Entitlemoo - No using your horn or smoking if her loaf is in car:wtf
October 15, 2014
Idiot moo decides to tell people how to behave when her sacred crotch-fruit is in her care. This includes not honking your horn or she'll have to explain why she sat through that green arrow (almost to next level of CandyCrush) and not smoking if her child can SEE you. NO, not just if you are blowing smoke on her child; she doesn't want her pure, vaccine and gluten free pwecus to SEE people smoking. Mr. T: I pitty tha fools

Re: Entitlemoo - No using your horn or smoking if her loaf is in car:wtf
October 15, 2014
Best comment so far from 'Sarah Eilerson':

<> Yeah right, lady, I'll get right on all that. Oh, and HOOOOOOOOONK! Gotta honk cuz I loves me some Jesus, so let's not stomp all over my religious freedom, mkay?

If you're not already on Bratfree, Sarah, maybe you should be.
Re: Entitlemoo - No using your horn or smoking if her loaf is in car:wtf
October 15, 2014
Save the rest of the world a lot of aggravation if she'd just do this to the kid before she leaves the house (needs an addition of blinders)

Gawd. Talk about dense. Laying out a manifesto is just asking people to do exactly the opposite of your request.

Officious bitch angry flipping off
My car is the only place left where I can smoke, because sanctimonious moos campaigned against all public smoking. That zoovan is my haven from society. I'll smoke if I want and my dog will fart if he needs to. To save your little tards from seeing things you do not approve of, perhaps you should get a cargo moovan without side windows, so the kids have only you to look at. :Violin
Christ on a cracker, lady - get over yourself! The entire world doesn't have to monitor itself because your kid exists.

When did it become the rest of the world's responsibility to be perfect instead of the parent's responsibility to explain the world to their kid???? My own mother had no qualms about explaining these things to me and my brother. If we asked why someone did something obnoxious out in public, she would cheerfully answer "Because he's an asshole!"
I wish she posted a picture of her car with the license plate so I know to honk incessantly if I ever see it.
Re: Entitlemoo - No using your horn or smoking if her loaf is in car:wtf
October 15, 2014
If I ever saw this bitch, I'd make sure to lay on the horn while blowing smoke on her pweshus brat.


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Mr. M6 and I both smoke in the car. Usually after we eat, we go out for a 'smoke drive' or whatever. It is none of her business.

I don't care about her pwecious little sprog, I will smoke in my damned car if I want to! As for horns blaring, there is a REASON for that!

Breeders are becoming more demanding of others, while demanding less from themselves. If she chose to quit smoking, then that's her decision. Telling others they can't smoke in their own vehicles is NOT her place in society.

I only smoke at home and in the car, unless I visit a smoker's house and it's okay. I am a respectful person, and a respectful smoker, but this idiot is encroaching on my rights and the rights of others.
Re: Entitlemoo - No using your horn or smoking if her loaf is in car:wtf
October 15, 2014
Makes me want to start smoking so I can blow smoke at this cow. The Supreme Court ruled that blowing the horn is Constitutionally protected Free Speech. Learned this when drivers hit the horn at toll booths to protest toll increases contested their tickets. Not giving up my First Amendment rights to anyone breeder or CF. Chances are this sanctimoo just tried to run me off the road when I called her a soft palmed dog fucker. Everytime I almost get hit while crossing in a crosswalk are from moovans with a crap ton of breeder stickers on the back.

This cow proves my point that breeders should lose their driver's license the moment gametes collide. Only exception is to drive to the abortion clinic.
I think I might take up car smoking, if it upsets moos that much.

Here are 8 things I wish that Moos would not do on the road.

1) Put stupid signs in their cars and expect other people to drive differently because they have a brat in it, whilst driving like a douche themselves.
2) Turn round to check on the brats whilst driving (not just at traffic lights, while actually driving)
3) Allow their spawn to make rude signs or yell out of the window at people
4) Drive everywhere at 20mph because KYDS, regardless of speed limits or appropriate driving for the road and conditions
5) Park in disabled spaces when there aren't any parent and chyld spaces left at the supermarket, because obviously, having a brat is totally the same as being disabled.
6) Block the roads near schools with their S-Moo-Vs because kyds can't possibly walk more than ten feet to the school gate
7) Block people in in the work car park, because Moos come in late after the school run when all the parking spaces have gone and they can't possibly be expected to waddle more than ten feet to the door.
8) Own cars that are far bigger and more powerful than they have the skill or ability to handle properly
From the Article
Christine Salerno, a mom in Brooklyn, can relate. She’s asking drivers passing through her neighborhood to please refrain from honking at her daughter’s school bus every morning. Her 3-year-old daughter lives with Rett syndrome, a neurological disorder that comes with a list of challenging symptoms. One of the hurdles for Salerno’s daughter is her sensitivity to loud noises. When drivers begin honking at the bus, Salerno says her daughter doesn’t want to get in. “It’s a horrible way to leave my child every morning.”

She doesn't like traffic and honking cars and yet she chooses to live in the largest, most populated city in the United States.

Fuck her.
Re: Entitlemoo - No using your horn or smoking if her loaf is in car:wtf
October 15, 2014
5. Please don’t have volatile phone conversations when you have the windows down

Honey - you make me wanna sing you a song ~


I see you, Cow, weaving all over the road because you're texting, beefing, slapping your kids, and checking your Ovulation Predictor Crotch Barometer, in your giant fucking TANK that you came close to side swiping me with - Cow - Once I meet up with you at the next light - Ima a step out my car and BELT this song out at you - AND - your oh so delicate baybees.

Related - I had a very nice and intelligent convo with a friend the other day - who 'gets it'. About these Urban Assault Vehicles. He had passed an accident, we got to talking about cars.

Bad Gas Milage. Nods of agreement.
Ever notice that 80% of the time - there's only ONE person in the tank? Nods in agreement.
(Yes - we're looking at YOU too, Moo.)

Classed as trucks to avoid fuel economy regs.
Nods in agreement.

People buy them because they are followers.
Nods in agreement.

So other people know.

I talked to a neighbor just the other day - he's got a Jeep ~ not sure of the model ~ Large Tank. He said it gets 11 miles per gallon. smile rolling left righteyes2

Let me try to boil down some complicated econ theorum also - I think the orig came from some guy at the London School of Economics, it has been reviewed, verified, and expanded on by others ~

And what the 'concept' reduces to anyway is - as oil prices go up, peoples' rights in oil producing countries (the ones that function as welfare states) - go down. Which makes common sense because if revenues are dropping they have to let the people out to work. As it is in places like SA - all grunt work is done by 'guest workers' (foreigners) - they can pay for that. And as such the women can be kept idle as well as most men who if they do anything undertake more religion, hang about the local Mosque.

HEY COW - YOU are contributing to this! Every time you step on the gas you may as well be stepping on the neck of a Middle Eastern citizen WHO DID NOT ASK FOR ANY OF IT. They are victims of circumstance - BUT - all of us CAN change this!

You could USE LESS GAS. You could get a smaller vehicle. You could manage your time better. How about YOU distract your kid in the car? How about STAYING HOME until the kid can understand the world around it? How about installing a shade on the kid's window? Oh no, boo hoo, he won't see the garbage trucks.

Hey - you wanna hear something really offensive? YOU ARE KILLING PEOPLE WITH YOUR GAS SUCKING TANK!

Look here - Swanky CF Party Girl Me has a Sports Car. With a relatively large engine. Gas mileage? 25 - 30 mpg. It's smaller and lighter. AND - I live quite close to my office - about 7 miles. And - I can do some work at home / avoid the office for at least 2 days per week. AND - I car pool with people for store trips - I hate shopping and found others that do too - so we 'co op' on this - to make it easier. Saves gas - added bonus. AND I utilize public transport enough too. AND I 'time manage' because like I say - I'm not a fan of shopping (for the essentials anyway) and I want to work smarter on that, not harder.

Don't honk my horn? HONEY - you're about to sideswipe me in your Destructo Gas Guzzlin Tank O'Death - you bet your Crotch Barometer that Ima LAY on the horn!

Shove your tank up your arse and move to Calcutta why don't you? Even Mexico would be a HUGE SHOCK to you - drive there right now, why don't you?

BTW - one of the main reasons WHY I have a sports car is to be able to punch the gas to get away from these menaces!
From the Article
Christine Salerno, a mom in Brooklyn, can relate. She’s asking drivers passing through her neighborhood to please refrain from honking at her daughter’s school bus every morning. Her 3-year-old daughter lives with Rett syndrome, a neurological disorder that comes with a list of challenging symptoms. One of the hurdles for Salerno’s daughter is her sensitivity to loud noises. When drivers begin honking at the bus, Salerno says her daughter doesn’t want to get in. “It’s a horrible way to leave my child every morning.”

She doesn't like traffic and honking cars and yet she chooses to live in the largest, most populated city in the United States.

Fuck her.

I've never heard as many honking cars as I did whenever I visited NYC. They honk as if it was a religion, even though it's apparently illegal there.

I bet it never occurred to the dumb cunt to move to a quieter place for the sake of her kid. No, it's much better that she not uproot and change her life because it's not fair that she should ever adjust for the child she chose to have. Other people should make that sacrifice so she can pretend she has any sort of control now that she has a tard for a child and her control is a thing of the past and her life is now ruled by her toadler.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
No horn-honking within a mile, probably, because you can hear a car horn pretty far-off. And no smoking within SIGHT of her pwecious? Oh, okay. I'll just go tape a big "no" sign over my horn so I can remember....waving hellolarious waving hellolarious

Sorry, couldn't keep a straight face. Really, this lady means it? This isn't a parody of the modern, overprotective, self-righteous mommy? Good grief, lady.

Maybe I should take up smoking for one evening, so that I can sit in my car at the curb, cigarette in hand. Then she'd never be able to leave the house with her kid.

Hmm, I may have found a solution, guys...
This bitch can just flat-out go fuck herself. Seriously. What is it with these entitlecunts who think the whole goddamn planet revolves around them and their spawn? I don't even smoke and this pisses me off! If I knew who this bitch was and I lived near her, I would light up and use my horn just to "make her day".
Dear Entitlecunt,

I don't smoke, but I will start stocking up on delicious specialty cigars to fire up in MY car for when I encounter some overstuffed, self-righteous, urban-assault-vehicle riding bitch like you. (Not "driving"-- "riding". "Driving" implies control. You have none, and it freaks you right the fuck out.)

I will make eye contact, smile, and pound on my horn like it owes me money.

Plus, and this is just because you're you, I will also hike up my shirt and show your pwecious widdle shitling what a NON-ruined tittie looks like.

I will finish off this display with several screamed obscenities of my choosing.

You're welcome for that extra bit of added value there.

When that little fuckwit you're carting around ends up a complete sociopath, it won't be because of the real world, dollin. Hope it kills you with a dull knife when it finally makes its escape.

Okay, buh-bye now :hello :emoheart
Dear Entitlecunt,

I don't smoke, but I will start stocking up on delicious specialty cigars to fire up in MY car for when I encounter some overstuffed, self-righteous, urban-assault-vehicle riding bitch like you. (Not "driving"-- "riding". "Driving" implies control. You have none, and it freaks you right the fuck out.)

I will make eye contact, smile, and pound on my horn like it owes me money.

Plus, and this is just because you're you, I will also hike up my shirt and show your pwecious widdle shitling what a NON-ruined tittie looks like.

I will finish off this display with several screamed obscenities of my choosing.

You're welcome for that extra bit of added value there.

When that little fuckwit you're carting around ends up a complete sociopath, it won't be because of the real world, dollin. Hope it kills you with a dull knife when it finally makes its escape.

Okay, buh-bye now :hello :emoheart

I read that in the voice of James St. James and near wet myself.
the noodler

I read that in the voice of James St. James and near wet myself.

waving hellolarious

I just spent a very educational ten minutes with Wikipedia and Google Images.

As Mr. Takei says: "Ohh Myyy..."
Who is this cunt? Is she some asshole copycat of "Serial Mom"?

Fuck off lady. And get your head out of your ass when you drive that S-Moo-V at 35 mph over the limit and cut across six lanes on the 405 on your way to pick up your spoiled crotch dumpling!
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