Idjit Moo on the subway
August 23, 2008
I don't know if this Moo was just dense or lazy. I got on the train today to head downtown and when I get in the car, this Moo has her massive SUV stroller parked right in the damn middle of the aisle. I and four other people got in through the door right near her and we were all made to stand and hold on to whatever we could reach until we got to our stops because this woman could not even be arsed to move her damn kid's stroller. I don't mind standing (fuck, I usually stand on the little rotating platform that holds the cars together), but I think some people might...especially if anyone elderly or physically handicapped needed the seats Moo parked her ass in (yes, she took up all three of the handicapped seats for her ass and her bags of shit). Had I tried to squeeze by, my ass or groin would have been in someone's face and I did not want to be rude.

The fun part is at every single subway station, every couple of minutes, someone will say over the loudspeaker "Please fold all strollers before entering the vehicle". Guess this Moo is deaf or selectively deaf.

A little part of me kinda wished my friend and I had boarded with a bunch of video equipment...methinks if Junior got jabbed in the face with the legs of a tripod or had a flood light dropped on its head as we tried to maneuver around the roadblock, Moomie would have moved her tank right quick.
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 23, 2008
hmmm...this makes me wonder if bratfree should have a channel on youtube, with videos made by bratfree members. Just a thought.

And I'd have been darn tempted to ask her politely (but probably too chicken to), "Ma'am? May I help you fold your stroller so that the elderly and handicapped and pregnant can get by? It's no trouble, really. I'm sure you just heard the announcement about folding stollers."
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 23, 2008
i was only thinking about that this morning when i was out cycling.there was these moo's taking up the whole cycle way and people where trying to get past and i was going to get my phone out and take a picture but thought better not they might think im a peadophile.but yeah we could call the videos "moo's behaving badly" or if they get angry "when moo's attack"and the ones who dress like their slutty teenage daughters "moo's gone wild"
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 23, 2008
I was so, so tempted to put my foot against the stroller and boot it to the other end of the car. Maybe the stroller would have folded (or collapsed) on impact and I'd have done her a favor.
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 23, 2008
I am so sick of these lazy fucking moos. These bitchs need to start getting ticketed or told to get the hell off the bus or train if they can't be arsed to follow the rules.
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 23, 2008
It is also a fire hazard to have an obstacle like that in a subway car. If the riders have to evacuate in a hurry and you have this big-ass stroller blocking a quick exit, people can be in big trouble. Of course, the moo won't care about that because is it "all about her kyds", right????
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 23, 2008
roger Wrote:
> i was only thinking about that this morning when i
> was out cycling.there was these moo's taking up
> the whole cycle way and people where trying to get
> past and i was going to get my phone out and take
> a picture but thought better not they might think
> im a peadophile.but yeah we could call the videos
> "moo's behaving badly" or if they get angry "when
> moo's attack"and the ones who dress like their
> slutty teenage daughters "moo's gone wild"

Yeah, I'm all for that! It would be our version of Hollaback NYC - where they take pix of street/subway pervs.
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 23, 2008
She won't care until her baybee gets which time it will be everyone else's fault for not using the other doors, for not being more careful and for daring to ride the train that day. Since, you know, it's never Moomie's fault since she is doing the most important job in the world and can't possibly be held responsible for things that other people perceive to be wrong with her parenting style.
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 24, 2008
Here in London, where it's extremely crowded on public transport, it's packed with stupid moos putting prams in the way. Aisles, entrances, exits, stairways, escalators and passageways - all blocked by some kind of gurgling idiot -- and her baybee. In my 20 years of using London trains, tube and buses on a daily basis, I have NOT ONCE seen a cow remove her brat from the pram, fold it up, put it aside out of the way, and sit with brat on lap. EVER. They take up the spaces meant for wheelchair users and that's that.

The only real joy I get, and it's a wonderful treat, is when two competing moos-with-prams board and try to both maneouvre into the same 'wheelchair spot' when there is a third moo already occupying it. There's really only room for two. Do they kind of giggle and joke and help each other make the most of the limited space? NO, their true selfish colours come out and it's a game of dodge-ems. The never make eye-contact with the owners of the other dodge-ems as they aggressively tug and struggle and tisk-tisk and grimace, frowning and grumbling. The rest of us passengers love this battle of the lactating titans and could sit there all day chuckling at them if, you know, we didn't acutally work for a living and need to be on time.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 24, 2008
I don't take a train, so I've never encountered this. But when I'm in the grocery store and some stupid moo is blocking the aisle with her stroller, I will get right up in her face and say very loudly "excuse me!!!" Most of the time they'll move right away, but I've gotten some really snooty ones.
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 24, 2008
m4p Wrote:
...: when I'm in the grocery store and some
> stupid moo is blocking the aisle with her
> stroller, I will get right up in her face and say
> very loudly "excuse me!!!" Most of the time
> they'll move right away, but I've gotten some
> really snooty ones.

^^ Me too! They are aGHAST when I don't oogle at their kid. Get out of my way bitch, I don't give a fuck about how 'cute' you think your kid is, I just want some sugar for my Hummingbirds! MOVE...MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 24, 2008
str8six Wrote:
> m4p Wrote:
> ...: when I'm in the grocery store and some
> > stupid moo is blocking the aisle with her
> > stroller, I will get right up in her face and
> say
> > very loudly "excuse me!!!" Most of the time
> > they'll move right away, but I've gotten some
> > really snooty ones.
> ^^ Me too! They are aGHAST when I don't oogle at
> their kid. Get out of my way bitch, I don't give
> a fuck about how 'cute' you think your kid is, I
> just want some sugar for my Hummingbirds!

My little hummingbird critters LOVE strawberry koolaid and extra sugar.I think that the birds are way more important than their brats.The birds contribute to society in many ways, but the brats just take and take and take.
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 24, 2008
Oh kidless...don't use koolaid! The dye/food coloring in it isn't especially good for the Hummers. I don't want to bore the board, but if you're interested, I can PM you with proper hummer food-preparation. I have years of experience regarding Hummers and Bluebirds and would be MORE than happy to share my experiences or recommendations with you! I have helped two other BratFree! board members regarding Hummer questions, just send me a PM! winking smiley
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 24, 2008
Amethyst Wrote:
> battle of the lactating
> titans

bouncing and laughing

When some moo is blocking my way, I make a point to ignore her brat, roll my eyes and sigh really loudly. One bitch had the nerve to call me "intolerant" once, because I did that after her she-sprog got in my way 3 TIMES and she did NOTHING to stop her. angry flipping off
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 24, 2008
"intolerant," huh? That's some nerve for someone blocking access to some public facility with their annoying child. No sympathy here for the stroller-luggers, whom I see on our local bus system all the time. I must say the drivers are pretty good about enforcing the rule of folding strollers--many will not even continue driving the bus till the stroller's folded and stashed.
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 25, 2008
clematis Wrote:
I must say the drivers are
> pretty good about enforcing the rule of folding
> strollers--many will not even continue driving the
> bus till the stroller's folded and stashed.

Sounds wonderful. Over here, moocows pretty much jam their offspring into a pram when it's 4 weeks old, rope 'em in, and that's pretty much where they remain day and night for 4 years. Well that's how it appears to normal humans like me.

Having to beg someone to let you past is one of my pet hates of all time. Especially when the obstacle is a stupid kid, but admittedly anyone who's unthinkingly blocking aisles, doorways, corridors, etc with shopping cart, rucksack, big fat self, etc -- makes me furious. It's like they haven't actually realised there are other people occupying the planet too.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 25, 2008
kidlesskim, str8six helped me with my hummingbirds, and since their advice, i have gotten so many and im having a blast watching/feeding them,
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 25, 2008
Oh that's awesome nokyds!! You know, they'll be leaving soon. About 1/3 of mine have already left. They'll all be gone by Sept. 5th. You may have a straggler here or there, but that's about it until next Spring :bawl.

Just remember to always keep at least one feeder out all year for any odd-ball northeast hummers that may stumble through your area. I've seen only one of these in 6 years, but at least she had some food to get her through her journey.
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 25, 2008

oh ok, ill be sure to keep a fresh supply out there even after Sept 5. I enjoy watching them, I find them so friggin cool. lol When do they return? (im trying to get my sister into hummingbirds.)

I also find that they kind of guard the feeders and chase other hummingbirds off when they are eating, is that normal?
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 25, 2008
nokyds4me Wrote:
> str8six
> oh ok, ill be sure to keep a fresh supply out
> there even after Sept 5. I enjoy watching them, I
> find them so friggin cool. lol When do they
> return? (im trying to get my sister into
> hummingbirds.)
> I also find that they kind of guard the feeders
> and chase other hummingbirds off when they are
> eating, is that normal?

They will return around end of March/beginning of April. You will have a few, just enough to entice you, then when the flowers bloom in the Spring, they will disappear again, just like that! They are off breeding and making nests, and making the most of the flowers. They will return to your feeders about 2-3 weeks afterwards.

Hummers are VERY territorial, which is understandable seeing as how they have to eat about five to 8 or 9 times an hour. So when they find a never-ending supply (your feeder), they guard it with their lives! I have 5 feeders all spread out 15-20+ feet apart to keep fighting to a minimum. But they will always fight. In the evening, when they get ready to go into torpor (evening hibernation), you will see the fighting get less and less. At that point, everybody just wants to get enough food to last them through the night. Same in early morning, they're coming out of their torpor and are groggy - they just want food, they don't give a damn who's at 'their' feeder.

I miss them terribly when they leave, my front porch is eerily quiet without them. They have a very long journey coming up so I'm especially vigilant about keeping my feeders perfectly clean and fresh. Course, I do that all summer anyway, but I'm a little extra protective of them.

After Sept. 5th, I go down to 3 feeders, then at the end of Sept., down to 2. I will keep two out until the end of Oct./beginning of Nov. when I take it down to one. You never know when one might sneak through and you're likely never to see it anyway, so it's important to keep that one feeder clean w/fresh food in it...just in case.
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 25, 2008
str8six wow thats great info, Im going to print that out, I may be moving to Michigan, I wonder if they are there? or do you think its to cold there,
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 25, 2008
No, they have the Ruby's there too arriving around the same time as here (Ga) but they tend to leave a bit earlier for their migration, around July-ish but they can stay later. The neat thing about Michigan is they have other species, the Rufous, Broadbilled and some others I think. You will get to see these if you're lucky. We'll likely not see them here, some have photographed Ana's here before but I've not been that lucky.

Damn that sucks, when might you move?
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 25, 2008
Im in GA and I hate it, my town (Dallas GA) is a 3rd world shit hole, the amount of stray dogs is amazing, I spend alot of time trying to rescue the HUGE amounts of stray dogs and cats, Im picking MI for a few reasons, (some may sound racist) My house is for sale and has been for 5 months, so who knows how long,

are those species of hummingbirds? I would hate to not have them in MI
Anonymous User
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 25, 2008
Oh yea, Dallas is just outside of the 'Atlanta Area' (west) so to speak. Yep, you're out in the sticks lol! Boy do I ever know what you mean about strays. But don't think you're the only one...ALL of Ga is like that. There's no teeth in the laws and ordinances here, the judges just blow them off basically. Poor animals, they're the ones to suffer because a judge just doesn't give a shit about someone who lets their un-spayed/neutered animal roam the streets like if we were 3rd world - I'm surprised we don't have fucking pigs and cows at the airport wandering around in the approach lanes. It is BAD here, very VERY bad. And so is the economy - I just lost my job 1 1/2 weeks ago (I'm in public safety) and NO ONE is hiring. There is a hiring freeze everywhere and the state has laid off hundreds of people. I have been looking with absolutely no success. I'm basically fucked. I probably will wind up working in PetsMart in Macon or something until things get better. Hey, whatever helps to pay the bills!

Yea, all those I mentioned are species and they're really cool - you'll love them I promise! winking smiley. Good luck if you decide to move, got work there yet?
Re: Idjit Moo on the subway
August 25, 2008
married with rabbits Wrote:
> I get like serious road rage in the supermarket. I
> loathe going on a friday evening in the small town
> next to mine. I swear, all the southern fat-asses
> are out and about and walking as slowly as
> possible, 3 abreast, and blocking aisle after
> aisle. They also stop and chat with one another,
> blocking an entire walkway. Y'know, I know my ass
> isn't "small," but at least I work it and walk
> quickly enough and get out of people's way. I
> can't believe the snail's pace these jerks take.
> And these are people in their 20s-40s.

Oh I hear you there. I live in a really population-dense city and one of the things I hate the fucking most is when a big group of people (usually the morons from my dorm) decide to have a big friend reunion right in the middle of the sidewalk. There have been times I've had to walk all the way out to the middle of the road because a group of 10+ twenty-year-olds decided to congregate in one particular spot on the sidewalk and catch up on things. And no, they do not move for traffic coming their way - cars must swerve into the opposite lane to get by these tards.

People around here are also really notorious for walking very slow, and then I need to slow myself to their pace because there's so many other people surrounding me that walk at the same speed. Then I get someone trailing on my heels this.close to me, as if they think getting within inches of me will make me magically go faster. The culprit behind the snail's pace are usually the guys decked out in ten pounds of tacky bling and have their jeans halfway down...the guys who like to pretend they're bad asses, and I want to shove the fuckers right into traffic when I get stuck behind one of them.
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