Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 04, 2014
As I've stated in my introduction and another thread, I am in the process of trying to get sterilized. My question is this: those of you who have been sterilized, did you tell your friends and family in advance that you're getting sterilized or did you wait until after? Or is this one of those Mileage May Vary situations?

For my part, I'm leaning towards not disclosing it until after it's done, if only to save me from having to put up with all the static that it would generate. I've only told my one CF friend and she's been very supportive of my decision.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 04, 2014
keeper of traken
As I've stated in my introduction and another thread, I am in the process of trying to get sterilized. My question is this: those of you who have been sterilized, did you tell your friends and family in advance that you're getting sterilized or did you wait until after? Or is this one of those Mileage May Vary situations?

For my part, I'm leaning towards not disclosing it until after it's done, if only to save me from having to put up with all the static that it would generate. I've only told my one CF friend and she's been very supportive of my decision.

Only you know your own friends and family enough to know whether they are likely to be supportive or negative to your pre-operative sterilization surgery.

That said, the vast majority of people are breeders and will bingo and harass you about this event.

In my opinion, better to garner support from the people who are guaranteed supportive pre-op and decide who you would like to inform post-op.

When it is a 'done deal' you are less likely to be affected by negative commentary.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 04, 2014
Generally, it is a very good idea to keep your medical history between you and your doctor.

Being sterilized has not really put anyone in a positive light in the past and I do not imagine that changing at any time in the future. The less you say, the less can be used against you.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 04, 2014
I didn't tell anyone except the person who was picking me up from the procedure. I did tell my mom the night before because she asked me to do something for her. I left her a voice mail and mentioned I was having a D&C and a tubal ligation. I didn't think a thing of it and she called me back and was aghast. I was like, what's the problem? I was 36 at the time and I'd been talking about it since puberty. She piped down.

I'm with Techie. Nobody should know your medical business. And most people will try to bingo you. Who wants that noise?

I will say it can be fun afterward to tell particularly aggressive people that you are fixed. It's fun to shut down that asshole who keeps saying, "you'll change your mind." Um, no. I certainly won't. :biggrin2 :GOMIIMOG

But that's optional. Good luck in your quest.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 04, 2014
keeper of traken
As I've stated in my introduction and another thread, I am in the process of trying to get sterilized. My question is this: those of you who have been sterilized, did you tell your friends and family in advance that you're getting sterilized or did you wait until after? Or is this one of those Mileage May Vary situations?

For my part, I'm leaning towards not disclosing it until after it's done, if only to save me from having to put up with all the static that it would generate. I've only told my one CF friend and she's been very supportive of my decision.

Only you know your own friends and family enough to know whether they are likely to be supportive or negative to your pre-operative sterilization surgery.

That said, the vast majority of people are breeders and will bingo and harass you about this event.

In my opinion, better to garner support from the people who are guaranteed supportive pre-op and decide who you would like to inform post-op.

When it is a 'done deal' you are less likely to be affected by negative commentary.

I did not disclose until my uterus was in the trash. That's the way this town is. Even my doctor, as I wasn't sure I would be able to get it yanked as I couldn't afford it without insurance, but then, there were other reasons so I was covered. Soon as it was out, I sang like a damned canary.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 05, 2014
I am a firm believer in running one's parents on a need-to-know basis. My parents knew the spouse and I weren't having children...I didn't see any reason to bombard them with details about our methods of birth control, permanent or otherwise. I don't think they'd misuse the information, or throw it in my face later, or anything. I get along quite well with Mom and Dad.

I know some people who've used the news about the Big Snip to finally shut up persistent bingoers. But with the really obnoxious ones, sometimes that's just trading one set of problems for another. They can go from hand-wringing about "OMG you can't really mean you won't have babbeeeez" to "OMG you had this bizarre and unnatural medical mutiliation done!". Seriously. They'll still have the same mindset, just apply it to the new information.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 05, 2014
I am a firm believer in running one's parents on a need-to-know basis. My parents knew the spouse and I weren't having children...I didn't see any reason to bombard them with details about our methods of birth control, permanent or otherwise. I don't think they'd misuse the information, or throw it in my face later, or anything. I get along quite well with Mom and Dad.

I know some people who've used the news about the Big Snip to finally shut up persistent bingoers. But with the really obnoxious ones, sometimes that's just trading one set of problems for another. They can go from hand-wringing about "OMG you can't really mean you won't have babbeeeez" to "OMG you had this bizarre and unnatural medical mutiliation done!". Seriously. They'll still have the same mindset, just apply it to the new information.

I agree. Many parents are very old school and while they would not throw the sterilization procedure in our face, why let them sit there and brew and have extra unnecessary things to worry about that they do not need to worry about. Even if the age difference is only 20 years between parents and kids, parents still grew up in a different world and have an entirely different mind set.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 05, 2014
My wife told her family and didn't hear any bingoes. Of course it was done because of severe endometriosis, though it had the happy side effect that NO KYDS. Yeah, we are a lesbian couple but there is a lot of pressure of lesbian couples to spawn also. I think it may be that my wife has made it clear from childhood she doesn't want children and when we married I made it very clear that I backed her up on this--in fact, when we were still dating, had she said she wanted kids it would have been a deal breaker. So luckily, for the moment, our experience has been positive though I think she did get asked if she regrets not being able to ever spawn. She's made it very clear that she doesn't.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 05, 2014
My wife told her family and didn't hear any bingoes. Of course it was done because of severe endometriosis, though it had the happy side effect that NO KYDS. Yeah, we are a lesbian couple but there is a lot of pressure of lesbian couples to spawn also. I think it may be that my wife has made it clear from childhood she doesn't want children and when we married I made it very clear that I backed her up on this--in fact, when we were still dating, had she said she wanted kids it would have been a deal breaker. So luckily, for the moment, our experience has been positive though I think she did get asked if she regrets not being able to ever spawn. She's made it very clear that she doesn't.

As I said in one of my other posts, you have found a Unicorn. Hold on to it, preserve it and treat it well. grinning smiley You won't find another one grinning smiley

For as pessimistic as it sounds, TRUE CF people are very hard to come by in real life. Finding a CF mate - let me go buy a powerball ticket - I'll win that grinning smiley
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 05, 2014
I chose to keep it to myself so only me, my doctor, and my wife know. I've have never told any friends about it because I think it's a private thing. Some of my friends would be OK with it, some not so sure, so I keep it to myself. I'm not sure how my family would take it so I didn't tell them.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 05, 2014
Good luck on your quest. Only a few of my more supportive friends know I'm sterilized, and I've never told my family but they seem to have figured out on their own they're never having grand babies.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 05, 2014
I told my mom the day before, the only reason being that I told my SIL about a week before and she then blabbed to mom. Mom then called me wailing about how I Hadn't Met The Right Man YetTM (I'd been with my husband for six years at that point) and was trying to get me to dish on who my doctor was (presumably for harassment purposes, who knows).

I told my SIL pretty much knowing she'd blab - reason being was that my mom kept making hints that I should leave my husband and is generally a meddler in both my brother's and my life. Like bell_flower, I'd been saying I wanted a tubal since I was a teenager (I was 31 when I got it done) but my mom clearly wanted to pretend this was such a huge shock eye rolling smiley

So, I know my story is a bit different - I haven't told any other famblee members about it but I'm sure most of them know due to mom and SIL not being able to keep a secret.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 06, 2014
Thanks everyone for the replies and the luck! thumbs upwink

A lot of good points were made. On the one hand I'd like to be open about it, but on the other hand the potential for bingoes could be bad. I have to admit using the Big Snip as a way of shutting down aggressive people sounds deliciously evil devil with smile

Most of my friends and family know that I don't want kyds, but getting a vasectomy might be a bridge too far for some of them. In any case I will keep you posted on my progress.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 06, 2014
keeper of traken
Thanks everyone for the replies and the luck! thumbs upwink

A lot of good points were made. On the one hand I'd like to be open about it, but on the other hand the potential for bingoes could be bad. I have to admit using the Big Snip as a way of shutting down aggressive people sounds deliciously evil devil with smile

Most of my friends and family know that I don't want kyds, but getting a vasectomy might be a bridge too far for some of them. In any case I will keep you posted on my progress.

I did not know you were a guy, but now that I do know that you are a guy, the answer is ABSOLUTE NO! Nobody but you needs to know that you have been fixed. I know a few single guys who have been fixed and the ones that keep it to themselves are doing much better. Here are my personal thoughts and reasons:

1) Anything that you say can be used against you. The less you say, the better off you are.
2) When you are fighting bingos, don't show all of your cards. They less they know about you, the more you can screw with them.
3) People are still not educated enough about what a vasectomy really does. Some women will see a fixed guy as a cripple and will not give you a time of the day because of it, where they would love to date you otherwise. Let them get to know you first and only if things get really serious and you are in it for a long haul, then you can spill the beans.
4) Anytime any of your relationships fail, relatives will blame you because you are fixed and deviated from the norm. Sometimes, people who love you are the ones that will hurt you the most. They WILL side with the wanna breeder if thing go wrong for you.
5) Some people are idiots and will think that the reason you got fixed is because you are a male whore.
6) There are jealous people out there. They think that because you are able to have sex "without consequences", you have one on them. Such people will try to screw with you.
7) Even if you work for a progressive workplace, there will be a few puritans in there who will try to chip away at you. Do you REALLY need that?
8) For your potential dates, simply stating that you don't have and don't want to have kids is enough. Telling her that you are fixed, unless she is from BratFree, it could drive her away - wait a while instead.
9) You could have male friends who have been oopsed and are living with it. Some could get really upset that you took control of your life and they did not.
10) You parents and grandparents are old school and no matter how much they know about you, it is very unlikely that they will understand your reasoning for vasectomy. Even if they don't say much, on the inside, it may be eating away at them.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 06, 2014
2) When you are fighting bingos, don't show all of your cards. They less they know about you, the more you can screw with them.

I agree with this. Let people say "accidents happen!", "you never know!" and so on - and be inwardly smug about the fact that you know better. Fighting bingoes is usually pointless. Let them think they know what is going to happen - meanwhile, you're living your AWESOME childfree life thumbs upup

3) People are still not educated enough about what a vasectomy really does. Some women will see a fixed guy as a cripple and will not give you a time of the day because of it, where they would love to date you otherwise. Let them get to know you first and only if things get really serious and you are in it for a long haul, then you can spill the beans.

I don't agree here. Why waste time with someone who might turn out to be a wannabreed? If she's so dumb that she doesn't know what a vasectomy does, is she really worth your time if you're pursuing a LTR?

4) Anytime any of your relationships fail, relatives will blame you because you are fixed and deviated from the norm. Sometimes, people who love you are the ones that will hurt you the most. They WILL side with the wanna breeder if thing go wrong for you.

Sometimes you have to let relatives go. I've had to do this myself. As an adult, especially a CF one, you do not have to put up with abuse from relatives. It sucks but it's more important to stick up for yourself.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 07, 2014
I did not know you were a guy, but now that I do know that you are a guy, the answer is ABSOLUTE NO! Nobody but you needs to know that you have been fixed. I know a few single guys who have been fixed and the ones that keep it to themselves are doing much better. Here are my personal thoughts and reasons:

1) Anything that you say can be used against you. The less you say, the better off you are.
2) When you are fighting bingos, don't show all of your cards. They less they know about you, the more you can screw with them.
3) People are still not educated enough about what a vasectomy really does. Some women will see a fixed guy as a cripple and will not give you a time of the day because of it, where they would love to date you otherwise. Let them get to know you first and only if things get really serious and you are in it for a long haul, then you can spill the beans.
4) Anytime any of your relationships fail, relatives will blame you because you are fixed and deviated from the norm. Sometimes, people who love you are the ones that will hurt you the most. They WILL side with the wanna breeder if thing go wrong for you.
5) Some people are idiots and will think that the reason you got fixed is because you are a male whore.
6) There are jealous people out there. They think that because you are able to have sex "without consequences", you have one on them. Such people will try to screw with you.
7) Even if you work for a progressive workplace, there will be a few puritans in there who will try to chip away at you. Do you REALLY need that?
8) For your potential dates, simply stating that you don't have and don't want to have kids is enough. Telling her that you are fixed, unless she is from BratFree, it could drive her away - wait a while instead.
9) You could have male friends who have been oopsed and are living with it. Some could get really upset that you took control of your life and they did not.
10) You parents and grandparents are old school and no matter how much they know about you, it is very unlikely that they will understand your reasoning for vasectomy. Even if they don't say much, on the inside, it may be eating away at them.

Funny, I thought I'd given that away in the HuffPo thread about sterilization that I was a guy. grinning smiley

All good points, but as Ketchup stated, why waste time dating a wannabreeder who might be hoping to "change my mind"? Just drop the bomb before investing too much time into the relationship.

In terms of workplaces, where I work would be problematic post-vasectomy(standing a lot, bending down a lot and heavy-lifting) I'd need to ask for light duties and they'd ask why and then I'd have to spill the beans.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 07, 2014
In terms of workplaces, where I work would be problematic post-vasectomy(standing a lot, bending down a lot and heavy-lifting) I'd need to ask for light duties and they'd ask why and then I'd have to spill the beans.

You can say you had a surgery, you are under no obligation to say what kind grinning smiley
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 25, 2014

I went for my urologist appointment today. He asked me a few medical questions, asked me a few times if I was certain that I didn't want children. I replied yes, that I didn't want children. My vasectomy is scheduled for Dec. 11. Suffice it to say I'm excited that it's going to happen. The news is still sinking in.

:partay :GOMIIMOG
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 25, 2014
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 25, 2014
Congratulations! :bal
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 25, 2014
Good for you - hope it goes well! You'll have the holidays to relax and recover.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 25, 2014
One other thing to remember. Follow ALL of the recovery steps that you are prescribed - you will heal faster. Other guys who had the procedure may try to give you suggestions and that is fine, but each person is a little different and doctors sometimes will recommend certain things differently to each person. For example, some guys only need ice for 8 hours, others are told 24 hours, I say do what the doc says. Just my 2 cents.

Not to scare you in any way, but many side effects occur because men simply did not listen to or did not read their specific instructions.

Aside from that, all will be well. Keep us posted.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 25, 2014
Congrats! :beer
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 25, 2014
Congrats! Mine is for the 9th! Although the date may be moving up. To answer your question, I'm personally not saying a single thing to anyone after it's done. I mentioned it to one other person besides my roomie but that's it. I'll take this shit to my grave unless a person I'm presently bonin' asks of course. Lol! And even then I might not to make sure they don't get lax on the BC.
Re: Sterilization disclosure? :lips
November 26, 2014
We both told our parents and husband told his meddling, bingoing sister.
My family said it was a great choice since we didn't want kids. My dad and most male family members get the snip when they are done with breeding so it's not a big deal.
My husband's mom privately expressed disappointment to him but only once.
His sister pestered us to breed until husband told her now she pesters him to reverse it.
So, mixed results.
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