Rant 1120 - But you were...
March 24, 2006
Hehe...My favorite response to that bingo is "I was a suicidal alcholic at one time as well."
Now I'm a happy drunk, but they don't need to know that.
Lady Cooper
Re: Rant 1120 - But you were...
March 24, 2006
"...but it's ok, now I just keep the vodka in my briefcase."
Now if I had kids because I was a child once (what the fuck kind of logic is that anyway?!), then I'd also probably get to reexperience the joys of suicidal alcoholism.
Re: Rant 1120 - But you were...
March 25, 2006
Yeah that's almost the same line I use except I say.

"Well I was a drug addict/alchoholic once too but you don't see me wanting to re-experience that."

There's a lot of things you can use I suppose. Starving college student, burger flipper, the town slut, etc.
Anonymous User
Re: Rant 1120 - But you were...
March 26, 2006
Yes I have had that one pulle on me too....Someone said to me once "well if your parents thought the same way you would not be here now..." and I am like well we would not even be having this fucking conversation would we???

I think when *some* people have kids their brain deflates big time!
Re: Rant 1120 - But you were...
March 27, 2006
I've that bingo before. When I hear, "Oh but you were a chyuld once before...", I simply say, "And being a child once was enough for me. I don't feel the urge to try and 'enjoy' the existence of a child".

And I have gotten the bingo you had described too, Blossom. people are so dumb, I swear. "Well what if your parents were like you and decided to abort you?" Then I wouldn't give a damn - my little fetus brain wouldn't have been developed enough for me to register pain and I wouldn't have known what was even happening. I wouldn't have cared.

Breeder logic perplexes me frequently..
Re: Rant 1120 - But you were...
March 27, 2006
Yea, and when I was 19, I was once passed out and covered in my own vomit after a night of drinking like a fool and partying but I certainly don't want to revisit THAT again!!!!! LOL

What pisses me off most is when breeder assholes say that childfree people never grew up. BULLSHIT!! We have college degrees or some form of education, are involved in organizations and activities, volunteer our time, hold down full-time jobs - and sometimes part-time ones too - pay our car payments, further our knowledge on various subjects, take care of pets, friends and/or family, lead productive lives, help others by way of money or just a shoulder to lean on, pay for our own housing. How is THIS not grown up? I'd go head to head any day with a breeder on this topic. For a breeder, their lives stop the moment the clumb of cells emerges from their smelly, stretched-out vaginas.
Re: Rant 1120 - But you were...
March 27, 2006
i would say if we never grew up is that a bad thing. we know how to have fun, how to experience the true world. many cf have travelled, seen the world
Anonymous User
Re: Rant 1120 - But you were...
March 27, 2006
I dont know wht breeders say that child free people dont grow up.If thats not calling the kettle black I dont know what is....

Have you seen the way some breeders act in public with their children?
Some of them act like real retards just to get some attention from people as if to say "oh look at me" - I am playing with my chyild(sic)
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