Ignorant cow says "more companies need to hire" breeders:wtf
September 29, 2014
When I first read this crap I wanted to fishslap Mr. T: I pitty tha fools the stupid twunt who wrote it. Then I realized 1. how poorly written it is and 2. she alleges that she is an ENGLISH instructor. Then I just wanted to laugh my ass off.waving hellolarious

Her "compelling reasons to hire parents?
1. Parents are More Likely to Have Clear Priorities which Work to the Employer's Advantage
she includes this gem under heading 1 becuase apparently making everyone at work sick is a good thing? sarcastic clapping
Before kids, if I was feeling under the weather, I would call in sick and not feel badly about it. Now, I hate taking off work because I either need the money to pay for the extra food, diapers, and bills, or I need to save up the time for family vacations, or I need to just get out of the house...


2. Parents are More Likely to Recognize and Prioritize Complications at Work
3. Parents are More Likely Comfortable with Long-Term Commitment

She concludes with this - now remember, she teaches English
there are some trends and studies which suggest that people find parents to LESS likely be smart, competent, or focused on their jobs because they have kids.
Gee, why would anyone reading her blog "find parents to LESS likely be smart..."? smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Ignorant cow says "more companies need to hire" breeders:wtf
September 30, 2014
Parents are more likely to have clear priorities? More comfortable with long term commitment than non-parents? Are these actual scientific findings or 'facts' she just pulled out of her ass?

Dumbass Moo: simply saying "some studies suggest" is not a citation, nor does it automatically make whatever drivel follows a scientific fact.
Re: Ignorant cow says "more companies need to hire" breeders:wtf
September 30, 2014
In HR, my biggest problems are caused by two groups of people, mostly. One is young adults just out of school/uni who don't understand office culture or the importance of shit like turning up on time, or at all. The second group? Fucking breeders.

Breeders are there to get paid for doing as little as possible, in my experience. And they resent anyone else getting anything, like the breeder bitch who has turned against me in my team because I am working reduced hours at the moment. She works 4 days, but she thinks illness is not a reason to have an adapted work pattern - only breeders should get that,.because they're raising the fyooture!
She couldnt be more wrong about any of her points. Even good workers by me become less than focused on the job because "there's more important things in life". Even most childed men will admit this about the breeder women around here. sarcastic clapping

When youre supporting YOURSELF youre very likely to be focused on making ends meet, no breedmoo?
Re: Ignorant cow says "more companies need to hire" breeders:wtf
September 30, 2014
confused smiley soo marriage, owning a home, having an advanced degree =/= "commitment" or "maturity" anymore, only kids?
Re: Ignorant cow says "more companies need to hire" breeders:wtf
September 30, 2014
confused smiley soo marriage, owning a home, having an advanced degree =/= "commitment" or "maturity" anymore, only kids?

But of course! Methinks Moo needs to believe she's "mature" now even though her mindset is still all about herself. Having kyds just reinforces that in many people.

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: Ignorant cow says "more companies need to hire" breeders:wtf
October 01, 2014
Moos commit to their kids because they have no choice, but just having a kid or three doesn't mean you put your heart and soul into raising them. It's like committing to a chronic illness - it's there, you may or may not want it to be there, but you deal with it. You might just do the bare minimum to take care of it, but at the end of the day, it's still a part of your life no matter what you do or don't do.

Having a responsibility doesn't make you responsible. And even breeders that DO a semi-okay job of raising their brats will ALWAYS commit to faaaaaamily first and work second. This is why I don't understand why employers will hire breeders if they can help it. Breeders are lazy, take advantage of people, make their coworkers pick up their slack while they themselves get paid all the same, leave early, come in late, make everyone sick, and take maternity leave when they get knocked up again.

Now I know you can't ask people about their breeding status in interviews, but if I were an employer and someone brought up their kids more than once during an interview (or listed SAHM duties as work experience), I'd toss their application right in the shredder once they left. Someone who finished college on time with a degree to show for it is committed. Someone with good credit and that pays their bills on time is committed. Someone who sees a complicated, difficult project through no matter how much of a pain in the ass it is is committed. Loafing is not a commitment. All that means is you fucked someone. Animals do it all the time, and last I checked most cats and rats are not qualified for office jobs.

And no, parents are the LAST people on earth who know what prioritizing means. A sane person can figure out what's really important and how important each important thing really is. A breeder will gladly blow off work or cost an employer money so they can run home and wipe their screamer's shitty ass. This is because life for breeders is all about kids, or rather, using their kids to do as little real work as possible while still getting paid as much as their peers that bust their asses at their jobs. Nothing at work - including deadlines, job requirements, work ethic and dress code - will ever be even close to how important the brats are.

So why would anyone hire someone like this? Breeders will drag down productivity in the work place while harassing everyone to buy their spastic tard's $45 fund raiser popcorn balls so him and the rest of his sped class can go on a field trip to a car wash to watch non-retards raise money to go to Wyoming to do buffalo manicures.

If employers care about getting shit done without brats in the way, they need to ignore SAHMs entirely because they're useless. Then they need to carefully choose the potentially decent parents from the other breeder applicants because there might be some PNBs mixed in that will be good workers. But more so, they need to focus on hiring more unchilded people, which there are more of now than ever before.

Having a responsibility doesn't make you responsible.

this is good, i'm using it from now on.
Re: Ignorant cow says "more companies need to hire" breeders:wtf
October 01, 2014
So why would anyone hire someone like this? Breeders will drag down productivity in the work place while harassing everyone to buy their spastic tard's $45 fund raiser popcorn balls so him and the rest of his sped class can go on a field trip to a car wash to watch non-retards raise money to go to Wyoming to do buffalo manicures.

waving hellolarious I just love this image, that has to be two of the best field trip descriptions ever.
Re: Ignorant cow says "more companies need to hire" breeders:wtf
October 01, 2014
"Clear priorities"? LOL like what, taking the whole day off because Snotford is sick, or leaving early because Shitleigh has to go to soccer practice?

Not to mention breeders constant yapping about their kids at work. I've seen it before, been there, done that. Just STFU already about your fuck trophies....nobody cares about them but their breeders
Isn't this very Un-PC?

What if you said white people or men (or whoever, whatever group) are More Likely to Have Clear Priorities which Work to the Employer's Advantage? White men are More Likely to Recognize and Prioritize Complications at Work? White women are More Likely Comfortable with Long-Term Commitment?sarcastic clapping
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