Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 11, 2014
addiea raine
I hope every single person applauding this decision has to be confined to wheelchair.

From the link Bookworm posted


Lord Justice Underhill said: "It has to be accepted that our conclusion and reasoning in this case means that wheelchair users will occasionally be prevented by other passengers from using the wheelchair space on the bus.

"I do not, however, believe that the fact that some passengers will - albeit rarely - act selfishly and irresponsibly is a sufficient reason for imposing on bus companies a legal responsibility for a situation which is not of their making and which they are not in a position to prevent."

Someone needs to aim a Stinger missile at the ivory tower that fuckwit sits in and blow his ass back to reality.

I hope that wheelchair bound folks rise up and take action. Get together en masse and take over all the wheelchair spots in the buses for a day. Just park yourselves in those spots and ride the buses from morning until night.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 11, 2014
Hey Redherring, I've signed it and shared it on my facebook page, thanks for letting me know about this petition x
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 11, 2014
Y'all are way too nice.

I hope each and every one of these entitled, diaper-whipped cuntbags gains 800 pounds so they can't leave their house let alone walk, and develops ALS as the icing on the cake.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 11, 2014
I guess this Is something only UK residents can sign? I attempted to sign because I wholly support this no matter the country, but it didn't like the US zip code.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
December 12, 2014
Exercise due caution when signing petitions promoted by people who registered to mention the petitition. This is not to say it isn't legitimate, but do try to figure out who you're giving your name and address to.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
January 18, 2017
Apologies for the thread-necromancy, but an update on this.

Today, the UK Supreme Court (very similar to the SCOTUS, especially after BREXIT) has issued what is effectively the final ruling.

Basically, the bus companies have to do more than just ask moomies to shift out of the wheelchair space. It is now an instruction to move and the driver can use other means to obtain compliance, short of using force.

From another source.

Lord Neuberger, the Supreme Court's president, explained that Mr Paulley's appeal was being allowed, but only to the limited extent that FirstGroup's policy requiring a driver to simply request a non-wheelchair user to vacate the space without taking any further steps was unjustified.
Where a driver who has made such a request concludes that such a refusal is unreasonable, he or she should consider some further step to pressurise the non-wheelchair user to vacate the space, depending on the circumstances.

That means the driver could well tell moos that the bus is going no further until she mooves.

There is now talk of introducing legislation to back this up along with other powers.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
January 18, 2017
We really are doomed as a species. We need special legislation to force moos to allow handicapped passengers to use handicapped seating.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
January 18, 2017
I came here to post on this, I'm glad you did the necro.

I found the ruling overall disappointing, as there is still no legal requirement for them to kick asshole able-bodied passenger off the bus. It is still up to the discretion of the driver.

I was worried it would go the other way, so at least it was some sanity, even if it was highly lackluster. Someone should have drop-kicked that mombie on behalf of the wheelchair user.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
January 18, 2017
While I realize laws may differ in the US, here you get a ticket for parking a car in a handicapped space. I see no reason why interfering with a handicapped individual's usage of public transport should not also be a crime.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
January 18, 2017
I've had to ride on buses in a wheelchair before and likely will again. If I was denied access because some bitch moo didn't want to move a stroller, I think I'd lose my shit.
Re: Moos in for shock on buses...
January 21, 2017
Breeding is a choice, being handicapped isn't.
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