1117 - RU486 deaths
March 24, 2006
500 plus men have died from Viagra. Six...count 'em....SIX women have died from complications of RU486 because, at least in 3 cases I've read about, they took it improperly, or didn't follow doctor's orders. In the parts of the US where a woman has the least access to birth control, many folks can count to SIX on one hand! Of course, just about any man who wants it can get Viagra, and sometimes the government will pay, which is just a GREAT use of tax payer money, becuse not getting a hard on is a serious medical condition which needs to be taken care of as cheaply and easily as possible. But of course, women are stupid, don't know their own minds or bodies, and if abortion, birth control or "emergency" contraception were easily available, we'd just be having sex with everyone in sight, and leaving our aborted fetii laying around everywhere.

Yeah, and some folks wonder why I hate fundamentalists with an almost fanatical passion. Bring back the lions, and fuck you, you fucking fucks.

Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 24, 2006
why are there so many born again christions, i want to see some born again lions.
Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 24, 2006
Childbirth has a higher rate when it comes to deaths for women than RU486 or abortions yet no one is trying to stop all of those babies from being born. Just my $.02...
Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 25, 2006
see i think its a plot by the breeder centric governments, if viagra is given to men, then that means more kids, but RU486 means less kids.

so there is a benefit according to them to have more men take viagra.
Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 25, 2006
Years ago, a Catholic deacon wrote the USA Today stating that there was nothing against the Catholic faith re: Viagra since he said it helped men do what God intended. Yet, this same man supported the Pharmacists for Life who refused to fill women's contraception prescriptions since he claimed that it was God's will for a woman to do nothing but birth babies. I am sure this man would be aghast at the thought of a woman actually enjoying sex....even in a marriage. Growing up Catholic, I can attest that this is one sick religion.

It is a very hostile world for a female in today's society. South Dakota's governor has banned abortionn except in the case of the mother's health. Planned Parenthood is trying to get this on the ballot to overturn the law. The scary thing is that it is almost impossible for women to get their rights back once something is lost. The way things are going, we may be treated the same as Muslim women in strict Islamic countries. I am glad to be a middle-aged woman. I would not want to start out as a young lady in such a woman-hating society where my choices are being yanked away.

It should not matter if a woman wants to have sex with many people. No one bats an eye when a man is known for having many sexual partners. He is applauded by his peers and labeled a "stud" while a woman is called all sorts of nasty names. It would be nice to be past the silly mindset when it comes to female sexuality. This is an issue -- a woman enjoying her sexuality and not limiting herself to just a few partners in her lifetime -- with right-wing religionists.
Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 25, 2006
theres not been much of a catholic effect on the uk, there is a complete seperation. i dont think church has really made a deep impact with chemists at least here in the UK..


A pharmacist also has to be registered with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and have worked for at least a year under the supervision of an experienced and qualified pharmacist, either in a hospital or community pharmacy (local chemist's shop).

Pharmacists do have to follow a code of ethics produced by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. The code highlights fundamental duties of all Pharmacists and a number of principles on which the code is based.

The code highlights the Pharmacists primary concern should be the welfare of their patient in addition to acting in an appropriate and professional manner at all times. As with many other health professions, the Pharmacist must respect the confidentiality of any information in the course of professional practice, never disclosing information to others without the patient's consent.

If a Pharmacist breaches the code of ethics, they could have their name removed from the Society's register and subsequently be unable to practice.

Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 26, 2006
I agree with you, India, on just about all your points. However, the last sentence (re--not limiting one's sexuality to just a few partners in (her) lifetime) bothers me a bit. I'm married for nearly 17 years now, and DH is the only guy I've "been with." Does that make me a loser who hasn't enjoyed her sexuality? Seriously, this seems a real belief among the more progressive people. BTW, I'm far from being a right-winger.

What's wrong with being with one person, and enjoying it? No offense intended.
Anonymous User
Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 26, 2006

500 plus men have died from Viagra. Six...count 'em....SIX women have died from complications of RU486 because, at least in 3 cases I've read about, they took it improperly, or didn't follow doctor's orders

spot on feh.Nobody says anything about the deaths for the medications to make dicks haarder(sic) but because this is a controversial drug and it involves terminating a fetus all the right to lifers will exploit any negative they can find concernining this issue....Dumb fuckers they are indeed!

I personally think RU486 is a Blessing....
Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 27, 2006
CJ, there is nothing wrong with a person having one sexual partner in his/her lifetime. It is wonderful that you have found your life-partner without having to go through the hassle of meeting many people. Finding a soul mate is a very fortunate thing. Dating/meeting people can be as draining as a job interview. Trust me on that one!

No one should ever feel odd about this issue. I worked with a woman who was a virgin until she married. The lady may have been in her late 20's or possibly early 30's. It was neat that a man at work, who had led a lifestyle with many partners, felt that this was so beautiful since he admitted he never found happiness in a faster lifestyle. No one's sexuality should be judged whether if the person has had one partner or has had many partners.
Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 27, 2006
Yes, of course all the fundie assholes will be hopping on this flaming bandwagon headed straight into hell. They want it pulled from shelves pending investigation. Give me a fucking break. People die every day of the year from FDA approved drugs and only half the noise is made about those. But because this is an abortion pill, well, it's just wrong and we shouldn't sell it.

The fundies should just leave everyone alone. They can go off and breed and breed, creating soldiers for gawd's little army. Meanwhile, the remainder of us can continue living our childfree lives so long as safe abortion and alternatives are available.
Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 28, 2006
ok as a man, i dont know much about this, but there is a news story in todays times about this how this in reduced dosages can be a better contraception pill, than the ones with oestrogen and progesteron.

forgive me if its old news there, but. here its new.


Women taking the new Pill, which contains no female hormones, would have no periods and would thus be unlikely to suffer from pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). The contraceptive is also thought to carry a lower risk of blood clots than existing varieties.

If the early results are confirmed by larger studies, the research, led by the University of Edinburgh, would provide millions of women with a safe, reliable way of controlling fertility. While the Pill is the most effective form of contraception, many are put off by side-effects from the female hormones on which it is based.

As it contains no oestrogen it should not promote breast cancer, and by inhibiting progesterone it is thought that it may even reduce the risk. It is also unlikely to cause other hormonal side-effects, and has the added benefit of stopping periods, which should prevent PMS.

Mifepristone, also known as RU486, is licensed for use in abortions, though it is used at doses 100 times lower for contraception. David Baird, Professor of Reproductive Endocrinology at the University of Edinburgh, said that this could be the biggest obstacle to bringing it to the market, as anti- abortion activists have vociferously objected to it
Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 29, 2006
RU486 Is a huge blessing, as is abortion. I hate to be preached at by people, and they probably regret preaching at me after the fact. I went to women's rights march in Washington 2 years ago, and forgot that one of my Pro-Choice signs was in the backseat of my car. One of my ultra-Catholic, pro-lifer co-workers saw it and made a point to seek me out for a sermon. I kept the sign in my backseat for the rest of the school year just to bug her.
Anonymous User
Re: 1117 - RU486 deaths
March 30, 2006
Yes RU486 is a huge blessing but the biggest blessing of all is being childfree.
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