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Hello, new here!

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Hi everyone..been wanting to join, been lurking and laughing for a while.
My best friend of 26 years and I are both 40 and child free. We travel a lot, gamble, and go to many sporting events, but we live about 1800 miles from each other, so we wish there were more people like you all in our respective cities. We call ourselves "pods" because we are Sooo different than most women and joke that we obviously were born with male brains!
Anyway, thanks for such a great, hardcore CF place. In furthur posts, I'm sure to devulge more about my past employments, which are peppered with some wild dichotomies in fields of endeavors!!
P.S. In case anyone is wondering, my screen name is what we've called most women since we we're about 28. As in "all she wants from him is "sperm and a paycheck"..you guys use the term "walking wallet" which I freaking LOVE!! Don't know which is better! Cheers!
Anonymous User
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
spermandapaycheck Wrote:

> P.S. In case anyone is wondering, my screen name
> is what we've called most women since we we're
> about 28. As in "all she wants from him is "sperm
> and a paycheck"..you guys use the term "walking
> wallet" which I freaking LOVE!! Don't know which
> is better! Cheers!


Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Welcome- i hope you enjoy it here.
Anonymous User
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
lol I love your name
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Hello and welcome.
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Your name rules! LOL. Welcome.

I have a CF female friend who lives about five hours away, so I sort of know how it feels.
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Don't forget to go up to "forum List" and check out the patio!
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
spermandapaycheck Wrote:
As in "all she wants from him is "sperm
> and a paycheck"..you guys use the term "walking
> wallet" which I freaking LOVE!! Don't know which
> is better! Cheers!

Welcome Spermandapaycheck. I am a CF forum guest. The name "Gigabyte" is named after a Computer manufacturer because I am computer man.

I first time referred to this forum by the person named Pheona from Happily Childfree website. This is where I understand more about being childfree and people think having a kid is compulsery/mandetory. Well - having a child is not.

I like your name because the world "Walking Wallet" in childfree term for someone hard-earn money have to spend on the partner/wife and the kid. And I mean your hard-earn cash which you work for.

I am now a regular website visitor.

I love this website.
Anonymous User
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Gigabyte Wrote:
> spermandapaycheck Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> As in "all she wants from him is "sperm
> > and a paycheck"..you guys use the term "walking
> > wallet" which I freaking LOVE!! Don't know
> which
> > is better! Cheers!
> Welcome Spermandapaycheck. I am a CF forum guest.
> The name "Gigabyte" is named after a Computer
> manufacturer because I am computer man.
> I first time referred to this forum by the person
> named Pheona from Happily Childfree website. This
> is where I understand more about being childfree
> and people think having a kid is
> compulsery/mandetory. Well - having a child is
> not.
> I like your name because the world "Walking
> Wallet" in childfree term for someone hard-earn
> money have to spend on the partner/wife and the
> kid. And I mean your hard-earn cash which you work
> for.
> I am now a regular website visitor.
> I love this website.
""The name "Gigabyte" is named after a Computer
> manufacturer because I am computer man.""

How about 'terrorbyte' ?
winking smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Welcome! Great to have you. :beer
Anonymous User
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Thanks everyone!
Yeah, my name has evolved into a catch-all phrase for us. It really sums it all up quite efficiently..most common uses are for when you see the obviously young, fairly normal -looking guy who looks miserable (who you KNOW would have at the very LEAST waited a while to consider kids) and his girlfriend/wife and baby walking around. To me it's soooo fucking obvious what happened...an "ooops" as you call it. We basically call the entire situation "sperm and a paycheck" or it can refer to either individual.

It's to the point where I can practically fucking PREDICT TO THE EXACT MONTH WHEN AN "OOOPS" WILL OCCUR once I've met a couple and have talked to their new girlfriend for more than 5 minutes. It's actually quite scarey and friends now call me "The Oracle" Ha! I can also predict when the "I'm not going back to work like I said I would" convo will occur.

I just can't stand most women for very long.
ALL of my friends but my one best CF friend are men. They used to brush off my "observations" and "predictions" ...now they admit that 98% of the time I am spot on.

I guess what I cannot fathom is, if I can see it coming (no pun intended) how come the guys don't consider that that may happen to him and NOT protect themselves? I've had it happen to friends, and I don't hang around a brain-dead crowd as I cannot tolerate idiocy OR non-hard working people. I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Aside from the obvious OOPSING, what also makes me wonder are the married guys who knock their wives up intentionally.

Just what miracle do they think is going to occur as a result of such? Having kids just plain out ruins a marriage.

spermandapaycheck Wrote:
> ..............I guess what I cannot fathom is, if I can see it
> coming (no pun intended) how come the guys don't
> consider that that may happen to him and NOT
> protect themselves? I've had it happen to
> friends, and I don't hang around a brain-dead
> crowd as I cannot tolerate idiocy OR non-hard
> working people. I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!"
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
two cents ΒΆΒΆ Wrote:
> Gigabyte Wrote:

> ""The name "Gigabyte" is named after a Computer
> > manufacturer because I am computer man.""

How about 'terrorbyte' ?

Sounds good name 2cents.
I think of some more.
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Aside from the obvious OOPSING, what also makes me
> wonder are the married guys who knock their wives
> up intentionally.
> Just what miracle do they think is going to occur
> as a result of such? Having kids just plain out
> ruins a marriage.

To me, the 'oopsing' is one of the most freighting word because this can happen to anyone.

You better get protected or get sterilized because if you don't, you'll going to have a hell of a ride. A very very very looong one.
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
I love the website, too. No trouble here with breeders, or we'll kick them in the butt.

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008

While I do agree with you..a planned /intentional pregnancy doesn't bother me quite as much. At least it was probably discussed, repurcussions at least thought out a little, etc. and I guess to me it just seems more "fair" to the guy.

To answer your question, and I think most would agree (even THOSE guys), I offer the following conclusion after hours of hashing and re-hashing this topic with my friend. And I don't think that I've ever seen this conclusion on the board.

Here it is....

Most people KNOW and assume that women want kids...so, A man gets married to someone that he "loves/likes" whatever. Once she starts begging and raggin on him that "It's time to have a baby" most eventually comply even if they fight it for a while. WHY, you ask?! I've concluded that it's quite simple...they know (and 99.9% of the time they would be right) that if they divorce her over the subject....it will be NO DIFFERENT with the next girlfriend/wife that comes along...SAME EXACT SHIT, DIFFERENT WOMAN.

So, in essence they would have to go through the pain (financial and emotional) of a divorce..start over..and only to end up in the EXACT SAME PREDICAMENT!! Possibly with someone that they don't even "like" as much as the first wife. Most choose to ultimately give in.

Don't get me wrong, there's a few like us that are willing to divorce and start over due to the subject, but it's very rare. I also believe that most men don't actually like to be alone, as much as they pretend to like being "swinging bachelors". That usually stops being fun to them once their friends couple up..

I've just seen this happen literally dozens of times just in the last 12 years (I'm 40) and most of my guy friends did in fact wait to get married until after they had traveled extensively, lived alone, etc. and were at least 33-40. I guess they figure it's the lesser of two evils and one that quite frankly, they cannot escape if they want female companionship.
Anonymous User
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Gigabyte Wrote:
> KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Aside from the obvious OOPSING, what also makes
> me
> > wonder are the married guys who knock their
> wives
> > up intentionally.
> >
> > Just what miracle do they think is going to
> occur
> > as a result of such? Having kids just plain
> out
> > ruins a marriage.
> To me, the 'oopsing' is one of the most freighting
> word because this can happen to anyone.
> You better get protected or get sterilized because
> if you don't, you'll going to have a hell of a
> ride. A very very very looong one.

If you check around, even that is not a guarantee you won't be hit with a child support piece of shit.
There are other posts with snippets of information on this situation. While it is highly unlikely you would be a victim of this, somewhere some schmuck was named as possible daddy by a goo-brain government whore who only looked in a phone book.
They don't do dna, they don't do tests (that was my understanding) but if you are the only John wadozznik @ 35 in whatchacallit county, and some whore says daddy is that name and he comes from that county: and if you are the only one in that county with that name and around that age, you are nailed. And just try to prove you ain't the daddy. The farking welfare govt shit bureaucrats don't.
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Hi, spermandapaycheck! (cute moniker). I'm also new here and I really enjoy this board.

You said: "[I can] PREDICT TO THE EXACT MONTH WHEN AN "OOOPS" WILL OCCUR once I've met a couple and have talked to their new girlfriend for more than 5 minutes. It's actually quite scarey and friends now call me "The Oracle"

Ha! Pretty funny, but, yes, scary too. You have to wonder if the unfortunate guys see it coming as well, with resigned dread...
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
I am fairly new here and I like your screen name too LOL! (And I'm male.) I look forward to your tales.........and I hope you like mine, too!
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Hi, and welcome! This is a fun board to let out your frustrations about brats and their keepers! I look forward to hearing your tales!
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
spermandapaycheck says it like it is in many many cases. MOST women get baby dolls with bottles, little kitchenette sets where you can actually bake a cake, and Barbie and Ken wedding outfits from their earliest of memories. I think it takes a woman with a higher than average IQ and a strong will to thwart societal expectations that we are obligated and/or expected to get married and have babies. Then you toss in the last decade of bayee rabies related shows, movies, gifts, and the barage of celebrity moo cows that are constantly in the news and gloried, and an entire generation of monstors have been created. What fundie churches didn't accomplish with their favorite scripture repeated over and over and over,"....Go forth and multiply", the media has completed the mission in the last ten years.

I would hate like hell to be a CF man in this time period because your pool of CF women from which to choose for mates, has dwindled to the size of a kiddie wading pool. It's EASY to find under 30 childfree men who haven't been "oopsed yet" and they are all too relieved when they find out you are a CF woman. My dance card was always filled when I revealed I was CF, but it's a horse of a whole different color when you are a CF man looking for a CF woman, from what I understand. My husband was only 27 when I met him and he said that every woman he met was either already calfed up with other mens's kids, or SERIOUS moo wannabees.
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> I would hate like hell to be a CF man in this time
> period because your pool of CF women from which to
> choose for mates, has dwindled to the size of a
> kiddie wading pool. It's EASY to find under 30
> childfree men who haven't been "oopsed yet" and
> they are all too relieved when they find out you
> are a CF woman. My dance card was always filled
> when I revealed I was CF, but it's a horse of a
> whole different color when you are a CF man
> looking for a CF woman, from what I understand. My
> husband was only 27 when I met him and he said
> that every woman he met was either already calfed
> up with other mens's kids, or SERIOUS moo
> wannabees.

I knew from age 20 that I wanted to be CF. Two summers as a day camp counselor taught me that. Wanting to be CF cost me a lot of relationships from the late 1980s until a few years ago. In those first few years, I was not so open about wanting to be CF and that rankled a few women I dated. Of course, I would not date a woman who had (young) children. However, at least 95% of all women out there either were divorced with kyds or never married and wanted to have kyds. And what surprised me more and more was that it did not matter how old these women were. I would see all the time on woman's profile on a dating website (like what your hubby saw, KLK): "age 42, wants to have children". They never give up, do they?

However, after many years, I finally started to meet other CF women. In 2003, I met two of them, but neither worked out. Then, in 2004, I met a woman my age (42 at the time) who has a child but she was already grown and married and has her own kyds (and they all live far away). After raising her as a single parent starting at age 19, my ladyfriend can't have any more kyds and doesn't want any more anyway. So, in a practical sense, she is CF, perhaps a "born-again CF"?
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
LOL, deegee coined a new term, "Born again childfree"tongue sticking out smiley All of my ex husbands except the last one was childfree and they were ages (at marriage) 22,32,35, and 28, so there are quite a few CF men lurking around even as early as the 80's, but I would suspect they are afraid to mention it, lest they won't attract a woman. I dated a man who had kids my age once and who was a closet CF, but from the 1950's mentality era, so he played Ward Cleaver for as long as he could stand it. Everything was fine and dandy until his daughter gave birth, then it was all over. Many a good CF at heart person gets taken in by grandbaby rabies and I can tell you right now I DEFINATELY wanted no part of that shit. The only thing worse than a moo is a GRANDmoo or "paw paw". Some of the shitiest parents in the world (like my aforementioned older boyfriend)) become nauseating,over indulging, mindless, baby talking, doting, playmates for their second generation replicas. It's truly a sickening sight to behold and I know their kids hate the hell out of it.

One of my friends who had a shitty father who became "paw paw" of the year after she had kids, says it makes her want to slap him every time she sees him in action with her kids. She has SO much anger from the way he treated her growing up, she can't even be glad he is good to her kids, which I realize is selfish in it's own rite. She just wonders where all of this love, understanding, and extra time and money was while she and her mother lived with next to nothing in a hellhole of an apartment, while dear ole dad was off screwing the secretary, on a Las Vegas gambling junket, or a golf or deep sea fishing trip to the coast.
Anonymous User
Re: Hello, new here!
August 27, 2008
Thanks you all so much for the warm welcome..

I would divulge more grand tales of "spermandapaycheck" tonight, but alas I just had a lovely 4 drink nightcap outside on this beautiful evening. So instead I will probably just peruse the board for tonight. But who knows..maybe some subject will prompt another one of my long-studied "observations".
Re: Hello, new here!
August 28, 2008
I just have to say every time I see "spermandapaycheck" I get the "Shave and a hair cut, two bits" in my head..only it's "Sperm and a pay check, two snips" for some reason.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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