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SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 23, 2014

'Excuse them so they can go back on Tinder': Fox News host and former Victoria's Secret model says young 'hot' women should NOT vote because 'they don't get it'

I see CF women lumped in here (regardless of age or 'hot' status). What do you think? We "don't get it'. We shouldn't be allowed to vote.

"'It’s the same reason why young women on juries are not a good idea. They don’t get it!' Guilfoyle fumed.
She then added that her younger peers don't have the proper 'life experiences' such as raising children, paying bills, or dealing with real-world issues like mortgage, crime and health care, to perform their civic duties."
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 23, 2014
Fox News viewers have no clue how to perform their civic duties. They shouldn't vote.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 23, 2014
She can take her opinion and stick it where the sun don't shine.

I think single moos like her should not have the right to vote, because they'll always vote for increased benefits for themselves at my financial expense. So moo, you want to take away my right to vote, I'll be sure to have your voting rights stripped, too.

Then we can all go back to how it used to be, with only propertied white males having the right to vote. Sounds like fun, eh? sarcastic clapping
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 23, 2014
If she means extended childhood, that applies to both genders. Yeah a lot of young people are ignorant now because so much is being done for them and little expected of them. But young "hot" women - I don't know the context of this as to why she said it like that. Maybe a holdover from her lingerie modeling days or maybe she is a little wistful and jealous now that she is getting long in the tooth herself.

I don't think the CF are necessarily included - or Ann Coulter and Rush couldn't vote!

I can't stand any of those yapping bobbleheads on any of the cable news stations. Even my local station is going there - forget serious news or serious discussion, just yap, yap, snicker, yap, sarcasm, bad joke, flip hair, yappity yap.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 23, 2014
I have a different view on all of this. I say if person does not pay taxes - they don't get to vote. If person does not pay property taxes, they don't get to vote on school levy. We should not exclude people with low incomes. We should exclude people who don't pay taxes. This includes mega rich - if they pay zero tax - they don't vote.

Way too often we have people who don't pay into the system get to decide what happens to OUR money. Kids who consume, they do not get to decide how their parents spend money. Welfare consumers, of any background or gender, they should not be allowed to vote.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 23, 2014
If she means extended childhood, that applies to both genders. Yeah a lot of young people are ignorant now because so much is being done for them and little expected of them. But young "hot" women - I don't know the context of this as to why she said it like that. Maybe a holdover from her lingerie modeling days or maybe she is a little wistful and jealous now that she is getting long in the tooth herself.

I don't think the CF are necessarily included - or Ann Coulter and Rush couldn't vote!

I can't stand any of those yapping bobbleheads on any of the cable news stations. Even my local station is going there - forget serious news or serious discussion, just yap, yap, snicker, yap, sarcasm, bad joke, flip hair, yappity yap.

I think the young hot women that she is talking about are women between 18 and 20 who are into partying and would not be voting anyways because they are politically uninvolved.

Example: Some waitresses at Twin Peaks or Bikini Bean Espresso
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 23, 2014
I have a different view on all of this. I say if person does not pay taxes - they don't get to vote. If person does not pay property taxes, they don't get to vote on school levy. We should not exclude people with low incomes. We should exclude people who don't pay taxes. This includes mega rich - if they pay zero tax - they don't vote.

Way too often we have people who don't pay into the system get to decide what happens to OUR money. Kids who consume, they do not get to decide how their parents spend money. Welfare consumers, of any background or gender, they should not be allowed to vote.

Not everyone has an interest in property, and not everyone has access to property. I pay income tax. I just don't think owning property is that important.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 23, 2014
I have a different view on all of this. I say if person does not pay taxes - they don't get to vote. If person does not pay property taxes, they don't get to vote on school levy. We should not exclude people with low incomes. We should exclude people who don't pay taxes. This includes mega rich - if they pay zero tax - they don't vote.

Way too often we have people who don't pay into the system get to decide what happens to OUR money. Kids who consume, they do not get to decide how their parents spend money. Welfare consumers, of any background or gender, they should not be allowed to vote.

Not everyone has an interest in property, and not everyone has access to property. I pay income tax. I just don't think owning property is that important.

But you work and pay taxes and that is what counts. Whether you pay income tax or property tax, it is just a minor detail. What bugs me are folks who don't pay any taxes and get to have a say so what happens to other people's money.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 23, 2014
Guess what Cunterly..

I just got back from early voting! And as a queer, young, hot, fit, educated, pro-choice, and lower middle class person.. I VOTED ALL DEMOCRAT! So you can suck it while you can because Im a filthy liberal and I LIKE IT!
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 24, 2014
That stupid bitch. If anyone said that elderly conservatives were too dried up and old and stupid to be allowed to vote, Fox and their audience would be up in arms over it. But it's okay to suggest that young presumably childless women are too silly to be allowed to vote or be on juries. Especially if they aren't moomies yet then they just "don't get it." Fah! What about young men? I guess the Krotch brothers didn't want to offend their male audience so they probably told her not to say that young men are too silly to vote. And then they wonder why conservative candidates don't appeal to more women.

Yes, us silly women just "don't get it" until we figure out our correct place, which is married to a man and sluicing lots of baybees. Then maybe, just maybe, our husband might let us out of the house long enough to go vote for what he and Fox News tell us to.

Boy I would really like to tell everybody at Fox where to get off. I'm still super steamed over the "boobs on the ground" comment that everybody was expected to just giggle over and not call down for the blatant bigotry that it was.

And BTW Kimberly Guilfoyle - even though you're OLD now by beauty pageant standards, you still look like you're trying to dress the same as the silly hot girls you denigrated, right down to your Fox-mandated miniskirt, mermaid hair and shiny lip gloss. So maybe you're not as mature as you thought if you can't even grow enough of a spine to tell the Krotch brothers where to stuff their short skirts.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 24, 2014
That stupid bitch. If anyone said that elderly conservatives were too dried up and old and stupid to be allowed to vote, Fox and their audience would be up in arms over it. But it's okay to suggest that young presumably childless women are too silly to be allowed to vote or be on juries. Especially if they aren't moomies yet then they just "don't get it." Fah! What about young men? I guess the Krotch brothers didn't want to offend their male audience so they probably told her not to say that young men are too silly to vote. And then they wonder why conservative candidates don't appeal to more women.

Yes, us silly women just "don't get it" until we figure out our correct place, which is married to a man and sluicing lots of baybees. Then maybe, just maybe, our husband might let us out of the house long enough to go vote for what he and Fox News tell us to.

Boy I would really like to tell everybody at Fox where to get off. I'm still super steamed over the "boobs on the ground" comment that everybody was expected to just giggle over and not call down for the blatant bigotry that it was.

And BTW Kimberly Guilfoyle - even though you're OLD now by beauty pageant standards, you still look like you're trying to dress the same as the silly hot girls you denigrated, right down to your Fox-mandated miniskirt, mermaid hair and shiny lip gloss. So maybe you're not as mature as you thought if you can't even grow enough of a spine to tell the Krotch brothers where to stuff their short skirts.

Young, professional, sexually active women are the GOPatriarchy's poison and they're being forced to swallow it after all the shit they've done. This sort of tripe is not only them trying to stave off the impending obliteration of their political party, but they're doing it in an offensive manner so as to only piss us off even more.You only have to look to the declining state of Texas to see what they think of us. Illegal abortion is making a comeback. We should all be appalled, as men AND women must answer for what they've done. I look forward to this election, and I DAMN SURE can't wait until 2016.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 24, 2014
More like people who don't vote her way shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 24, 2014
@Catharsist: GOP is currently is poison not just for young women but also young men. Abortion rights affect men in a financial and personal ways like no other. How many men under 25 want to be on a hook for child support payments? How many of such men want to raise a kid after they just graduated college and have massive student loan debt? I am thinking not very many.

Here is the thing. Abortion rights are a huge issue for men and women. An unplanned or unwanted kid can destroy a career, job opportunities, relationships and list goes on. If GOP has something to fear, it would be a good majority of the middle class voters. I have been seeing even some serious gun rights groups looking for friends and support on the Democratic side, and you know what, slowly but surely, Democrats are coming around - it is in small numbers, but they are out there. Also, let us not ever forget that Reagan was a huge gun control advocate. He is behind some permanent bans. He also abused his executive powers - drug testing was his courtesy - GOP is not perfect.

GOPs were viewed as saints by many but people are waking up and asking a question: "Why?". Yes, millenials are more open minded and yes they question things and yes, I like it.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 24, 2014

"'It’s the same reason why young women on juries are not a good idea. They don’t get it!' Guilfoyle fumed.
She then added that her younger peers don't have the proper 'life experiences' such as raising children, paying bills, or dealing with real-world issues like mortgage, crime and health care, to perform their civic duties."

Well, that's funny. I served on a grand jury for a year. Six months as assistant foreperson, 6 months as primary. We met once-a-month (tiny county. the offenses were allowed to pile up and be dealt with in one swoop) to read cases and decide if a true bill was applicable (enough evidence presented to send to trial).

Out of the 18 people seated, who were the ones most likely to carp about being there and pushed to rush cases through so we could leave? Parents. SAHMs who had to find childcare for that one day, working mothers who needed to be out by 3 (we were obliged to stay until 5pm if all the cases weren't covered) to pick up their kids from school, grandmothers who were childcare providers who had offspring griping because Grandma wasn't available to watch their kids.

Women with plenty of "life experience" who didn't want to be bothered to "perform their civic duties" because it interferred with their schedules.

The day we had 80 cases to read and vote on, there was a wholesale stampede of moos lowing that "it's not fair! Is this is going to go on all day? I got kids to take care of!" A couple threatened to walk out at 2:30 because we weren't through. I had to open the door and ask the bailiff if some of the women could go home; all we needed for a quorum was 12. Bailiff's response "I'll have to ask the judge," and came back with a stern "no" and an admonishment that amounted to "don't make me come down there."

The best jury members were the men and the childless people, both male and female, young and not-young. We were having fun, reading cases, discussing the evidence and quizzing the detectives and investigating officers. And we knew that what we decided had an impact on accused and victims. The cows just wanted to look around when I called for a vote and raise their hands if everyone else did. Bitches were hardly paying attention, just looking at the clock and getting impatient as the afternoon wore on.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 24, 2014
Out of the 18 people seated, who were the ones most likely to carp about being there and pushed to rush cases through so we could leave? Parents. (snip)

The best jury members were the men and the childless people, both male and female, young and not-young. We were having fun, reading cases, discussing the evidence and quizzing the detectives and investigating officers. And we knew that what we decided had an impact on accused and victims. The cows just wanted to look around when I called for a vote and raise their hands if everyone else did. Bitches were hardly paying attention, just looking at the clock and getting impatient as the afternoon wore on.

I have had similar experiences with the behaviour and attitude of breeders while being on about a dozen boards or committees and also as an event administrator or volunteer for about 50 events / causes
The breeders were the absolute worst for shirking responsibility, whining and being demanding about what they personally wanted.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 24, 2014
@Catharsist: GOP is currently is poison not just for young women but also young men. Abortion rights affect men in a financial and personal ways like no other. How many men under 25 want to be on a hook for child support payments? How many of such men want to raise a kid after they just graduated college and have massive student loan debt? I am thinking not very many.

Here is the thing. Abortion rights are a huge issue for men and women. An unplanned or unwanted kid can destroy a career, job opportunities, relationships and list goes on. If GOP has something to fear, it would be a good majority of the middle class voters. I have been seeing even some serious gun rights groups looking for friends and support on the Democratic side, and you know what, slowly but surely, Democrats are coming around - it is in small numbers, but they are out there. Also, let us not ever forget that Reagan was a huge gun control advocate. He is behind some permanent bans. He also abused his executive powers - drug testing was his courtesy - GOP is not perfect.

GOPs were viewed as saints by many but people are waking up and asking a question: "Why?". Yes, millenials are more open minded and yes they question things and yes, I like it.

I know that abortion is not in general a gendered issue. This affects everybody. However, it does disproportionately affect the poor and the otherwise oppressed classes. Leave it to the Jesus Party to fuck over the poor.
Re: SO the CF shouldn't vote?
October 25, 2014
Fine, I will forfeit my right to vote on the same day all WIC-Welfare whores and the baby daddys on the draw stop getting paid, for doing nothing but adding to over population, and stop receiving government benefits including, but not limited to, SNAP, WIC, Section 8, Kiddie Crazy checks, SSI, free breakfast, lunch, and dinner at school, free daycare, free medical, and tax benefits for loaf shitting.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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