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1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 23, 2006
Yea, I see it too. It's just another way breeders draw attention to themselves. Instead of that, they should be worrying about how they are going to get rid of all those big purple stretch marks. They look like gummy worms. YUCK
Anonymous User
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 23, 2006
I also have a nauseating, 4-mo preggo belly-rubber at work.

Yesterday, she runs up to me, grabs my hand, puts it on her gut and goes, "Feel that! It's hard and fluttery!" I was horrified. I'm a very private person who doesn't even like massages from a stranger.

Why do they always want you to touch them? Sorry, but I don't find it fascinating. I find it gross and invasive. What if I took her hand and put it on my ass and said "Feel that-I lost 20 lbs and my glutes are hard as a rock!"

Water Lily
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 23, 2006
My sil was that way.
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 23, 2006
LMAO Iv67!!!! That would be an awesome comeback! IF you are going to rub something, how about my shoulders? LOL!

Anonymous User
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 23, 2006
Or you could say: "I just got breast implants-wanna give em' a squeeze?"

You'd never be included in the belly-rubbing experience again!
Anonymous User
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 23, 2006
My sis hated anyone touching her stomach when she was prego...She told me she used to scratch her stomach alot because as the skin strtches the stomach becomes ichy as apparentley....I guess I will just have to take her word for it.
Anonymous User
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 23, 2006
Ugh...stretch marks, itchy skin, morning sickness..sounds like we CF's are missing alot!
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 24, 2006
I was always the "live and let live" meaning I did not think I cared about the belly rubbing. Mothers-to-be can do what they want with their bodies. I did feel differently when I had dinner at a former friend's house back in 2004. Her pregnant sister was there. Alicia has always been an attention wh@re...I'm sorry to say. Well, this single moo-to-be spent the whole evening rubbing her stomach like she was this mystical earth mother and just yakking on in that saccharine-sweet voice of how this baby was going to have a proper Southern upbringing. Never mind that the young woman is a former stripper with a low-life boyfriend. It WAS nauseating to watch!
I am not down with the whole belly rubbing thing but if you think about it, it's probably understandable. I believe having your stomach area expanding to twice, maybe three times it's size may be a very uncomfortable situation. As I sit at my desk engorged from lunch, I too feel the urge to rub my belly.

Water Lily
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 25, 2006
Same here feh.
Lady Cooper
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 26, 2006
I just hate it when it's for attention. And the whole "feel it!" think. If someone makes me feel their pregnant gut, I'll force them to feel my breasts and comment on how perky they are from never having them swell and distend from a kid.
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 26, 2006
The attention-mogering is what got to me about my friend's sister when I was having dinner at my friend's apartment that evening. My friend and I could not have a private conversation in the kitchen without the sister rubbing her belly and going on 'n on about her bay-bee. That was one reason why I deep-sixed my friend's graduation party when I learned the sister would be there. The sis gave birth and probably would take up the entire evening prattling on about Baby.
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 26, 2006
perhaps if they rub it long enough, it will disappear. or to persuade themselves that they really like the feeling
Water Lily
Re: 1114 Pregnant Belly Rubbing
March 26, 2006
Lady Cooper Wrote:
> I just hate it when it's for attention. And the
> whole "feel it!" think. If someone makes me feel
> their pregnant gut, I'll force them to feel my
> breasts and comment on how perky they are from
> never having them swell and distend from a kid.

my damn sil did that soley for attention, (liberal belly rubbin') nothing else. I'm sure now she shit the babyee out, that she is pissed because now, the babyee, is getting more attention that she is. And, btw, her boobs are ultra saggy now, and her hips and definitly gone wide. I'm enjoying my good shape. grinning smiley

HORK is all I can think of when rubbing someone's pregnant belly comes up.
"Would you care to feel the alien, which will eventually burst through my abdominal cavity, move?"
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