Moos in for shock on buses...
November 11, 2014

A bus company is appealing a ruling that they must a allow wheelchair users to use the wheelchair space on buses, even if (here's the kicker) it means removing pushchairs.

First Bust Group have already lost one the initial ruling and are now appealing it.

If the bus company lose, wheelchair users will have an absolute right to the space. Moos will need to suck it up.

Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 11, 2014
FFS, of all the ..... angry smiley

I read the article from the attached link


In February 2012, Mr Paulley, from Wetherby, West Yorkshire, was prevented from travelling on a First bus to Leeds because the driver refused to insist that a mother with a pushchair should leave the space because it would wake up her baby.

And looking at the side-by-side pictures, that fucking stroller is bigger than a wheelchair.

I'm glad the guy won his case and the appeal. There shouldn't be any argument - the cow and calf have to move. She has options (like, maybe - a smaller freaking stroller?), he doesn't.

ETA: I love that part of the evidence in the case was a thread on a parents' board where a cow got her udders kicked for seeking validation on priority for her (admitted) SMooV stroller
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 11, 2014
In the thread Dorisan linked to there was this comment:


I would just like to point out, once again [sigh], that these are wheelchair spaces. Which were lobbied for, for years, by groups of people on behalf of those in wheelchairs.

The pram-pushers are the inadvertent winners in this, as before all the campaigning there were no pram places on buses.
We all (amazing how we did it), folded our prams, carried our children and our shopping, and sat on seats.

So every time you disgustingly entitled people think "I shouldn't have to fold for a wheelchair user, my pfb might cry hmm", you should be thinking "there is a wheelchair users, thank goodness they exist, as due to them, most of the time I do not have to fold".

[Emphasis mine]

That person made an excellent point. Disabled rights groups did indeed campaign for wheelchair spaces on public transportation and the breeders not only took advantage of the results, but altered the original intent and decided that breeders now hold the rights. Look how many breeders in that thread called it the "pram seats" and how many others had to correct them and say that they're not pram seats, but the wheelchair seats. Those seats are not there for the convenience of moos with 4x4 all-terrain buggies, but for wheelchair users. Even if a wheelchair user is fine waiting for the next bus, they shouldn't have to (and Moo couldn't even offer the disabled rider the money for the bus for him taking on an inconvenience so she wouldn't be) because what if the next bus doesn't have the seats available due to disabled riders already occupying it or moos are using it and another pussyfied driver refuses to force the moos to fold up the prams and/or vacate the seats? How long does the wheelchair user get left on the curb?

The disabled and elderly get priority. If a bus is overcrowded, ask people if they're willing to get off and wait for the next bus and offer tickets so they don't have to pay a second fare. Moos with prams are told that they either fold up their buggies or they get kicked off the bus.

These entitled fucks better hope that they, their children, their spouses, or other loved ones don't end up disabled and end up on the receiving end of moos just like them. Their entitlement and the stench of dirty nappies have bored holes into their heads and they won't have any self-awareness, but instead whine about the behavior they previously exhibited.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 11, 2014
Oh yes, paragon...the stroller crowd totally rode the coat tails of the disability activists.

Parents don't HAVE to push around bulky strollers and shoulder ridiculous diaper bags. They can haul their kid in a sling thing, backpack, or just carry it. Diaper things can go in a simple backpack or waist pack. One thing you learn by riding public transit: keep a hand free whenever you can so you can shift for yourself as needed. There's lots of nice people out there who might help you, sure. I've helped my share of people on buses and trains. But if you're able-bodied, no one owes you a seat. Or anything, really. But I'm a helluva lot more likely to help those who don't act like they're entitled to it as being part of the Center of the Universe.

The buses here are pretty strict about people moving for the elderly and disabled. It's refreshing. Not all drivers insist that the stroller-pilots fold up their vehicles, though, which is annoying. Those things take up valuable aisle real estate.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 11, 2014
When I was a small kid, still in a stroller, it was a regular sized one, with no unnecessary accessories, none of this wider-than-a-wheelchair, with cupholders & a small, attached fold up table bullshit. It eliminates the whining about having to carry the maggot, also. Although many breeders use those slings, I don't blame many others who don't because they make you look like a diaper whipped, oxytocin poisoned cave dweller. I think it seems like if a PNB uses those slings, they just incidentally chose to use them, but when a breeder does it, their just being an attention whore, flaunting their involvement in the maggot's life, & attempting to passive aggressively make themselves a priority.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 11, 2014
My hope....and it's that these selfish, self-centered "people" one day have to use the wheelchair spaces because they are in them. I feel the same way about the able bodied parking in the handicap places at stores. No one chooses to be disabled and for them to make these poor people's lives even more of a living Hell deserve to experience it themselves.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 11, 2014
I hope for that too addiea raine, but let's take it a step further. I hope one day these entitled heifers have their 25-acre asses confined to wheelchairs and need those spaces.... but can't have them because another entitled breeder has a battering ram stroller parked in the wheelchair space(s) and refuses to move. And the driver refuses to make them move. See how the fuckers like it when they're the crippled one having to bow to the almighty broodsow.

Handicapped spots are for those who are not able-bodied: the elderly, anyone on crutches or in a wheelchair, or someone with a disability that maybe isn't immediately visible that makes moving around hard. Sluicing is not, has never been and never will be a genuine disability, yet the heifers are the first to park their asses in the handicapped spaces on public transportation. Moos are perfectly able-bodied even if they're wrangling a loaf. If I can manage to sit beyond the front seats of the bus with ten bags of groceries and then lug said groceries through the fucking subway, Moo can do the same with her bastard and stroller.

And no-fucking-body needs a duffel bag filled with diapers, nor do they need a $2500 stroller with all the bells and whistles. I think it'd be a lot easier to just not let Moos on buses at all if they have these monstrosities in tow and/or refuse to fold them up because you know such cows will be trouble if a handicapped/disabled person boards the bus. I know folding a stroller is haaaaaard, and bawwww Moo might have to actually put effort into Mooing for a change, but she's not disabled because she's got a brat.

So what happens when two heifers with SUV strollers board the same bus and there's no disabled spaces left for a second stroller? Which one folds? You know neither one will wait for a later bus because they're Bizzy MawmsTM.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 11, 2014
Bus companies need to change their policies to enable and support bus drivers to be more insistent that the wheelchair spots be vacated. They need the power to issue on the spot fines and the like.

If you ever want a cheap laugh, just wait at the bus stop and watch a group of pram pushing mums eyeing each other off and racing to be the first on the bus for that coveted space. They are all happy chatty until that bus comes into view up the road and then it is every woman for herself. Then watch their faces fall when they see someone else is already in that spot.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 12, 2014
Unfortunately it's the drivers who will get stuck in the middle with this. I can see that wailing now, "But ma baybee..."
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 13, 2014
Yeah, the bus drivers run the risk of being victims or verbal or physical abuse from rabid moos.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 13, 2014
Unbelievably selfish and careless! Selfish moos need to thank the Good Lord that they have two healthy functioning legs and can walk on their own! They apparently have no idea how blessed they are! I would be ashamed, but then again, I'm not an entitled moo!
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 13, 2014
This happened where I live, and the same bus route I go to work on!

I'm glad the ruling went the way it did. There are a lot of entitlemoos where I live, who roll their eyes when wheelchair users get on the bus and they have to move and fold up their S-Moo-V. Having a kid, and a buggy, is a fucking choice, being in a wheelchair isn't. If she wasn't willing to fold the damn buggy and wake the brat, then she deserved to be kicked off for being a selfish entitled thundercunt.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 13, 2014
I'm glad to see the bus companies starting to take a stand against these monster smoovee strollers taking up valuable wheelchair spaces on the bus.

A couple of years ago when I was riding the bus, a moo had the audacity to make the bus driver lower the wheelchair RAMP so she could wheel her smoovee stroller onto the bus without waking her pwecious sneauflayke.

Everyone on the bus was totally pissed off, because it took so long to lower and raise the ramp, and the bus driver told her off while she was doing it. I thought, "Why not just tell her NO in the first place, instead of placating her?" That woman got the STINKEYE from everyone, let me tell you!
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 13, 2014
I live in Liverpool and on stagecoach buses there is a bright yellow sign in the wheelchair spaces that says - and I quote - Should a wheelchair user require to board, you are required by law to reposition small prams and fold your buggies and stow them elsewhere in the vehicle.

In fact about a month ago, I was on a bus which had two spaces, on of which had a wheelchair and the other had a pram. When the bus stopped and another pram wanted to get on, the woman already on the bus with her pram was openly moaning on her cell phone about having to move her pram because the other wheelchair space was taken!

Fucking twunt clearly needed to have her legs broken so she would understand how much harder life is when you're in a wheelchair!
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 13, 2014
Every time I read this thread topic I imagine an offending Moo getting literally ZAPPED out of her seat. KAPOW yer outta there!
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 13, 2014
the noodler
Every time I read this thread topic I imagine an offending Moo getting literally ZAPPED out of her seat. KAPOW yer outta there!

Tazer. Tazer. Taze'her...
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 14, 2014
Regarding the generally ridiculous size of the SMooV, the people with the double wides are the worst offenders. And am I alone here, but didn't it used to be that the double strollers were in tandem (not sure if I'm using that correctly - one in front and the other behind as opposed to next to each other)? Still obnoxious but at least you could get by them in the sidewalk? And this wasn't that long ago; I'm in my mid/late 20's and I remember them clearly. When did the double-wides become a thing?

Additionally - I am so tempted to put "wide load" stickers on those giant things when I see them blocking areas in public places
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 14, 2014
I don't even know how this is even a question. OF COURSE disabled people should have priority access to accommodations for DISABLED PEOPLE! Where I live it's not even a question. There are two places for wheelchairs to go, as in the two three-seat benches in the front are able to be folded up. If mommy is in the way, mommy gets the boot. The rules on the bus are very clear that strollers are folded up, stored away, and child is seated on the parents lap. This isn't enforced until mommy fucks up and hits someone with a wheel and then she's got to (oh dear lord) FOLLOW THE RULES.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
November 14, 2014
Wait, what?

A DISABLED person IN A WHEELCHAIR was DENIED access to a bus because some entitled breeder cunt was taking up the handicapped area and REFUSED to move to allow him access?

1. Why was this worthless cunt not expelled from the bus?

2. Why the hell is this bus company fighting this ruling?

Were it my bus company, the bitch would be expelled off the bus for being an over entitled twat and I would NEVER deny disabled access in favor of some breeder bitch.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 08, 2014
Court of Appeal ruled today.... favour of bus company.

Looks like it's heading to the Supreme Court for a final decision.

Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 08, 2014
Some people are just more equal than others it seems. :headbrick
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 08, 2014
Wait, what?

A DISABLED person IN A WHEELCHAIR was DENIED access to a bus because some entitled breeder cunt was taking up the handicapped area and REFUSED to move to allow him access?
2. Why the hell is this bus company fighting this ruling?

Were it my bus company, the bitch would be expelled off the bus for being an over entitled twat and I would NEVER deny disabled access in favor of some breeder bitch.

That is what I do not get! WTF is wrong with these bus companies? Plus, as pointed out very well in above comments, these spaces were created specifically for people who NEED them due to disabilities, not those who WANT them due to their own self-involvement and stupidity.

Perfect solution? Just put a bunch of trailer hitches on the back of the buses and tow the SMooVs behind like a compact car behind a RV. Hell, leave little Shitleigh in the stroller and everyone will have more seats AND a quieter ride!:beer
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 08, 2014
Gah! I just realized my above faux-pas. My apologies to everyone. I thought, for some reason, that the bus company was wanting the ruling in favor of wheelchairs. My brain must've been up my ass when I posted my original comment! :redface

I am absolutely disgusted by this! angry smiley Like keeper of traken said, some people are more equal than others. angry smiley

I seriously hope the bus company gets their AZZ kicked in Supreme Court for this!
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 08, 2014
I hope every single person applauding this decision has to be confined to wheelchair.
Anonymous User
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 11, 2014
Apologies if this has already been posted. For UK users: Petition to Make it a legal requirement that all wheelchair spaces on all public transport must be vacated by non wheelchair users.

"The recent case of Doug Paulley vs First Group ended with the judges ruling that the wheelchair spaces on buses do not need to be vacated by persons refusing to do so. Effectively they have ruled that persons using wheelchairs may be discriminated against by those who feel it is too much trouble to fold away a pushchair, or simply move to another seat. This throws the whole situation into confusion.

The majority of persons using wheelchairs are doing so because they are not able to stand for long periods, if at all, and do not have the luxury of being able to fold their wheelchair away while on public transport. Able bodied persons can stand, pushchairs can be folded, and infants carried. Refusing to vacate the more easily accessible areas on buses and trains is discriminating against those who are physically unable to reach the other areas, and must be made an offence. There is no excuse for a wheelchair user to be denied transport in a situation where it is physically possible to accommodate them should other users show consideration. The current regulations are too woolly, and the manner in which they can be interpreted leaves them open to rulings such as the above, which renders them effectively null and void."

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