Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 26, 2014
I just saw one of these here in my area for the first time.

"Declare the womb a federal wetland"

I find this highly disturbing. So basically, by that logic anyone who deliberately makes themselves barren (ablation) would be criminalized.

May I also ad that their other bumper sticker red "When environmentalists start saving babies I will start saving trees"?


I just recently had the first official anti-population-control nut proclamation in my class. Now, granted, she's in the process of flunking out already... but she literally stood up in the middle of class and proclaimed that the "government is trying to control the population" and that real mericans had to make more babies.


It's getting just nightmarish that the stupidity has saturated our culture so much that she wasn't wrapped up in a warm white jacket and escorted out of public view. Get me out of here!
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 26, 2014
That's terrifying...
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 27, 2014
*snort* The other names for wetland are "bog, quagmire, slough, morass" ......... kind of an inelegant way to describe an organ those nutgrinders feel so strongly about.

Personally, I'm glad my "wetland" has dried up and become a desert. I always felt it unfair that an organ which was about as useful to me as my appendix was the source of such a PITA monthly process.
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 27, 2014
It's from christianshirts.net. Just what you'd expect from a site like that.
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 27, 2014
Sorry Asshole, but my "wetland" got yanked out and chucked out with the medical waste disposal unit! You can go cry over it somewhere in Arizoooona!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 27, 2014
This is disturbing on many levels which include, but certainly aren't limited to, the following:

1)The use of the double meaning term "wetland" for a "womb" is gross on the one meaning, which could easily be misconstrued as a sexual term. The other meaning is absurd because they are comparing a natural resource and/or protected area and it's beautiful animals to a cow's ravaged cooter and baby hole. Ewwww, on both.thumbs updown

2)Claiming a woman's "womb" is in need of protection(aka control) by a government entity is as demeaning as it is ridiculous.

3)I fear the use of the terms, "federal protection" is an underhanded way to say that abortion should be outlawed on a federal level, assuming they are that clever.

The one thing these stupid bitches seem to always overlook is that if the federal government actually did have control of all wombs, that what that government chose to do with THEIR wombs just might not be what they are hoping for. They are so narrow minded they appear to believe that anything having to do with federal womb protection would work in their favor, when in fact they could be forced to NOT bear the fruit of their wombs, continue having babies when it's certain to cause their death(the only time they don't seem to mind not being pregnant)OR the federal government could come to it's senses and REQUIRE mandatory sterilization in the near future in a last ditch effort to save the planet from over population issues. No, these cunts only think in a narrow scope and that's no babies should be "killed", having as many babies as they want is good regardless of the social and environmental repercussions, and that having a baby is a God given "right" and obligation which should be afforded to ALL women even if they are crack addicts and homeless. Unless, of course, they aren't white.:smn

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 27, 2014
While all that is disturbing, as you said, what bothers me more is the comparison would entail if logically utilized.

The purpose of protecting the wetlands is to prevent anyone from destroying its ability to support life.

What this sticker implies to me (especially when paired with the other one - see above) is not just to prevent abortions, but to prevent and outlaw anything that could be seen as preventing a woman from making babies, especially permanent surgical measures.

Again, coupled with the other sticker on this idiot breeder car, this freak thinks that every woman, regardless of her own personal desires and will, should be forced to make babies. This concept disgusts and horrifies me to no end.
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 27, 2014
Wetland - I think mud, slime, algae, smelly, slimy creatures like leeches, frogs, slugs, bottom feeding fish, swamp rats, lots of weeds, big ass biting bugs and more slime. I actually like those kinds of wetlands. The other one, who cares.
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 27, 2014
There's this blue Toyota Yaris with an "I'm a child, not a choice" bumper sticker always parked in a lot I sometimes use at school, and every time I see it I have to exercise extreme restraint not to key the fucking thing.

Ugh. If I didn't know better, I would assume this Umberto business was satire. It's ironic because people shitting out loaves left and right will only contribute to the destruction of actual wetlands.
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 27, 2014
From what I can see, it isn't ironic. It's seriously scary stupidity.
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 27, 2014
While all that is disturbing, as you said, what bothers me more is the comparison would entail if logically utilized.

The purpose of protecting the wetlands is to prevent anyone from destroying its ability to support life.

What this sticker implies to me (especially when paired with the other one - see above) is not just to prevent abortions, but to prevent and outlaw anything that could be seen as preventing a woman from making babies, especially permanent surgical measures.

Again, coupled with the other sticker on this idiot breeder car, this freak thinks that every woman, regardless of her own personal desires and will, should be forced to make babies. This concept disgusts and horrifies me to no end.
I wonder if they would also force those who are childfree who also happen to have a condition that naturally makes conception difficult (like having fibroids, PCOS) to undergo treatment to have babies? Those pretty much create a naturally hostile 'wetland.' shrug
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 27, 2014
No wonder moos have a mean case of swamp-ass after having their kyds. devil with smile
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 29, 2014
That Umber thing is part of a whole series of comic book character drawn by some catholic assholes named Gary Cangemi, I thing. You can Google and see a whole jostling of characters who look like naked toddlers with computers. It is called Umbert's Wombpage. Really disturbing.
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 29, 2014
This could lead to the ban of condoms, too!! Now imagine the STD train scorching it's way across America.

Fuck that's disgusting.
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 29, 2014
This reminds me of an anti-abortion table I saw at a community event about 20 years ago. They were selling T-shirts that had drawings of elephants and whales, and a fetus along with the slogan that the fetus was "the most endangered species."
Re: Has any one see these "Umbert" bumper stickers?
September 30, 2014
See, now that seriously bothers me. It's not only pro-overpopulation, which in and of itself is horrible, but it's coupled with a complete disregard for all other life on the planet. It's bad enough they want to add to an already wretched world wide problem, but they actually seek to destroy everything else as well. Da fu?
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