogs
September 26, 2014

In this article they are saying that kids with the peasnut allergies (as in one peanut and you are dead) are like this due to parents shoving antibiotics on them for every little sniffle and then probably to lazy to finish the whole course as one is supposed to do
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 26, 2014
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 26, 2014
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the breeders are only partly to blame. The other half of the problem lies with doctors who prescribe antibiotics and hand out Z-packs like candy. Surely they know that giving out antibiotics for colds and nonexistent sicknesses is a bad thing? As far as I know, antibiotics are not available over the counter, so Moos can't just go and buy 40 packs and shove them into their kids' pieholes every time the kid coughs. No matter how loud and belligerent a breeder gets, doctors have to learn to refuse antibiotics when they aren't necessary.

Also, as far as the kid in the article, is it not generally common knowledge that peanuts are in fuckin' trail mix? If not, why didn't Moo look at the package before buying it? Why didn't the kid look at the ingredients before eating it? They always tell you if something was so much as processed in the same plant as nuts on food packaging, so I don't feel sorry for his ass.

What starbelly said - give probiotics, especially after a round of antibiotics. Probiotics are even available OTC (I think), so breeders could fill their kids to the gills with them and maybe at least lessen the severity of the allergy. Who knows. I'd like to see how this research turns out. But I bet quite a few breeders wouldn't pursue such treatment for their pweshuses because then they'd lose their martyr status of Mommy With Allergic ChildTM
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 26, 2014
Cambion: Probiotics are totally available OTC. I have a bottle of 'em in the cabinet from the last time I was on antibiotics (yay strep throat. Go me.). They're really important, especially if you have to take some of the heftier antibiotics.
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 26, 2014

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the breeders are only partly to blame. The other half of the problem lies with doctors who prescribe antibiotics and hand out Z-packs like candy.

I'm not saying this isn't a contributing factor but the elephant in the room is factory farming and the routine use of antibiotics for reasons of growth and yield and not because of infection. *80% of the antibiotics in the U.S. go to animals, not humans.

Here are some articles:

And we all know why factory farming exists--producers want maximum yield at the expense of the animals and the health of the people who eat the animals. And there's just too damn many people.
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 27, 2014

And we all know why factory farming exists--producers want maximum yield at the expense of the animals and the health of the people who eat the animals. And there's just too damn many people.

Don't forget that people in the USA want their meat at every meal, and they want it cheap. If meat was expensive, eaten sparingly, and as an accompaniment rather than the main item on the plate, meat consumption would decrease drastically, along with the use of animal antibiotics, hormones and steroids. I'll also wager that Americans would be healthier, and less fat.
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 27, 2014

In this article they are saying that kids with the peanut allergies (as in one peanut and you are dead) are like this due to parents shoving antibiotics on them for every little sniffle and then probably to lazy to finish the whole course as one is supposed to do

This may be so with many kids, but I don't think this is the entire peanut.

Children today are allergic because they are born to parents who are often older, and are using assistance in getting preggers; in other words they are supposed to be barren as the goddamn desert. These children are born defective. They need help simply to survive their environment because their parents were selfish fucks who wanted 'one of their own'.

Then there are the children born to parents who are absolute germaphobes and won't let their children play with anything that hasn't been bleached, nuked, and scrubbed within an inch of it's plastic life. Pets? Oh hell no. Friends the child's own age? Forget it! There's a computer and a TV.

When Germaphobe Jr., Defective, and Antibiotic Overdose arrive at school, what happens? Their little systems go haywire.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 27, 2014

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the breeders are only partly to blame. The other half of the problem lies with doctors who prescribe antibiotics and hand out Z-packs like candy.

I'm not saying this isn't a contributing factor but the elephant in the room is factory farming and the routine use of antibiotics for reasons of growth and yield and not because of infection. *80% of the antibiotics in the U.S. go to animals, not humans.

Here are some articles:

And we all know why factory farming exists--producers want maximum yield at the expense of the animals and the health of the people who eat the animals. And there's just too damn many people.


It's that primarily and a combination of other things like the crunchy moos who don't expose their child to anything and he can't build up natural immunities, and that many allergies are exaggerated and not really "deadly" like is portrayed. While I don't doubt there are the rare allergies which can cause death, I'd bet most of this is due to the normal hype that an allergic kid gets because his moo craves attention. "MY child is allergic, so no peanuts within a 200 mile radius" horse shit. We live in a no smoking, alcohol free, peanut free, lactose free, ham free lunch room, and no wurdy durd movies until after midnight society and it's only getting worse. Sadly, the leading cause of death for young kids after accidents, and many of those are suspect, is parental murder or death by negligence or abuse by a parent. We need to look into parental kid death more instead of death by peanut.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 27, 2014
I also considered the idea of antibiotics in our meat, but I now wonder... how much actual meat do kids eat? I don't mean the lips and assholes that go into McShit burgers or whatever the fuck chicken nuggets are made of. I mean normal meat from a grocery store or butcher shop. Would we not all have antibiotic resistances and allergies? I'm not saying the meat antibiotic thing is wrong (because there's effing proof that it's right), but just kinda thinking out loud. Is it because kids are exposed to antibiotics from the very start while adults didn't have the constant exposure?

Also, I could be mistaken, but I've heard that it's possible (though not a guarantee) that by slowly introducing someone to small amounts of whatever they're allergic to, over time, they will develop an immunity. Not a full immunity exactly, but to a point where they won't have such extreme reactions. I don't know how well this would work with deadly allergies or if it would work with all allergies, but I also suspect a lot of Moos blow their kids' allergies way out of proportion anyway, much like they do with their kids' (alleged) autism.

Everybody makes good points here. Allergies are likely a combination of a lot of factors, the biggest of which is probably sickly kids who should have never been conceived, born, or kept alive. I don't think the sharp rise in highly invasive, medically-assisted conception (as opposed to taking some weird Chinese aphrodisiac) and a similar rise in the number of childhood allergies is a coincidence. You get a couple barren assholes using IVF to breed, then the kid comes out three and a half months early and it has to live in the NICU for the first year of its life. It has no immune system, so if it touches a doorknob or someone 25 miles away sneezes, the kid becomes deathly ill. So the only way to keep it alive is to marinate everything in hand sanitizer and minimize exposure to EVERYTHING.

I've seen several cases of brats over on Smothering who have (alleged) multiple allergies, as in one single damn kid will be allergic to dairy, wheat, soy, citrus, fish, nuts, strawberries, food dyes, several medications, allergy medication and some random thing like celery. What the fuck do you feed a kid like that? Someone this sick would never have survived 50 years ago. What the hell kind of a future does a kid like that have where fuckin' every single thing can kill them and all they can eat is french fries and water?

I suppose, at the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, there's a possibility that some doctors prescribe antibiotics left and right in hopes of people becoming resistant and requiring more intense treatment, which means more $$$. But I think that's more like a hospital drama plot line.
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 28, 2014

Also, I could be mistaken, but I've heard that it's possible (though not a guarantee) that by slowly introducing someone to small amounts of whatever they're allergic to, over time, they will develop an immunity. Not a full immunity exactly, but to a point where they won't have such extreme reactions. I don't know how well this would work with deadly allergies or if it would work with all allergies, but I also suspect a lot of Moos blow their kids' allergies way out of proportion anyway, much like they do with their kids' (alleged) autism.

This is the theory behind allergy shots for environmental allergies. I tested positive for every allergen they tested me for (things like mold, pollen, cat dander, grasses, dust, and a few more that I don't remember) and 10 years on the shots made SUCH A DIFFERENCE.

Allergies of any kind are just the immune system overreacting, and I think a lot of these food allergies are being caused by moos keeping their infants so super sterilized that their immune systems never are given the chance to develop properly. Then the kid gets a little older, eats a peanut (I learned from moo acquaintances that kids shouldn't have peanut products until they're 5 or 6. WTF?) and the immune system goes haywire over the peanut because it's new and the immune system was never given the chance to learn how to tell the difference between friends and foes.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 28, 2014
I also considered the idea of antibiotics in our meat, but I now wonder... how much actual meat do kids eat? I don't mean the lips and assholes that go into McShit burgers or whatever the fuck chicken nuggets are made of. I mean normal meat from a grocery store or butcher shop. Would we not all have antibiotic resistances and allergies? I'm not saying the meat antibiotic thing is wrong (because there's effing proof that it's right), but just kinda thinking out loud. Is it because kids are exposed to antibiotics from the very start while adults didn't have the constant exposure?

I don't think it matters how much they eat, recent studies have shown that changes to the DNA caused by environment can be passed on to the next generation. So if the parents have been marinating in environmental toxins (and are older; more time to soak them up) I'm not surprised if this could have a negative health effect on the offspring. That might be why you see people living in far more toxic environments still having relatively healthy children, because they're having them quite young.

It's not something I've studied though, it's just speculation. I'm one of those people whose parents supposedly did everything right and I still go a lot of allergies, although fortunately none are life-threatening. Sometimes it just happens. People like me shouldn't breed, although it's nice if modern medicine affords a good quality of life.
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 29, 2014
Cambion: Probiotics are totally available OTC. I have a bottle of 'em in the cabinet from the last time I was on antibiotics (yay strep throat. Go me.). They're really important, especially if you have to take some of the heftier antibiotics.

I get urinary tract infections at least twice a year no matter what I do to prevent them, and I am now immune to certain antibiotics (frightening in it's own right, I know). They have to break out the big guns like Cipro or a shot in the butt to thwart my infections, and if I don't take probiotics, I literally stop digesting food. The probiotics do the job. Supposedly they help with the balance of good bacteria too, and I've only had one UTI in the past 13 months, so maybe things are improving.
Re: Antibiotics and sprogs
September 29, 2014
I think it comes down to all the things we do to "sanitize" our environments: bleach wipes, antibiotics, antibacterial soaps, over-vaccination, etc. (Not saying vaccines are bad, but some are unnecessary). Brats are meant to get sick, unpleasant as that may be. Kids' tendency to put their hands in their mouths is said to be an evolutionary benefit that helps the immune system mature. Ick.

As we've eradicated communicable diseases, allergies and autoimmune diseases have exploded in the past 50 years. Some of this may be due to increased chemical exposure in the environment, but over-sanitation probably plays a role.
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