More than one billion people worldwide have no toilet and defecate outside, while some have to be shamed into changing their habits when presented with conveniences, a conference was told....For many extremely poor people who are given toilets by aid groups, it becomes the most precious item they own and therefore they use it as a religious shrine or a dry place to store firewood, international development consultant Kamal Kar said.

Just another reason to hate these useless limo liberal charities that think dropping off toilets and being nice is going to get the turdlers to stop behaving like beasts in a field.

Sort of like their idea to give fertility drugs to starving women in africa because too many barren childfree women were getting hacked and burned to death.

More than ever, we need to leave these turdlers to suffer without our interference. Because the idiots that run these charity and government orgs supposedly "helping" the turdlers NEVER ADDRESS THE ONE FUCKING ISSUE THAT COULD SOLVE NOT ONLY THE TURD OVERLOAD, BUT ALMOST EVERY FUCKING PROBLEM THESE PEOPLE HAVE. They obviously can't do it on their own, so either we step in by force and take care of the problem with some snipity snip on every damn one of them, or we just leave them to destroy themselves and take care of our own business. Either way is fine with me, but let's shit or get off the pot, the idiot charitable solutions are not working and have never worked.
I think that do gooder religious organizations who continue to feed these people are doing them a HUGE disservice. They can't figure out how to feed themselves, but they don't seem to have any problems reproducing litter after litter. The majority of their kids end up dying slow painful deaths, so I don't see how that is "Christian" or humane. I think that ALL "aid" should cease immediately and let the strong and smarter of the bunch survive, assuming that there are any. They survived for centuries before they had all of this "aid", and they will likely do better as a people if they were forced to make it on their own.

Survival of the fittest is the best way to weed out the idiots. We could do with a little of that in the good ole US of A.
Aid to the poor should ALWAYS be contingent on changing behaviour.

I don't mean a-la christian charities, who do a lot of dangling food on a string in front of the starving, saying "So tell me, who's the saviour? What? I can't hear you. Tell me who is the saviour of your immortal soul? Did you say Jesus? That's right. Here you go, here's a sandwich. Eat up and I'll come back tomorrow and ask you who's the mother of Jesus. Wrong answers means no brekkie."

I mean changing behaviours: We'll dig you a row of outhouses and teach you how to maintain them IF you stop shitting in your water supply. If we find one more turd in the well we dug for you back in 1988 as part of BandAid, we're leaving you to suffer, and you'll get no more fresh water piped in from the big lake 45 miles away at our expense either.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
The only way to help the people in these shockingly poor areas is by teaching them to help themselves instead of giving them a temporary handout. There's at least one organization that gives farm animals to people in poor communities depending on where they live (different animals thrive in different climates and terrains), and the people then pass some of the offspring (the animals' offspring, that is!) to others in the community. Milk, eggs, and wool can be used by the animals' owners or sold. The young rabbits, chickens, etc can also be eaten or sold. If things go according to plan, the people slowly become more self-reliant. I only wish these people could be given the option of permanent birth control. There are doctors who travel to these nations and perform free necessary surgeries for these people, so why not sterilize anyone who wants it? Surely some of them are willing to get out of the breeding business.

With sanitation issues, I agree that there's little than can be done if the people aren't willing to change their behaviors. You can't force anyone to be hygienic.
I don't think there is any one thing, that Americans can do to change the conditions in third world countries. Their culture is what it is. It should be up to their government to change things. Not the U.S. And no, these people would not use birth control, even when they have access to it. So its pointless to blame the Catholic church.
casseyrod Wrote:
> I don't think there is any one thing, that
> Americans can do to change the conditions in third
> world countries. Their culture is what it is. It
> should be up to their government to change things.
> Not the U.S. And no, these people would not use
> birth control, even when they have access to it.
> So its pointless to blame the Catholic church.

I totally agree how frustrating this is, particularly for Americans who always bear the brunt of giving generous handouts to every revolting corner of the planet.

But I think the third world would start taking birth control seriously if they knew what was at stake, and every time they take a step forward and then produce 10 kids, that's *two* steps back. Who'd choose those odds?? They've made the connection between shagging and sprogging. But they've got to understand the connection between sprogging in excess and poverty.

It's not up to the developed world to shield them from that impact, in my opinion. i don't care how many 'crying diseased toddler' photos are splayed across the begging ads of my liberal newspaper -- no. Not until the money buys millions of those year-long contraceptive injections FIRST.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
I hate bashing the liberals here, because I know our CF liberals (including myself, I am liberal when it comes to most things) are not the same stripe as the limo liberals that populate these aid organizations...

but goddamn. it is these fucking liberal do-gooders that don't do any good at all, they just cause more suffering. as for the fundy groups that go into these hellholes and pass out bibles before they'll let the people eat, that's another issue though.

The liberals love to blame the problems of the turd world on "colonialism." But isn't their entry into those countries and continuation of the suffering by feeding people who are going to breed more also colonialism? If we truly believe that these people are our equals as humans, should we not leave them now, after billions and billions of dollars and food we have dumped on their heads as "reparations" for the colonialism of the past, to do as they wish to do on their fucking own??????????? Why do we keep going with colonialism???
casseyrod Wrote:
> I don't think there is any one thing, that
> Americans can do to change the conditions in third
> world countries. Their culture is what it is. It
> should be up to their government to change things.
> Not the U.S. And no, these people would not use
> birth control, even when they have access to it.
> So its pointless to blame the Catholic church.

Boy you sure did nail this one. I don't have any love for these "churches" including the catholic one, but I agree, with you about it being pointless to blame the catholic church because they absolutely would be breeding like this even if there was no catholic church.
Every fucking year we get those damn "we gave a cow to the turd werld in your name" from our fucking limo liberal relatives, and every fucking christmas I have to tape my mouth shut so I don't say something to cause dh problems with his family.

I hate absolutely HATE this "give a cow to the turd world" program. HATE IT. It's another dump-more-food-on-the-turdlers so they can breed more programs. Not to mention the fact that only in the west do we have a concept called animal welfare and humane treatment of animals. Not saying that it works 100% of the time across the board, but people here in the west do serve time in jail for abusing animals if they are caught and prosecuted.

Animal welfare in the turd world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... LMAO! Oh please, there is no such thing. You think people suffer in the turd werld, they don't suffer anywhere NEAR what animals suffer at the hands of the turdlers in those countries.

So no, these fucks do not need more live animals to abuse. What they need is mass sterilization, right here, right now.

That CF Chick Wrote:
> The only way to help the people in these
> shockingly poor areas is by teaching them to help
> themselves instead of giving them a temporary
> handout. There's at least one organization that
> gives farm animals to people in poor communities
> depending on where they live (different animals
> thrive in different climates and terrains), and
> the people then pass some of the offspring (the
> animals' offspring, that is!) to others in the
> community. Milk, eggs, and wool can be used by the
> animals' owners or sold. The young rabbits,
> chickens, etc can also be eaten or sold. If things
> go according to plan, the people slowly become
> more self-reliant. I only wish these people could
> be given the option of permanent birth control.
> There are doctors who travel to these nations and
> perform free necessary surgeries for these people,
> so why not sterilize anyone who wants it? Surely
> some of them are willing to get out of the
> breeding business.
> With sanitation issues, I agree that there's
> little than can be done if the people aren't
> willing to change their behaviors. You can't force
> anyone to be hygienic.
The third world blames their problems on anyone and everyone but themselves.
That CF Chick Wrote:
> The only way to help the people in these
> shockingly poor areas is by teaching them to help
> themselves instead of giving them a temporary
> handout. There's at least one organization that
> gives farm animals to people in poor communities
> depending on where they live (different animals
> thrive in different climates and terrains), and
> the people then pass some of the offspring (the
> animals' offspring, that is!) to others in the
> community. Milk, eggs, and wool can be used by the
> animals' owners or sold. The young rabbits,
> chickens, etc can also be eaten or sold. If things
> go according to plan, the people slowly become
> more self-reliant. I only wish these people could
> be given the option of permanent birth control.
> There are doctors who travel to these nations and
> perform free necessary surgeries for these people,
> so why not sterilize anyone who wants it? Surely
> some of them are willing to get out of the
> breeding business.
> With sanitation issues, I agree that there's
> little than can be done if the people aren't
> willing to change their behaviors. You can't force
> anyone to be hygienic.

The only way the Turd Worlders will (at least possibly) do anything for themselves is for the rest of us to cut off financial aid entirely. They know that many individuals are suckers for the "Sponsor a Turd World Kid" ads and leaders of countries that live in the present are suckers who send cash that just gets wasted.

I walked by several "Give a Farm Animal to a Turd World Family" ads plastered on a building yesterday and found the exhibit repulsive. No animal should be sent to the Turd World only to be abused. These 5th century relics need permanent birth control and if they need food now, they can turn to cannibalism for all I care.

You're right in that you can't force anyone to be hygienic; they never will be.

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
"The suffering poor of Shitwitia are in need of your help. Just ten dollars will provide a goat the whole village can fuck."

Yes the liberals can be blamed. I'm one of them, for the most part. But I never bought this trendy notion that we should be ashamed of our colonial past, or that ancient cultures are somehow 'equal but different' to ours. Screw that. Whilst I don't believe in hegemony of culture, I do believe that certain cultures rank way above and beyond the capabilities and progress of other cultures.

I hate this ridiculous assertion that a bunch of naked pigmys whacking pieces of bark with reeds is somehow just as important as all two-thousand or so remaining 18th Century masterpiece concertos. Or that we're 'ruining' them if we persuade them to wear pants and stop taking so many hallucinogenic drugs.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
I think it should be like this: you agree to be sterilized, then we'll help you. Nothing else.

And as a former Catholic myself, I'm not going to let them off the hook. Yes, these people may be having baybees anyway, but maybe, if the Church hadn't been such a presence for centuries, someone could have got in there and changed thigns. Even that stupid fucking Pontiff goes to INDIA for Gawd's sake and he can't stop talking about Eeeeevils of birth control. They ought to run his ass out of there on a rail.

The stupid Right talks about the sancity of life. It's all well and good to have a respect for life, but the bottom line is if we don't get a handle on our population, both First World and Turd World, we'll see how cheap life becomes when people start killing each other over water and oil. (oops, already happening.)

And the Left does us in too. While they believe First World Women should have access to birth control, the thought of doing something like that in the Turd world brings cries of "Eugenics" from the limosine liberals.

Normal, rational people see you can't possibly help these people just by feeding them. You have to give them birth control too. It's unconscionable not to.
nowhiggers wrote: "But isn't their entry into those countries and continuation of the suffering by feeding people who are going to breed more also colonialism?"

That is a really fascinating comment and one I think is true. Charity engenders a dependence akin to that created by old-style colonialism, and the same paternalistic attitude from the givers. Great comment, nowhiggers.
Mass steriliztion or just ignore the third worlders and have limo dump liberals take care of our own coutnry for once. (Too hard for them to understand and a job that they fail at). (hurl)

lab mom
I think the charities must look at the stock markets and the collapse of the lower-end property market and the drop in all business indicators and be shitting themselves ragged. Their nonstop flood of funds from the American and European middle class will slow to a trickle. Charity giving -- which is of course a mere frippery to be bragged about at the tennis club -- will become scarce as the middle class tightens up on pointless outgoings.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Amethyst said
and every time they take a step forward and then produce 10 kids, that's *two* steps back. Who'd choose those odds??

ummm every fucken breeder out there in the good old USA
In London where I live and work. Every day at lunch time when I go out to get fresh air (usually in the sunny day) I always get some charity organisation (Oxfam, Cancer Research, Health in mind) browsing around the street and targeting people (like me) looks all coperate because they wear suit and tie which is part of work uniform. By stopping them and say "have you got a minute".

They usually talk about how bad the situation is and the poor Africa and the starving kids etc and need help to donate money.

The point is when they talk about it, I alway reply "This is all because the 3rd world run by Evil, Corrupt general dictor and the usual suspect like Robert Mugarbe."

I say told most of these orgainsation that "I would help, if the remove the scum politicans in the 3rd world." Which that is never goin to happen is and it's no-point donanting anything.

I just tell them as it is.

Whey they tell me you can give x-amount per months. I say "I don't my card on me or don't remember my details." and tell them I go to the website to register.

I'll tell you the truth: I'll never donate anything to anyone because I work so hard to earn my money not to throw it away.
As far as starving Africa concern, Zimbarbwe made Africa the land of weath, milk and honey. Until Robert Murgarbe shows up Piss it all up for 20 year to present. In the Zimbarbwe election I thought there were hope for Africa until they vote Murgarbe back in again. I have no sympathy for the starving Africans because they were stupid not to rise up against the Corrupt Generals.

All the government do is to throw billions of our money to the 3rd world to save the country but nobody knows where do the billions of our money go. Well I tell you where they go. They go to corrupt generals and Dictators to buy their own palace, Golden toilet with the Golden toilet seat and their Rolls Royce. and not to the starving people.
Gigabyte Wrote:
> >
>> Whey they tell me you can give x-amount per
> months. I say "I don't my card on me or don't
> remember my details." and tell them I go to the
> website to register.
> I'll tell you the truth: I'll never donate
> anything to anyone because I work so hard to earn
> my money not to throw it away.

Don't ever give your credit card and let someone bill it monthly - they will never quit billing that card! This happened to me and I had to get legal help to force the company to quit billing my Visa every month.

I don't think I will contribute to people charities anymore, except maybe for cancer research.
I dont give to any human charities, but if i did, cancer would be 1st on the list. but i just give to fury charities
casseyrod Wrote:

> Don't ever give your credit card and let someone
> bill it monthly - they will never quit billing
> that card! This happened to me and I had to get
> legal help to force the company to quit billing my
> Visa every month.

I don't do it anyway, oh that reminds me Cassy. There was some person from Oxam organisation standing right next to the Cash machine/ATM where people use their card to collect money from the ATM. Is this Oxfam charity trying to collect their money of something? You don't just stand right next to the ATM where people are queing up.
married with rabbits Wrote:

> So the third worlders use toilets as a shrine? Oh
> my.

Yeah, you know, a shrine. As in "porcelain god". That hallucinogenic shit-gas can cause quite a hangover, don'tcha know.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

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