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Santa gets fired for refusing to see a flapper and her service pit bull

Posted by starbelly 
Can the fired Santa sue for wrongful termination?
Re: Santa gets fired for refusing to see a flapper and her service pit bull
December 05, 2014
I hope the real story gets out there to counteract the emotional and manipulative one told by the parents and that he gets an apology.

I do have to wonder at the guy playing Santa in the first place, though: a lot of people have animal dander stuck on their clothing (I am currently wearing a lovely layer of fur thanks to my ginger cat) and there is a really good chance any kid sitting on his lap will expose him to this allergen. I get that he needs to work, but that has to be one hell of a risky job for his health. Unless the elves are allowed to hose the kids down first....hmmmmm....
Not surprised. The dog page is run by the PR woman. She is spreading the lie that Miranda Anderson is not a real person and does not work at the mall. The PR woman works for Pit Boss Shorty Rossi. Miranda never said she worked for the mall. She said she worked for the company that does the Santa displays and was there onsite. She spins the words to suit the narrative. Too bad people are buying her story.

As for allergies my friend was deathly allergic to cats. Being around me or in my car did not bother her much. She walked two steps into my home and had to leave.

Maybe Santa was attacked by a pit. Maybe he was really allergic. You are not going to broadcast either one since it will upset kids who think Santa won't come if they have dogs. Whatever the reason everything I have read about the family makes me doubt the story told. Duh in guerilla marketing who was a "MySpace star", moo a drama queen and both attention whores. I swear they are gunning for a reality show.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
trance formation usa
I copy/pasted the "real story" from Assistant Manager Miranda on Pup-Cake's FB page (lol, yep) last night and was instantly banned from posting again. At 2 in the morning. These people are truly psycho.

Yeah, they have a page where they talk in the service dog's voice, saying things like "Humans are weird, bark. Woof." It's creepy.

As an aside, I'm friends with a dog on Facebook. He belongs to my friends who are childfree and he's a search and rescue dog. He talks in a normal voice though. Wished me a happy birthday last month. This dog and his owners are so awesome though, I find the whole thing charming. Hijack over, back to our regularly scheduled programming...
Hey, should we flood that Facebook page with bad press??
Re: Santa gets fired for refusing to see a flapper and her service pit bull
December 05, 2014
keeper of traken
Can the fired Santa sue for wrongful termination?

He should, and he should make it an ADA issue.
Do the maul page if you are playing that way. That dog page is deleting them as fast as they appear; other people who claim to be present are being deleted if they don't follow the script.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Santa gets fired for refusing to see a flapper and her service pit bull
December 05, 2014
I don't think this Julie is still with Shorty's Rescue. There was some big blowup a while back on Facebook. She had left there and accused him of abandoning a dog in boarding and she was after him to pay the bill. I don't believe for a minute he abandoned a dog.
Shorty of Pit Boss fame? He always seemed like a reasonable dude on the tv show...
Yes, that Shorty

And Julie is still in charge of his charity according to her website bit she runs BullNannies which is where Pup Cake came from. So she is a PR flack who is not unbiased...she has too much skin in the game.

And any time a press release gets out within an hour of this completely unnewsworthy, so called snub reeks of publicity stunt....perhaps to peddle the dog's store?

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Santa gets fired for refusing to see a flapper and her service pit bull
December 06, 2014
Odd. I swear I read she was a former employee of his. Anyway, wouldn't surprise me if it was a PR stunt looking for money, because she drug his name through the mud trying to get him to pay this huge boarding bill for this rescued dog she says he abandoned, he says he did not abandon. Kind of a he said, she said situation, but I tend to believe him.
1. ABCDE - Middle name FGHIJ
2. Pronounced "absentee". Get it? Because the tard is not all there?
3. I know bullies are sweet and make great service animals. No issue with the dog.
4. I kind of doubt the issue was technically with the dog. Santa probably saw absentee acting like a freak in line and didn't want said freak on his lap. Those poor guys have enough issues without some tard freaking, shitting itself, hurting him or (in this instance, as mentioned in the article) hurting itself while on his lap. Why? Who are they going to blame? Him. Oh you scared our little snowflake and now we're suing you for damages!
5. Seriously, inbred morons, if your tard is not functional enough to go out in public without it needing a service dog, lest it "hurt itself" then maybe taking it to see Santa is a fucking bad idea in the first place. Hello idiots? Keep your pweshus little freak-show at home. It clearly is not meant for public display. Anything that will hurt itself or others needs to be locked up under the supervision of professionals, NOT forced on some poor guy who's only trying to do his job.
6. By the way... you DO know where most mall/store Santas are recruited from, right? I know where most of the ones around here come from. Let's see, who's desperate enough for a job that they're willing to function as a babysitter and toilet, for minimum or no wage at all, for hours on end? Oh yeah! Ex convicts in a rehabilitation program! I wonder what they were in for? Don't you feel all warm and fuzzy about putting your brat in the arms of a convict? The one we always went to when I was a kid was missing a finger. He said a reindeer bit it off, but I'm pretty sure it was punishment for a deal gone wrong somewhere.
The funny part is they have a "Caring Santa" program specifically for the special needs group.

This program is aimed at those with sensory, physical and other special needs, and is apparently held during private mall hours to lessen the stress making it more sensory friendly.

It was this weekend and IMO a cool idea. But I guess you don't get max publicity when you have to wait.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Santa gets fired for refusing to see a flapper and her service pit bull
December 08, 2014
The funny part is they have a "Caring Santa" program specifically for the special needs group.

This program is aimed at those with sensory, physical and other special needs, and is apparently held during private mall hours to lessen the stress making it more sensory friendly.

It was this weekend and IMO a cool idea. But I guess you don't get max publicity when you have to wait.

They do that at our mall, it seems to work well. The parents like it, the tards get special attention, and it's just a calmer affair than bringing them to deal with the normal Santa chaos. But some parents wont' have it, they want the tard to be around normal brats and of course the tard is supposed to be the star in that group. On special needs day, they all blend in together and Special moos don't want that.
True...when everyone is special, then no one will be. And no one would witness the temper tantrum thrown by the parents, with maximum attention. Like this one:

You know what is really interesting, I have spoken (yes I have been on the phone with them) to multiple people that were present at the event. And guess what, this family is FULL OF CRAP!! The parents are the ones that got argumentative, not Santa or his Elf. Santa did say that he had an allergy and was beginning to wheeze. The Miranda story is more fitting of what really happened, according to 3rd party witnesses (Didn’t fit entirely, but the whole line of “those dogs eat people” and “those people support those animals” is completely FALSE!! . The only reason they were fired was to protect the company as a whole.

And coming from someone who has a cat allergy, I can be around people who have cats all day long, but those lovable animals bring my eyes to tears, nose running, and problems breathing. It is not a matter of dander so much as it is a matter of quantity of dander. By the time that cat person comes up to me, there has been at least 30 minutes of time (give or take) since they were with their animal (factor in the fact that the air is probably on in their vehicle, so that means that there is less dander really on the person.) This entire smear campaign is crap against a loveable man with a heart of gold.

And here is the Starbucks story, that someone lifted from the dog Facebook:

Status Update

By Pup-Cake the Service Dog

This is a paw-blic service announcement and open letter to Starbucks.

Dear Starbucks:

You are NOT amazing... Well your coffee is but your determination to discriminate against the disabled is not. On different occasions you have belittled my girl and my pack all because they find my awesomeness necessary for everyday life. However now I am noticing that you are allowing this train of thought to affect your other customers with [dis]abilities. My female L.R. has contacted you on different occasions to help you by providing the opportunity for your company to be better. My male L.R. has done the same...don't worry we did not expect you to call back so we were not surprised when you chose not to. However understand that the offer my pack has made on various occasions still stands. If you find that your corporation has reached a humble turning point in regards to its operating procedures, my pack can help you with that. While you had the opportunity to be there for my pack by providing equality we understand that as that at this time we find it necessary to be there for you. I can only hope that your desire to want better for yor customers becomes a driving force for your future.

Woof woof

Pup-cake the service dog!

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
They made a face book account for the dog, exclusively to exploit it and harass business owners?
Can someone please call out some kind of animal exploitation law or something and have that poor dog removed from the custody of these clearly psychotic people?

As someone who has MCS, allergies and asthma, I am VERY sympathetic to the poor Santa. Since going back to school at a University, I've discovered that the latest trend of young boys marinading in AXE perfume (presumably because the commercials told them it would get them laid) tends to set off rather violent attacks.

These walking 20' clouds of lingering poison will literally inhibit my ability to breathe. I'll end up with coughing fits that eventually grow into dangerous asthma attacks. I've vomited, dry heaved, even coughed up blood. I've had my skin peel off, hives raise all over my face, neck and chest, my eyes water, my nose run and my throat swell. I've suffered for sometimes days and weeks after an attack, and all because some idiot wanted to feel like a pretty princess and bathe in enough perfume to gas all the pigeons in New York. I've had multiple instructors an students in my class see me gasping and suffering and be unwilling to STOP wearing the stuff. I even have one boy who will chase me down the hall to talk to me as I keep running away from his cloud of stink.

So yeah - people are fucking twats when it comes to allergies. If I had a client walk in who set off my allergies, I would have him seen by someone else. That is NOT be "discriminating" against him. That's me wanting to be able to breathe. Whatever allergen you have on you - it's optional. It's an option to use perfume. It's an option to have a dog or cat. It is NOT my option to breathe. When you put your options over my life-necessity, you are, in fact, an asshole.

These people, are assholes.
So it seems that she does NOT have to be with the dog 24/7. In the parents' own words:


Q: Does Pup-Cake go to school with Abcde?

On days that she struggles, yes she does. However there are days where she does not. These are the days that she is encourage to attain Human interaction and intervention to remedy her problems.

So is it still a service dog? And why could they not leave it home if both parents were there to perform services like keeping her from mutilating herself or wandering off to crawl in a pizza oven or something?

And supposedly this sad international incident happened November 30. This first pic shows her clearly in a car booster sleeping, dated November 30. The second is supposedly of her sobbing over not seeing Santa. Was there an immediate wardrobe change?


From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Who are these breeders who not only take pictures of their kids upset or sick but post them online for all to see? I hope these kids grow up to do the exact same thing to their parents.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
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