Anonymous User
Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 16, 2015
This brilliant MIT researcher believes that Monsanto's Round-Up herbicide could be responsible for autism:

Research scientist Stephanie Seneff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a widely published author on topics ranging from Azlheimer’s Disease to autism and cardiovascular disease, raised plenty of eyebrows recently with a bold proclamation on autism at a special panel in Massachusetts about genetically modified organisms and other topics.

“At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two children will be autistic,” Seneff said last Thursday in Groton, MA at an event sponsored by the holistic-focused Groton Wellness organization.

Seneff presented slides showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the rising use of Roundup (with its active ingredient glyphosate) on crops and the rising rates of autism; while it doesn’t show a direct correlation it does give researchers plenty to think about, especially considering Seneff’s research into the side effects of autism that mimic glyphosate toxicity and deficiencies.


This is a terrifying thought, it would destroy society. How could anyone function with so many special needs people to care for, and how would we pay for it?

We need to stop Monsanto while we still can!
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 16, 2015
I guess by 2050 they all will be
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 16, 2015
If this is true -- and I have my doubts, because I think a lot of so-called autistic kyds these days are likely not -- shouldn't our doctors and scientists be discouraging breeding? I mean, of 50% of all kyds born in 20 years are not going to be productive members of society, and also need specialized care, then that is an obvious burden that would be crushing for society to bear. They will not be the so-called taxpayers and productive members of society that parunts like to tout their sneauflaykes as. They will be a detriment instead, not only not helping contribute to society, but also being a massive drain on resources. And then, of course when those 2025 kyds reach an age where moo and duh are not around, who is going to pay for their care as they enter old age?

What a disaster in the making.

*Mind you, I realize that some autistic folks are what is called "high-functioning" and would still actually be productive members of society. But, those folks seem to be in the distinct minority.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 16, 2015

Fragile X Syndrome also has its proponents.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 16, 2015
So currently, 1 in 68 children are autistic and it's predicted that in a mere 20 years, 50% of all children will be. What I'm hearing is that society is now free to stop giving them special treatment and not be smeared on social media and in traditional media. Their breeders can start forcing them to abide by the rules and not arbitrarily decide when the rules do and do not apply to them when it's convenient.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 17, 2015
Women over the age of 40 need to stop their fucking breeding.

And that IVF shit should be banned.

But yet moos don't understand why their speicial widdle phlaykes are tards and blame it on vaccines and other bullshit.

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 17, 2015
So will all the snowflakes be speshul when half of the population is snowflakes? I think a vast majority of modern childhood autism cases are just bullshit. Your average autistic kid is most likely just a spoiled brat who has never been told NO, and while there will always be genuinely autistic people, they are few and far between. Lazy breeders would just rather medicate their caterwauling bastards instead of parenting them and/or so they can get a kiddie crazy check each month.

I agree with paragon too. If autism is going to become the norm within the next decade, then that should mean the awtards should be expected to adhere to the rules like everyone else. You can't make the claim that "Oh, he's a tard, he didn't know any better" when there's millions more tards. This means autism will no longer make a kid special and exempt from the rules. And by 2050 when we're ALL autistic (by the proposed rate of 50% in 2025), no one will be special. Autism will be the norm and you can't have every single person going, "Teehee I shot that old man because he had a brown jacket, but I can't go to jail because I'm a tard who didn't know any better" because then no one would be responsible for anything.

I think once autism allegedly becomes the norm, breeders will try to set their tards apart from the other tards by collecting multiple spectrum diagnoses and/or inventing new ones. We're all special? Well, MY tard is MORE special! smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 17, 2015
I find this article very disturbing. For the record, I grew up in a very scientific,educated family. This article makes sense to me. This means that when some of us are retired, these damaged kids will be the norm, and eventually running the USA.

I've never agreed with certain GMO foods. It's one thing to cross-breed a few plants to get a prettier tomato. It's another thing to insert specific genes into plants, so that they reproduce pesticides in their harvestable parts that we eat. If governments have banned certain pesticides from being sprayed onto the foods, then why would you think it's safe to insert gene markers into the plants so that they reproduce those same chemicals in their edible parts? One hypothesis about the death of honeybees is GMO plants. The bees go to the plants, harvest pollen, but the plants are genetically infected with pesticides. I could go on and on about this. Do you really think that "studies" performed by Monsanto et al. would be impartial? Their 'studies" are bought and paid for by Monsanto, so you can believe nothing in them. I agree, Monsanto is a scourge upon the earth.

Remember, those autistic kids will one day grow up and probably reproduce. Now you have tards reproducing, and spreading this problem even further. Something needs to be done now, however, I don't see anything happening as long as Monsanto continues to have the power, money, and influence it currently has.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 17, 2015
paragon schnitzophonic
So currently, 1 in 68 children are autistic and it's predicted that in a mere 20 years, 50% of all children will be. What I'm hearing is that society is now free to stop giving them special treatment and not be smeared on social media and in traditional media. Their breeders can start forcing them to abide by the rules and not arbitrarily decide when the rules do and do not apply to them when it's convenient.

Not twenty years, ten. TEN. That means any piggos you know now or in the near future are likely carrying a future scourge of society.

I think of it as job security, but that doesn't matter if everything else is effed up.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 17, 2015
I had my roommate read the thread title and she said, vertbatim: " can we move? Please, please, please, please, please.. Pleasey weasy lemon squeezy?........ (Sad face) please say yes.."

My sentiments exactly.

However, I think we would be on the cusp of a miracle! Just think! Everyone being forced to parent their kids, and then shablagoo! No one is autistic anymore. Should give the fundies a scare since abortion and queer folks still abound! Let's hear them explain THAT!
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 17, 2015
Rise of the planet of the apes
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 17, 2015
You could draw virtually the same graph over the same time period since 1990 as in the Roundup article, but instead about—ta daaaa!—cell phone use, which began to explode in the mid–1990s. Count me as skeptical about the purported link between glyphosate and autism, since most urban and suburban kids aren't exposed to its use as herbicide to any great extent, but cell phones, their towers, and associated radio emissions are everywhere. And cell phones as a technology use higher radio frequencies that weren't in significant use for anything before.

So let's look at cell phone use as a marker for autism as well. Seriously.

Also, glyphosate isn't as toxic as some seem to want to claim, as plenty of people and I have spilled it on ourselves (washing it off ASAP, of course) with no ill effects. It's the chemical of choice to address poison ivy and other Toxicodendron plants—ask me about the sheer fun of dealing with them sometime—and little else will substitute effectively. It's a hazardous chemical, yes, and due plenty of care and respect in use, but if no one is using it within 5 miles of a house and the kyds in that house get autism anyway, how can you link that to Roundup?

Also, researchers should consider the prevalent use of illicit drugs and burgeoning promiscuity as potential markers for autism. I ceased to be surprised some years ago when I worked in corrections at the number of fellow employees who failed random drug tests and were fired—people you'd never expect to have been using drugs, but they were. And we've remarked here a number of times how predominantly it seems to be single moos with multiple baby daddies who are having most of the kids with autism.

No, the MIT research smacks of finding a scapegoat to deflect attention from addressing poor lifestyle choices that are much more likely to be the cause of children developing autism. One can also catch a whiff of an anti-Western environmentalist agenda at work in choosing glyphosate as a target. Surprised at any of this? I'm not.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 17, 2015
I can see why NASA is hard at work finding another sustainable planet - the earth is totally fucked up with breedery, tards, and terrorists. I want a new rock to live on......
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 17, 2015
Cell phones are an interesting theory, but how bout technology in general? I remember reading a recent article about how imbecile parunts have shoved an ipad or such into their toddler's hands, in order to keep them busy so that moo and duh don't have to deal with Sprogley.

I know that I've also seen claims that technology such as this gives off (EMF I think?) that can supposedly effect your sleeping patterns by keeping your brain awake and stimulated or something of that sort? If that can happen in adults, why couldn't the same thing happen in kyds, whose brains are not fully developed?
Reading the whole article will reveal why the glyphosate could be causing autism:

continued from above:

The slide notes that the heaviest use of Roundup, Monsanto’s flagship weedkiller, began in 1990 and continued to rise since. Meanwhile, the number of kids with autism has gone from 1 in 5,000 in 1975 to 1 in 68 today, a puzzling and frustrating stat that shows no signs of slowing down and one that correlates strongly with the rise in glyphosate use.

Of course, autism is a complex problem with many potential causes, but the numbers are particularly of note considering how close the correlation is, and Seneff’s credentials.

Dr. Seneff has written 10 papers (7 as the first author) in various medical and health journals on modern diseases as well as drug side effects, nutritional deficiencies and the impacts of environmental toxins on our health. She also worked as a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory before turning to biology, as her official biography notes.

You can read more about her presentation on the website The Complete Patient by clicking here, and you can also check out the full versions of her slides on glyphosate and autism by clicking here.

EPA Debating Roundup Ban or Restrictions, Are They Being Objective?

Recently, the group Moms Across America visited with officials from the EPA to discuss a potential ban or restrictions on Roundup, especially in light of recent findings that the active ingredient glyphosate is found in the breast milk of American mothers at levels that are a dangerous 760 to 1600 times higher than allowable limits in European drinking water.

While the group made its point loud and clear, it is well worth noting than many of the 100 studies provided for the EPA’s review were actually provided by the chemical companies themselves.

Urine testing has also shown that Americans have 10 times the glyphosate accumulation in their urine than Europeans, and children with autism have many biomarkers indicating excessive glyphosate in their systems including key mineral deficiencies, seizures and mitochondrial (the cell’s power center) disorders.

Seneff Responds to Monsanto’s Key Argument

While Monsanto claims that Roundup is harmless because humans don’t have a shikimate pathway, which it inhibits, Seneff notes that our gut bacteria do have this pathway, and that’s crucial because these bacteria supply our body with crucial amino acids.

She also says that most studies are too short to show Roundup’s oft-studied effects as a cumulative toxin, one that builds up both in the environment and in our bodies over time.

According to Seneff, Roundup has the following side effects: it kills beneficial gut bacteria, allowing pathogens to grow; interferes with the synthesis of amino acids and methionine which leads to shortages in critical neurotransmitters and folate; chelates (removes) important minerals like iron, cobalt and manganese, and much more.

Additional chemicals in Roundup are untested because they’re classified as “inert,”she notes in her presentation, but according to a 2014 study in BioMed Research International they are capable of amplifying the ill effects of Roundup hundreds of times over.

To learn more about Seneff’s warning over autism and Roundup accumulation, you can view her slideshow on the topic. Until then, it’s best to exercise caution, and to buy and grow organic food whenever possible.
You could draw virtually the same graph over the same time period since 1990 as in the Roundup article, but instead about—ta daaaa!—cell phone use, which began to explode in the mid–1990s. Count me as skeptical about the purported link between glyphosate and autism, since most urban and suburban kids aren't exposed to its use as herbicide to any great extent, but cell phones, their towers, and associated radio emissions are everywhere. And cell phones as a technology use higher radio frequencies that weren't in significant use for anything before.

So let's look at cell phone use as a marker for autism as well. Seriously.

Also, glyphosate isn't as toxic as some seem to want to claim, as plenty of people and I have spilled it on ourselves (washing it off ASAP, of course) with no ill effects. It's the chemical of choice to address poison ivy and other Toxicodendron plants—ask me about the sheer fun of dealing with them sometime—and little else will substitute effectively. It's a hazardous chemical, yes, and due plenty of care and respect in use, but if no one is using it within 5 miles of a house and the kyds in that house get autism anyway, how can you link that to Roundup?

Also, researchers should consider the prevalent use of illicit drugs and burgeoning promiscuity as potential markers for autism. I ceased to be surprised some years ago when I worked in corrections at the number of fellow employees who failed random drug tests and were fired—people you'd never expect to have been using drugs, but they were. And we've remarked here a number of times how predominantly it seems to be single moos with multiple baby daddies who are having most of the kids with autism.

No, the MIT research smacks of finding a scapegoat to deflect attention from addressing poor lifestyle choices that are much more likely to be the cause of children developing autism. One can also catch a whiff of an anti-Western environmentalist agenda at work in choosing glyphosate as a target. Surprised at any of this? I'm not.

Kyds aren't being exposed to Round-Up because they're clearing poison ivy, they're being exposed to it through our food and water supply, and because it accumulates and concentrates in breast milk and human tissue.

How could promiscuity possibly cause autism? Am I catching a whiff of an anti-woman conservative agenda at work here?
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 18, 2015
What Peace said. I hear plenty of ignorant people say about GMOs, "we've been eating GMOs for centuries; when someone cross-breeds tomatoes to get a better tomato, for example." It's not a good analogy and it reflect a lack of understanding. GMO organisms are the result of crossing two unrelated species, such as splicing the DNA from corn with a soil bacteria that is naturally resistant to Roundup.

I'll admit that roundup could have a limited extremely useful application, such as poison ivy**, but the problem is that ignorant rednecks, like people in DH's family, use it on weeds in their lawn just because they are fucking lazy to use a hoe. It's routinely used to get that "perfect green lawn." (Lawns are the root of a lot of our water and pollution problems here in the U.S.)

One branch of my DH's family grows RoundUp ready crops: the GMO seed is planted and the crops are dusted with Roundup to keep anything else from growing. I personally want to have a choice of whether to eat this (and I choose not to) and I can afford not to--WE CAN GUESS WHY.

This problem can once again be attributed to breeding. There are a few comments to that article where people are saying if we didn't use herbicides, people would starve. PAGING CAPTAIN OBVIOUS: If feeding the population requires us to poison the Earth, THERE ARE TOO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE ON THIS ROCK ALREADY. STOP BREEDING, ASSHOLES!

This comment is one of many that gets under my skin:


Some people argue that there is not enough organic food for everyone and they are right. But luckily her articles point to certain sensitive times such as pregnancy, spermatogenesis, and the first few years of development that are the most critical times to have a herbicide/pesticide free diet. I think I could go organic for 3 years for my child

Yeah, the Earth is polluted, but he'll feed his kid organic produce for three years. smile rolling left righteyes2 WHY BREED AT ALL?

This leads to one of my pet peeves: I'm so sick and tired of hearing how piggos, kyds and, according to the article above, dudes who are making the Almighty Jizz juice, need to eat food without pesticides. So the rest of us can eat poison because we aren't making sperm or gestating the Holy Loaf? FUCK THAT NOISE.

**ETA, yeah it's good for poison ivy, but DDT was great for bug control. That doesn't mean I don't think Roundup shouldn't be banned either. But that will never happen while corporate America holds the government hostage. And by the time someone gets the money to fund a truly objective study that meets the standard for correlation, we'll all be dead or autards.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 19, 2015
Another reason why I don't want kids. Not interested in the possibility that my kid is "special" and that I have to suffer for the REST of my life taking care of it. :headbrick
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 19, 2015

Kyds aren't being exposed to Round-Up because they're clearing poison ivy, they're being exposed to it through our food and water supply, and because it accumulates and concentrates in breast milk and human tissue.

How could promiscuity possibly cause autism? Am I catching a whiff of an anti-woman conservative agenda at work here?
It might be that the mothers probably have a higher viral load in their bodies from the multiple partners, which might partially be passed onto the baby or affect it while it's gestating. Some viruses do affect the baby's brain, so this group might be at higher risk for those.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 19, 2015
paragon schnitzophonic
So currently, 1 in 68 children are autistic and it's predicted that in a mere 20 years, 50% of all children will be. What I'm hearing is that society is now free to stop giving them special treatment and not be smeared on social media and in traditional media. Their breeders can start forcing them to abide by the rules and not arbitrarily decide when the rules do and do not apply to them when it's convenient.

Who will be footing the bill for all of the disability benefits, education, and long-term care for these people?

Not me. I hope to be in the Cayman Islands some 20-30 years from now and not dealing with the draconian taxation that will inevitably result.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 19, 2015
There are too many combinations of possibilities for what may be causing the rise in awtism but some are quite obvious, like aspies breeding. My partner's father and brother appear to be somewhere on the spectrum and he is maybe borderline. I have damn "sensory" issues and environmental sensitivities which increased as an adult and are pretty disabling. We are both introverts. If we were not CF and we bred, I can see a large risk of having some kind of neuro-tard or at least a kid who would have trouble coping in today's environment. Your average breeder couple would not even consider this.

Now as we can be selective in who we choose as partners, I can see people being with like partners, and two aspies or two people with the same problem end up with kids with those issues to a greater extent.

The worst case I have seen is two aspies who were also active drug users breeding. What came out of that was truly something scary and very, very expensive. There was no reason for this, and the kyd pays for life, as well as the tax payers. The moo and duh get ....sympathy.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 20, 2015
Anecdotally, I know two men who both have 2 kids with their wives, and all 4 of them are autistic. These guys were into the LSD/ecstacy scene when we were in our heavy party years. I wonder if psychedelic drugs can play a role. I have no idea if there are any studies on this.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 20, 2015
I find this article very disturbing. For the record, I grew up in a very scientific,educated family. This article makes sense to me. This means that when some of us are retired, these damaged kids will be the norm, and eventually running the USA.

retired? Dream on, Those of us working will have to keep working to pay for all these defective brats and stupid, lazy ass,entitled parents.
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 20, 2015
"How could promiscuity possibly cause autism? Am I catching a whiff of an anti-woman conservative agenda at work here?"

No. Applies to men who sleep around, use drugs that affect sperm, catch diseases, have genetic issues, etc., too.

Seems as if the men and women who have all these issues always manage to find one another and spawn loads of defecto-brats, and the rest of us get to pay and pay and pay...
Re: Half of All US Children will be Autistic by 2025
January 20, 2015
I find this article very disturbing. For the record, I grew up in a very scientific,educated family. This article makes sense to me. This means that when some of us are retired, these damaged kids will be the norm, and eventually running the USA.

retired? Dream on, Those of us working will have to keep working to pay for all these defective brats and stupid, lazy ass,entitled parents.

Not all of us smiling smiley
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