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Dating Tips for Single Moms

Posted by clematis 
Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 27, 2008
from a blog called mssinglemama:

"I’ve been out and about in the single mom dating world for over a year now. I’ve had ups, downs and the spins! Here are a few of the tips I feel compelled to pass on.

"And make sure you check out Single Mom Dating Tips, Part 2.

* Date him - ONLY - if you are truly happier. Remember you and your child/ren can be completely content and happy without a man in your life. If a man wants in - he has to earn it.
* Watch for red flags: lack of goals, laziness, fakeness, cockiness, selfishness or the inability to make you laugh. Everyone has their own set of red flags. Listen to yours."

My personal red flag is an adult with a child with no spouse around, widowers aside. I've made my share of poor choices, but having children without a stable co-parent pretty much tops my list.
Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 27, 2008
He has to EARN it? right.
Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 28, 2008
These women who have birthed the fruit of their baby makers never cease to amaze me at the level of selfishness they practically exude. Most single moos are ALWAYS on the prowl to move in on a single man with a job, ANY job as long as he either gives her money, a place to live rent free, and/or plays duhddy to her kyds. She is usually SO selfish that even if he has kyds with other women she wants HER brood and their needs to take precedence over his own bio kyds and she often gets her way. Then, the first chance she gets, she gets knocked up with his kyd in hopes of sealing the deal with one of those "unbreakable bonds" we hear so much about. MY GOD these women don't have any limits in the sense of entitlement department.

I remember my ex's moo of a wife saying to me once, "We have a chyldddd together, so we will always have a special and unbreakable bond". I would respond, "If the bond is so fucking strong, why are you divorced from him AND the other two men you formed these lifetime "bonds" with so easily?" I guess I just don't "get" this forming and cherishing this "lifetime bond" thing with a man, because if you divorce, who wants a constant nasty reminder of shitty relationship hanging around 24/7? These women don't make a man "earn" his keep, SHE "earns" it much like a prostitute simply because she is spreading her legs out and for payment, she gets to live there for free.tongue sticking out smiley

This moo mentions she been on the open market for over a year now, so that probably means she is ugly AND a breeder. Most of the better looking ones have usually snagged a new man in less time than that. Actually, I can only remember one single mom who wasn't one of those on the prowl and had her feedbag out for a man, but she was an exception to the rule.
Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 28, 2008
They end up in lifetime bondage with the kid, not the guy.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 28, 2008
I have some tips for her to offer:

-- Don't expect to land anyone who doesn't already have their own baggage. If you do, chances are, they aren't interested solely in you...especially if you happen to have a daughter between the ages of 5 and 17.

-- Just come right out and say it...you want a daddy for your bastard. Just be truthful for the first time in your life.

-- On the other hand, don't tell them you have a kid. Lie by omission since he will most definitely love the kid if he loves you - so much that he'll forgive the initial lie ((/sarcasm))

-- Don't have standards, because chances are you're a worn-out haggard looking old bag with everything sagging out of place and stretch marks that would make zebras turn green with envy. You look like shit, so by all means do not expect some hot young stud to whisk you away in his arms.
Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 28, 2008
I love how all the single MAWMS are self-proclaimed NASTY MOOs.


In your dreams, bitches.
Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 28, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> I love how all the single MAWMS are
> self-proclaimed NASTY MOOs.
> In your dreams, bitches.

It's funny you should mention that because on my local Topix board this 40 something reeaaallly nasty guy (looking AND acting) who has spent the better part of his adult life in lockup, is known for fathering bookoodles of kids all over town with crack whores, and generally a shitty person with a bad reputation, had an astute comment to make on single moos in a NASTY MOO thread. He said, "I prefer going out with single moms because most young single guys won't date them because of their kids, most of them are only 19 or 20 and haven't caught onto the fact that guys don't "date" them for their looks, but because they are an easy lay. They appreciate ANY little thing you do for them because they have nothing, they are a cheap date because they have to stay home with all those kids so they are happy with a delivery pizza and a six pack, and they always have good snacks in the fridge for midnight munchies."

What a charmer and SO not anyone I would consider dating. I think that the single moomies generally get the leftovers, the washed ups, the burnt outs, and the older men with criminal records, at least around here.
Anonymous User
Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 28, 2008
"but because they are an easy lay"

I have herd this several times, single mawns are desperate
Anonymous User
Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 28, 2008
nokyds4me Wrote:
> "but because they are an easy lay"
> I have herd this several times, single mawns are
> desperate


VERY true. I dated one (if you can call f**king her for a few weeks) for awhile. She was all too eager to get drunk and laid once you got her away from her fuck trophies. I was her stress relief, and kicked her to the curb when she asked if I wanted to meet her kids.

Great sex though...low self-esteem types can be that way...heh. I was a prick when I was in my 20s...
Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 28, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> Most single
> moos are ALWAYS on the prowl to move in on a
> single man with a job, ANY job as long as he
> either gives her money, a place to live rent free,
> and/or plays duhddy to her kyds.

You just described the bitch whore the idiot dude downstairs moved in with him 2 months ago - with her 2 bastard brats, of course.

I'm just waiting for her to oops him, now. I hope to Gawd he's not so pussy-whipped as to add her name on the property papers.
Anonymous User
Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 28, 2008
You won't be waiting long...
Re: Dating Tips for Single Moms
August 28, 2008
spermandapaycheck Wrote:
> You won't be waiting long...

Oh, I know! The bitch wasted no time acting like she owns the place. She doesn't work, and I've already had to contact the cops and a lawyer about the nocturnal noise she and her hellions make. I just hope they'll piss off the other neighbours too so we can have a good case.
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